Every Friday Morning LYMAN Q JACKSON AT tf- mis strut KiwxAsxrr w sippet 2000 SUBSCRIBERS I GIVE MB THE TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO TO CONSCIENCE ABOYR ALL OTHER ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL III P rtOWUHO it fit NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 7 f copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday March 7th Cash in Advance within or at of year Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Agency A Money to Loan Proportion Bought and Sold ON MODERATE COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance TOWN AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk and White Star Line Ocean Steamers Ticket bold to all lo Cantd ALBERT BOB Main St Booth Newmarket m A STORE O Hired Lod on Jt Toronto Public El ONTARIO BASK Block MONEY TO LOAN Etc LOAN- lb Dominion A SlIdton next TO LOAN ON And Civil Engineer Court i Mr Life TO LOAN flnlclui am E1bPoitomc London Co Old Office Cor CLEAR intend Stock next month Blanco of HEAVY WINTER GOODS Why They Brink- TO BE IT J LIUKNgKD AUCTIONEER for or Farm Sales Promptly Attended to iQ for inr In JbfiNr W jri and a A s GEOFBEIIr- itcKedtrtlilAaktoJWlnrNew TO f promptly lo 3CR Bank ALBXOX AM JT or i l rvom AccommoJtilon for S ill Bio not J HOLDERS ESS Prop will Nawmarkel of titer CLEARED OUT GIVE US A CALL J STEPHENS Soma Jctnt to And Some atf And Soma lhero hot And aocca lbejf cold loia6 old Some to And aotni to aid Some ay in rifibi tome a nuke Acd of loci tbj pi Soma for of many drink hot think About why I ESTABLISHED 1845 Financial managed tiTM aud made Buret JAMES of Court Notary IN TUB No Y TO LOW PEARSON JAMES BROWN A IN TBATIflS For lbs Frxn Sale Attadd en Abort Notice nd at Addrvu box Tit ltlt will receive promiil Farm JABUAVANAOU Have in stock a large and well selected lioe of Pure Drugs and Spice AH the LEADING PERFUMES Of day Colgatcs or hulk A FULL LINE OF TOILET ARTICLES Id sets or Combs Shaving Sets Handmirrors Face Powder the celebrated Nursery Powder Satchels SMOKERS SUNDRIES A largo and well selected stock Pipes and Tobacco Stuffs Horse and Cattle Medicines Ground Oil Linseed ileal a BENTLEYS PROPRIETARY MEDICINES Always on Store open Sundays or dispensing to 11 to and to pm BEN PHARMACY MAIN ST SOUTH York Forooio P OB A J- I- Toronto On J Id XT IttpAlnfor aiuy OGlCtwlHbeprOOJptiyattecadlo srism tvb iVf i of w Of st THE America Aseocy for Aurora and Hie MCNAIRY Aurora J QUERRIE to inform intending pure ho a Shop in Not U kind of and lift Hint vmhrVC is to aMla EXT Ah BUCK a aitv llio ID CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS Aooual A I ACD SLEIGHS In any stylo may bo aftrtClLfiu force two J MM Dons Neatly and Promptly Hi IVMANOKO AtMiaKiu W an aOO NOTES DISCOUNTED TO tOA Leading Photographer I MAIN A LIFE A INVITED of J of Work ATeacfa Constantly on Hand anil and DRY NEWMARKET LIQUOR DRINK 9 The Great Magical Healer For by P J Toughs and Boughs- Allow mo to voice into life a fow which recently for ixx that claja io society deaigoatod wid Houghs Facts and philosophy of facts two faculty of wtwtiou may bo equal to the of of filliog out with tho nau of Tougba and Roughs in a com unit the facalty must labor with great precision to cow- modus operandi by which cenco ia vice To a tabulated account of tQS Courage draws her ration from a sorrow for them a true sympathy with public prey for these vul- turea joined with dawning liopo of the approach of better timce No valid objection can bo following as operating caused viz a Law of Heredity duck evolved from egg under tbo ben baa a strong tendency for the water notwithstanding tho antipathy thereto of mother bird and family of chicken in same brood The fox is and fond ot Iambs and ducba although raised in the yard and wellfed hyena and panther reared in the Zoo logical Gardens have though raised in tho wilderness tendoncios transmitted So we conclude in or texture and tendency of sou that not only the teaches the marvel of parentage offspring but also actual proves that infants taken and reared apart from original surroundings have dem onstrated their origin despite environment child of low parentage not- withstanding the superior advantages in training has betrayed the nature while talents mental moral in offspring of religious parents averted and existence by luxurious growth amid untoward surroundings Strik ing examples will rise to readers mind Herein couched a powerful appeal to all persons knowledge to a degree of consideration ftnd to audi corrupting of improper of evil untruth cruelty and positive vice depraving in on tho street corners- inllupncos of houses licenced to carry on traffic or sports calculated to overthrow the power of selfgo vfrnnient and self respect thereby sapping energies murdering time precious abili ties tquaudering accumulations and taking a tuition with education in viM Such schools of often jl places of retreat from homes cold cheerless and unhappy The cold treit- by the good people who naturally shrink from any contact with degraded Thus help ing society withdrawn Tim guilt preventing from in christian and thereby failing to come in contact tbo gospel In iln causes which may bo legion iko found in three considerations viz absence of and of tbo gospel necessary to every human either by the in tin individual or neglect with a end which apaiaua joo poplo from bad Positive inward soliciting agency and tbo of surrounding vice outcome of Branch Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED at Atxrotyn Draft old Armani Wot earn vm ia ksc J Manufacturers btfe ic Accident Insurance Companies- littsrHJ Cifrtil Pa A liUri tin it rUfisw A Only 10c per lb 3 lb for P J Main St North HIGHEST CASH For If WOOL MAT Permit inO to tempt an answer It is a fact admit everywhere in nations that tdo hand of responsible which is tbo child of Vox is the hand of jastioe and righteousness to deal in frith all citizens law is the of opinion and should me in protection to virtue liberty and rights social intellectual and moral Corporal safety not transcend prefer- of character reputation per Bona respect and social standing Weaken those and you chop of the roots of nation As the great Lawgiver restricts liberty to the do right things and labels ell else license culpable why not terrestrial law makers faihioa ethics on the Biblical pattern and that civil in in tli direction of the Tight uplifting and upbuilding so ciety destruction aud are aodacioua license to the offender Not that government should the civil and locate in the spiritual usurp the Divine pro- to crest u a christian citizenship by Act of Parliament but it should of agencies legllitoate aim to subvert citizenship and injuro body poll tic iht latitude and longitudo of my thoughts will beat bo by an illustration A are citizens white is family of is nod father Now should A step aerobe the and jKur wormwood and gall into theenpof daily dragging down from to re ion from wealth m to poverty from happiness into mid from independence to servility from culture and great refinement to be paupers inmates of the house of industry or selling virtue for bread or burglarizing by night for gaiu or murdering for wealth or stung with scorpion of grief from the heart or revolver to pavement nil through thu cruelty of A Would not he been arrested on tho inception of his barbarities and i Would ho not bo prevented from their repetition Yea Then why should who at altar pledg ed protection and love bo allowed to accomplish which no other citizen tbo land dare attempt Allowing all distinctions by virtue of bond tell me is this the meaning of marriage license to man age the heart blow out tho lights of the soul plow the forehead with fur rows bleach the raven locka to whito reduce tbe charms of youth gaunt hungry skeleton and fling into a dishonored and forgotten grave tbo wreck of a queenly womanhood Never entertain judicious practicable proposition that tbe law should authority in the bauds of n and impartial of tho golden salvo of prevention on such evils in the body politic Arrest citizen who is known to engineered house hold out on track that ends ia tho destruction of happiness earth ly and A court of wise citizens doe not and wad career until the accelerated momentum down in defy power of brakes vent by timely justifiable Rescue At tempts as fruitless the frantic of maniac to the of high from which ho hud jumped out into air Prevention is better than cure You cannot euro burglary and bloodshed you may bo to prevent them present policy is to spud out the rope of licenso to Hough and Toughs until have dark deed tbun only expedients tho chains of the prision house or gallows of the court yard I pilefaced run up with Inind a rod ensign of danger ami I hear him cry himself hoarse to theme of llewnre Liberty Liberty of neighbor your for a letter cause Society revolts at faltio and wonders good becoming wilting ad vocated and boisterous attorneys in the interest of an unprofitable relic of widest liberty of citizen consistent with the strictest guardianship of society and legislation destructive of tho power the cruel Philistines who out the in of their pervert bring strew in path the lib erty to as as noble heater whit the duly of may in to prison to husband indicted bar to wife rescued to the child for Infants and Children fcwntoa I mm XructaUoQ trc axid these forces and internal is the production of a dangerous element iu society Black sad chapters com the history of tho results of principles in In tho bosom of society plundering of goods do of character pestiferous of vice a secret and subdued reign of torror climaxed with horrible murders Narrowing my subject again to tbo consideration of a special class allow a few observa tions Of all cruelties in world worst is that of a wife and helpless children the daily victims of cap and Injury a deradedlbulous companion father Better be at mid ocean in one end of boat with a great dog in other end furious In rage victim of hydrophobia casting a glare of fats vengeful before he springs to fatten Ms faugs En your flub Da even there might I at hand if not of the conflict is it Is soon over But the pro traded life with an inhuman brute starved beaten and dishonored tho children flung from the pedestal of into mire of guilt hurl ed from the of Into tho darkness of dUpatr Is the of the frigid regions of sorrow Society pained end are asking What shall the of be and whose hands shall ran commiserated and to nobler of the land may form sub jct for speculation during some futuro stray moments Hut man a lifetime to establish a character noted for charily and perfect honesty notorious aa a thief in The bill for banquet ten dered to Hon Boss Ham is per head and there is a kick about p tying it It looks a small for the to kick It tboy and Rosa who consumed and Toronto is something moro than hard work thatll expected of a woman man of any refinement desires his homo to bo breathed upon by a womanly spirit It is not tho great things about a that gives real and peace and comfort but tone of attain A ditty salt and soiled napkins And badly ar ranged platters and spoons spoil a dinner But some women do not anything of this sort some met not only it but feel It A table should bo white and and every article on it neat and tastily arranged if not you to and yon may quite as well dlspeoM a table altogether and Dally Life is ties whits The of day begins early at the Executive Mansion says AJ in an iotereatiog article on Harrisons in the While Howe tho March Ladies Home Journal Breakfast is served prompt at half past eight oclock in the family room North side of adjoining the conserva tory This is followed by prayers either the President or Scott conducting devotions fsmily then separate for day Presi dent directly to his room Mrs Harrison and the ladies retire to the living room of thts which is not a room at all It is the North of the main hall on second from or portion floor by a rather ot to say black walnut partition the height of walls Mra Harrison here her mail which is attended to with prompt com and regularity So far as the of ana ring let- can it is given oyer to HI Sanger the But a targe portion of her mail Harrison of letters can bo by of a form that composed far the The consideration of her moil over Mm receives the of Publio and at present Oswald Grunt of Engineer who is charged with tho duty disbursing appropriation made for of Executive Mansion With Mrs Harrison the needs and which must be made to conform to amount of tho funds on hand Many long conference and they result in a shifting about and repairing of furniture and fixtures that would astonish some persons who that lifoof ladhf the White House is without cam tnj a state of bliss After having dismissed Col she devote to the branch of the establiebuient in con with the The menu for the day is during this conference and in consultation with the steward Mra maintains an supervision over tho kitchen but cur rent in some circles representing devoting much of her time to actual participation in the work of the department are exaggerations Although a good cook does not find it necessary or desirable to usurp the functions of that individual tho House And so as to marketing Having arranged in a general way for provision of the day it is loft to the proper person to that it is procured is served at 130 but frequently prosident is detained by callers office- cookers or cabinet meetings and ho does not Bit down sometimes until an hour later It is rarely the case that some one is not invited in this meal Iu a wholly informal a cabinet officer with whom the President may thus con ference or some friend who is to extend his stay over tbo hour for lunch In afternoon for an hour or thereabout Harrison receives friend who come by appointment And who relative or vfcitor to in Mrs Harrison usually often with Presi dent and not accompanying him Mrs and the or friend who may in the house Tim variations from thib programme will include lessons in china in which art Mr Harrison displays rare talent and skill Dinner in served at oclock and ho case at lunch almost always the is joined by friend President and 1 1 r ri sen plain preferring dislus of on old Kentucky aunty to elaborate menu arranged by a French In the evenings out of the sea son tho While is a very quiet place President Harrison rarely has ait opportunity of spend ing any time with his family except at meals end after dinner he ia usual to ha found at his desk Agaii If Mrs Harrison is free from any social duly utilizes the evening hours by reading fond of a or oporatic performance sho occasionally graces the theatres with her accom panied by two or three friends The President has taste for this class of amusement especially opera fa seldom seen at ptacea Ho is fond of meeting friends in a quiet way when Mrs Harrison is entertaining callers in evening bo cornea down from his room when over business permits him to do so and mingles with them in a delight fully informal way The Provincial Secretary has intro- important amendment to Liquor Act The bill provides that a license shall nt bo granted for new promises unless peti tioned for by the ratepayers sec tion reading as follows In tho tor a person who nut it litns of I a li- cqiw to ara itait a of iba alton to jot it Tor in n which aol majority mail at t of laid electors at of within Ijtoil optioo i practically io wiiy of ft inwiwAwi U j i by juitu- hrucatnl or ether any public tut altogether In hij at oilier tbca jtuUljctstritadt J proriJetl llota the iiaMin srrv of by the in lb luannvr in haH Act tint ia atdMj biSiHtcUAj of Oft- if tbd fcrca at of Ibd America Act ami which this A provision inserted providing that liquor shall be sold to a or girl under nor if by the under Bar rooms on vessels are abolished and a clause makes more stringent the pro visions for the sale liquor by club Every year deaths occur by of accidents tho result of In moat instances nothing Is except to return a verdict f accidental death and so the mourn ful of dtfatbi from this cause on increasing from year to year We that the section of Ontario License Act applica ble in such is not very gener ally Wo therefore direct at tention to it in the hope that where possible the offending may be brought to trial Section 122 of tho Act reads as follows io uy tamo or iIk public in ia liquor kin J legally or any to liquor of kind white state of such death by or by ach it och too tamo or plica public or rfrh am atd or of inch aia sold alto In hi dtirtrtJ to such parson the liquor sttcb be jointly sad ae if thtFr but cot by lie J lbs a joist or action i a aaict rilr m aey of by or actiona sooi mote to l am ai may Things That Will Pay the Farm To run farm on prin ciples To how much on tbo farm costs To keep records with every crop To know whether eb cow pay ing her way or eating her head off To know whether steers bring as much money a cost To know whether the colts secoiidclsss sires as profitable those from tho beat ones To have shelter for tho animals that will protect them from- cold winds To keep all animals in good condition so that they will not be spring poor next April To the cows giving their best dow of milk in winter when but ter is worth twice as much in Evidence GIVES IT A liquor lie in com tjll us it may bo ho roan cars a ooat on hi It was 12 below in IJaliv on Wednesday morning in Ifsrkhaca am on Brethren hold ing Hill Button fishing through too Kr very few about estate dent wan always content with hit lot No stands to who works with tools of patience in tho Light of understanding If you would bit mark you must aim it every arrow that fltcs feels the attraction of Hon John Carting has said there will likely i placed to the supplementary estimates a sum to de fray the expenses of a Canadian to Jamaica exhibition of summer Ottawa March It was learned at Department of Justice that Oscar Hopkins- one of the recent escaped convicts from Kingston Penitentiary has been for at Albany All that Is Is for Washing ton authorities to issue papers for extradition and prisoner will bo to Canada To feed the animals all they will eat but not to food To plenty of bedding that will nsborb liquid manure under tho cattle To put it all other manure on field directly from the stable in the when is plenty of time to do it To curry the horses well every day a shock to not neglecting them because it is which proved fatal on ii being caught t A vs life was ih subject of at Hat ton liter ary society last Friday night A well to do young farmer of Que recently married fell into a well and was drowned A Whitby young roan into trsyry for disturb ing a Hal ration Army meeting t Port last week citizens worn lined each for viols- of the snow cleaning bylaw Hug McDonald jr fell from roof r new in laat and was badly bruise lint Kuiiiidi formed a trust That something we heard of in world heavy hone were id Aurora ut for the market At from to Two fctoptoyed en north at Liverpool have struck for high er was rftuEtrd on tho Jowlaiuld Cumber land in jftvu been flooded their that he education be con ferred the foro snow stornia frost in and various pirUnf the regions School Hoard of to cut down the hut kicked they their inind On last while draw River Mr Ernest Knight Mid train broke through and got ducking fortunately without any serious re sults A ran named Win Howard was cutting nt the of VIr of Allendale when ho Ml down at bis works leaves a wife and one from Northern Tex nay of cattle have frozen to death during tlio present cold spoil unless tho speedily moderates the lona ilt to very The victim of Princeton murder lias been proved to bo Bel well a young Englishman to Canada from Londoni on tbo February at New York to buy farm FV Port last week a nun of a School instantly killed by tree Ho was assisting in sawing it off but it fill before it was jicctcd in a abort dis tance op iho Midland railway from Toronto with ice foot thick and fact q tbe Ka- PkmI A Walton ilwcundw was captured with of in his possesion west on- Grand Trunk Saturday night in for tbo scene of crime March J who identified tho remains of tin murdered man found Prince Ion a of of was orrested her- this morning on sujpi- of being with jnuntiT Mr P Keller of Journal dead ceasid was standing on steps of hi to open the outer door about two weeks ao ho lost his and fell to round his arm and sytom bis and they can get along without it To repair tool that will be Jed for use To study seed tree cata logues decide on what trees and seeds you will use To order as soon as that order may boon dealer a list bo filled early next To homo as bright and cheer ful as with good fires good furniture good books aod good games To interest boys and girls in farm llfo by making home spot In tbo world for To look after the school in your district and see that teacher for work To pay a good teacher or extra per month rather than an incompetent one To neighbors and rob the edges off that hard work during tie summer has put on In short it pay to enjoy life tba you are trying to make money pairs of a twins A finu trait property of Raines in Mr was engaged in drawing for com pany and had loaded his sleigh but to near an opening where tea had bin out ice way letting team and water Much sympathy expressed with young lo1 and ft subscription vis started end over was realised and to him generally will see hard times this year The winter has greatly- retarded the Bate of ftll kinda of seasonable goods such as dry goods beets shoeav hat rtC Many band reds of thousands of dollar worth will go over unsold and must be toted year and wholesalers will come In for their aharoof the loss for there will little no demand for their goods from great mass of retailers throughout country The out look is not a bright one for any of workers or dealers in those of trade V J J a