NEWMARKET ERA JAN Local Lotas KG OK A the North York Society lata on Saturday lha job When oft to J A Belfry in ly the York GUM of law i of EMTAisMiCTPoprB4Dk School the North Toll Gate III c Id the Boom the of will far 4 a piquant Ship- take ft Mr Hoc Sri of February for tie Medal Ship Mch at Hie Fall Fair to ticket are odIj etch cor on Sr a The Cbarcfa of Room veil tibia of the awarded lo to mint lritalaJ la their Bell of the Bell be be permitted to poll low fcrmtrly that and coram end able Very Mr Frank Citable of the 2nd of bid rethtr returning home from Aaron Court btj bsjjy broke io aiming be of bu evict a ted text hi la hit be it Woo can week Etb Con- of Cut had rice io of ftlooe cd in t ft ptl of ftkogid bigb flricordt raoolfig lie J like to bctr If toy L A after took fire tod J the Fire firemen were on bat ft tore dinger And the were to Fire Ibe till ftHrat wis too ftoaodioglbt Band or Hope The meeting on ftftirnooa very taeangicg Out 60 were preMot- W ilrt a and of ftad At tbe clc4 cflbe and mad tbey ftU veal a Delia bid from the let our tbe boaiiA be down a bit chin ftud vu to get oat of be ml ifrfttd tbty too girls too the ft Two or tbe n lb pond For yearn Ait it bu bttn ad more in la to liegtr the of ere fact here cbtoged In who by in And ltd who of ex- to let end People will boy A telegram from the Mr Cbiflei it town the kit it sod if we rightly hid the tc ftod It into lot He will be ttmlercJ lb For ft good jcmi oEcHl He to the follcmcd by The wife ftt ooe time was owner of which ftthl cow by formed ftrU Death Era ehroa- Ides ol Mr Mr John Uram- rMcblog flSth dcoeuej bid good health up to New when be Aod following it to to New- by train in terred plot in Iftfge it- litifce ftid I tut Hill Maia log MrrnODisr Next Sou- morning Dr Tcrontowill in of the not in the of the we rdi- Ally dirine- INDD8TH1AL Tho ftlonftrfmet list end for to for good body berch from to per And faftotrmctwu to Mr of King who Wood Accord ing to the of Alioa Wood for IBM the rone in Hemlock per cord Dry to Dry from now bat better wheeling or little enow It la Mr of town and will it tilt for tbe par all of ftoooi bad hardly got be for three Veelerdiy there a Acd no a will bo offered tomorrow or Tha Meeting took at on by the fUowIog decile Mil A J Medietas l J reports good Following are the Officer elect the tk a Kewmarkft P Bra Sft City 1 Herald GoirdBro SenlintlBro Bra or with week of prtyet not forgotten Newmarket On Wednesday the io Cbartb Mr a aboil night Mr ftddrui the in the And Mr Hill will the tope prayer In Presbyterian LiDias Aid At a regular Society the Parlor on of last the following officers were elected for the ensuing year ilr ilra Jackson Secrstary A Treuarer Q Daring the past Society ex pended for repairs and of furobbing and baa lilt a bahoce Our Owing to the holt- day week whole oar correspondence ft good deal of local matter up on Tbnrsday and although we pat In type of we were obliged to till this uaa another that was crowded oat Wo if therefore obliged to cat out election other wo wish oar were not withheld of only for once we bid not room We omit aortuinu of it lex that section may bare news wo tby look it Wedding Presets per cent daring this month At Hughes a Tho known for some two month Western on leading city States and Can cow fu and are In the at tacks are usually and bar In hardly to except where complicated with other of the while picfQl followed by mach ticvi In cilice of have Veto Tub Judicial tod the tk la Ike Court Itocm hare imall lot In- the time As soon cases were dUpacbJ Itdtod there were one or two sails on te docket was hat do ot objoct to that it ftmetblag Intricate or What Itgal of decided the of salt A person tan tot and here la year To be a meaty mail if tbe Leg of he not be a cadi which the mocay The Hetty well at six Honor with the approral of At es public of in Hall last Tuesday in the chair it waidtidel to honor log Mayor by a and fa the Town Friday 21tb ifr rehired and Mr- Allan of re named for and presence of the ladies to grace la to specially in tickets be limiteU to Ur Cane baa done a great deal of gratuitous labor for the lows aiding ma terially in Its rapid this has been Mm manner to acknowledge commit- and interested will meet at Tuesday to re port progress and will a cIijj for teaching Shorthand Monday morning seat Jan at the room Store For terms of aod At tho to form class will please apply at same plice the the Kef It the Rati si School Room Friday to fair were well pleased with the mincer in which the and to which shorthand can be applied with great of no study re- mora or with equal freedom strongly ltoile time on their for to take while they hare an litculy opinion it will a ia the advanced public school A Pastry at a A two or when we hard referred to our no doubt frime of Our readers there was a good deal Of blow about It but Mr Lundy has figures of bis tfom Newmarket to our remarks of of wheal of oats rye and and WO of a total wtlcb rehired to move it Daring Of December Sir ftbipitd cars of graio the fint day of this month bad bushels- Sir- of here and we doubt if there another cue of it buyers produce inch a record tea the state of the roads are and bat much o Jo with trade of our doling December other were gteat Cut Wo Kate ah lit after that for Clab Begirt Photographer- Who Witt Win It council ad Arte of Ontario decided to continue iu and medals for the managed for of of 6n will bo lo the Township of Keith Any farmer to commie shall make bis writing to the of the Society of or the firet of May tech year which may call a for of deciding wlucbof Ibe casUsbaJI to society more than throe competitor The fall Dime and the attested by the and president of Safety to bo sent to wrclarj on or of will appointed to go together being and io case or a dispato the presldeot Asso ciation will ha called upon to act The will keep a detail awarded lo each farm They shall awanl to best mioiged firm in each society a medal where three farms hare Competed and instead thereof to the best managed farm in the electoral dirliion society a silver medal and to the best in the whole a gold medal In addition to any other joints be thoaght by the the following shall coatiJerAtioa in estimating whit best farm The competing to leas than one hundred two thirds of which mast be under The of the farming whether mixed dairy or other mode to ha suitable conditions affected by local circumstanced Tbe proper pition In relation to the whole farm The t the of timber and shelter by planting tree The condition any prirate character and of fences the mincer which farm la into fields by remoral of to General condition in- finding and ly to the of the farm family The minegemQr condition and of lire stock kept number condition implements and machinery a of the orchard Management yard manure IS NO USE i DISPUTING THE FACT WE ARE DOING OUR PRIC AND RELI GOODS MUST T JtJtJtJtJUtJtJtJJJtJlJtJnJihntitlilii TO BE CLEARED OUT AT SUCH A- AS TO ENSURE THEIR SALE IN ONE MONTH Dont this Chance to Money in the of your lr Terms Cash cknt off AH purchases of or or Feb lit Tows Band Wo regret that con illbcallh Thomas McDonald the Town bat being ftte to an efikat ilr lata of Aurora owe a debt gratitude to Mr He the ldorjbip when at a t ebb fyliicg little his it Ij the lvutfu1 set icitrutLolf At lb Friday for hire doubt the Bind Hill lo ijoj lNwdtndMr SiLith- Mr J Querns Store J Sir The to 1 Mr El aero So Trastte to aod dimity scd vster Chi of rehtive pro fit i The by lh will not be 25lh of May to be two will Jo the aod electoral by note of farm or for gold for group will be to the to Agriculture At all Parlor rred hot Li- of the Hand was od a of members liquified their to accept to the for aid Leader appoint ed llic fact to tbo pror will have tbe York lingers the future ad praJtct the cool ing to in its ft Ponder A splendid for 325 Fur Hats worth for ltobea for aod at llioatoa are determined to get your trade in the above mentioned goods if Quality Style Price are of any consideration to the People of this County Our Fall and Winter Goodswill be found complete in all linos Our experience since in your midst lion enabled us to judge more accurately the wants of our numerous customers therefore we can this season offer you a large stock of goods which feel confident will meet the wants of all in regard to tho three points STYLE AID TOE Ill J BUB MM SPECIAL Having bought in early part of the season previous to the advance in Rubber direct j from Canadian and American Companies I am in a position to give EXTRA in Shoe Rubbers Rubber Boots all descriptions of Overshoes Call and Sep before purchasing elsewhere SIGN OF THE RED BOOT J C QUERRIE to inhiilin pirn rd public ffiicrally ho Shop in is prepared to ininuttc all kinds of SLEIGHS In any that may Guaranteed Repairing Don Neatly and Promptly Royal Hotel Newmarket ACCOM STfll TWO School o4 km well iceaibtri AvVwiv tic Th fecrrtry Mb wrrtipondtoce Ibt York lbs Hun It lb one it febom- D1 lh13tbnJ of A4fUtH4 kdt- fa Ml Albert it not for tbit carried for The going lhorg4n- litlUju fat ttt Rtdlog York held Sooth Bicocoe jl poop up to lb A od Coauotloo which will I from wUd tow fitxbbQrh6od of uttclptU a Good From fiowt quality Oid BUiwt J MAIN ST NEWMARKET AUCTION SALE FARM PROPERTY in lixltituro to id y It ud or If jiving Dower to diittbefOCocdUAy November Milled by to firLdyof union aJ aU will inxluced time of and which piyrneai been ttifrawlll toorcHl foruloby Public Auction A 11JLHK AN IN Tim TOWN OF NEWMARKET Saturday Day of my hi to tb Joudo DURING SEE HARDBILLS J Successors to u A A IU muit6 of North tabury In County or lVovlucooOuUrlo In bo All of tct ton to for of Ida one lw oin live Ink by of Ald etc cr iti by a o tuiiiu by r Taking next month of our HEAVY WINTER GOODS ESTABLISHED nUMJLEY TO BE- CLEARED OUT GIVE US A CALL J W STEPHENS r in Una and well Hoe of Pure and All LEADING PERFUMES A Of the day by or bulk A FULL LINE OF TOILET In wt or Bhriog Powder the celebrated Nursery Powder SMOKERS SUNDRIES A Urge well of Pipe Dye Staffs Ground Oil MmI BENTLEYS MEDICINES on hand Drug Store open for to to and to 9 PHARMACY iliy of A of So i Miliar iav aero by ItiMsiiiUi Of Ilia hereby aero to Jay of Juy day A li li at NO tuofreiwr por tion a Mr of cultivation Mil l for raUlrif a now frame Id repair THUMB time of aaU Yet balance Hill bo known tlmaof For further apply lo Jamca VtodortrtoHriicr JwtJ Toronto C P HIGHEST at ib E0BIN80N WOOL WORKS STOVESTINWARE Damaged by Water IF YOU WANT roSAYB MONEY AND A Early and Solt the leat Stove Pipe flc a link WRIGHT SOUTH NEWMARKET A cow Apply lo LOW MONEY TO LOAN DAVID LLOYD for Affidavit Hud Mat for tea lowlof to ana ui MlQora ilngaJitabllrd Methodist REV HILL PASTOR SwireaUaoraliljtrictiliiioafetablUbcd LlfAu Toronto AtteaitW at tbo ufWi tdaalr ID apply w