Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 7 Mar 1890, Supp. B

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MARCH 1890 IV New Will Open J J B- Ik J- inn Making p Era up put rows Tin AND mill EACH FRIDAY MARCH 7 1890- payer belong to the pro vided that h do not and hall per cent of the annual toe which balnea carried on fifth ckoie makes too above to bo the Aiken- raent and the pro- for the above to come in next year is PARA- Our Despair Serial to Era I fcattcn appointed fox tea The- A if on for Toronto city be- racj tie be a military and a great el from the dele to from or- totba in are from point Oily baa rewired expreuire to aoppoitrra lb Id Legislator rta i Si General op and of P in to Ibi week big dp fata it wee opening day foe tbe eeoo day fri menlb aid to be tell fie in American op of diamond from a In araa arteatod week for TO Sir A J by portrwt of ft At ft id u lb JftMtoMtiMllbftRtdifix for lor of cut lotrcJocfJ ft Bill to prof of compel If be bj juoI An lb il tBlilJp be ft all Taj for W Oilftwt list ud it ft 4t ihc lie jo Toronto on while in tie of bo not bit trouble Till VI olffTM Tb Poke AftUtEht fitVen to to by little u jvji if not TOaacil of fiflwnt Would not billlop of with I Filling Up the Senate Seats It Mr It Brock Pendent pi the Empire Printing Co will be gazetted Senator it successor of late Senator the appointment to take effect after present of to when the elector of North York and Sooth bad the power of electing a representative of to the Upper they cfaoe the Mo a Urge in By of the arrived at when took place he became nominative representative of the Division On bis the the lion Mr Mftcdonftld was appointed Senator Nov Senator we bare another Toronto gentlemen selected whom the elector of have scarcely heard of before let alone being acquainted with at their represen tative Mr- Brock may be equally worthy as either of predecasorB for aught we know to fill the position ard capable on this do not make complaint but it doe tirike us lingular Toronto men should always bo foitted upon Surely in so large and populous a as North York a Senator might have been named directly identified with thointereet agricultural In order that the people may be able to select more in touch with the views fttiiiiiufuffj and interest of the elect on the why WO have ever favored tin Senate and so long as our couniintjoi girt that IkkIj to uoold aud fashion the Kg- isUtion of country so long they have a ud the of pop ular of the direct voice the men entrusted with ihat power ys ittoji to tbe from bis Who been not Ihit would bis wbelbc eotw moil hold of the Premier but A ffaBtSdEUt Sir Citric for week to eodetror bve lrd Staoley lrd Salisbury Sir Jultso on fiibtriVf tod tho CnaIft It in high Juliio will be Ottawa to iirtth Mr Brock will be to Jobp Ad to take the old aad will feel much obliged to be arc a not people politician General Stations which at oo jury men were The at its abnuld into Why tboyunty be for eighteen I I all direct tuition of people for of Utile laWi up of Mr J of fa town Mr Lloyd el Toronto over SaodiT In lit and wife Toronto In town of In town Mia LtkeBfld St Pads Ab Him revlralbts art now Voiding eel tires In Mix Rt of of ben on a J R left for yeeler- dey to a few her ibUr Fidel are attending the In Toronto Reeve of wj in town last Friday and gate fiaaa friendly call Mr Geo of Bant photo np friend in town Mr Millird of Toronto or Snnday in town Mr Well of Toronto of bii ft call Ms in to wo and over Mia mother of A A Bute- is here on a of visit C W Lee was In town San- day Ua of Aid of the en- at tea on day Stilton A of rostkt took of the iih- iaa utton a visit We they for their SattoaWoaU Hint Mary Bradford the rentl School to home bojnd she will an to wtom to studies Mr P Cole of been re Ubele- of honor for fourth lira ii no and esteeaj which be as well a to his ability of say One of earliest of Bond was He wairied Mary of the erly of Mr S whom wo have mentioned being very low for iomrt time peacefully to rest on Friday afternoon last The fu neral took jKiv from residence Kettloby Monday The service conducted in the church at a by the Rot Mr of Prom thence Urge procession moved toward Aurora cemetery remains were interred Mr and family bavo of tho community in their Rev Mr will preach in church on The Won- dm of World next Sabbath at p left or the city on Tuesday morning as a juror Several of our left this morning for- Toronto Miss Janu Jones and Mr Moulds were united in holy bonds of matrimony on Wednesday last We wish them much joy Our quiet town was dis turbed evening by here of our who gathered to newly married couple who stopping at Mr The guns were loaded and fired and all instruments present act at work nd A groat was created Mr said was not in and forbid them in a fight ensued in way between him and theboya Tin that the hid to go to Sutton on Monday to at tend and had they not settled it by paying eta Mr paying his little well both plaintiffs and defendants would have go to To ronto to peak through bare for a few days- The Co moved office from to Clark Bros- from Newcastle viiiting at her brothers Elder Clark last week to by though I never heard of roan dying that wanted a Scotch reel run at bedside to cheer him it ia send for the minister The appearance of good sleighing the snow that came on the of March It Is much needed by all who hare teaming- to do We would to see A Co get their of logs In It would give more life to our village Van dor Sienna the booming talk of this have been several mines foond in this vicinity hat they hare lately a paint mine belonging to Mr Smith which proves to be the beet found When with oil it produces a chrome yellow and as f baa been tea ted prove ailing Mr on Cedar avenue invitod his to a party last Friday evening There was a good attendance Miss of is visit ing her frienda in Bloomington The regular quarterly wm at the Christian hero last Sunday Elder of Drayton delivered two very able mobs morning and gave a lecture in the after school scholars also in the even Mr Mrs Fred and Mrs- were visiting Mrs and day Mr donee an of spent Mr Peter Kier a young gentleman came from Scotland to i his and Mia Flora made up their minds to travel the rest of lifes journey together To that end they waited on the Rev last Tnraday Rev gentleman soon them man and wife and gave thorn a right hence forth to others joys and sorrows We wish the a long and happy journey After the marriage was performed they took the train for Toronto where spent a few day After re turned boys made op their mind to charivari them and they appointed one who ia better known Chief to take They marched op to the house with such instruments of musto as they could got hold of hut some bow they found out there was a shot gun at the and that it might gooff there fore they alt beat a retreat into a by except the chief and one young bravo who stood their but soon after went home Another charivari took place at a short time after th mar riago of Mr to Mils Nettie Mr went out to persuade them to go away when he was pretty roughly handled result is a large number are asked to WILL REOPEN J Tax Exemption BUI lluu Mr- has introduced a Gov- in he Ontario to the present Act in to exviupttont provide that laud which a place of worship is erected and laud in with a place worship ahUl to he in tbe and to extent aa laud for local made or to bo By using the it una that the lauds shall out atsctsed for luuuicipal government or tor than therein second clause taxes the sti pends or salad ol and muiUttra of religion occupied with tho lauds for all purptiKt ariielu the section Aaavaament Act is by this Act re throe enacts that the build ings and grounds of nd to college Of incur- of aljJj be luhlu local thy taut lands but ex empts all schools which are whole or part by llama gent or school tax Jij of persons carrying or ether in a municipal may in rtspoot of anyctas of mercantile ra tax for the taxes In ibe of Monday find lo tin election in which our laily Sir C to role of and the el she lis In a luccj lik- if taut as Calvdby an at a bye- country will bo lookiog for tacad at next appeal to Ids Incorporation Bill the fist Monday night by a 66 for frlo4set of and will audofennre fa rotnt- from lbs bolMltigaato still Id the earns of the Ottawa litre and entb- predicted Now that has gone and dons It the end got wbst bass each Jfrt It wilt be In fur Rights to press towarda and if a Hall Toronto on of Wj II K Irwin Mr Jniiica In to set attde a ei Chief Jostles Thomas at the the it mil data- a lwo for selling her Srymoor dlcdill young a on nlgit of lo at tbo to CMrf Justice held at Autf lbs not snfficlent to show ibat yoqng to eicen at paCe Justice and a trial ordered and their his early veara at this pis is well known throughout the fro Life Around Us Holland Landing of Toronto has taken up her abode at residence of her father the Reeve Mr D by Lottie Sheppard of has been visiting at the Royal for th past week We are always pleased see smiling faces of the baron as they up the town Mrs Lano is visiting friends in Mark am and vicinity Mrs Stewart Watson who hoe visiting raidence of the Rev Mr of Sutton for the put two months homo on Wednesday last On Saturday afternoon last while skating on the river Steoley narrowly drowning by breaking thronh the hot of another boy lulling none the after his spent over Sunday at with frientla Mr number of guests on Wednesday evening last pleased to say tbat Mr who fell and broke Lie leg a time ago improving though slowly Also iliea who had the to break her arm three weeks ago is progressing favor ably Lecture held on Friday night last in connection with tbe Temper ance Lodge was well attended Grand Worthy Patriarch and Grand Scribe of Toronto also County Walton of were present and spoke in an able arid convincing manner of the good resulting from total Masonic Lodge held its regular communication last evening which they partook of an oyster supper at the Mansion House James jr who bar been visiting at returned homo last Saturday The funeral of the Elijah Like took place in the Children of Peace Meeting House last Wed net- day and wo9 conducted by Mr of Mr Luke bad been in poor for a year but was not confined to bis bed until about a month ago when grippe reulting in death kind mid pleasant in bis manner and his relations have our sympathy and be incut Mr and brother I Jessie intend starting for North west e wish them Mrs Hall is visiting at Holt this week School a a no Ells Cfonw ttiorry n Jr Brooke Jot Terry John Josia Sr- Brook- JuHa Crone Jr Powell Part Brooke prut Wheeler Uteri An except we will this Now suppose wo had voted Sir John out of power ibis question and new Government has and wo in I he midst of a General Election be the this to the country RACIAL AIUOIOVjI Tq every Riding from Atlantic to the our people would be divided into two great hostile race and religion tho line of Could anything more TO of this young country suiicctved anything more barren of good result Look at tbe as you will anil tell me of Kiel out of for our Constitution I supported during on Col a in so iu the future as may have a in Parliament I With AT and irrespective of patty or con sideratiuns endeavor i bo girsrntd by a fur Ihe Conatilutiun My of loyalty to Constitution prevents giving effect own feelings or wishes if at varisuce with true and meaning of the when iu the present a 1 learn that it was fair which by Government In of letters without objection from the protesUot mention thai for a time you wereuoiUr population or protestant members as to of COULD such a war amongst February par L Claw- Lilian fiuphen si timltb a Robert Kay SI 2nd ClassIda S3 Cunningham IUUIjuj Levi FIetcbrS William DuoUs I Annie lit Walts 1st Peed from a people own Government formed hack with a to my and than the Governor disallowed the Bill what l iliejoUU political to outcome I lui this of comluct ika not and strife bear v of my ffruit in Iho wlidifioiliou of trench crd that Mil Quebec iu hid too nonunion Ihe I am vipiKiirxl Provincial whether political or religious be that province aught to judge of own affairs There fore Iatrocglf oppose with the Legislative by the Confederation Act provided those exercised the cleaning of the Confedera tion Act I the government I do noi wtV tf lbe highest officer- own or ulie or lo of my vole ii Act and atUfy cue Clio whole matter I fetfanli Canada to the merits it resolves itself into of lof Tarn Your It the facts and it aeerus to ma kbit possibly rojy have been under similar error which remoed were they to which between I would therefor bo glad to know whether you would allow me to the correspond nee to press truly Aurora the anil that duty I will on all occasions to Bud Sin of received and your request noted an act of juatto I great pleasure granting the for and the way enlighten others as it I am dear Sir diMloir it Such bo the hut WHAT WOULD TUB I uncoil by public net on my pari air I have com plied Willi your Toronto Junk My Sin Your letter the 25lh irst and I pleased to thai are to recogniM it as duty of the Iarlijiueut of Canada and every mem her to be governed Confedera tion Ait My own opinion thai the- ours sincerely W ok of Canada or Siaik L Town Council lUfu1arinettlur IVcaxnWMayorluTe Councillors vera for John id- to lb a Fire J lbe A communication Jo t to appointed chhf was be tfouJ Inathat lbs l for all private and for bouts and public of Uoiland council posts mad J c tor was at dlspjaal Ii- for later privanUnaibawfttfr from lb stdvwaik at It A A svlirct sitttuuv i March I A cold rly wind but fruits tUtl-H- f- v of week of the of Sons of in Ktllby yea ago of Grand worn and delivered among whom Kttrn ilwtrj J il and of Toronto very enjoyable whs After the public the raeniber of Order were to Division by to of a Tho Kottkby Methodist on- hue been postponed till of March owing to inability of Perry to attend to matters or that jt postponed for person might bo led to that Sabbath work rather of aecondnry Experience that a of any kind poned from to time nover prove very leav ing an upon children that hotter avoided J Elliott baa from Miss J of visiting Mr J William and Mil say of also Sabbath In village Mr A has nicely rocof from quite a aeriout of la grippe Mr II La recovering from a Cook wife of Street were friend here on Sabbath Mr White and family ro- moved to Aurora and are fa tho Methodist circle be being one of the most active mem ber of body together with fiajiiy We maw tender them our beat wishes for a long and life Elder ha carrying on roviml in King church during the present fk and a ccuptu f evening laat Oil a wood for ho In Mr tf lip given if would cut 2 mad ready new Church of al most will bo held on March It it expected that the Bishop of will preach on that day a ha prominent divine building is a credit to and very comfort indeed Dr A Toole late of has inovid to the village has to the practice left by Dr Hose On morning tho funeral of ton way to Mr Jnhn rented his to Mr Joseph has loon ItMehini in ho junior division of school ainco Ibo Now u place of her Annie who for hut who hftt the of well llhcil Hannah of la viaitiiig in ton Mist formerly ft villas hut hi spent pint five in of which excites of everybody in Kcnerul and two In particular took place on con milt a froru on of Mrs On that day Mr Bella untied in by Rev nil of aro of King After the ceremony happy left for Niagara remained for win Jba goal Morion Id AJa I J sal Pari Jil A Br Children Pitchers State or hit giving all candor trusted of the by Gov- What Iho end of life 1 ib ftn to violate our Con loc l0 lor donruclion MicloaaldV Col You thatS public and private credit one mun a In i will fc the on Act solid tbu tint me to a ijueslionof you a of of luiJtnou How conflict end Why the CONFEDERATION I loM to would repeat a solid Act Data Act jthat you by or was not Estate and condemned in a I heartily join with you in that If they you so may I the no couhl on If we would harvest he escaped civil war it ho of If wind we shall reap the and what then of game opinion and how you have voted on the miction if in my place I it lloriL or Jrincc Wo taken the matter into our con- with the Act in question to Your Ixn1- hope If they uphold the con of Act Itrustyou will be fully the ioo Parliament not warranted in truly to aid bringing such a Aurora In my opinion wo to TO Yours Truly It Aurora Great Bad 11 FOR AT THE LEADING A to In Itila GASKETS well at Itia Undertaking a fttleotled All orally J MILL JKtti TO HULK in IVortb it iioKiolutoly nee- to bold You a loyal subject Her Majesty Aurora June tit To to the io reply mine received in Ciliated to endanger our incliop duo course would feel confident by inoitiFJi rend end in your power oppose for your voto on Bill and admit your view and action in tho matter you cay if inn over Acta of Provincial iMrliaiiKnta when they lt you destroy Provincial autonomy and your idea to ho correct iu reference to preeeut Bill I have strongly and felt equally ao in reference the present vote I hive Sir John Mac lonald and believe in lion of in the ma tho honor lo That iu our opinion the to with the operation the provmcul Act was rigbt aod cobtitj We bate etc tStfd Id Cubic The Right Hon Lord Knuliford CAN YOU CONDEMN MB for endeavoring prevent dtiin force tit relitt3us strife from our Confederation With who call diiiltowanca I concede them and tntcntioua though to approve of their de mand Wo all see alike my as a representative of public I feel bound lo pay jnrily of Still diiippivve of to what I conceive a bo moiiilng and spirit of our In thi view I Sir John in on the motion to condemn them for lowing thu law to lake its in Bills incorporating and now t hie Estate Act and toy iuoorauce of the Incorporation Act kilt latter Act brought matter so Wrongly to light I had under former to be a Dominion Act Aurora lOtn P Newmarket Sin I am in receipt of your letter of the or June last and I now see by the pre Out the ion Government did submit law of the July 3Ut Crown in ami their right ami cmstiiutional that the acted right in refusing to Iu to wo the honor to report Thai ro of opioioo that Act Act ami the law Dominion SiSSi justified to supporting Privy Council We do vrnor Under these circum I now freely admit your vote on the question waa correct aud ha been justified and em glad you had the courage and determination to sup port what you considered right public opinion I am dear Sir sincerely HILLARY Township or Kiko Sept Mr Dam Sin of thu 10th received and I much pleased lticmaD do Right Honorable Lose do etc Mobs- MUs Hftrah Sliver mid both of on In ir to Mr- Jos mil with ac cident on Mistier lull road Mr bull broke out and getting on road tho It wheeled around and oyer throwing thorn out and breaking tin top bone in the young lady arm two licr wrist got away doing consider able damage to buggy and her- Forest loon set the fracture of course ho could render We wont be hard he dont let the animal at large he Jo search of the at time of accident Dont let th law settle it Mr Pegu of bought tho eld homestead the place of Ms birth h prosperity of past may mark Ida fholidlnji spirit out not to the wambling of aaomo do but have the In In the right 1 this ft right It is to Joe dont it will please If it la good to live by it ought to bo good She Holland Button tititppud of ft daughter altar by to Flora all the man Iter Mr to Its Wad tbt by A at ill Mr of to Wary fclUrIMiubury In 3rd Mr Mlu of ui IL of to ULU br town on lbs Intl tooorUr- iflAiiiiiNj years Alma fcuttoDly Jans ftbdSuioa on ad Mr a of in tbofUi ysarof bis At 14th Wen Van- or of Mr of If flvtnarSiWla year at Had whs or say of or about S J MaU KM wilt OLD VarBaHattbisOiKe teat wj nod nink ail torlMont of IWitt In miiaijfr dun of All J tVALI Neil Flower SEEDS FROM At rUQ OF Ft AN Is prepared to a mora pupils North or it y Minn lb Id 13101 Spice Of London York ror Horses Cattle Poultry lit How If You Want a Nobby Spring Suit take a Look at Our Stock Our Cutter has no Equal IN THIS DISTRICT Ji i i i If You Want to Make Light Cakes try Bruntons Baking Powdes Guaranteed to be Superior to All Others Or Money Refunded BROS CONNSOTIO

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