J NEWMARKET ERA JULY 19 OX IK Monday day sad to Jilt I a Wlowto Slifr Ja6rwd J fctttiWr Wow doing good again itth Id lt Tows w ftuki loftiest to bat ft A Bridge Rosa tt rteTimctbrsu bridgo on ii 7 tbroogbant a which not an gled tabu f- be Lesson The attended aJ u With object garden u carrot cat tic dock thrni Rot d left open mind tin set A bird- mora aarwlnaaa aiwod town on by a Italian V A pon ft bell in bind alio paraded bar on liimp ooi illlititoa lb fJ Of ft jrioJiclIy Cool for to Robfitao wo wmmilied collect in Mi 3i od booties lad toil rte of lathes for to it ok fa of in ifc it to Horn tfc copJ of tit ftr Mr Hill J of A4iM9o t Scbooabetjr- liiMttiyilfi to Br Moke poison lwin u hd of iU UUU a fie Wild to ilrj of pans 4Ktnrt4 to Held Tie Sin of lw f cm of bU of It iw b a bofuIe iVa4 f l Intf jaMktBlfTbitniijbtjiw oinltt6 Sice in lha It wu to for the con- party or who Ed iwb9 bad of the bat intic4 to out On lit 1 1 IL Mr Km be fail beta m Mr be via big Mr V9itciilikotu buaiotia iiunLy for to 1tlMllHii tot diujiqUd at Sir new ita bo Mi to you hear about UtiuL JX A Col ojo t If tiki la it U tlup i 3tLiccolU d 4f to Mr Ibn ttir Iba in of good mil tad The fM tip a bat ft for Tabbed ill way bdni Vl to tiwUifutoro n to am Co Mr batfca a wbea HucfiUtMit fcaa walla M i topped inion wfanMr hi a Id Ant M kit cht t1lt jwthvJ flw fiti4 J top fatal hi kit patrribillmtfeaot Mr J H ibAna It la by Wrf tj ny at AH la T feiV a lb UU loa Irtut to An diipQtotook Brick to of both pvllu bit connection with Amy and to a claim item for perm fa board Ladle Aid of St to a Gar- di Party IhaSiih tba at If to boo low Ttfl fug tea ud will bo la will bo tconTt matcbn Band will bo to la extra will bo la The Fall At a mwtiD of of York Friday the Wu for tbo that will bo inoroaad Tr ElMirbfra to to wo a of fin all bo a brilliant coo tad tor for Toronto aid to At wilt and com- rtUog apace la tbo at odco Tax Yep j Plato Oread takes the load the aay a The Tows Link Satur day by of King togtthcr with Engineer across but of a job leait tip for ijoajDt all it to good road it will be drawn oat it work lot by oep- anta largfii bridge to le by Coaatiu of York ud 8imx will bo built to two pan of upon foafidalloa A Doriog the of of Mr of waaatruck by light tba forcing elbow to aide of a quantity of and fr ill track can a corner a riflo stood It bonder did not tikefitoialbfl wcro doit An id at bat the bid This aecond boa baa tbUtacninnit wed the And also Boiled Ham at a CjAMPWXSCUP-t-Cons1d- fell in match and market to Fair aftrnoot at match of lb North to for at Ittadfuitl tot Friday and and to a to ft bona tram now ItVn- P JaTrla a a ffavDuaaitv A Tlu ara np and defeating to for tbe No doabt a will go ortr Seating aocooitnodalloD for Mrhlto week Mr toy bad a narrow acapt from Tba fimilicfl of and Win ocnpy- rcuntly placed to tbe St about a mile andahaUtbUifdooJ a boll came cat tongoe to broke aide and atria on Li All out to aericaa tojary tbla little boy who bid down aofflirftr were broken but tu he waa a Km Ho nicely be lu a fear The front of the none for lbefriua and the ap a daya for repeiia had clothing made at had to fit them vail There a la that fit veil end are well made at a no hot that lake lead la tailoring Water Committee Mill hero their head fnll again fill The to by way of to preieot Water- for both Monday by a The waecarfd tod reetnlngly little totcreat waa taken Following the tote cat For I r St St 81 CI to for pi the St fit- Audit St so It will on We oat bat what trill lb w and lbtrodeettw f lbs JUii for lomi bat lb 400 tbal mail ur1 tooa to flat of tbo an J If of Pita A a figure Id a iba of of so lodoafcl boirllljaadrmcHttbe grailtada of ri7 cUImq of bow mad to tb compute of and of mat at ladoitrial Horn lut decided it n ftocopJetioo of 99 laCDatM at lb at tlma at thoBotruca held at iJuttoc the and flth mt bare by the tool Board of John fiwiiier as Safin 9 43 BUnchird I Harold Barnard V Statton S3 485 9 410 Chattel I Grille as g and comfortably parlota yon can At Saturday night bine with profane language or near corner of and boi neiiber not were until of oar ItiTLMtettfd to Jy in the partial held high probably only the of the which ratted En all neigh on atrrolv it one oclock Tor ad ay moraine when It that iviearot of a noted by a gang of bo far away u factory- a tenor to realdiog la the and a to town life will have to be thlrkicd I bey are of for any cirilixed commu nity the wai pat in wo tbe In the miller and ittpe will be ulen on of to pot an effectual qnittna the gang Saturday while a thunderstorm wis passing Toronto third of of who a window act of by the eiectrlc and lellolf her to lb iniojeJtfcWly Hack a coil wat picked op for dead and while the who were at once alarmed went for a doctor the family tubbing hen It eon her bo felt and fax four ao commenced to her She are ntertaioed of her At time eieler Emma waa an doorway oa the let floor and aba felt a tension orer It oon weat oil Tbo and SoanoeiOemt Sold Mreittb of School and union aith look place en- toted by con to bo aJ that erer rau from Newmarket their A finer day not be and TOO took in the to Big Point Tie location all that dtaitad Hand good by their pUolj of row wera hand leered to enjoy the deya anting A large of campers alio here and com faulty A game of played by the 2nd of Butt and the of Id which lat ter had ell owing to the ali of their opponent Id the afternoon Qritlia about fifty over to Point and the waa delightful Point a and the fa protlded dancing etc for the of pVak tight nut collage a dining- hall hate beta creeled by the hotel company to be occupied end of A party of Stouffina occupy ten and which ex pected to be to atont a great attraction for bathings We met Mr here very kindly an hour to from New market in pointing oot and niefnt Thla occupied ityrc and All the vera out with detail folly looked efter The train of Conductor Henry a aery couiiecui and efficient officer arrived at Newmarket a tew after tight and a better from an outing Weaving J Low wearing all a gen eral and Drum Kind about oclock Tbaraday night of week plate Mr front from Toronto aod put in In thnw It the belt win- Mr J A Cody ad- We again The gentlemen who purchulog did not the tile which glvea a Two to honor of tba haft found w to Towncollee- Coloration it ia time up and bat not tacltilfod morula who toll la garden Shoe Store graced by a week A caw the of art from on If calling we pity St LllaCeafroni Lawn in the act two fine Enonarninte tad load of to Mono klllli Sntbertand fell into and a fine awning Mr Treat a very pretty corner of fiaHorelceete end to look ing all Summer by the of the few young people from pieale Wedow day with well burnt waaimniemeThe which now In for the time Ban working an Holiday on the of boot holiday jear If the firemen cot going a why do the Lacroiee Club not an AT THE FOE GENTLEMEN ALSO Mens Ladies Misses and Childrens TIP -A- V Big S I and OES FOR SPRING WEAR NICEST STOCK WILL FIND A LARGE ASSORTMENT O EVER IMPORTED Bros Hie going to be goal rait yet and J 3 Belfry hare a of Frail Jar and Sugar at the Call and look at going 1 1 i ii i A Leak- Fro quick manner Co which the went down on toon were the the Fire Water Committer US Can- 2nd Engineer of the Fire Brigade felt there a big leak in he of wk bom town on a thing be drover the water at bridge Orr lb the that id jama leaf gtUa iu front of and Ceoee and that of Honda acaiMoa and a jiiut wai not well mvle beioy Jo a awkward and a hole targe enough to admit took to get lead Savage and made a good whieh the teat Sinca repair made En gineer atya It takea to keep tbeprtuortDp the mains AA WOOL AND TAPESTRY CARPETS Lace Curtains Art Muslin c A very Stylish Fitting Lot of Boys and Youths Ready Made Suits FINETAILORINGASPECIALTY The Nicest Stock in Town of Scotch Canadian SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS English Worsted Fashionably Gut Trimmed i SATISFACTION GUARANTEED S I It t I BOOT AND SHOE TRADE A hustling one when properly done During the next few weeks we will have some SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FINE AND SUMMER GOODS to reduce our stock and make room for Fall goods Dont bo misled Examine our Goods Prices before purchasing MAIN ST NEWMARKET SIGN OF THE BED BOOT NORTH for Horse Ring on Day mile hilt given by included by COO mile 16 of for Chl Reciter or raore or gelding in in by by WiUou Toronto prize by Hotel New- to bo competed for by hi run for to bo driven by or owners lirke 1000 a LflkuV Lady Driver Lady by P valaoJat A Flower by Toronto valued wlib added by tOC 1 J a Cigar given by P Ikid A Co Toronto valued at GOO i By Boy given by Hall Klui 1 80O Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Agency anoD to Loan Properties and Sold COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance TOWN AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk Railway and White Star Line Ocean Steamers Hold mi Canada Colled Ureal ALBERT ROE Main flt South PRINTS By Society fey KavauaJU A Cibola Hotel corner Front and Toronto 10 For who will hi Hitch walk one the ring rot ataind ring back lo in time a Pair of given by Weal Jit Oj IiuporUd any A Ola 3Importd Horses Bullion a year and over I w two year old 300 00 A one year old J 300 baring Jloal Ihlayear two old SCO Jolt 7 I r Stall and over old fiwJri one year by Empire Prinlfng Co By Society A a 0 IlliapiktUI year old a Flow the to Otto 141 t fiptu in Plow by ftt to or on riih ring Colt Spring Fitly Of a a Ml fiaiiiiilit llklnion A to oho a by 7 w v a A oa A Horses lit Boring Coll Filly Class fiAtricuUorad Stallion years and Bubbor rirett of Toronto Bobber Co And added by old- t nil ion odd year old V 5 Brood Mare aYlJonco baring thli year ft gallon Oil boita Ore by ft Filly year old yearling or Fitly a Nook Yoke- by added fey Socio 2nd i I I till it I a Bpriog Colt Spring Filly J lit Cart fey Ellas A Co A fcnB W 1 not lest than Jotw Toronto society Stallion two old a fey It comer King and Church at Wtb added Toronto valued Say Whore can I gat fent at of ilia to Toronto nlea a bom leaded aieiytfalng that Id flod a Children Cry for I Yearling Bullion Carriage In a Box given by Carpontcr Winston Toronto valued allft with fey Society In nafy Mm year given by Mali Printing Co Toronto IB aided by 10 by Bobber Co- at Toronto Off Id order to make room for in stock I have decided to sell out my stock o arid Glassware at Cost y- now time DRESS GOODS I IN- FANCY PRINTS and Zephyrs at Lowest Prices in Town SHIRHTIIMCS OF VALUE- Tailoring to Order Boots and Shoes J STEPHENS A Choice Lino of in Fast and at Right Prices See our FANCY SHIRTING PRINTS The Best Patterns in market also Light and Medium Prints AT CENTS GINGHAMS m We all in Jii ftntt Wo choice ami nmv in GLOVES AND HOSIERY Successors to Play tar CHINA NOTKI THE ii I i Brood Mm COd J P Wy ioiftiY or Filly Doll Clerk ice pi by- Frank Toronto valval- Qrtdor 1 i P A petition of Saturday J Applicant to rand e and mTneaVt8lb To op to tub TORONTO from York Sail AT TUB market an to HIGHEST LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of Crockery lot PRESENTS Nov Orange Lemon and Citron Peel Currants PURE Candies Oranges and all kinds of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Always in Stock Ho Trouble to Show Goods A SMITH Give Call Prompt Attention to Ordsrs roc at MONKY TO LOAN Mill arm DAVID LLOYD for or mm Mini for ih MIDI WrIaiijDMmpaiMiVtOf ana Id Oar Toronto Markets a It l do iwnm do do dO aaam0 Hay too do 4t tali ffCMi DO aft OS a it a