Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 May 1890, p. 4

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-7T- i ERA MAY 1890 V GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY y W a Us Society Jim on or before fall I P Aaron In I ffedwliy Hop WnlntUj Id mooter TUM1IT TrT ybrOD raooibttCMdrHJowi Halt cacti month to A CAM the of Dokiof Ccc of i that Suoltyi id than fcj SiibUf A Pti Soprrne of the Slita to fit bloir to the of tad in the Is ibe jut b Literal decided lire two wtt mprl bat the ludrr IK tb libel wit judgment the motion to strike cat the If we will now be flowed to the trill were la of At the the Toronto Uowit tad Hod with Mr tnt tb in the for their reception of fall Ufa hid been he old to be to well No Wonder He Failed ii He to ho id and very rich but since bo ft to boy a foreign for a bur band he failed in his Popular Sclenoe S Lesson THE GOOD SAMARITAN lapel Lakf Text lore thy tbyjelf Lord GilUe lie in the He to He the people Iq tbt truth the of d Hit In the wslfue of the Id of ted Rb wen the the of The Id the of IciiOD ii to here In cut of He of the Lord 4rftct the It is by the of the do be life ceo only be by filth the The lore of love cot flloirmeD It prompte to the the Bale Is It tbdogr of The Jewish people were However bid profit d by their lT they more highly thin other It not the cor the Invito tht they were tad for ITiiDg It wis the 1oir me by d iuy be by whonwe exacted to be it ii by to whD for the at Atl bit but It re ported ibit the here he matt either the fall of Ion frora htm the Toronto World pertinently like Is the with him Let whit the milter with the do both J J a orer Jo lut boodle to fill the the the of Mr J Rykvfi to by of id by the people condoned Hills Greet of Llucolo ACablxorah fotu giree to the Henry XL Stlc- will be by Goreroor of the He will thereto the eorereiga king of the which owaeeUmtlf id as of white of 20000000 wall LieanOen Sit wis todiy end the ere ere by from precede not be tobcerofhii en the Jane drill are orer I will disobey what you I drank milk at lunch and then the milk said to tho got out and pickle said I wont hiring an Did you over notice that it improve memory to lend a friend but ii destroys memory of friend nature of bis Well William are yon troubled with cold feet Ay am returned William an iuiil complaint o the roan right Treat him a being if he is worthy of such treatment and if he ia not fire If yoa at work for a man treat own and do just what he want done or fire yourself Beware of man who striked your boose wants to hire a room in which to giro tinging a piano in it and uka yon to an agreement to deliver the piano to bis partner That agree out to be a for one month Didnt tell me you could bold the plough a far mer to an ho had taken on Be now Pat How could I an two hordes pull in it away Just atop the and Ill it for ye Evidence continues to be piled op proving the wonderful amouqt of physical exert ion and painful suffering the average Indian can heroically endure There only thing the lndirm cannot contentedly him to do and that is to earn bit daily bread by of bis brow as white brother does A famous astronomer denied that tara twinkle and declares that the poet who wrote Twinkle twinkle was off bis The stars stand up there like bard brick in a wall and all the twiokling is done by your eys It ia of optical delusions which dont cost a cent and are always on band when wanted Hero is a short sermon by a woman Though not preached from a pulpit it is a good one and is sore to bit your case somewhere whatever may be your age or circumstances The beat thing to give your enemy is to an opponent toler ance to a friend your heart to a child a good example to father deference to mother conduct that will make her proud of you to yourself respect to all men charity POWDER Absolutely Puree A of the be with the only Messrs A Gents lining used LINIMENT or in my I to its hat thing I know of for faorso Ia the family wo used for every that a liniment adapted for to uc by late Dr J L Webster Person- I God it the beat of neu ralgic pain I hare ever used TiToe Proprietor Yarmouth Livery Stable took Cold I took Sick I TOOK SCOTTS I take My Meals I take My Rest AND AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE I CAN lY too tor Scotts mulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hyiiophosphitcsof Limoand Soda my Incip ient Consumption ar wilt I NOW ILTriSO FLESH ON MY BONES A A DAY I I finHLa I HI In all at scorr i- fionXK DUNN PA POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND car SALE AT A BARGAIN aw 2ij J Newrol WANTING Bow Id will fl tod HOP TO RENT tnijnin irtlon rMro book JltSAXTON Two Annealed Galvanized And Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware sheathing Felt Pitch V LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steel Carriage fit Trimmings feopt for Hire Agent for Repairs JAMES Main win tj io WC JOHN 1110 burr bout Mioi ntni Owl WILLIAM Or to FOR of lxl No par anil well AUrl ARE SHOWING A FULL LINE OF- SEASON SPECIALTIES mi ANTED AS o oooo 00 Of ooooo o of lo rrir i ieli III I i Ji1ri IVltJ irl of Holy tie lor The ft by lfbiox of yet it Mil tow officut of 1iidilri It chew wol The row whom Chiitt oot iIarr vcoUcowc low city wb oor turu4Lti Ho M wbUb rowel firf KfatittMl A He row of rj mill will r for Ih of lb of hold to Ma lion it tame accepting actios Sheriff It li Can ryao of afitriffaoi at a aid tela walks of it a aoneilniM raid mietH It ftpreAf Suiter to about alt he on cot in of TUB criminal atntibttc of for oodt joblUbeil by the that ratio of con Ibe prat Id Kiotoo Sr Calhii1ea Hamilton CO 30 j greater ratio of than any other city the Trot Ice total iiill for year jteffouyMr Everyone for all from a J overflow bile head ache of oaoieA ladlftitloD od all blood Natures regulator and tonic new A Era St trial and TIIKF1 WEEKLY 3wt Jo Wait Sioqo by Krtto or Saws Hand Saws Chopping Axes Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table Pocket Cutlery ALSO- PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC m a Kiamiod Stock nod J A ALLAN CO A Toronto CARPET WEAVING OK account of yearly lice of Carpet concluded to carpet a Warp for J- Tin Aurora W A Boon Tbo and beat remedy for rticmciiMaja throat and Yellow It Quickly buret frcotbilc etc croup cold quinsy etc take to droit and the oil also each to ry MAY FOE I ALE THATS STEW MRS BOND IS NOW RECEIVING NEW SPRING to or roc fftrniKoyorty on latins of ot land on which la erected a IiwidJ brick cellar and bant and toft water at tU owe aiao a xim with and utter ial a of Ian tlon and a vary Able lor tor ttbhlriK to ami Lot Con i to all to her care ilillinor Jler Straw Hats and Bonnets Remodelled THE SEASON A OF JERSEY JACKETS Dont forget Ite Iho House received beautiful English Scotch Canadian- an assortment of Panting to from in Ohccka and Call and aco for yourselves one bring your friends with you All on Iho Closes Cash Prices Only ar a- Your ioitc Starrs Jaok Store ANDTINWARE it l IV louli- llmtr tit tola TOR SALE fllllE airl Qb Sib tt 10 fi 1W Merchant Tailor- own up ami cheaply for A rtri tba tie patty will make in TorvotCp abfch was being by Victafla Club bU it if ill about en Jen- during time will a at to ajtce0 nil I fnTitol the to Sir anj Van Ihrdfj lo Vaocvunr to JlalioguUbeJ have In buatlo lott tbtlr or a back Well and Mood rcqcmI J topic action or It It capitally adapt for Mlloiia acrofaloui euro all from a common to rt liutMarcb a atrcro cold la a ba4 we could hear of at last recoup and procured flnt re entirely cured her A Oat of Throat and can by Mil contain virtue of OH And ID thefr form After Very Throat flffectrona Drain Tile Various Sizes Co ntlcra BIS by Hod A mW a i mi vro aba km far baa performed la a IUe and also a great curi- patcot under twenty and for Lad loilg power tow her food Final ahe could not wallow her It teen thai moat bo or die of A hole cot her and a tube La- For IhU the by which bo given to Food would be up and placed tube then wuhed down with water In meantime another operation performed which reopened l the natural piuaage from the month to throucth freak of had togtlbor Careful made it for the patient to take food through her mouth more The la her and it that manager try to the young to tin ou a a do with art hitting an at altopty bai barn butt- of In of naval win fart bat tow by an A an tie and Park laifalhW paaibllitlea In artlcla at by bo contribute Jane tfaj- of of It equipped with re Best and Cheapest Fence BUILDERS IRON WORK Railings lawn Furniture AMD FOUNTAINS ETC ONTARIO Agents Wanted to Sell Our la Town Newmarket Ibw Town Caatorla cbtldrtn It la a purely prcporatlont ro around each bottle It la relieve bowel pain cur aad colic atlaya forerlaboeu norma and ftoovuIaloQl aootbca and It natural friend- J OP REVISION for year kill Ij OH AMBER Friday May 30 1890 NORTH END a til f At the then J jVloiV of whtcli all A ir In Clerk II R Younq guns Km Slang If youDg who through with young mea education ldAt compel tho of Ilea of correct of of the thai patio their Innocent they would be at the vulgar ity of companion- without and popularly denominated alang are drawn they the Intention of the depraved ele ment human aoctety and be voided by all with any to refinement and TO NEW TEA A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT WRIGHTS TOM BRACING all Makes of of Coal and Wood Coal and Wood Stoves FULL LINES OF CANES Including Vails Tubs Washboards Clothespins Firkins etc THE BEST BR APS OF COAL OIL And All Kinds of Fixtures m Jobbing Savetroughing and Furnace Work Tata IMI lot baa clear- ate a JtaJlo tbtrpu Jb ablp AM araoUarl an4eood term will Several Lota la or roarkt lots FOR SALE IS ueiTiGfii hevc lift a a J on PROSPECT clioo Town futuri Town of North York otter Hale til above Avenue a as to atltj from tho of J0lai1tgly or will block of who U0Liiof a en OK AM For Main Receive Special Attention WRIGHT Newmarket- R LATH SHINGLES i FOR SALE mm With red a B B a Burdook Blood Bitters la a purely perfect of antt ao Iba blood CURES All humors and from pimple to serf with ill flTaiaiing SKIN When Licit of lowol old fubloued towel that to bang up by printing home door think that no body In of can faammer out Iron it wore The tramp who It who it who got at it when thcao two up and foreman editor poor man each robbed grltao off thoy put a heap on In over and under blacker than tbnnder harder than poverty rougher than Bin tbe roller it never bended and flapped no the wall like a banner of tin It grew thicker and rougher harder and toother daily put on a more inkier until windy morning without any warning it fell on floor end wee broken in IwarBob 41 TO lis wuitir by DAVID liTiOYl for nwy ihto of llano fa He AltoiHCfit Ftro 1oudun alto for f tiiitjtf ratal aw NEWMARKET PER POUND J STEPHENS Two in for Children IltOMCHERVICK AM A VM AT and vlUoa alwara waloom at to Mr- KJitnnj THE BRIARS FARM Button West Choice of Head of loclolDntbrtejeatHof by tit Claraace or Mow Wood or Stave Bolts I WANTED tali It Dun tba ad In tfaa Hard book 9 ill aooni IJolU cut from OR PIKE or ftt aUHM th of For to THE w WE AUK NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SIOUMUXG DOORS SASH THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE OF THE PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES a air THfi WM CANE SONS MFG CO WaraaayaaTaTof S From one to two bottles will card and all forms of akin or aoicj It that from DISEASES alwai aggravated bat jet SCROFULA Wo hare Ihit froto pans effect a la to and Mood to aeidiljajid of and to open to off all clogged and impure alioirlna and mtboottafl BADBLOODi bom brer Wo ffuirnl bottle of lhaln refund Iho KOJj bo fltaoI on apj 0 A MlO

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