Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Jun 1890, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 1890 Hew Pharmacy Oxford Tic Montgomery a Decoration Day Tenders Wanted 8 Men Wanted J Tendera Wanted J Stokes Operator Wanted J frrtTfTrTTfTVfttrTrTTYVnt She xn LETS UP I BUT BRIGHTER AND WITH FRIDAY JUNE Our Toronto Despatch to Bra mid for the which next grind CbfU to Mr P P But to the try trill teat ftboat tiro ted fUr wiled Ireland A wxed J- Sun to from a Ibii trull The to Tfcrt implication cod Accord ing to print A fctppeoel to Mr lit St it the earner of St bora bolUd d Mo til bead free- tie till next of cob in Bxk And wis aJao choir The Liken to OCon nors dcfcAt lb with And Suajbory will row Ailn on aide on ACWQtit the the two tut rice ritjr drowned At joiotA 9 Chief Jndgtj of of and 11 CcandL 12 not la chief 19 Colonel In Ircof of in of fort It IS SpeAtftoftba Comconi 1 the ComciU 10 of within tb 20 Id Speaker of with in within of Anglo- Germ in lbs Abttnco mipcr loch deApAtcbe to in tho in Africa All that tho lina been to the Sun- leys of which Bred lbs And BriiAla get foil control of teamed At one The Liberal Leadership A growing desire iUtlf in Reform circles and that desire being voiced by the Liberal of that Hon Mr Blake of the Opposition in Dominion politico Beyond all he overshadows his in the Common and hU proper place u at head of the to which he is allied The fact that Hon Mr is quite in favor of this cbingn relieves both tbe and liberal from any delicate urging That the leader is a roan of large ability esteemed by his followers of on public life no one will j bat in the state of political sentiment in the country and more especially in this Province of Ontario jt is more thin apparent that a French Canadian leader owing to prejudice aroused and engendered by theagitalion of tooch- race and erred is placed at a decided disadvantage This remark doe not apply to Liberals alone The ftame prejudice just as certainly roaniftt itielf in circles Hon Mr or Hector lb Sir John A- Under existing the one or other could a general rally of the rank and file of the party around their or evoke that kind of which betokens In view of state public and of Mr Blakes conceded abilities which preeminent ly qualify biro for the a very general desire to pervade the Liberal party that bo should again the and take command next Dominion campaign Will Table of Precedence Issue Mr Blaine and The United State Congress is still battling with tariff and trade ques tion The McKinley Bill has been the subject of protracted debate and President Harrison baa now sent a message to Congress transmiting a letter from Mr Blaine regarding projected Reciprocity with So- American countries from which take the following extract It will be seen the Secretary of State is looking in some to continent free trade Mr Blaine Toeacape the delay and uncertainty of treaties it has been suggested that a practicable and prompt mode of testing the question was to submit an amend- ment to the pending Tariff Bill authorising the President to declare tho porta of the United States to all of any nation of the American hemisphere upon which no export duties are imposed whenever and long such nation shall admit to it porta free of all national Provincial State other taxes our flour corn meal and other breadstuff preserved fish and fruits cotton oil rice and other all articles of food lumber furniture and other articles of coltnral implements and mining and mechanical machinery structural steel and iron steel rails locomotives railway cars and sup- plies street can and refined Tnz Emfius of Saturday acoorentioa between Hoxu John of Cauda and parcel peat on October lit cut This is indication of policy adopts by within the few Dae will be nude of cancer in which auric carried cat will be Cana dian point of distribotioQ- it it is Editor US TO WHIT Ok Monday the race between tbft Canadian td the en the rirer won by in and mora especially in western cilia as and St Paul placed a dioont on Canadian money very large dioant on American direr in and bat few accept it at par all a of money renumber when American least ten ditconnt in il the counter rate it went down to Toronto and passed at the for fonr cent It was old beads I win yea lose That dread cholera creat ing much in and its ftfaaoo uitirijtA chief antice officer in Ottawa laat week tococsoU respect- step to be taken to prefects cholera in from Madrid is to effect the Medical report of cholera on at de Rant and at Seoarea editor of London says Ihe reseat rosy fairly be rrgrded rather thin Asiatic bat Id Spsip lbs medical faculty bare the Astatic cholera Every precaution be tiken therefore for the general Rood to oldtime notions which impounding animals York A recent police to some relat ing to the lew from which Cod that some citizen are of the erroneous opinion that animals be al ways but ltd to pound- is do absurd in the law The bylaw is bawd on chip It S can be taken to pound any way that the pewos impounding them find the They can them them take them in a wagon or a carry them on their Or their ahcol them out of a or remote them by electricity Ad iudrnJcal that it ia Illegal to lead by means of a strap or ordinary rope but tbtt a of hay or straw be used While that may hare the in it not in force here Preparations for School and still con- and gathering on Domin ion Day is to bo largest of kind that over foot in North York Ladies Band Orchestra platform speaking and lecture in the evening are on the program AH the talk hero is about who has beat colt Jack downs the party old girth inches little Katie was playing in her fathers yard one day this week he beard a strange noise among the She alarmed her toother who went to the rescue hot to her sur prise was met by a large gorilla and the size of teeth aho made for the Henry Taylor is home on a visit with her mother Glover Sire arrived from Dakota on Friday after a six weeks visit with friends Her brother died while she there Mr David Sr met with a accident last week While taking down lumber from a scaffold Chantey let a board fall striking across the foot and breaking it in bad shape is likely to of bis Ezra was the Shoe on Mon day I think ho was election but he had a downcast look Cheer op Ezra you will get more than nine next time Whit Rose- Mount School held a here on Wed nesday which was a prand Foot ball matches took placo between clubs ML juniors and sen iors of several closely contested and very ex citing seniors and the of Hartmans cornera carried off prizes Jo evening the Au rora was present and tho was a treat Thomas Forester putting up a new brick boose which will add greatly to improvement of the place that is being put where the old one was washed oat the lato is a much larger and more durable structure and it is hoped that a permanent job wilt be made this time KTA Port Arthur despatch says a party caught 315 brook trout in an afternoon in Carp riverand lake Kazeezecketchewagamog Ky George Bennett Edward Barrett and Edward Malvern have been sentenced at to one year in prison lor carry burglars tools TO ANTED Sawing Plain Applr MRS HART DECORATION DAY 1 F Pyramid Lodge No tlLT 1ft AS Day And Iho join with them making It a A tlvco to ttJl who can It cod Ixdso at oclock- WB Com on 1 a to the fcci for railway practically fever taking Total rote 681 only wer lv By pain Man did Iim it to tat to it tfigbt to arai of jt to to lift ai to At jr In M of who Co tig or JOlh of hare to Coaocymixhi a leaf bricking time tbt tit to comjily will be at an TriK Rioiral GhU Mr Jobo will by lit Tofuto afcj It ttat Mr will bit loro from coutlr tbe tbe ho tod atill The of now In an win Downing JS Jiutwd with C07- by The at Ottawa next action to wear ho of in order of precedence Oar coGAtttueion all church- hi xUnding on ground of per- church con- nation having polity dot not toii of Arch or in irou povitiom of with the and church a church and by the very if giving precedence lo the of cbarchea of Crown the In and Court too much of and connection and to to and not in accord with and genlua while the peculiar recognition ttla order of precedence to aoue denomination over others la and to a Urge of of in order that wr may the of the by the aUudM v give the order of approved Downing or atab i oUfaoilcjt JJlI wkfc Wcrtd of Monday to ibejDUuf Mr fa to appesctvi Clerk of the Col- to Tte aalajy attached to tlcdQtitaof of of Id for aoine time put Mr 1 beta of tte fr the id o Mat for lion Mr Cod- are pMeetiog where a dale old jtjty notn and Norfolk will jjo- brother of Mr- Chatlloo wm eieln chcslaUcn of other other life Elder Pressor will a Tot- Meeting in Mr- hero on 29th Services at and pm All are invited Queen The young men of to the and not wishing to to outdone by her other met last Wednesday evening and or ganized a Fool Hall Club- Pear son was elected honorary President iir J Ardill as and Captain All challenges to he fccnt to the Secretary Smith Aurora- The Club very garden party in Park Tues day night Tomorrow Friday the Primary of Metb will at Lake One evening list a lad named about or old up at Arid feeling hut through night he was taken with and died next morn ing- TlU last the let In Aogcet t If cot iO of aa4 tbre for the will dropfcd There at the Secretary of Wvs of eel of of A J of bd a adopted to tbe of loibe a fM ebofcba beM laet were to a com- men to collect pfUoc etc vie uott ttttholt with erf We to wilt to report to the iUu of m drftV liter- the beet children a career j eaxa of delfts acbote tba JJU fodettrloate but with acd It la Imitated that Mr will oft Mount Alberta The MethodUt Kxcuraionto y and Harris which took Wednesday was a meet of tho crowd go- to Our and Com pany a grand concert in Zephyr on Wednesday Miller and of are spending a week in our at the homo of her father Mr been viaiting friends In Whitby and To ronto Mm- who been ill or come lime recovoring- If taken of the atro formerly occupied by Mr Wo a now to bo built from up to Centre at It la high time this done old one Ea not safe to walk over and daughter with here Whitby College Miti ho coo from Toronto for a Mr- Is back from confer ence and preached a able and A union picnic of village school south school to In Mr wood on Friday the A enjoyable expected I will bo attend tog the annual garden party on the let at Mr Holt Wo were tarry to hear of the death of lately of this Oat I We an now tout of two baring hero a few week Keswick The Methodist a School have arranged with the Sutton Methodic School to hold a on tho beautiful Steamer to piece on of A time expected Rev- Mr Gardner preached On Sunday morning last Mr Gardner has many warm friends daring tbe con year and will be greatly missed especially by the young people of tho Church Mrs- Silas father mother paid her a days visit last week- Mr is building a thousand dollar Boat on his beautiful point wo understand Good well water is a at Keswick heavy rains during the spring haying spoiled most of the wells Wo understand tbat Elder Shoulta is to be pastor at the Christian Chorch here for ensuing confer year- Methodist Church furnished part of tho music at the TeaMeeting on Wed nesday to Strawberry Island in connection with the Christian Sun- day School on the 1 a grand success in every respect Al though morning dawned dull and cloudy it did not deter large for a days enjoyment The had not long on their way when the clouds vanished Old Sol appeared in all his brightness and kept hern company the remainder of the day tail on Lake most de lightful one and everybody enjoyrd the trip The will net the School upwards of Kettleby- Among those spending a holiday in this arc Taylor contractors builders of West Toronto Junction Mr- fuller and wife Mies Spink and Little Miss Mary Lloyd of Newmarket and with Mr little gift stay Miss A If took her departure for New York on Saturday morning to visit her brother On Sabbath afternoon next preaches a sermon in Methodist Church at IF Proctor again from a lingering rendering almost at present 7 Notwithstanding don to tho KeUErby mill dumby the flood ilr concluded to repair thohresk which will an enormous amount of labor the od storehouse was wrecked torn down Ho purposes putting in an additional waste gate that ho may better prepared for next flood The bridge has not yet been commenced jolting ot tho material on the agiin the of evening seems to ho quite a popular in neighborhoods- Dr n address in on Sabbath eve ning Ills subject biblical wines and on Monday evening his was continued Another lec ture announced for Tuesday evening with A cborgo of at but was too small to Mr Win formor teacher of No- school paying a Hying In this vicinity No Heel Aaisocia- week demolishing their second instalment There About half- shared in ho society many of regret that they had not taken a whole store Wool buyers are picking up fleeces about as fatt Tho reopening of the Kjng June there will bo a old fashioned leaparty In Mr dens near the Church- has been sreurrd to torn of excellent on that occasion There will alto bo a Mating at oclock Addretiei by of J Willoughby of of Newmarket Brown of Lloydtown On Juno there will bo in Church at a- and p- aim st weather permitting will bo In the grow con- by soma of tinned The public cordially in- to enjoy this treat Gieat Bargains I FURNITURE FOR AT THE El LEADING FURNITURE Undertaking House A to eteci Md Preserve lour Sight BY WEARING THE FRANK LAZARUS Lite area Morris Spectacles and EyeGlasses and t fur 25 and given without in fast FOR SALE AT SCOTTS ljflrtmcot by round a Wellselected or CASKETS COFFINS Undertaking a Specialty to at residence St- Alt executed promptly orally nod JOS j if MI CLAUD ANTED A good Apply to a IK Sale TENDERS be received tip to the tbo pure Acres of lot e belonging to About Tonus Cash or to Solicitor far by Of fifty rtimship of Gwil of clcirt4 the cash on C rtm C- Kite the Stb fail ol Mr- of a daughter the wire of Mr A Pollock Aurora lha wire of of At illchon Moore At Mr JotioDoohcrty on by Rev J Mr- third of Sir- town on the J3tb Maria her on bis engineer at Waterworks and tick for wecktv Jtyrsr ttit on the Charles ja it iho Children Of Peace on Tut day Mr Jamei of of In falufdlb Toronto fi rtMdtnco of Mr- on widow the lata anil Utcr of cemetery yet Aurora on nn Arct lUkcr of Elijah form Of the In PAIS Sf All will prompt Ifeb DR TOE Throat and Lung Surgeou AT TORONTO Will be at Forsyth House NEWMARKET OK MO AY JULY 7th WONDERFUL CORES By A PIRK AND INSURANCE WANTEDi JoM men can employ meat for of Waterloo anil iiiI to not All a J Hi S3 The But of Hartford at Hartford fcn aulned It at and f by of Park 27fttf9oaf Bank of of TEND up to JIM Ill I boo For buildinga Co For Iho Ottawa iho lobars from lot of time read It- ponder over lt Can Catarrh be enrol in form tectltnoniil low lotihu ilrj her in tho 190k tralinenlhcc life wai thco follow of Catarrh to they need It Let this be have Atlantic May rd 1S Or- J and St Toronto Hue I to let know that jour treatment cured of tho Throat of A I find with as a In ihli fr and without Any hut tfitllP fir all Ihe until it almost fur to The toft And oiling part that drops clown on root of No one can tell how much I and with no The Dr It for and I had your In newfrarr Under jour treatment until hcalid I am perfectly and abo my work I hnro that Ilr read over I have written that jour treatment dot ol but cure and nth cm pronounce Incurable- AlaMlriCl ahoufd you at To any he dcjtroua of hearing from mo hstkiilly 1 turcd When and the chancer of recovery wcro Very poor- The Ottawa Invited to rend KUon treatnicnl Jan 17 ljtVaaijiN070M fcf7 Toronto It my iluty jon few to my it 1 received from your treatment When I lint tailed on you It with I iipmh ao to night and raltlog largo of matter I nut for your timely treatment It to who In thoaitn way Youri truly JsiAiscLia AT Our Newmarket Markets Juo Flour Fall Wheat per bushel per Gooic Wheat per per ton per ton 13 l Potatoes per toy Applet per v Wool per lb per ton Pork pair r Our Toronto Around the any For further t not apply to CASK TO CONTRACTORS will up to J OF A flit WOK York near Aurora tno to of Ajmt at the of at County Toronto to he abated and ndJretud to tho Wo Tender Jfoiie Juuewth JOHN County played la- crow for two with J favor of w run of trade Horn Oxford Tie Shoes Annlo of out In the wonderful relief oof and aalhraa Throat and lb at But been arlllcttxl with catarrh and for nearly rtluoyttriiuid reduced a inero and up the I had applied In Incurable I can nowatato that I am f terrible under your tlrntly treatment far which I who bo ahnHarJy and I any Inforrnfiifon to who may may hero aratoihAt I know nothing of in treatment I aw 11 an Ottawa Cured Through by DraWashlnK- iho usual failed Second Slngo Bordering on Iho Third IS Pr Toronto to certify that I very critical condition I a for fully I with bad bad and at a jlnt My had and I In a I met with Toronto ft a to at well other that fully ritorod been under hia treat the of January and now cured dlrm I fee In Mr to who may thai be happy lo full to any person mar en the rttroud Ont to ma at tan every word of IM Wrlto cither of them or loth mi rtffMjtui the people know how Jhe Medical the ayrap all fatihcl Wheat per Wheat per bushels bushel Oata per builicl Itycper roll per lb- flutter per lb tog Apple per Wool per lb Hay perron per cwt a Chicken per i Ida June 0 13 I oca on 0O CO ISM ox a Oft a a a a OK a a a a a 0 a CM a SPOT CASH STORE Is the Place to get your Shoes TRUNKS AND VALISES ft GOOD Always Kept on Hand S H w IK CANADA COLUAtDfA STATES PACIFIC MANITOBA BEAVER FARMERS ATTENTION MONEY TO At percent nn flnt inn DAVID LLOYD for i A 1 AokC Convey incor Itiicr if i for init 1 li1MnS Toronto tjfhtrr I IIAVK ON HAND A LARGE QUANTITY OP WHEAT for FEEDING PURPOSESI FOR SALE CHEAP V DENNE NEWMARKET MAD TO BLUE SERGE SUITS BLUE FLANNEL SUITS 750 HALIFAX TWEED SUITS These Ave AM Woot Perfect Fit Guaranteed to CAQMt to IrtoliLHQt a a Chtosto rpTfcomua NEWMARKET Vj i L J

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