if- ira NEWMARKET MARCH 7 1890 rj Lively bod oit a about for apIiitoal hare been analog lUt ictl will bo lh There ra fair J ordinary farm u o frK 15 a Social rc arjtfd friend the tin room to 9 oclock Wall Tbit the to mike id lha areal picked oat for for ft Will out a far mail cawling ft math than ud will nil lb Report for Christina Drown Cbarlie Jama P Clcww Bill May Bab- f Wall The t tad Will bis Book l Uld we to Good ll towj rajt4tllb to Mr itf of two itilliou Vcl tod 12 will do well Wink la local to lb of mil it bftl ftcqniiotiD with ic iotoitnuioo ia with fintclui for to ricgegicjjCQiofoarot J A for K Tbeie it col tick retiree fo lrJe Canned rcouie Out Of cot two North York Institute in to logmotioa in to Hdfpd bj a a ecocdd by tit looting to ttd A Smith ud lb Call Sit The fioe mot on it Sad weeks It boll bli by a bU of and brcsrbUl He fiofd to bed fat only ud lul boon coffering Tor John Ikatlcy tba two fas By tie St Mr or u Bun two b Uo a town T6i aerrioo to Suo At Co At the annual of Fire for J P Joe Sod Albert 3rd T Lloyd Sod Back StcitUij Tt bti iU fall ia order A to Fit Op for to thcte Modify has oat3t supply Btkfry Try them THE NEWMARKET TRAGEDY i Oct On Nit of the io toa and witb J A tie School Mr It ftln a Bxrd roeuortmiDU of tbt Prospect Are tad the lit ucbitectore of School FOR OPENING The will to of Co Ad tbit will The Hob fctxk for tod the lore ji to early oticitl Com at bold- tag for will In lima expires lit of April Concert- Under the auspices of Family giro id io Town en by execnid i it tern- by Mr- Jccei elder cot no to oratory The mote of ThebAtlwaiibonibilffilliJi Murder vs Suicide AGAIN At might well be the chief and almost the only topic of general and vicinity for the past week baa boon sudden death of Mr A Smith merchant of this which recorded in the Era Friday Sheriff other of the have doing utmost to oat and the at the are awaited About four to one hold opinion that a foul murder beta perpetrated The following plin of the cellar an idea where tho body was found oclock when further are anxiomly awaited for Following the taken night Htoffiu of being id I Aftar from on of A- to door get In place to bedroom window get Id I my department want with thorn Then no in which I bad my with ma I did not notice ujtbiog to coy on We went down to along lbeea banging Wo cot We entered by puaaaway and tbe to IjIojt lio of bia back apread oat coat and feet wide my band en U Smitb re marked la be goo or he dead I ll aeriooa Did tell diaooreriDji toilet wound bid bat bad better go for a doctor had white The plica where ballet entered inch powder one Inch- I down cellar Mr Keith ar rived and Mayor a a In put of cellar turned down low A lacked op by two bailor tbn foet from kneea of do- The I I from a from paid to bite my fint Ibrrayeara ago lat wbeo do- mo waa new in October I I llfn tod wo open and bat on the fl or I room at flnt I did Dot nolle the drawer Dad it Qonrtial I to go to By rigbt hand of wu cold when got to him no of a Sir ihe where wood All ntfidodoorv Any jvrwa turn Dntcf door j going to up f mx right aide ab op Watch chain waa near ibe Watch wm in Iff reat pocket a and j I aaw Saiage ilAhv 1 heard of affair of tfYljcb Sly Felicia told cue at door I pit- tec b tube I Ho indeed Mist with YOU III II 111 BROS IMMENSE STOCK OF HEW it I 1 I i Wall J PATTERNS THE NEWEST Rig Spring is now complete in all the Newest Designs and Richest Patterns in every grade with I I I I I I I I BORDERINGS i ii TO MATCH i i i i i Ceiling Papers Corner Pieces Stylesaud Extensions to correspond this Springs Stock iW For value and In ToWDa Give inspection at your earliest convenience A Til I I Mid If I l I to inqucit llwt of ii waa for School meet rit TcttIay Toeaday tail a day air wae yeetet rfaj iS ly ioritr1 Mr or If1tii1iit4jiieat at a on The Factory rIrfJar direct the futcrvrt lot acdTapeatty Oil Clothe low The new Atbliig of of 1 y feet at Homo aid all ttftfrt tltatiiu tu a The tbf aLiunlox it tbi for rtft iba mootb the for for wob- to at tiro e tba late A South tf lat wV for the it on after a largely Oct re- dariog ttIco took Victoria bad I iU KhUU litaal K Farteiryb Ited Hill Bell of ft by tcl of Ardeea deeaad a weia all reUllrea fifrii c that lpf- deaeil via at aba that le aha Mr V I ill iUwA 14 1 1 11 lilli fl ir tiff Writ H Jsa hick a Lira or not hire V loimaoca Wftl fflifp to hie for ibo I am not aware My in John luy bsd for grippe bat galling better I a will It was mad the to beit J frferrH A in will No during thd whili to irtck bSv fl wood trap door woodpile and 13 droja bin grocery and Tie of ibf body the ilor aod fret lay loa direction of wood A tarred birrl No bit i l who fiiix lb- gnund wira fewdai Perhapa no tmr indication of He interest couM be than the crowd that gath ered hi the Town Towday Within ten rolnus from dooro throw evrry occupied on hundred Wing Before many the were and who aought to upon aide of the juryman Mr having previously At ft centre who bad charge of proceeding By aide County Grown Attorney tiontag Woodcock at the abated Mayor High Jonea and other on the platform were Doctors end who the pott mortem Arthur Rom brother of the widow of lawyer Mr Kfngeford Toronto and Mr- for R Smith There lo appear and were locked op In the rooroa until called of were confined for and at liberty to go home At hour In the end the waa to that rreftl majority remained till adjournment at a will the eolngrt Mia It A Smith ae if there My John io boa w at 1 own wlter kept peruie4 by property I to my iba lo iko at if be I deed See or bit yeara ago It pot toy j of dJ put ill the aifr tbe deed to in cay to pat there for toe waa cancelled a ago last if I to married ha would cancel it There the deed Ooe it was not to pot record till after my death ad waa a 1 have deed noJee my own bwl a 1 hare not it or obliterated it had no in the alt worked er We all idei for I ebara tba I hare money oat of We ere just the the 1 went four Market at ago Friday night away about Hi In aod t1 I but Chicago a 1 wnEa for ti coin- wrote a well Or I wrtn I ke to I what bd He eaut I Jtkdi loan fvr to Lome the wrote to ma at of Cold roe ha did not ship told iohu my tint ha J id want him and to tiro Hi to ma I rtbt for pit of am any bli ajr Jt1 bait d rjt ki aiythhnf I told 1 Kir- an wo In ray he went hare deeevt aay be had a for befit fit mother I lcl waadneoD Monday My pi- aod forfUOOO bare dpua It to piliey f far farr bit and to of a for lamrl produced it ihTri title defeated en llrttf to iiildf not tit I Wautl dfLnd lake tuduittioui no baalor lrceid at my own bout before death fie to aee made to a family I aa rcfolrer tlaa with a neerr ut iced It 16 or bate not and I of that bite to cocnalt He told rue be writ fa be at St mid a a will wae tha deed loco htm for to own Drceactd did refute It Optoma I did Hot to lie or yeiraof at I roy own on the I waa toy rtoro aootheaat room I the thai i oclock on of Jehu fttid Oil friruda oat called a up fjraodaon child were alto home with ma areata payable to my mother It been f aid my It baa iq 6Tral My brother Wen etch aiace ha I do fcmiir that Robert dil not waot to except what by objected to John for ha be feared be would no better ho before He bid been before to lead my brother to com I did not telephone my mother about Bob befog dead wit 1 did not want to break the Abrupt to her To the Foreman My brother kept a book SCOTTS NEXT TO THE OrXIOB HEADQUARTERS FOR PURE DRUGS AND DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES audita let American iXlore lf aodTollat lxUooe Soar all other lolal Wr aid me real itookofdrnaleotlreJy vamh every article All the am of I at a of I leo at with my left home Gee After ereo- my brother went to ihe at My A Smith weot to the My Dime ii Dcohjo I my brother in his store there a by the oame of a liltta I there pre Mr tuy brother My brother ouiethioj to bit about keeping a for at concert gox when gut there do not whetbrr hia wife aod hid concert Arbeit not hall at diora Two Mint Qiiw my went to the conceit After I home my toour there I no then to iter Mr audi throohawiQJdw in the weal aide of which my brother I inl I the We through ahoi7reirtbiog itemed all We lir third lWnjf am when Mid It It Mm a aVed me if I I faiui I 1 but not writ My nephew ho to lib a Mr ffetll jU3nlh do jjtff I to the th ItiUrt I wut to Dr IS lud I to I diied way dwn t- hi 0 I In wit with am b leid IVe julo the a all W atiretou not I VH It t if to that door tba it wai waitAnK lhi for niv My wa Mien down at Hi ttore tad both I at I wovk0j of t no wiih my brother W a Wo ibn wj lOOtlr place to whei 1 whether or I lie mid op at I then j if he artl I it My 1r acUrk lie af I did not hot did to at and two frewithm The aMited all I hi rmiiiWr amioot baud It with In by taf brother do not remember the waa correct be era I Mi I the three timet eacV Coroner theft The time I opened waa rondo after bad the of the kept Ho not know how of there wai fa I a of fairer of mala My Ubf liid a receipt on It thee a my mother Robert but knew detail f wae made fa favor of I to bat 1 of property from mother where It donatio date of deed- I from mother to Rebel hat pctotied to I I heard lay tie lay that ltd hi A year refer heard Robert of I do know my hl oh with my away 10 or 12 year I do not Whether be I my deavd brother in fait about the time of never beard talked about J DISPENSING DEPARTMENT to own family He collected for bad a revolver when Dltpamlng Laaenirato from Our ara danger of Every he which waa about air by a work cheeked to Idocottbiuk I tnipoialble koow it if I it Ho kept r at the SHED DEPARTMENT I do not la I rfi i ouii loapairouaanrtoo una we 6eo Mr firat ma the re cutomrgiVijubatrefreb hall TIT bought a and alook of riower Etlahiaornot Toronto aui other would of pjbllela ibla to now that a larger l- produce all my debated broth it There might bo a few email llama mere the puloVj wheo wo went to my mother He wae there My litt nephew Sutitf agent tamo about a I bad away about twelve I have been lag Chicago Peooaylvaola aud New York States I came home bare to the abop while be alive I did tbat the atre bad deeded to My mother it at lima 1 occupied it 1 have beard iioc dratb the lime I my brother aliva- a week ago at my I did not bad a life policy The reason did net htm We lifter bad bird 1 receited from while away 1 home- bifat the roaia with maoali mother I about about oclock Ih the wit My mother aent me down to loaee what kept my Mater away I have up time 1 my to I cot out of of my with my I did not my brother tall ma not come to Ho no iD6rmitieo I whether my brother hid not him for I wataway world I the lake the I waa worktae to or the Detroit deliver eg nulla I nearly a year at that wtrk Tbli waa ago 1 worked at Hotel Chicago for ana yr watchman worked for a hotel on Sooth did not avail of the A 1 the the I worked coder Tha I worked were era They canted grab bal ahead did not to woih I South Clark Chicago Jott before 1 came home had been there a my board have not up my whttbef I will go away or not hare talked very Utile my I may been to other I remember I doea make aoy difference hare 1 hive no now I bad ago It acme ago I a hoe- for Qre It Marina aavaral ago had fever then UANAOEK MOVED MRS R ROND AH removed bar Valaoeof to moreoommodloua GOODS O f And la to all ortare aa aVk la very I wilt aetoctoluowlatbatlme to buy white PRICES ARE REDUCED j r Shirtings- Tickings and Table- Linens A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE NEW PRINTS iioiiigmraQieci OUTFIT fcbitueoImfW Write Goods Clearing Out AND BELFRY Our Toronto Markets o a Vbaat do Barley per do Kay do do do par ton Kiitapardoiaoo Battel do par pound PI It Sale lUr Tboe Dacca will bare of aloek lot of Bale at harp Kat- aniab faaff oar it par near par par lb a 0 a OH a Oil a 90 a a a a a a 12JU a a to Oftl a Oil a a LA GRIPPE A SURE PREVENTATIVE Our Newmarket Markets Fall Wheal per 005a Bprloi do a do Barley do 0 a do tf Rye do a CO a do a la of the late an of Albort on The great railway bridge the river Forth at Edinburgh opened the wales with groat ceremony Batter roll J per pound Batter do am bag Applet par baa pare lotianapa- pair pound par lb i TUP -AND- LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER THIRTY Children Cry for LOAN DAVID YD for taking Affidavit Be of Mar- for lowing London ana Dtatriet Toronto j Largest Best Stock York LOW lopwobiw ill JOHN Warm Boots and Rubbers Which can bo procure at Bottom at Who has atock of J CALL AND SEE HIM 8 of K OPPOSITE NORTH HOTEL JMMD only flril- Iba Oily EVENING yrom lit to Way by Bull or BHUV PROPERTY mi of a RENT two of on received aorne beautiful in English Scotch Canadian an aaaortment to from in and Stripe Call and aeo for bring your with you goodamadoon Closest Cash Only DMUTCH Next Door to Jewellery Store It I til I i