fa it-r- NEW MARCH 7 1890 Lively OH for growth fern been held iad will nut Prick f fair mulct Saturday fQ railed is to 15 lb socul it a fol Good grata Out Of jid tot la two at ator North York lull to in Muting tb fellow- lug ri to lb rotating by a a Webb cccdfd by Starr adjoorn for on to ltd of u A- Smith ad to tb friend of ibt room bleb to in tilt oclock PArllii to itVo before tb oat Big year noted for ex- sliest Wall Papery oil fat anil demanding a m IbaH uid si will rarely sail lb School Report for rc4rySeolI it About yMbrdky a man Dam4 Jobn two It on followed by a fct rrdiog lb and Re fihfd to bed for only day and daring lb Mo hoar of war For Joba Drag Store lb but year bean at By bii death and Young People low of meat an man worn two yean lo beta a mm 1 Trbwi for it night J If HroQXy OB rcJli fcoow 4CM4 lbs oocri of fidth Mm A Smith am la boa dm 3toT and wCd git a lr Tba pal up to Ihffit lo fit to I go la tijongli my I no In 1 with I did not no it J to toy on thtPv Ifctru light in Jjng Itprei down The not by on trd to At we the bud of wIIat bit vod cost tod Iid wide Pot my hud on not till dlKTdiiiij toilet waiwd I hid bat go for a doctor- oa a whit lb was It loch jo SEEN Wall I SUTHERLAND J IMME STICK If HEW PRINTS ituiHuuuuutuiun PATTERNS THE NEWEST AT My Spring it now all the Newest Designs and Richest mi Supplement to the Newmarket Era i i in every grade with I I I I I I I I I I I BEAUTIFUL BORDERING Letters between M P and Hillary M on the ESTATES rices Right D i i i r TO MATCH i i i Ceiling Paper Corner Stylsnd Extensions to correspond For value and beauty Springs Stock In this Town Give itjan inspection at your earliest convenience 14tu Sww Toronto to the Att of iSfiJtlcfa supreme or of the other ITplr Mid ibo one and other jealous inMling lW0 Association this week very of such a and of 1 felt should like to tenons for Col niotiou of Com ilijs At J nut truly a Con atrtitivo and wish to accord to all if list I for no to to it will help can on of agreu all authority xpt their to the public affairs and to far con this Province to with the and tlta of her people Gradually but surely A Political partita became and a solid Lower Canadian vote was able defeat patty or were defeated but no am not to of the Act of a Provincial Legislature it bo first do by Iho that Act unconstitutional Dominion Parliament HAS NO POWER to decide whether a Act is or not Thai a of law mud has been properly Tor the the Dominion Par my asktd to inter with the Act of a Province I their historic that then r to be dciud by civil- country in the world and while denying a foothold I holilMf of when happy that their p efforts expended in could be tt the in privity came tbe wo were ptac no party Jibing able to carry on against TUB DECIDE whether not Act leg he to check by compel Government to veto our whether il is lawful or not If we are not then let ua ba careful not do unto what we would not that they do unto ai If provinces on floor the Dominion Parliament and lb disallowance of the Acts of a particular province then in of it autonomy ia at the mercy of the othera and received Constitution ibatgiiiraTitedof which brought about Con fed era lion and SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO TUB POST HEADQUARTERS FOR PURE DRUGS AND DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Whatever decision it will be the op of oMbe other Con ration ft disallowance but if to and valuable ihrg I sin worthy in Souil THE OF WHICH WOULD I the lrlijiucnV Opinion therefore the but think that the be he Ml- country man of Scotch can well like aire of am mentally by the existing hierarchy of the Catholic without tbe or of such enemies to liberty the etc It the give to it it id that Act tonal I will support all conslituttobil UltlHt Province to moused iislds Govern fueling French thmuglioutour but wpcct Constitution to Mhdify the Amt party thereby intensifying to whether An Act of a Provincial be disallowed the Rub step of whether Act or not If ihoCoutt holds it to be Iho duly of the Govern ment to If the AJCourU it to the Toronto of the situation At critical period of our national life the Confederation deviled a scheme which offered lo the local as of self control over the re to the Province and ON FAITH of this and other lwcr Nova and out law ho or disap prove of it So unlit of Wo did not mule our Constitution and no power on tide of the Atlantic cm change it Her Majesty Imperial and the can Mr I anj in receipt accepted the your letter tho wherein to yu it to know my fnr not Col in the Home of Cora- tnona to Sir John MaodonaMa for advised the GovernorGeneral to the Act of the Legislature of Quebec in of the Jeaqit fully the right of every one of my whether Coo- or to enquire of me for any vote I in And tlw fully approving of the propriety of anquiryI pleaaure in complying request Jlefore however proceeding to deal with your enquiry allow me first lo briefly to the of affair Upper and Lower Canada immediately preceding Confederation and which etlect thereto This wee done by the iu by the Imperial gave il the Canadian without the aanction of Parliament not one jot or from il we dicovr imperfecliona ioour Constitution inevitable for noth ing human perfect dont you think preference to an arbitrary f power the wieer to point of the to only Act commonly called Confedera tion Act Act then IS CONSTITUTION Of CANADA defining it does the powers of each Provincial Legislature and of the Dominion Parliament With preliminary explanations will now proceed to give my reasons for not having suppoited Col mot to the Dominion Gov for not having caused the disallowance of iho Quebec Act question According to my view of our Coneti local guar lo each Province to eUr iulo Confederation To contributed very largely to bring about extent of the powers conferred upon that result As you are aware by the ConililutEoo Government would be justified in lhee on two occasion last from in that a legal decision the iu dipito should procured Surely you a Liberal- Conservative will not disapprove of my having afforded lo Sir Johns every reasonable opportunity of ascertaining the proper whether the Act compUinod of or is not constitutional before censuring him My sense of justice compels me to be EVES TO OPPONENT let me say another reason it or me to have supported Col motion you ere aware bis motion to censure the Government an amendment to a motion to go into supply and according to Parliamentary practice if Col OBriens motion had been oariied Govern ment WOULD HATS A now Government led probably by Cot would have bean formed Do think a Government with Col at its head would have been able to carry on the affaire of this country But whoever constituted Government would havo to appeal to the country no one of Sir John could obtain a working or net brother We fa Son It kepi It force his a home I do Jofeo to come to I whet for ha J bene beltrritias 1 1 wild before let my com did not telephone Rob dead aut tbe brother a lira of I talkrj boot fat Ltd until not thick I would l it at iht of It ii hi W lfttS fit ahotd jotoiiiarihal old W a aullioER iiedtctote on lie Kept MuJUntljr J aOISPBNBINQ DEPARTMENT ftoaraoie to our us a my decea be a f- bid a lirgtr I I produced marked decwawi J we j along my mother lo power that can give the Parliament and to Majesty Government to givo effect to Surely CAN TUB and give effect to prayers of ih people of Canada for to our lutioo for a moment of the to this province of any other If Ontario through the medium of the Dominion cause lbs disallowance of Quebec she establishing a QUEBEC through tbo tame medium to procure the Allowance of Ontario Acts Aw we Ontario prepared to concede in House on any a I IxtiikiHiAL Tbo new Av4l Jour of at the Iota tiflar and all lo a L month amoDntln to A for etc the for are at in at il i the th ailmeti a if Await A on fa in tLeUiettei lie fa at after- an Out of Ik rlal iter arer during arrrlc t IU tttrr i i on bad ttt Church i krlia t by a la of J all Maaol It la to tt ff lcd al when t that Ua4 thai aba tM tt Cur Ik it ti U Inrlud U4 AtBUaf evening Within ten from lime doors thrown seat occupied one ladies being preaen Before many minute were packed and others who sought admission were obliged to return homo Seated upon side of platform twelve juryman Mr hern u foreman At A In be centre was Scott who hid charge of proceedings his side was County Attorney principal Mr Deputy Woodcock Detective Rogers and at tbe same tab seated Mayor Jackson High Constable Jones Sheriff Among others on Ibe platform were Stuart and Arthur brother of the widow of and his lawyer Mr Kingston of Toronto and attorney for Ma Smith were witnesses summoned to appear and were locked up in dressing rooms until called of thus for arid at were given llbrty to go home At this hour atill people the Mid he Unreal that majority remained till adjournment at 130 m Tie the Friday at ti fc 4t 4j plcjr la ay aloce I henl prrieiuo I the mo the aJ gav to Tbs for I bare or with it di to my lo tea favor f dajgbt and llofr aetit to a titwS lor la turnl roilt- Oct- I ilje Jrd I did my dCfapfil 10 tilt John to l sod tutu J at my owe boos Ha to see mother made to toe about aoy vr family iroiUoa I aver a It This ago some IS or 10 for years always o of that hire him to He rue be wilt 1 he at tLidsa This was I Mm for Eg bom- it op tome I did not to He wis or yairiof a at I my own eo tbe toy tit I ri dm at of My too Jobtt baa bad to out Called aaiiaor att ily ftntjlvju an latbabooaa ma of lbs v of my Irjlfer ih my brother orVf t A rt to our place secularly I to tbs vhe fr I cash he or not I ncol ft He up 1- at ha 4i ha iAl I t- It Sly hrelber bad the of but til room iftcbfo two hip all I cub on with ib put by toy brother I do opt ih that the rrtct I I In his the ill ssch time the Coroner there The fuat time I safe was the aUr the Mr bad keys lbs toilde The c 4b waa kept there I do cot know a was la Hob I found a policy InioraiCefo of mr mother detested atoouj ftthvta This was on night after tbtri Myhntber ItWrt the a tba oh It there vtaaAmetbJog about my but knew detail recollect It wai Id ltobut I adeed of properly from I where It 1 I do not km Jit 4 from leWrt ho teen to my uotbtr I I aUer Mr ay today thai to Jth bid pat baud of that I I that my ha with raj r- ily John away 10 or 12yeirt I do not was ware SMtTtf agent f aboul I bout I Chicago Pennsylvania I have seen deceased I to atira I did not ra bad been deeded to it at tba time I beard aloe The latt mo that alive a week mothers I did not Hey I 111 ward 1 I received I was away the occurrence- My room aoalao firat about cue oclock nit My mother sent fa kept my been laid up with I money iorui with I was of death of my Into brother 1 did not ma to coma fires I whether my brother 1 bad The the world I I working on Central In of and deliver log I waa ueaulj year at that sit years ago I alto worked at llsttlaa Hotel Chicago for one year night I worked for Scbultj hotel on I aid not avail I give of captains I worked a boats I worked were era They carried Statu I bad South Clark street Chicago before home bad beau a week paid my loird I have not made up my whether I wilt go away artn or not I have talked wry Mile afoot lbs aloes my brother shot I may hire to other plates I cannot remember I not make any I have revolver now I had one yean ago I inland it a pita Chicago for firs months It waa lbs Marios Hoe pi let was several years ago I had typhoid then 1 V MRS L R RRND TnrAHreraoveJ bar Palace of to O HUD far sal with to buy while PRICES ABE REDUCED a tot Auioau Co no J JN- Shirtings -K- Tickings and Table Linens A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE NEW PRINTS ito Heavy Goods Clearing Out AND J J BELFRY a a A A fc apeta ttiiiiraitialltflff OUTFIT Iff Mima Cm 4lNvttfi J I Sale Register March a bare an of and lot he or Bala I oclock ttJ 7rma7 on aoma uaab of t lata Capua road raitu of Albert mil way the river Forth at was by the Wales with groat Children Cry for Our Toronto Markets March fl Wheat per a SOW Wheat do do a Oats do SSQ Haas a do a par ton OOJo IS is a do OH abMMklD fjMtatapBrialr p a n a a SCO a ibJ a a a CO it Our March SI a Si rail a OR do Wheat do 0S0 a do OX a a Old Peas do a do a to RELIAB LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS Ull Illll a do a coo par 0 J do 15 a a Oil bagfaawv ti BO a Betbaroiri Wool par ft Dock ay par pound a a a a a a A aw IO LOAN farm DAVID LLOYD for of for I owl a and of Mn on far Largest Best Stock York wlllsallat loi a fj H LA GRIPPE A SURE PREVENTATIVE Boots and Rubbers Which bo at Bottom Prices ftt Who J CALL AND SEE HIM of J Davisons OPPOSITE NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL tBVTSBD Ji only flr at- Optra la lb liy OPEN eEVERY EVENING V rem lit May tat Orders by atii or to flBUUiilD PROPERTY ftalWDUxc ibTu I of Aurora of RENT wo aeraa of Iftfid Just received some beautiful in English Scolch Canadian of Panting to choose from Check Stripe Call Bad for bring your friend with you All on it Closest Cash Prices Only Your Patronage MUTCH Next Door to Jewellery Dim neatly and Tailor r