Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 Jul 1889, p. 1

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L ilHBNEWMiRKETKBA Friday Morning LYMAN JACKSON STEAM PRINTING HODS 5TKCTtJBWTCirT SUBSCRIBERS GIfE MB THE TO KNOW TO AND TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOYB OTHER A ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL MiHfw NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 26 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday rJuly Cash in Advance within or at end of year Newmarket Branch TRAHnAOTKO Interest Allowed on UTS DRAFTS ISSUED at all room laid THOKAS J r Suitor I Toronto A 8BlStER3 WIDD1FJELIBA Public Ontario bank niwjorht riCEIn Reformer Block MOSEY TO LOAN VS JOH Rod Tort J ABifiTEDO A EST FOR TO LOAN AT CUT on Offlc t1bo Peal MILLI I B Conveyancer TO LOAN- ifriylrSoQthoribe Dominion A Aft Toronto Saturday TO LOAN ON GOOD A DMUrBfli do to Loan at Loire On Farm Uock EABOS IN HA HOE SO A- J It tand If iwrfaton fi SCOTT Jfnffcol Awtffw Aw rtuoflrtFriiAJfticif No rib D A EST FOR London If Co At Old Office ALBION gSrALUf ISO bed room- tot all JUOLUERNKSStPrOp ALBERT AUCTION For or ftalrt Alltnded on Short Kollcc find AdJnis to snorkel oiMr kit olIbisOAcowtll prompt Moot Lota Farm FortboCoaoijolYork Repair for will kepi on Hardware wbefnijeuitomeriaiobaiQppId time Newmarket office win be promptly THE ACCIDENT OF2ORTU AMERICA ATanapinp Company America Aseoty for Aurora vlclolty at loan and office of J- Aurora and and NOTES DISCOUNTED done Land VaIaatlODfc MONET TO LOAX CHAN A- iKNTiiTNewmaikel- Oxide alltlmfA Block A J rumored or a a EstcUuv and after of Of Federal Main CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO BU3IKESS Feathers and Ornaments OP We hand ft of styles and STRAW TRIMMED HATS BONNETS wo sell at exceedingly low for A nice jortaient of Block Straw for old lidies trimmed and Lace and Lawn in style in and Muslin and Lace in Occam and Millinery always on hand Bntterick Domestic Patterns Willow Dress Forms at and BOND GO TO- PHARMACY Main Street Pure Insect PARIS -AND- Dispensing Department Furnished only with purest drugs etc and great car is given to compounding of PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY RECIPES OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING 1 A P P Our Baby Oar IS And but worth pars baT I hop be will to It bias I know And nil Hit look hi will A boy I him I Lift OAT OK IS A iuan a ITU Of to a whom bow much Mwvfuper futh of Ittjltit lift do to A faUi6er who a in wy mil for it is to if Veoetablb There was flujfply of and irodoc w per IK to 6a per per rtaU lOw ptr bom to old jkU15 lug qaintiuw At big to locatws to life lb ltttac riddiibw to irdowo to lr to CAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS Annul over l Ido force wo year J Altai r SUITINGS received boliib patterns English Scotch Canadian- Also an assortment of Panting to choose from specially selected Patterns in and Stripea Call and for and bring your with you All good made on the Closest Cash Prices Only Your Solicited W D MUTCH Door to A Store Merchant Tailor own cloth op neatly and cheaply Urrco SALESMEN WANTED To cor tod Of t3c at ttnjjy row cad to ioi for Leading Photographer I MAIN A LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS Took11atOtUrjBDdBoeripccoiDt of ftreDtklodlol Work of Constantly on Hand and lxt4 lumber The Manufacturers Life Accident Insurance Companies lltad Toronto Ciyllilj of tery A Hank titer Ktry P Local Afeot AfcDI- BEAVER Roller Mills ON THE ENTIRE SYSTEM Fully Years Ahead of all other Roller Mills THE F Chop of all l Gristing Chopping done every day Ad J fcilitrivtion anil to V DEIMNE At it Again Sotoo women down Toronto doubt they ft Iht Hw4y fare of poor body a clothe J a at wot here ud be Home was for who bid of ibUCouoly tot a leoglb of wept of to thick wis jo a or walk mow or fi fcdaytnJdo learn of York for her log poor oodtr bo and will not bo Imposed by the of City of Toronto A Malicious Act In tho case of cattle to fa Mr fielj of Although la bad to dicad to tittiot ft aeami tbU not tbe Grit of cut thing up of Slay bo bad La for his die in the was tbecao Again on of tail week Mr a pig had of flrat la oiler of la at Urge aetata quite ariltnt if Ibt of Klog rH due to will not ajre for tbe of hit In Indias A FOB LOST A FORTUNE The fort richest cotiGtry world before by the Briliab is well when the were fair ly la Hoe to strike the the was nreiieo and loot It was understood all through the service whatever a soldier could lay on should become bis plun der amount of loot out of the and roctly has been at milliou dollars- land reasoned that an people could not loot woe a xirt of war policy Ten after I was talking with a in the dis trict of about in the condition of people ho At outbreak of war our hid away at Least a million dollars I dont that the teof part of great hai yet recovered- who it dead of war vast treasure is did not ell him that put a and upwards of dollars looking lot that treasure Such was fact however A couple of Englishman and myself forming an acquaintance in a spirit of poolid our cash and followed up several looking to buried treasure We had failed however and our partnership bad been dissolved and men re turned to Bombay in jaub on business with house had given up the treasure business hi The word of the recalled all my however and within an hour after had Heft him I was determined to have one more pull for fortune and lo it atone I talking a captain of a infantry regiment ruins of former magnificent tem ples which had seen and he said You way have left a for if tune you At outbreak DRY CORD WOOD I SALESMEN WRIGHTS WANTED I Known tail If over lrln Vrli tfoi nun any lhetmrt If fttp re- are or JV col CHASE BROS COMPANY OF on neueve JJlTRHtUH DIZZINESS OF THE HEART ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS of TiWiD Creamer Cans a Specialty I All of Oar EAVETROUaHING And ATTENDED TO aeuralMtctlDlo oor VY iiior hot air win It lo dona at Ibaibop irrmwo ad Off Co a of Id SWRIGHT DRUG STORE MAIN STREET Pure Paris Green White and Insect Powder Plant Food Flower etc etc fit Toilet Powder Hair etc Pop Jewelry A NUMEROUS ASSORTMENT OF ARTICLE all who tars given custom solicit a of tho C H SIMPSON for Infanta and Children a Fifty of July 1830 first of The ViMPiidiot lute Rom SccHUijr Committee CIo Qcoro Ilea- Jm Loll Weil cooitltatlca odoptci t u lo firtt Id thill jay ht loo to their for lint thei Thai oil to tho firt Tburodtj lo Octo ber tea of SabectlplloD of five per ULum 3 to compete who pi mm of Thtl from oil puis bo led Ttul on by member t October Show I That record of 8ocielja bo kept tad read etch fioe of firo toy of Hi toy of its Society pro- tor til tho tad Secretary each copy of reiolotlooi Tbrao men bit til 1 of Ibtlr York total Soclttj which baa held iMity tod tba of and nam tbove la of for thrift aod of Its well lu to lha Import tows of a The ratal to Ibat the- of today to th loaUlqUo hearty a ppoiL i Eight Port Perry men were flr for of war people a to and caves When you next durable on a of ruins the a good looking over for loot I up my mind to start mediately search of temples next day I started for Delhi and here a bit of Rood fortune me I fell in with a German who was ing a collection for the natural museum when lie learocd that I had had considerablo experience in that lino ho engaged me as an assistant Ho had two young men with thus making a party of four and struck to south- west of Delhi intending to take in tho plains and jungles between that city and wo had native servant to carry baggage Our progress was slow and easy as it was his intention to make a very full col lection The population was very thin along hero and the villages for in con sequence natives glad to render any aid especially as soon as they learned wo did not belong ruling hate felt for the English was something terrible This district had been almost de populated and impoverished the war Petty rulers had been taxes levied with a heavy hand and the natives worked themselves up to highest pitch of indignation as talked about it While my duty by pro fessor I kept my open for ruins frequently made frequent en quiries of natives This was the worst policy I could adopted for every ruin is sacred to them and every white man is looked upon as a Ono day I met a ryot or common laborer on his way to hi a village about mites away lie bad just hud a arrow from a tijar and was greatly excited When I asked him tolocatetho beast ho placed him among ruins of an old temple to tho west not more than two miles away But for bis ho would not location Three hours Inter ho returned to tell me that ho bad been mistaken in location which was to south Instead of tho west and If ho bad said ruins ho had meant rocks I was not deceived by his second statement howover immediately preparations to the ruins iff possible I told profes sor that I Intended to look for a cor tain bird which ho had been very anx ious to secure and ho never noticed that I took myheavy Instead of my shot gun I had also my revol ver and a also my hatchet which I to help mo through the jungle After a long walk through the came to what at time must have been a well kept path and shortly after the ruins of a once beautiful cmo insight Cau tiously approaching on lookout for the man eating tiger saw him laid out In sun In a little open space asleep A well aimed bullet from my put an end to his ca reer and after flinging stones into to frighten any lurking serpents I put down my gun be- to pull the rockt away to effect an to seemed to have been blown up with gunpowder The walls torn and rent and knocked down In every direction columns blocks and carved work lay heap ed together In strange confusion I was bewildered to see vegetation through the ruins to 1y and It stood mo In hand to move In such a Infested spot I my way to too centre of enclosure and here I cot ft pretty fair Idea of the building had been Here wore the of handsome steps led to the temple now moss grown and broken and almost covered with creepers To look for burred treas ure in such a jumble was like look ing for in ft haystack but I had coma for and felt that I meat a beginning Unco inside I thorough search for a possible hiding place for treasure search at altar at one side of which had been a handsome pillar which bad rested on a foundation about six feet square made op my mind that this could not bo a solid block but must be hollow in coo ler I cut and trimmed a small with my hatchet and with tins I pried the top off It was oclock id morning when I enter al temple and it was two in afternoon I had the stone slow ed around fir enough to upset its equilibrium unit forced it to fell When I looked down into cavity I saw a largo wooden chest and saw that I must pull down the wall to get it This took another hour or more and the plaster was as hard as stone but at length 1 was at chest It was closed but not locked and as I throw up tho lid my beheld such a sight as will seldom come to man That chest held solid ton how many of thousands of dollars worth 1 cannot say There were nil coins of India There were bracelets aud and and charms and bars of solid gold There wero diamond and pearls rubies and other precious stones Some were in leather some in tied together and on the lid of the trunk wad a list of with the of owners hung over the chest for perhaps half an hour hardly during to breathe for fear it would fly away I was rich at last rich beyond the wildest ft poor man ever had This was loot It was nil mine if could keep the find from tho government officials But I could not remove it without help I was a stout but I could not lifted one end of that chest clear of ground I took a leather bag containing four diamonds a package of gold coin which contained about twelve hund red dollar and a couple of bars of the metal and started back to camp on a I had been so taken up with my work that I had given no attention to anything else I now discovered that heavens were rapidly darken had only just reached camp when a terrible storm set in and never let up till after midnight story of my discovery only told to men of the party erect ed intense excitement but the storm and the darkness prevented any move As soon ft3 daylight came however wo off but a terrible disnpoint- was in storo for us chest was there as I had left it but any thing the of contents had been removed Without a doubt some native had been spying on mo day as I worked and bo had given alarm and brought a party to spot dur ing night who carried the treas ure away with them never learn who they wore nor how many there in party But there was treasure enough to a dozen rich for life I got twentyfive thousand dollars out of it it was but it only served to annoy me At five oclock in afternoon I had tho wealth of two or three kings In my hands At sunrise next morning all bad vanished all except I had carried away to prove the truth of my discovery It was my first and last find io India I never think of it without being inconsistent enough to every dollar of spoil caused tho death of a native Pearls of Truth Spare moments are the gold dust of time Deliberation too far prolonged de feats its own ends We In stream of not to soak but to swim lie who is to everybody is dovoted to nobody Sands snake the mountains mo ments tho years Habits render wrongdoing of any kind a sort of second nature Nothing is degraded which a high and graceful ennobles To be a great man It necessary to turn to account all opportunities man who docs most has least time to talk about what ho does Sunday Is golden clasp that binds together volumu of week Wit is brushwood judgment is timber makes tho bright est flame but other makes tho lasting heat will Is not the liberty to do whatever likes but power of doing whatever sees ought to bo done oven in the face of other who overwhelming impulse Kind words are among the bright est flowers of earths existence they make a very homos Uio them especially around fireside circle Good temper philosophy of the heart a gem In tho treasury within whoso rays reflected on all outward object ft shlne imparting warmth light and life to all within the sphere of its in fluence Do daily and hourly your duty do it patiently and honestly Do it as it presents itself do it at he mo and let be Us own Never mind it la known and acknowledged or not but do not fall to do It A divorce in Canada costs A sample of the found on the farm of John Williamson 3rd of Whitchurch has been tested by an expert and- pronounced the purest Set Great excitement the neighborhood and it reported that aorta We sold for The Boyhood of John His life bad been a peculiarly bit ter one Born in a very homo at on the coast with bis mother aod after the reapers that they might have bread to eat or cleaning knives in the gentlemans house where his father was a servant there wis little to make a boys life bright When he was a fam ily offered to him to America if his parents would pay for his passage It was difficult to earn this but mother thought after manner of mothers Perhaps in Now World John will be somebody So with tears the packed Jus clothing putting in a little Bible and pinning these lines on a shirt not Id lut jm Inurtmitioa your Ob or lot May my forget me again again pressed her only boy to her heart and stole out garden wall that un observed tho might catch a last look at the which carried to London The voyage was a long of near ly two months The littlo lad often cried in cabin and he wrot back t wish mother wain me tonight showing what a tender mothers boy he was When New York Harbor was entered and ho was eager to see his adopted country ho was sent below to black boots shoes for family His school days were now over After two days of hard work in country he sold his knife to buy a postage stamp and wrote to his father asking to go to New York and a trade Con sent was given and in the middle of the winter our of four- teen reached the great city with no home no friends and fifty coats in his pocket Hundreds by him as bo stood upon dock hold ing bis trunk in his bands but no body spoke to him But at last by dint of earnestness he found a place to enter as boy and learn bookbinding receiving two dollars and twenty five cents a week and paying two dollars out of this for Ida board How employers thought he could live on dollar a month for clothes and washing has never appeared first night he was placed by his in an attic with an Irishman who was deathly 111 second night the man died and the horrorstricken boy stayed alone with dead man till Now nearly two year weut by Finally though he earned but three dollars ft week ho sent to England for his mother end sister When they arrived two rooms were rented the girl found work in a strawbonnet factory and poor though they were very happy John was now sixteen devoted to his mother and still a noble unselfish preserv ing boy At the end of three months through dullness of business both children tost their places and now began the which the poor only know in our largo cities In vain looked for wrk Then they left their two rooms went into ft garret Winter canto on and they had neither fuel nor food John walked miles out in country and dragged homo old sticks which lay by the roadside Ho pawned his coat that mother who had now ill might have some mutton broth One day ho left her in tears and went sobbing down the street Whats a Strang- or Im hungry and so is my mother Well cant do much but Ill help you a little and he gave John a threo cent loaf of bread When boy reached home the good woman put the Bible on tho rickety old pine table read from it and then all knelt and thanked God for the loaf In spring he obtained employ went at four dollars and a halt a week but poverty and privation fallen too heavily rested too long upon the mother One day while preparing Johns simple supper of rice and milk she fell dead All night long that desolate boy held her cold hand in his then In tbat Chris tian city she was put in a ptno box and without shroud or prayers car ried in a cart her two children walk ing behind it and was burled In the Field For afterwards John and his sister never tasted food Probably world said Poor things but It is certain nobody over offered to help them Orange Lilies PLUCKED A of has been granted by Port Arthur to rail- way into the mining district fca A special of Orange be taken A hotel man who wants another license pays ax- penses Four were killed and in an accident on the railway caused by a washout By tho of a lamp in Mr J mill Alliston one night last week the building narrowly escaped destruction At a picnic near Kingtton on Wednesday persona were more or less injured by the cream of which they partook garden party held at Mr under auspices of the Methodist ft great success Proceeds dill Lemon of Maple Loaf Farm owns a goose which laying since latl March and during that time she A farmer prevents his cowt from jumping a fence by cutting off their lower ayalnshea making them think the fence is threo times at high it really On Monday afternoon last soma persons or persons entered Mr Hoary residence on the 2nd of King during his absence and stole a sum of money a revolver a watch some- English coins and sev era other articles The burglars are to have been tramps ua ft couple were seen in the neighborhood during the day Steps have been taken to arrest the thieves but so far they have succeeded In eluding the constables niter A newspaper and a news paper editor that people dont talk about and sometimes abuse are rather poor concerns men and an editor sometimes feels it a duly to defend at a risk of making enemies of another clas are often the very first to show their in- The editor who expects to receive much charity or gratitude will soon find out his mistake but he should go on and y do hat he contention sly thinks right with out regard to frown A TO Medical Health Dr has sent this lo city under takers Please notice that the Public Health Act requires that the bodies of persona dead of any infec tion disease must be buried without delay and burial never deferred until the following day if possible to on the day of death No one may bo present at funeral except male members of family and the body must bo conveyed directly to grove In no case may the body be taken into a church- Any one violating these rules will bo dealt with as Jaw directs The members of the Presbyterian Sabbath School held their garden party lost Friday evening on grounds around the manse The evening was all that could bo the attendance was largo After the multitude had partaken of tho good things provided program of evening com menced J Davis MPP Addresses given by the Rev James Rev Mr of King and Mr Brown student of Knox College Toronto Abundance of music furnished by white some select songs wero sung by Mrs W Armstrong of King Greek and Mrs W Hamilton of Re- ceipta about Wilson tho young farmer who murdered Mary Jane Marshall at church door in county ono Sunday evening last Feb ruary is still at liberty local authorities failed to call in Govern detectives quickly enough and when Detective Rogers was put upon tho case Wilson had four days start A cabinet photograph of murder er had been given to the girl he killed hut a brother of Wilsons called at the Marshall homestead the day the tragedy and secured the picture llo wont around among the neigh bors and collected every one of the dozen photographs murderer had given away to in better days Then negative was broken before detective was called in With out aid of a photograph detection was impossible although fugitive was tracked through to Port Huron and on to a distant point in Michigan where all trace of him waa lost A Ousehvatoby A new observatory has been erected on the farm of Mr Frederick Borrows about two and ft half piles north of in the township of King structure Is feet square and has stairs leading to the top which is feet from the foundation It is firmly built and to prevent any un dulation of the building guy wire- ropes attached to each corner at the summit and extend to ground observatory has been built by Mr D Dexter and is the only the kind in the township The spot selected is highest point in Mr Burrows 100 acre farm in fact said lo bo highest point between two lake being feet above Lake Ontario according to ft recent survey Tbe scenery in tho immedi ate vicinity is very picturesque and by the aid of a powerful telescope In Mr Burrows possession places a long distance can be distinctly dis cerned The proprietor to on his enterprise fts thin building which will be suitably fitted with for making eystem- will afford the best- view In the comity of York- fall ft prey sons lake ft beautiful sheet of to loose nut last week and was do- distant only about I hours for repair jSK rrt rt A Beautiful Lady- ago a Cambridge lady who was as remarkablo for her digni fied bearing as for her personal beauty and grace entered a crowded horse- car where were a number of Harvard undergraduates all of whom rose to oiler her a seat She accept ed one with thanks Presently car stopped when poor woman with a baby in her entered it Not a seat was offered her The lady waited ft few moments and then find ing that her young admirers took no notice of woman she rose and asked the woman to her lent At once ft dozen young men sprang up tendered their tests to her but she persisted In standing and had full opportunity of noticing the confusion of the young collegians It was quiet Effective rebuke A statement of Affair soon got over college and no undergradu ate could be found to admit that he was in horse car that evening Two carloads of fat cattle ft week ftrft sent from station to Toronto market

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