Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Jan 1890, p. 3

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J J AN NEWMARKET ERA J AN 1890 Lively Local Laconics GOING OS IK Test Christinas Tree rtl of in St to en The butcher Unlet took pwt aitlttfcaUf eg their taiga of of T ud on of the will enjoy a social for of they mid a fable Good is a tut aiatanmt which riftii5W at to ttis town ttttwwp Mia I liatctHwUia School Election In the case of Wr4 lly bo School fox ftw rf Ibcj the a R43 to therefore ttmpcd of JL Ft J J P WoKiafiibMI Bit ft A very important Committer Ibi Verb School Mtlhcdii Cbowh at two oclock Ji ihil to fiVofltioci IhU mmt bo itdtd to Kir Satordiy the f itHvbinli Kucalj to It Lit it bolter to taiktji Wa is be kind of to Yew for if t time year 1 1 Wo the of for ISM We t to to your Soobthand An illustrated lecture by for Utkr of Toronto it a at It Ibow fellow it on fixJ of yooog A Ufcte ft ion or iiiijirr vbo If yea tin bitft to prtiet of the a j ir It all local If tstr It m iLid J lra you op in liuii a the So of Kidicg far St Johns held on New Day topir- log of Epiphany will celebrated bait at and ara Now Ywa Ef lloffalo from a locked op la Central Hotel to J of Pine Orchard Society la It Luckt are in fiifi on lf3 Ai fax u heard from joy US A uking for for lb bridga to bo by of York aaJStneooter Holland Hirer c tbe Town ilarj i I J3 frl iq KiCBf entirely the filler tbit b wit it a IllcW Clais Ono more ef fort will made to ortanlia If not attendant at room at oclock next matter will dropped for Yi Shall St Ward to its for more At nomination moling tail Monday Mr Moore light at ibo comer of alrt Uaycr plied that tha Tire and a to of they lacked an to year At regular lo place in Jiewmarke to- morrow afternoon Howard for acd Albeit Starr of try Mills tod a of Pro- feftOji from to at tha in bo York FaxmtraClaboQ tbo and of Friday being St- Day of wcro la afiernton from and In following of beta A- Worthy J Senior Warden A Chaplain Tylrr It- orO- At close aerred in gooj iijlo at tb Hon- The 1 far a nearly day a abort tse got plaIcgwlh at th- on but t- prannt fittcee end dettroyeJ tame family wera tail ffm Wo comiiifDCO the all jeit North York vhoio ata wh fce ptfd in ad- fa USA If yoa do rot aA the the may bo your forget Wo I frtf and that a ibourt4 w dfcldd 1 moil to l by it only two old at will wmis piteasie iliw On New I ally at W t t awiy the latt Lbo with New Via fca tern In when the iW a and to tbo child 1 lb praLkatf aEit Hare to two yrut yentlemen of He ty ttttr rigi at firm The the It ft good anapleloq at ir a Stw on through the the yocg of party and A Urge aobUJ Vata at Tbe w a it ecrran XI After ft aj Ho afk tbe putjea a of to for of In it wo In bo contloQel wo hare no li lay ana Wo ViLtty all ft Ea to prvmiieacf Iky art great tha li forth proinity the in New a for bct a ft Iby f lufurj in ft apirali and been taUio which could wt Wd with two Clauaat 7R80- Remap may to aha fc writing to the clerk Ufa ht a of add a tool Act any Wbolk wiy to a of a Jtelily lit day of that of a acbol and ha Jja la tha by Court tUi The Band took a march at of the prac tice Friday night remind that rojj far any emergency political the did to if the A was At o J J 9 Friday Th going to Street which oik to resident a of St Georgia Ward who lien annoyed by to paw the TimctV Tfc 1 next night AH toll their at mfeticga depot new will The r hi tain on Pay apoiW all the fon en the at ft On Monday a It ird of Witt elected cere by way a Trade of there being a of at the namely J let Vi- J Ytoo J iLllninM W l Starr J there in iicmiaion for and no than of the the waa dec ltd that ruanibcrebip only if 2 pr annum to a a and call a the inembn to ratify tho and proceed bu beeo taken op with a good deal of It ed that organic of moth rf to and is Of the Town l Division Next la Court of udered with tha nnmUr bare been hot there la no a will remain to ford Jand in traction for who hare to do at of year New of Jo at depot and of the likely to bo regular In After carrying mail for abrnt bait lower tender and Mr taken contract for tba year Hew a mail which a pretty good YBARFroco an early apparent the wio in a Ktr Mistily after th Ton rftsJEfei of Slater in acdcc receiTed The evening de lightful and atraeta wera At oclock J tho Band and mora tapper at Kfredhment which waa beartlly enjjyed well mm till year entered At oclock a fired front of and the was great tbtt two largo of Ontario Dank topecea Bind their aerenada oclock calling the tlla their hot fortunately regard for their comfort another new before who can tell whit it may bring cam of Sir Kit and which a week adjourned and a few a at American Hotel on Chmlmu are the time of separating others dropped hotel tome rough fun was By way of when left ho by two fellows and treated- to bia ndCUo bat on way home be was at tacked a being attcck on with icUttmeiil a nellureceir- When on plaintiff aineudod formation for whfrenpondVfenlanla admitted the charge and were taxed and dam aea The to keep the for Soma under teat a cannot without having a warrant not A County all the of a it to an fox violation tho aq obliged to 4ifcvDi OUR PRICES AND RELI GOODS MUST TELL ttiityiiiiiiitittuiit I AS TO ENSURE THEIR SALE IN ONE MONTH of Dont Miss this to Save Money in the buy in Terms Spot Cash your a a a AAf ft ft A ft 11 All J Items Nomination waa very io toon as the time expired to the fiid called front Ho touched no tbo a trip to wioe and withoulch J tint nf up the tight by that it hie attempt to coma before public asking to elect Then a tush made for the Haul to get a of fira dollar Jepit Trbicb wan left with to treat They ray the were his will have a iftbt blow will bo on one will bo knocked of it other will bo In Mr thresher ood to a run while ilr d- 11 We wh much a jircjrfrut wa cur old friend well after a A In receive J a fine fcr cheque good foe Boot and Shoe Store V J tCr pin WitiUjv A happened Sunday Mr ltoriey was driving to Shiran En Mr bona not the the lay op- Mr Ilofley- trtjKr thtM rcre up ill nd but iniuiitec and Mr for a put at School littlbuu children to with in which bill r and lo ni with can all the authorised lOvka for Scholia at SUrra Book a I Ah The Globe of Fri day I the axiant of the Sir niar who united to Ottawa the day waaat an boor to eiteh turning acd only a fw MIm llii briiuniJ IV who the to Mr and Mr and i Mr and if Mr Colbert Mr and Mr John Webb and the the j4ttitq of and Irft on the train for Ottawa wbrfe tbIr lilt will illy Id a and having a In rercril othrr Dr Heron tot livid I hot avrri yean He la a of Toronto Medical and a lef re to Ottawa partita Mzg of fiocltty of PrimIt rrlca that Society cot required to the the and aloud tha atrvfee practically a Cotnilt tea from tntttlox wit- certificate by the clerk Thotoae Sfaoweta of followed Dr and Mr on their to their A If yon want nice for gat aomaof that Star brand of Break I and Rolled lb Mi that riiijhl pay W then to that and he dwelt Then our for a Officer pak writ for in- ItKi Ten tbe waa ntil Grin with am to Ma which wa Id thirty lie to that of the betrayer for be John to attest and pHioed I aatiifactotily Then a anecdote about Itithtnio and the trunk lik ell Joe It afraid we will bare lo buy a trunk far Inveatigateri Sir bjot nicely Ha dwelt time on qneallon and the the la a Warden tl did not fofi apeak about that for tup to Mr loud The neat to an old and frifd wbohaaitod iu cUole for In the time He of tola thing ho done for ami left Iota uulod for time not per all La the eh of life a ateidy nerve and a face but tha dark en elrdintr the hi bunt be aald JJ I to went through the lo till root of the ball white tbaiike ibe for kind- bit teat end face to to to the end the pie bin to rtturo to the diOVfeot a object la well for tbe A but It off pleaaantly Air baa made a 1 him re Mr came fr ward at In point an male a a man I atn entry to John tool it anit roaring cheers of will tell who the Nut Mr came tiro hi- within him did born Of the all bad raked tod to fie thanked tbeta all for their auppit Tfaen Mr Aaron came to the floor the man bad to aIuM a in hill and aliia jib let of Mill Ctr Hard for Mr tugct order It did Kettleby are determined to get your trade in the mentioned goods if Quality Style and Price of any lo the People of this County Our Fall and Winter Goods will be found complete in all lines Our experience since in your has enabled lift to judge more accurately the wants of our numerous customers therefore we can this season offer you a large stock which we fuel confident will meet the wants of all iu regard to the three allimportant points The off quietly I the old Council ah alt by Mr P from Gna Torttv Mifci ci with their mother here Mir J- J- A rffrf niaielatfcii will be held In of No 12 Friday Jan 3rd for There are one or We ore inforrod that a very waaaiolat the Box Monday craning under QlttfeSrtiof The on the own with well tilled The paid and box their bad a gwU lime cut of their The of Kf tlleby and itle last Sab- Mr S who the city here and fa ealTrriD a lie tjiDtby of he la a pliant Mr- Win Webb with itAirtjjiiin tbe lung trwriy Mil A J fa low with mi Anions their In and of Bond XetPtuiiktl at A routu On Mr Sirh if Me The lujty left by way of Town thence to Toronto They way by met He ajoke of tome tic iukel by one two Lucre week are of tic Jihy In a if to be nfauluted rnt itra Kttilby to tli that a aitj waa Mr Now to a htt whatever held at Mr ami wo very such jiriocer tLnld much rut Jo iiitt the on STYLE AMD PMC MM Having bought in the early of tho season previous the advance in Rubber direct from Canadian and American Companies I am in a to give EXTRA VALUE in Shoe Rubbers Rubber Boots nil descriptions of Call and See before purchasing elsewhere OF THE RED BOOT J MoALEERS MAIN ST NEWMARKET Alio w lowloa Tire inaarftMica and Mutual TO LOAN DAVID for Baal of Mar- for the rol- In alio fur Toronto Mo Annual Mfatlmf the for th rifCtWucf other to held at the Vliraaelif Albert On day of Jan at the AUCTION SALE VUUUILB FARM PROPERTY had atllf d for old rte Ob ilr Ilfgiba for Ii fttvva r aJ aiaiuOnJ Mr He fta a way to with on that will Iu future aome at were nude bit an If retorntd be eooit- atj I you In ore will Joe fca la wonby to be ratted and bad rioR Mr wae being to thoogb be Ha acd try a record If ara and Mow yoa are with what lure cot to ft ST and by virtue of in a of by Jobn aoJ Adeline lwaf to LOThr of and W g to iiynoiC wruca Mate Aut ald will be produced at time of aia una tefult uotil IN TOWN OF NEWMARKET In York on Saturday Day of on of In afteiooon t Sw follow n and iilr feiveu Mr iiiiii IKICU- icnViwU llrh fill f Own re or UdriC- t fa manner ly wdoff Mltnf aof Jg FULL LINES IN BLACK AND COLORED HENRIETTAS AMAZONS and Skirtings PLAIN MELTONS Black Colored Plush Velveteens LIGHT WOOL SHAWLS CHEAP Note J J STOVESTINWARE Damaged by Water IF YOU TO SAVE MONEY AND GET A and Select before beat Stove Pipe a link WRIGHT xmas Jut ft full f lit Gats Brandies Gins Wines Whisky Porters Altiiu wood and for li jour GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN P J 0HALLBY CASH GROCERY A fititgrrffri Id Currants Prunes Sugars Srniw Ac P J ALLEY St North fit lir La i front furniture and under of Mr McHride of Oat destroyed firo on Saturday cation for bona bo taken In keeping ihn it from on leave and closing to a plant what long to man need an Children Pitchers wan flveaCfrWJolT frltir KilMt aud vita odd Of or IS7I Mo now alio aava ami aicaJ nil of iba land mjw third day or July day ofA- A No ISM of iba tbo A LOT OF an it a UU Of la fur rata ralaloa- on Iba a amaJI boat ubla rrama baro par down at lima of mala at apply to Jamaa or to rtiH PROM TO FARMERS Of Looloo and for Horses Cattle Poultry WANTED OF tin HI Ml UaikaL a PRESH COW DftTOflj HEAVY CLOTH WINTER MANTLES Not by to bo AT ALMOST HALF PRICE To Oor Stock an of Childrens- Cloaks Ulsters and Wool Suits Which rill old Very Cheap for caih A lot of hade and color and BTer Pelt and Velvet and In MRS BOND ft M for Wtorn and the fiffj

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