Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 7 Mar 1890, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 7 1890 RAILWAY V IT i a 4a a 51 So IT R T ALL POINTS ADA STATUS j and PACIFIC for and cairn ATKINSON fcrterDiTW Oat Turn tod beat ftt South a roan the Mine at Michigan Ctty too a bat a ThU Hit ltd fijj IT Now ww the the ton- fl JcUre liable to inform- the without a It is now laid will kg to South to bis giro ltd ill to him If l0b ficJ if HI Moilder toilttr if will fiochilifr Society TtrLD if moon- Pyff lit month lilacs JJ A Moaliy Friday la it A Moodaj la Vtrmirkct Ere fcTTDrAj Amor- LodlncEvrfj Ten Kh International Lessons Physician Golden tfc lib Mil tick dviiiftnd or to town ll of region Like d to on c from the fit becomes His Lake who see Col 14 meotioos not pout cot only from tbs bat of in DWt tod of God intolerable to of mere of needs of by re Id tDinhitriofc to We car mote of The Stfioor no to merit or i icdifiluil Ss Caanot be sired by iroiy or in and ste for splrttoal NO V AN 0 Hints to Merchants- hide roos to get them out of way If possible thing insight Study your That is make acquainted with styles and qualities To properly how to stock reqniroa not only good jodgmeDtbatconidcrableexperipnce The good arrangement of a is a great help to drawing to hay in a neat tidy store A personal of business oven grown to be a largo good for employer and clerks delivery of goods when ordered Is a matter of much importance and one in which many retail dealers are quite dilatory Sell neither too high nor too low but make a profit on all your goods and sell them on their merits which will giro satisfaction to all The leading virtues and those which should never be lost sight of in keeping management of a are cleAolineu and order Goods Personal in Women- Young women are often led to de pend for upon personal charms- Do not bo beguiled into such a belief Beauty is such a sub tle thing it does not seem to depend facial proportions or upon sparkle of the eye or upon the flush of the cheek Yon sometimes find it among irregular feature the soul shining through the face that makes one beaut if Bat alas for those who depend upon mere personal chirms They will come to disap pointment and to a great fret There opinions about what are personal charms and then and trouble and do make such The poorest god that a woman can worship is her own face- saddest sight the world it a woman who has everything on good looks when the charms begin to vanish Ob how they try to cover the wrinkles and hide the ravages of with ironshod feet steps on a face the hoof marks remain and you cannot hide them It is silly to try to hide them I could never understand why a woman should be ashamed about getting old It is a sign it is prima fade evidence that you have behaved tolerably well not have lived to this time grandest thing I think is eternity and that is up of countless years When Book of Books would set forth the attractiveness of Jeans it says lib was as white as snow But when the color goes from the cheek and the lustre from the eye and the spring from the gait for who have built their and upon good looks But all the passage of years cannot take of face benignity and kind ness and compassion sit It- Culture your heart and you culture your face Rev March Home Journal Around Hub I Dr Burns hM to the for a long his illness hav ing commenced with la grippe We hope to cm them out agsin very soon Mm has been con fined to her bed for several weeks with heart trouble and is not improv ing as wo would destre Wo had of having Mayor of m our town a few days His worship appeared before council snd called on a very neat speech showing the advantages by having good running through was listened to with and was full of good His address great attention common sense Newmarket is to be congratulated on having at its head a gentleman of such marked abilities and persuasive powers Wo are pleased to say that build- jog operations are assuming large pretensions in our city J- Ross has let the contract for a large brick dwelling our merchant A- has bought a lot from and will in the spring Curt has sold his house to Patterson and will build on the lot adjoining William Curtis has rented liis farm and material on the ground to build a dwelling Dr also intends erecting a dwelling at an early data In fact whole city is alive with different in terests that go for making busy POWDER Absolutely Pure A marvel of In mot lJ i lwwall street horse was with that bo could not drink for four days and refused all food Simply applying MINARDS cored him Co I have used your for and asthma and it has cured ma I it the best Lot A Livingston Miss visiting with mm a Wood is at present her sister Mrs Dr Olduiu of Woodstock eldest Edgar is seriously HI with membran eous croupe and bronchitis the entertain but flight hopes of his re covery Last Tuesday evening Feb- the members of Sods of were favored with a visit from Bros James Brooks of Toronto and of Whitby Addresses were delivered by the visitors on the working of the order white the members furnished music readings recitations and a pleasant and profitable evening wo spent On Thursday evening following concert was under the same auspices Tho principal attraction of the evening was Miss J Wether- aid of Toronto who delighted tho with her choice selections and whose reputation as an elocu tionist is such that comment is The Orchestra under the leadership of Mr A- furnished several choice selections while the songs of Mr Cameron wero received with protracted ap plause- Mr Norman exReeve of King presided The many friends and relatives of Mrs A Smith of Newmarket in this vicinity were terribly shocked on Thursday when they received the sad intelligence of the frightful manner which her came to such an untimely end and tho neighborhood are unanimous in ex their sympathy to her this and sorrowful bereavement Last Friday evening Mrs Porter who was just recovering from an at tack of la grippe went out side to attend to the poultry when she slip ped and fell breaking her thigh bone Dr was at once summoned who set the injured limb but con sidering her advanced age her care no small trial 0 o o rtjttlfnU the Tie scrIo dice dots booms a city cor its on the dtp fife which the firit of hit in The J we order to be third a word fourib number full jresrs which wg no rIo in of There the EDODtt dry when fce pre the ftceomptDlrd the The tw form or scrolls fill lbs Tie a country Jem Jcai u a roirscaltu lusnacr Business ardVXloItajent at Atnerlcti sd4 cod- virtue of roole bstks rur tusking It wo fur blood and II skin cares ions hi Torments of Yellow a tire core for 1 ray nd and was Mrs Amott Hid A Mr Jdtuts of A Out i iuB J Lite of Hut dock for a remedy bsd but tow am quite well will lis iter UMAX HE TO WRITE tie tails tie and sod it At Sir UrtcowAy Mill of Attorney by peculiar v the ntl and HI Ik the itftteJnt ifagwne It with the lis life to sre a writes In Ibsnewxfel Its it melted of reliow The mortality has of latb by of of with Of aud excellent an milk by all Across or Oil the ureal family well known It 1s of cure for lan croup burns sol all or wse it bee mm to Tales of TWO CATTLE LOST Halifax Feb Had not the Manitoba been firstclass built she would never have survived her last round said one of her- offi cers her homeward hud A terrible experience docks were swept of everything moveable all her boats carried away her cabins were Hooded to the extent of feet and brad cattle drowned or killed We all expected to down with the She is ship to fa cruiser and was herself built for a but was prevented from escaping from by the govominent We are a little this Itfp being days out from Glasgow but our being delayed by heavy galis was providential for it enabled us to save 36 fellow who in all human probability otherwise been drowned The French was form erly Quebec of Dominion Line She sikd from Jan uary encoun tered ALL THE wbiclj swept Atlantic that dole uftircd greatly during firit out and on January sprung a leak under boilers All tho pumps but failed to water in bold which gained on 30th ho was by a aeo which rutbed with fury to drown out all tho fire Then lay over on her beam ft i Via fii ftirttrd rending Mil rjr fail Jif lb if ud UdmOD It l tow nil rtj W to lo la to I M all but tot dm I t t 3itAj- Ilia1n4 of dint- io our in la I for a Tl Jam Wrlfbt If would worrying about and worry a about future would prove their chancca of 1 Many brought on by- holding on to knob of the frott door cadi in trough of sea and for next days a and wreck a floating coffin which only prevented from linking from work bat which could only water for a of Meanwhile crow suffered terribly from expoauro and but such could by etc for final hour On jut month after leaving Havre Allan lino friendly sail In sight and promptly responded too signals of distress her at noon and laid by her till 10 pm water was calm during tho afternoon but a at wind heavy MP at night Meanwhilcthe 35 men and their effect were ll lrtinrrrred to tho Manitoba left Ha ship at water was then level with her Within an hour there after she went down bow lb HARDWARE FOR TO AT A A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Apply io 1 AT LAST I WatxdnriulTtilftllo ih of Orcrwevk A True as and of the follu and worry which brings smioiv suffering lo so nuny Cftnidun results of emeus arc the lock pour of appetite jjbaiiiTLUJiaiiyriiul fint of Anil dinger IrouWc This Tunis Inanity Dp not a moment for Ltme it will be too late your lol and fines Celery Compound now and the dull eya brilliancy the cheeks will grow the brain the nerves jour lecp And OijJ atnd Annealed Galvanized Ana Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware Sheathing Paper Tarred Felt Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Carriage Trimmings Jacks kept for Agent Tor Brantrord Repairs JAMES WAITING- win call and and ACRE FARM FOR lb8 Ho VA MWitVonrHlKti lti Boa lb If 11 llo a brio an Mf MDdllMb turn IS FOR BALE on Brick on lbs abdlbtotob proper ore TUOJ roar j Apply Ffea J A W ARE A LINE OF SEASON SPECIALTIES J -INCLUDING- ami at it flat of and A of In I hi la J and I to try Ccley ail the fell lite at man the the day out to in the feeling as if cvutjJelcil a days of to I in good feeling J My wife and various mends to whom I the have been lteceite and in fici Talcs in family Saws Hand Saws Chopping Axes and Straw Knives V Mechanics Building Hardware Table A Pocket Cutlery paints oils putty glass etc Stock and Prices J J A ALLAN Two Dwellings for Sale ONE BRIOKOLill alahl lUitorcbjLidao4 ONE AT KElTLEttY Boom AlllbtaboT ID ioellDt n lha tala Ko hi SALE THE sal But Mb North TOacrfftjof Atti ICO tut with ftUorj foo4 ship 10 win bo lHspo lb Tnwn of Crystal Flour per Barrel Lfwdyoot Order At with my DEWNE LOT FOR SALE IK THE J NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT If you have thought of purchasing a lfea4 ever la its edicts decs omen of CHARLES A or UY Jlhd Cure wii Ac ic la ii i ibebcttUltMi CmaI- A KENDALLS SPAVIN CURL ember J KtoitL Co I We jocr it i Vcrt A Stills KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE IVX DlLKtMlLGo- Cute I Live tat Kill I llUtj j the KENDALLS jttbMofO Til5 LU V- 1 LIMITED BER1 J LATH SHINGLES Call and See Us us wo are NOW OFFERING The remainder of our Stock at SUCH PRICES TV WE NOW TO OUR CUSTOMERS WITH As will suit the times If i A HOUSE WHO TALK beard of a bug Jim in sifted IVKf of ivvli Such an wou but would CM a ax Why even vcfyrtctntly for lucf would rtUj50 Dr villi euro it ir ta tad ty will not but It will r Ji one to fully to It or fcKcmtlve or and i1libulMcr For of lIroncblOi ftirh in Cough Han In at liter and oi or Mvcr luutltct 1 a a Woman Made Money A lady lose of her income trimmed her coufiidered her and in to into making of jellies and know of social prominence secured their names had circu printed which bo tent to likely to respond with orders put an advertisement She received enough to her enterprise hut further sales about thirty gallons of pickles of various kinds and throo hundred and fifty of jelly and jars of fruit an operoent to teat their popularity aha a cans of spiced plums pickled 1cm ketchup and chowchow spared no pains at tended personally to the marketing procured tho best fruit as fresh as it lost tho of Urn and made every thing with put jellies in moulds and oven lettered labels attractively Her energy and courage brought a that warrant a her tho March A I ho very of by ttMufact- printed or for M it win bo THE FARM Oat In JonilQkQ J I tools Cold I took TOOK SCOTTS RESULT I My Ktoals I talio My AHDt AM VIGOROUS TO TAKE I CAN LAY HANDS OS Scotts of Pure Liver Oil and HypophosphuesorUmoand Soda Nor only my aur liUILT ME UP AND IS FLESH ON MY BONES A A AS EASILY Al IPO flcfltt rut In Prnn nil j SCOTT SIOIiVG MOULDING DOORS SASH AMD BLINDS THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL PATRONAGE OF THE PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO stUGs PROSPECT AVENUE AdJ4ulottbbMlgbMli Id t Town fttd sod ibt Hale lir IbtTooodtniltuMfrdiittobacAiaVil rvd from Town it irortd ftUudUoa Of rOjly ftrfl to lots op of of Kidded For ORi juuepuwiil7a TO IN Chapter HO of the fciulQiai or alt other l i ESTATE OP Hie of tbeTowoiblpol in tbft of York of try on or tiny of end m etui 111 of Abo tff a of tbelrDmMiod rah of duly ftUni of tbo Jftinj Li nix tbAt ftttrtbo sxaldiitcfiftod todlitrta ttifribf only to cUlmi will act tUbto for oy iMrt to Dot bite time or i ANN ItUUKIt Notice toreditoi of I 1 in BOOKS FREE RURAL CANADIAN for and your DOLLAR i3o the leading Agricultural ot any four of the following Kitty SOS Ms i f n4i ib cm At4tvi tooft it ftaAWINO sod aioyoycalioTeao by the IE Dr it j of OFFERED luaiTb for ia Head UruliD In wad 1vejaitbeca ope Well stick well ge tbroORh rig Cry for ALK FROM 30 TO 50 41 A COOK BOOK WILL DIZZINESS DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE SALTWIEIM HEARTBURN HEADACHE DROPSY OF THE HEART THE STOMACH DRYNESS i- And pic t of from OR j Secret fttvese Vtmc The Cite of A Hyde J The llut A A ty Tom Drown it of ft f Hew It if My JjctofiUTridtt it r icw JyV Hot By i RuIa or Oat Life la it- The or of By ha from ScotliDd Yard IUitCbUt AlrtoCVtial vi Vctcktr tVirjtnU the of By liir Thr Allen It Hide 1yKdruLiJL MJjQCJ If A Hi I- Tht of King v Mm Civilti IN- ifc of ihs VaTiir Dr or the Tht Piccadilly Punl v fr- Complete Book of rtli Comphu I Am Cook A fc Stock J Poultry jt Book el Cfctadcft tic A VlalUl ja Put took yoUtXif Compute to r friltiwatU it A Artftk A IV name and post office umd your dot but older at RURAL CANADIAN Jordan Street TORONT Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED ft flAih IT OK v IV r IL It ibm prtoni any IKsfUTel M of I the Of IWiroth of A if A EM 1 1 IbatafWMbrH vlll Ml tilled or ad their el indimbutolhais atDrortbe to hmvebon not tiar may DUMNSl POWDE THECOOlSs BEST ro8ieIsailMi FOR SALE WiUt ft ita rare aA CUUiiiif am other worked Tor fed alDeir la fnh turn Methodist liA WT01 A tttmucara altfJ fly NEWSPAPERS f

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