Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Jun 1890, p. 1

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v m i v J I NEWMARKET IS ISSCKT Friday JACKSON IT PRATING REACHED SUBSCRIBERS GIVE MB TO ENOW TO UTTER TO TO ABOVE ALL ONTARIO BAHK bad omens Newmarket Branch Sir NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER J Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday June Terms Cash In Advance within or at end Q B V Allowed on at DRAFTS ISSUED TUU AT ud Old JB3OD0H LEGAL J WcUiy Mcarltr A solicitors Ac Refer Block TO wx MONEY TO LOAN- the Dominion Solicitor next Post flrbombfif TO ON GOOD JITfiCUElTY GEO BELL e iTiCE0 Office KennfcjkL TO CbioUn JAMES Public Ac in court ibt of HONEY TO AT LOW It U 1 1- td Civil Eufff York Court mad AT JLondgn Co- Old ndLc4 8U HOTEL TORONTO gSTABUSHED Accommodation lor til Mini rtn l parlor J Prop In li to At bomft or W and If of the Toronto PEACHEB of in Id of week- will Wcdly falm at Aurora Jr at hook ESTATE ftnd Broker Col Old AUCTJONEKB or York- Hales and at to prompt aiceoiloo Property- York A Jf k dad omrf Toronto Or iffy HUP rfff Mattel MyfeijU Ft was ittmbrr Implement will be kept at Hover Hardware Newmarket la America lUelfaxclailTelyioibebDtlneuonDjarance accIdeoU- Areoc for Aaron and vicinity at cooTtyancJof loan and JUNE A larRiin labia right eatr doorway was antnlerertlogtpotlutweek for a f As right la ear a iheau Two loSa of it that will you at Wheo yon look at the erplasatica a big lot frota the Not quite op to to et half price the Von get them at leas than what btfe tea a few the fioer and ao Kith bargain each We more- If pay to walk thropfth If jont a any id t acme of it before fetter temptation than meat folks- T THOMPSON SON The New Mammoth 136 to King StE F P- PURE CHEMICALS Perfumery Toilet Articles Oar Socially at of the the leartfont arriTiog daily the Seeds LARGE AND PUKE STOCK OF- Paris Green Hellebore and Insect Powder JUST RECEIVED New Fashioned Singta Afore Sne town She nog ex as a She didnt warble by tale Bat her I beard Id her a The the place did too aioco came from Jooe Sbe dont like ter do a Somehow I cant an air But when a lot ter growl a few here an the Sup a baby tired later hey mother creep in her Utile way Shed kind o ting teralcep bow all day caterwaul For boars or Oj od An lots call Her an her scale The whirligig and An op as do more tone than ahoM if he her pa would like loft then begin rack my With mo thing Ibif writ mighty high maybe may be Rood ttit the Bat ffonb a mo I her aioglog I appose my kinder roogb all the ahed earned 1 aneh Gymoaitte Them hymn cow i I no doobt tot what that troe Hot 1 with let bear The old like the Died to do Drug Store Sundays to 2 to 3 and to Bentleys Street Newmarket NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT It isa Mystery AX AFFAIR THAT TEARS AGO From Toronto town of Newmarket had many tragedies nd nd tho people there have scarcely yet re covered from the last but nothing its history hag ever touched the sympathetic hearts therein an did the fate of the idiot boy in 1879 Ooe cold and blustering midnight No- of that year from their sleep by the ring the but as no Ore could by who left their beds to look many of them retired to rest again and heeded not A few however could not bo Aoror a Main rtt EST e A- all Ma Ikctal ffN to the and NOTES DISCOUNTED- J Jcd Vlattt4nrIC- TO LOAN J Collected Old Uok NORTH END BOOT SHOE SHOP A reoa of that lie baa a and prepared make all of flrawlaa roanotr- lUpafrlnj and promptly Ova a All work guarantee Neil the will be git to to the HA Mitt AUK P A or The Manufacturers f Toronto Cia forueof J iCr WaAd- A- LUMBERYARD Constantly on Hand aiding and WALL PAP which low a itk in fictit paUeroi grade with Ceilhto iapei Comer Pieces and Extensions to Correspond with the end nrvhe4 In av A call and fully I they fail to in and to W- stare CKNTKALTEIKIMIONKOKPICB SCOTTS PHARMACY AM DEY CORD WOOD I Outlet or Golden Mortar A td search for that day I re member poor old man Swains board fence that skirted the roadwy where wo emerged from t to be to him the lino that divided hope and and ho sat there for long time utterly unable to No word had he spoken daring that forenoon save a monosyllable in to direct question and now tbbt ha was turning bis ho completely crushed Poor fellow cop was foil indeed On Saturday it was that a meeting would place that night with a view to organizing a army of searcher for Monday Oo this ac count only a few persons went with Mr Swain on Saturday The of Newmarket turned out like men on that Saturday night and chief among them was the present mayor Erastos Jackson capacity of Reeve of Newmarket be bad called meeting and the rt3p0M2o bow deeply the was affected- Arrange ments were perfected for follow ing days campaign captains were and a code of signals made and time and place of meeting was announced The gathering on morning was a great one- Net only did the townspeople turn oat numbers that did them credit bat the for several miles around had there several hundred men and were divided into detachments and In charge of each detachment was placed a captain How well wo marched that day with lunches in our and bow near to the grand ideal brotherhood wo got How warmly beat our hearts in sympathy and hope and how sweet the com mendation of conscience and of right Wo marched about five feet apart in one line the stretch of country where it seemed most likely tbo body would be found for that the boy was thea alive was beyond all reasonable Although we walked for many hours and attention on ground and although we searched every outbuilding inside and underneath that lay in our path our memorable Sunday found no of him who had mysteriously disappeared mystery of the loit boy is as deep as it was in the fall of the hubbub was plentiful Finally a motion was put that the Warden sign forthwith the agreement entered into with the City Council Toronto but the agreement is not into effect until legislation has been ob tained authorizing it It will be re membered that the agreement was that the county abolish tollgate when the city abolishes market fees and assumes control of the Lake Shore Road yeas and nays wero called for on this motion with the following result Yeas and Nays The result was received with Mr Gould at first re fused to vote the Council com pelled him to do so and he then voted against the abolition of tollgates It will be seen by the division that the principal obstruction to removal of tho came from the of and King The went into Com mittee of pawed the Fire Hydra Bed without knowing the meaning of tbo alarm and theae few classed and and far as human knowledge j ii it will likely so remain RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE TOR AH ABA LIFE and DOLLARS Best Stock Just an entirely new stock of FRESH FLOWER FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Net Laving an old tck to of fiM ftvs frth Find litis to NEXT TO POST OFFICE which una in I W ilacaxtr QUERRIES or LOW It UU w of W to Mi COAL HAW Buggies Carriages Wagons Etc Work I to Promptly J TO INVESTORS The Alliance Bond Investment Co Ltd INCORPORATED AIMOIUTJS fefcOllClTY with In Heal Vice J A HI FANS AT AND UP BASSETS Wot til Drugs Panqy Goods for Infanta and Children kMflKM to iu1 earn hurried to the hall Arriving there saw a of wellknown faces and chief among crowd was trembling form it poor old Swain Every featnro of his face fixed in woe and atrAngo gleam in eye was relieved only by n Bob was told A in whoso brain the light had never and whose life had been lived in the tccluaion of had wandered from bis homo and was had not been noted until the night bad come al though it that he bad stolen away early the evening boy was full grown and was about years of ego but be waa quiet and Ho was in charge of one of the family at this particular time his father being at work In the town and hie mother having to of neighbors houses No very strict watch was kept upon bis at any time bo had ofUn chased pigs and on tho back at roe a of New- market arid it his delight to out run them now and then His liberty however always limited far as his safety and wellbeing concerned and he was Jlftver allowed out of doors at night therefore of when had come without bringing to fold again their unfortunate boy may hit imagined for with that God given affection hat binds tho parentheart daftly to clung to this idiot Ho had been liirn- aelf during afternoon within by playing with a silk hand- hit father liking for was very marked and it is atrango that it to bo the only duo to his wanderings on that fatal night Ho had on his person when ho left only shirt and a pair of trous cm and it was on supposition would IO overcome by cold that tho searching party a tar ted to look for him Ho known to ilct of foot and fond of running and it was thought that after leaving the ho would run hard to keep himself warm theory was that he would fly over tho frozen ground until ho would sink exhausted and that lit could not travel thus one or two miles In hope however that ho could bo found In town or near neighborhood al though the father and a few friends had looking for htm sinco early night party procured lanterns and on search They spent the rest of night In streets country round but found no clue to misting I do not remember the of month but I know that was oh a Thursday night that this took place morning town was of tho news and sym pathy of every person there wont out to parents of the unfortunate boy A number of men and to tho Only of who had been out tbo night before In tho vain quest was With this second puty Tho father of lost and broken hearted father wat there The memory of that day Is very tome fori was of who volunteered All that afternoon we through and stubbles and fields newplowed surfaco was softened by and not until compelled by hunger and did we return to town Wo covered territory and looked carefully for some of boy bat our toil was unrewarded It past the noon hoar give was said the only clue to his wanderings on that fatal night waa the silk handkerchief with which he had been playing on that afternoon This was found barn a mile from Newmarket the poor unfortunate must have taken temporary refuge The search was continued by friends until the snows of winter blotted out what little hopo there was left and- story was told in all papers with in a radius of many mile The ponds and rivers wero not dragged for all within several miles of town visited a few hours nftor the boys peculiar flight In no case was ice near edges broken and it could not been possible for him to have been drowned Tho theory that was settled on by people of North York in connection with the mystery was that boy must in Holland marsh The Swain family is still living in Newmarket and this sketch will recall to tho minds of many- who participated in that search the tragic end of tho idiot boy York County Council County Council resumed bus Wednesday The Warden J Kvuus report of a con ference with City Council in which it urged that county build an addition to tho Registry at cost of report adopted and Evans son Von2ant and Richard son appointed a to carry out tho instructions of Coun cil in matter A petition was praying that of Chester bo incor porated Council holds tho bond of A for all in connection with previous efforts In this direction and to enter tain no further petitions for in corporation of Chester until Aid ha paid tho law costs already incurred report of the commissioners on county property presented and adopted report that York roads wero badly cut up and In a bad condition toll- had boon rolet until July 1st next at old figures except shore and street toll gates which had been relet at reduced rate A petition was presented prating Council to tale ateps to have grain weighed on market scales by disinterested weighers was tabled Notice of motion was given that a committee appointed to ascertain exactly what proportion of each municipality must pay for tho main and repair of tbo York roads in lite event of tollgates abolished l sculon Thursday On motion it was decided to off per cent- of printing pay ments for every days delay In matter ordered It was also decided to pay Township of To ronto in full for the of York road in that township The regarding abolition of la York came up in and there was a pretty lively tlmo of It Motions aod amtnd made and tbo Warden was frequently called to decide points order and ardor of the progressives and antipro- within bounds At timet following new bylaws Giving re wards to those whose evidence leads to the of horsethieves appointing of Industrial Home at Newmarket appointing school inspectors for the year and to define the High School for tho county adjourned at p The Council went into action on Saturday morning and after an day session adjourned till Tuesday morning This notice of mutton was given by Lloyd reeve of Newmarket That ho will move at tho November that it to separate the Townships of North Whitchurch and the towns and vil lages of North York from the County of York and erect into a separate county for all that all the questions of accounts be tween the County of York and the said municipalities bo submitted to arbitration for settlement Mr reeve of East bury gave notice that he would at the fall session to the muni cipality which he represents at sumo control of all tho roads in section of the county in lieu of having contribute to the general taxation for the maintenance of the roada He also intends to ask in November to adopt a resolution allowing Hol land Lauding to maintain at its own expense all the roads within the boundaries of village hut that the be maintained and controlled by the county It was do- cided to seek legislation to prevent all reeves and from voting on questions affecting toll roads in which tbey are not interested By this resolution rep resentatives of municipalities not contributing to taxation on York roads could not vote matters af fecting contributing municipalities report of Committee on Equalization was adopted and recom mended that the rate for the year bo on following amounts Township of York Town of North Toronto 000 the arbitration between the County and Toronto Junction baa not been completed it was de that tho town of West Toronto Junction bo equalized at The Council resumed work Tues day Warden laid on table a communication from the president of tho Metropolitan Street Railway Company on the extension of Hue and from Aid A on the incorporation of Cheater Village Mr Stephenson asked to bo appointed county solicitor and tho bylaw to appoint a county solicitor was read a second time The Coun cil went into of Whole and discussed consolida tion of county bylaws A long followed regarding the appointment of a county solicitor nanus of Mr Robinson and J K Kerr QC proposed Ultimately tho former gentleman is a nephew of Mr Christopher Robinson wasappoimed- Mr was appointed a director of the Lake Junction Railway Council wont Into of on revision of by laws for Coffee It is by men of high pro fessional ability that when system needs a stimulant nothing equals a cup of fresh coffee Thoao who the drunkard from his cops will no better substitute for spirits than strong without milk or sugar Two of or eighth of pound to pint of boiling water makes a filrstclaas but water must be boiling not merely hot comes from boiling too long If coffco required for break fast bo put overnight and a pint of cold water poured over It it can bo heated to just boiling point and setback to further ebullition when It will bo found that tho strength It extracted its delicate aroma preserved As our country consumes nearly ton pounds of coffee per capita It Is a pity not to It made In best manner It Is asserted by who tried it that malaria and eptdemlcs avoid e d by those who drink a cup of Hot coQVe before venturing Into the morn ing air Burned on hot coals It la a disinfectant for a room By some of our beat physicians con sidered a In typhoid fovor Epicure Will Is reported as having recently said Other writers of verse laid great stress on faculty which of them have In an eminent degree but with me the aim ham always been first and last to reach heart of people and to say those things which should both entertain and make better I hope I have not altogether failed in my effort I would rather appeal to heart of a thin The need of having plenty of street hydrants was illustrated by Chief of the San fire department In many parts of the city the distance between the was from 1D0O to feet it was never before realized so thorough ly how great was the lots in power of a stream by the friction in long line of thus made It Lb safo to say that people were somewhat surprised when after see ing water thrown feet through feet of hose the pressure at the standing at pounds feet of hose were on and the enfeebled stream fell to the ground just feet from the the prcasuro vat about six Scientific Memories Pleasant memories a remit of the post- If wo have inch memories now It because of something that wo did before now If we would have such memories by and by now is the time to prepare for thorn That which is to bo remembered pleas antly never presents itself at the first as a memory or a basis for a memory hut as a present duty to bo attended to or neglectod and our instant de cision on that point settles the ques tion of its subsequent as a memory Doing our duty hour by hour oven though the duty bean un pleasant one what wo must set ourselves to Having pleasant mem- of unpleasant duty doing will follow as a matter of course when the time for memory shaping ha go do by Rich without Money Many a man is rich without money Thousands of men with in their pocbete and thousands even a pocket am rich A man born with a good sound constitution a good stomach a good heart and good limbs and a pretty good headpiece rich Good are better than gold tough muscles than silver and nerves that flash and carry energy to every function arc hotter than bouse and land It better than a landed estate to have the right kind of a father and mother Good breeds and bad breeds among men among herds and horses Education may do much to check evil tendencies or to good one but It is a great thing to inherit the right pro portion of faculties to start with man is rich who has a good kind patient cheerful hopeful and who has a flavor of wit and fun in bis composition hardest thing to get on with in this life ia a mans own self A cross selliah follow a desponding and complaining fellow a timid and care burdened man all born do formed on the They do not limp but their thoughts sometimes da Clay Manufacturers Boys Who Succeeded was in Harrow School a very poor boy tho son of a small tradesman la Harrow who was much hurt by thoughtless taunts about the poverty of his family and bo used to say Never mind I intend I dio to rldo in a coach and four not a vory ambition but long Dr Parr died ho had tho greatest scholar of bis age and habitually rodo in a coach and four When Warren was a boy ho used to grieve at the fact that his family had lost their paternal estate at end to say I will buy that back- Ho grow up to bo tho great of ago ho bought back tho estate and died at Ihtdtho honor of knowing Mr You remember that Itocamo to London a poor unknown lad When ho entered a great com mercial ambition was- I intend to marry my masters daughter and my masters partner Both things accomplished Ho not only became a wealthy man but what was infi nitely better a man of great to his generation About sixty years ago thero was a boy of Jewish extraction a clerk in a solictors office and to amusement of bis companions housed to I Intend to bo Minister of England and in of scorn ho Minister find his namo was Benjamin Ninety years ago thero was a boy in who had boon told exactly what I am telling you that any boy who determined to this or that could be and he said that bo 1 will twrt it and I am determined to bo Minister of England That boy Prime and his nam Robert fifty yoire was a and looking boy who seemed as it all his limbs wore out of joint when years old ho was homeless and penniless who at was driving a canal boat at twenty a railsplitter at twentytwo at Iho head of a small shop which was very unsuoeis- ful but who used to amnio com rades by saying Hover mind Intend to President of United His was Abraham Lincoln It is doggedness that does it After all his Lincoln thought he would take to the law Ho bought a law book and after breakfast ho used to go out and alt under a tree and with his legs higher than head move round the tree In the shade from morn to dewy eve In that way ho mastered the law book and Id one of greatest of the modern America Archdeacon A petition slguod by over ratepayers of asking abolition the ward system In that township has boon presented to the township June Bugs TBI The first sod of the Kincardine and Teeawatar railway was turned at on Saturday England has to surren der Heligoland to Germany for Ger man concessions in Africa The new Ontario House has three Clarke two two Smiths and two It is reported the has released the Europeans who were taken prisoners by his forces A prominent Kingston man has paid a fine of for having voted twice at the recent elections The steamer is afloat again on lake and Peninsular Park Hotel is also open East Orangemen will celebrate the in It is some lodges will take part Mount Joy and School had a union excursion to last Throe and many Indian troops will enter the of tho British East Africa Company A new and very rich vein of silver baa been struck close Reside Badger mine near Port Arthur Pore tors bam the rear of the Coo was struck by lightning and tho west end knocked out The City Council talk of resigning because Mayor Pear son vetoed their grant of to a Catholic society The marriage of Miss and Mr Robert in Trinty Bradford last week created no small stir Mrs Smith sifter of Mr of died suddenly at whilt herself Tuesday morning of last week The noon train other day struck a cow which was on the near and two cars jumped tho rails Tho cow was used up and so was the road bed Anthony on of burglary and stealing from Grand Central Hotel was sentenced to year and months in Central Prison While jumping on a moving street car at London Out a painter namod E missed his footing and foil under the car The front wheels passed over his body killing him instantly A Mrs Bishop in New York was bitten by her pot dog which went mad Policeman went to her rescue and was also bitten Policeman killed dog with his club explosion of fivo tons of nitro glycerino occurred at Ohio on Saturday morning vated a in ground largo enough to bury a fouratorey house and reduced tho factory to match- wood Queen Victoria having com pleted year of her reign has now reigned longer than any monarch excepting Henry III III a years on left unconsidered as it was interrupted with regencies of had thu to loso two valuablo Jorsey heifers They pasturing in field behind English church and it is supposed were poisoned by drinking of tho creek water which is impregnated with dyo and scour ings of two factories Monday morning by tho fast express Miss Clarke daughter of started fold of labor a a missionary in Central Africa was a largo gathering of friends at te station to her oft Iter sister ac companied her to Boston to her on board there Tho sum of will bo by Canadian railway at Fort William this Train despatches and tbo assistant tondents headquarters from Port Arthur to Fort William shortly now buildings will in clude an annex to present with a capacity of bush els A Some farmers In doing their labor a few weeks ago between lota and 32 In concession of the township of Hamilton In cutting through n bank unearthed a skeleton as they supposed an Indian The bones wero sound all tooth in tho fawsu good as ever not falso teeth either and In a sitting position There la an old trail near spot which used many years ago in reaching Port from Rice Tho liody must been left 70 or ago it under tho stump of a largo J- The cultivation tho sugar In Ontario is recovering duo attention and may lead Jo important results farmers In the Its value is officially stated to an acre and expense according to varied conditions from to Tho difficulties which at present met trace able to bad management generally and soil are not in any degree in the way of success Wo Import annually for refining purposes over lbs raw sugar which about lbs beet sugar from Germany Tho prodicion of lbs sugar in Canada would the of about acres of and would require from to large factories to manufacture the

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