Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Jul 1889, p. 1

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SVWi A NEWMARKET BRA Morning LYMAN STEAM PRINTING REACHED oil SUBSCRIBERS I SiSI MB LIBERTY TO KNOW TO TO TO CONSCIENCE ALL OTHER F ONTARIO BANK it CAPITAL NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 24- Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday July 1889 Newmarket Branch Terms Cash In Advance 150 or at end of year Allowed on Deposit DRAFTS ISSUED it g and Am trie Draft promptly HT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loan THE FOLLOWING FIRST GLASS OCXS or Ireland Ml I w Call CO or writ for ftirttar A ROE Estate Agent Main St Booth Newmarket us J AC labile io food Farm J BALDWIN IS Street Bait Toronto Money to Rotary Public bank Block- p- MOSKY TO LOAN A 5 Tot- J and LlfoJjunraiBce Companies TO SOAK AT liOfflceNewmkt FOR P LA IT HIE CO At Old ftodLotUU HOTEL II IIS Of KUC TO Proprietor nKKIdrER Etc TO LOAN- lbs Hotel Newmarket AC Toronto SI every TO WS GOOD I ROD13CSON BELL AKKlsTERSJiclioCoDMyancrido to Loan Kate III o3I U BROWS Al DR ft to A to P ALBXOV HOTEL TORONTO Out tide of TcriDii per day EleeuirHsbL ISO bed ler irnj parlor- J Prop il a commQDlCaitlOQt to Ibis Will receive prompt ilooey lo JAHUAVAA01I j- Agent for the ilaiiev where Newmarket alien Jed to THE ACCIDENT Managing la America coaflolat 1UlfexcoiLveiy a- for Aorora and vicinity at loan and Insurance Notary Aurora BUSINESS Ribbons Flowers Feathers and Ornaments AT THE EMPORIUM OF FASHION Wo on hand a large of the in and STRAW TRIMMED HATS BONNETS That eel at low prices for only A nice assortment of Black Straw for old ladies trimmed and Lace and Lawn in styles Embroideries in Cambric and and in and Black Mourning Millinery always on hand Domestic Willow Press Korea at 125 and RBONO 00 TO- Main Street -FOR- USD PARIS AND- y Only a a reply to ma kit t Do lUi iwwl Oh I No looker ro on Iho to iebere How much of barbing in my dew Tha or Ue Im Id depair So juIlfi lorn year to Like tocrfo on the air word frooa It be IfuceJ math the of En Its It one won no more The Merchants Apprentice v Dispensing Department- with great given the compounding PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY RECIPES OPEN FOR DISPENSING A P 8 PM WWW u ha of Trinity ajrfrou fjTtht of Nitrous Qua ijaaJ at all and aod NOTES DISCOUNTED- Jon Not and Collected of SPRI1TG SUITINGS received soma beautiful pat torus in English Scotch Canadian Also an assortment of Partings to choose specially selected patterns in Checks and Stripes Call ami ceo for yourselves and bring your friends with you All goods made on the at Closest Cash Prices Only Patronage Solicited W MUTCH Door to A Hansons Jewellery Store Merchant Tailor own cloth made up neatly and cheaply BEAVER AI lldlMXGHUEAD removed bit to CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL SARD FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS and after two yea J Roller Mills ON THE COCHRANE SYSTEM Fully Years Ahead of all other Roller Mills THE BEST v ha LUMBERYARD AvencUrof Constantly on Hand aod other DRY tf Leading A LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS ALL ABE 1 of Jlf- kind of Work F f Louft Chop Oat all Gristing Chopping done everyday And aud to V i I lvp7leWf DRUG STO RE The South End LIVERY PUK A aVAOtUtidbaaaiSdfdaU The Latest Stylos of Riga well Horatio Ti- MOUKKATJ5 The Manufacturers Life Ac Accident Insurance Companies Toronto Over The IopuUr nd every Kin air John A VlC4JVJ ana Manufacturer Kerr Aseat- MAIN STREET SALESMEN WANTED 111 Pure Paris Green While Helllbora and Insect Powder Plant Food Flower Pole etc etc PATENT MEDICINES DRUGS CHEMICALS Staffs rants and A ASSORTMENT OF alt who Lit a caitom we iclUi a the UIDB MRS C H SIMPSON Toll Halt tc tic anil Doll KJwmyitiiiiwk par o CURE OR SALT RHEUM HEADACHE CHASE BROS DROPSY OF THE ACIDITY Of THE STOMACH OF SKIN for Infants and Childre u StlatWorthloy an minded who bad brought op a largo of children all of whom had set to their own as soon they bad gained a common school and were strong baby was a boy whom he had Paul and of whom an oiaideu aunt declared ha should make a Silas liked ides and Pant liked it Auot Rachel had in through one of excellent place was found and the preliminaries arranged A True doing exten sive in importing besides being amenta for heavy home manu facturers Paul was fourteen of age rather email of frame but strong healthful and remarkably intelligent In fact be was the naturally the most intel lectual of all his fathers children and moreover be was a lad with large bright blue akin pure and fair features and finely outlined his whole ap pearance that of a gentlemen in The old farmer came bin wo to the city to the arranger Paul was to board with his aunt That please merchants much They felt better to know their apprentices were under good influences when away from the store Mr had marvelled at size of great had wonder- where In tho world the great piles of cloth bad from and had spoken upon all thing but one No thing bad yet been said about pay the boy was to receive for his services Goodman smiled Ah you dont understand my dear sir If you were going to apprentice to a carpenter or a tinsmith you wouldnt expect to receive wages would you Silas scratched his head He know not bow to reply It was beyond him to argue with the polished merchant yet he felt that bis boy ought something Just think of it said with grand flourish Think what an education the boy is to receive You little idea of mysteries ofbur calling yet all those mysteries wo propose to teach your boo Would you expect tho faculty of an academy to pay him for studying with them 1 poor farmer was wilting No wo pay no salary year If however at tho end of that time the lad should prove faithful and efficient wo should probably him a slight allowance for second year and then as his services became valuable bis salary would bo in creased Tho old man bad a long talk with his son and ft was finally agreed that he should stop and the And so Paul was install ed as an apprentice in great mer- of Good man J True and ho went at work in earnest and with all his heart Ho had prom ised father what ho would do and he meant it if ho could For two or three weeks ho had no thought of spending any money Ho was quiet and reserved and so atten tive to the wants of hands In the store that hie companion had not yet free with dm He often hoard them talking of their of concerts of theatres of riding and of varioos sports but things were not for him and ho did not join In con versation The first money ho spent of two dollars that his father had given him was for a few articles of comfort for Daring fourth week people at his aunts were talk- of a grand concert for which had tickets Paul was passionately fond of music and ho finally resolved that- he would go His cost hi in fifty cents He went and ho was entranced Never In his before had he heard anything It he only could hear such music In a while how bright his would bo His two dollars lasted him for pock et five weeks At end of two months ho wrote home and father sent him two dollars mora He bad borrowed half a dollar of his aunt which ho was anxious to pay Never mind all boys expert trials the first six months of bis service In store Ho had listened to more and more of thq jolly of tho other In home and ho to feel that they enjoyed things which were dented to Mm At tho end of those six mouths ho bad been totake a step upward A younger apprentice had com In mil Paul was not only relieved from much of of the broom and tho scrubbing brush but he was often trusted to remain and lock up store one sat of keys homo with Mm was alone one evening in store ready to shut up when an apprentice or clerk as they were wont to call themselves came In from store of Keep He was a dashing good- rank and openhearted lad our hero bad come to like sad estesoL Hallo I Paul old fellow whats for this evening Paul Anew of nothing only that ho was going to shut up end go homo to supper Look you como with ma Ive got two far the Jubilee Thestro wellhead and Roarer are going to perform their great piece Jocko the Humpbacked Ape its the greatest thing you ever saw Its immense Paul said he the money to pay for a ticket Bah who said anything about money cried the other George pit was bis name I tell you Ive got the tickets And when ho spoke of going home to get his sapper George exclaimed Yoar sappers on me for tonight so along It required some little time for to conquer but be did it in end Paul found opportunity to send word home to bis that he had an invitation out and should not beat home till late arid then ha locked Up stortv put keys in bis pocket end went with bis friend They had their sapper at oyster house and in a As they said Say Paul dont you over have Our hero was and generous aod trustful and ho told his com panions the simple truth Why bless your soul la poorer than yours George He dont even own he lives in Look here Paul this is between do you I am going to slave a dog day in and day after week month after month for Keep GotmorG the old flints and not have a penny to show for Not touch if know myself No no J consider work worth a little something and man age to get Paul shook his Goodman i True would pay any- at They were not to bo moved We you are I de clare Paul you ought to bo setup for a monument Do you old Keep Getmoro would pay me a dollar willingly Not they I So dyou see I pay myself there upon young proceeded to io- his companion mysteries of self- re to rot ion aud bo assured him that youth of his own store did same thing Just yen Charley it Hell ex plain it You wont let he Up to that have spoken j but the game mean to say Paul at length ventured to ask that you tako money from from bo store money Ob I dont put on sueh a look Are you afraid to speak out How in the do your employ era think we are to Whorodotbey we find a bit of money now and then Arent wo entitled too littlosomotbing for all hard work we dot Bless your soul how do you suppose your friends on the streetraiso the money for their inno cent comforts And tho educated youth went on to explain to his unsophisticated the variety of ways in which they were to themselves with spend ing money Paul listened attentively and ho was interested but not yet was ho converted Ho went to the theatre and enjoyed tho play very much After tho theatre was out George insisted upon paying for tho oysters again Paul refused tUtly first but he was hungry and ho suffered himself to be overcome So he went homo that night with a very important foundation stono removed from support of bis strict integ rity Ho bad allowed himself to fall Into his friends debt Surely he owed it to young to return tho favors of evening At all events that feeling to him and ho entertained it From that Paul Worlboriy was nervous and uneasy evil spirit once admitted to his bosom gained foothold more and more is saying that ho who hesi tates In the presenco of tempter is lost On that when Paul first listened to sayings of he had told that never never could he do such a thing He would suffer anything than away his honor He would rather die than hit fathers son a rogue I Yet In two or from that time ho had more than thought how comfortable it would bo If ho could havo more ought to Invito out to supper and ho ought to take htm to theatre His father could not possibly let him any more and his would not I how contemptibly mean and stingy a Paul looked at the private mark of the firm two dollars a yard The Tempter at his elbow end whis pered Into his ear His heart gave a groat and his breath threat ened to leave him but he struggled up and the Tempter spoke for Two dollars and twentyfive cents I Ill toko both pieces So Paul carried them down and did them op and the man paid Mm forty dollars and fifty and went bis way taking bis purchase with him And then Paul sat down took breath A full ruinate he sat when ho started to bis feet to run after that tailor and Loll the mistake he had made and ho might have done It but at that moment George in Hello Is that you Paul Yes Yea 11 were for a glor ious time Come if you stand racket can We like you old fellow aod wo went you With pay my own way George and am with you too Hold on a Ive got the rear win dows to fasten And from that mordent he was lost Ho went into the counting where bo counted out thirty six dollars and locked it up in one of cashiers drawer leaving four dollars a half which bo appropri ated to use But he had the deed when he overcharged for cloth J And then be went with Ho met the other friends three of lliem and they had a supper and then went to the opera Did Paul enjoy bo tried hard to do so hut the trial was a failure as such trial must always bo He insisted upon paying for Georges supper the privilege was granted him but it did not make him happy During the evening asked him if ho was sick bo confessed to a severe headache He got home half an hour after midnight a miserable miserable boy He tried bis hand at no sophistry could make it anything I el so ami it had not given him com- 1 fort For first time in his young and hopeful life he bad done a mean and wicked thing And that was not all With head upon his pil low he reflected Ho bad dona that which were it known lo one inclined to drive him to wall would con vict to a felons dungeon Thus bo lay tossing and groaning in agony of and not a wink of to until ho bad re solved in bis deep true heart that ho would bare burden only till ho could confess truth to his employ er but he did not make up his mind when ho would confess only ho would do it And after that he ex perienced a slight relief On the following morning ho told cashier of money be had put into drawer and what it was for Good for you was response 1 wish youd put off the rest of them Eb I Aint you well Paul J No sir My head aches Well well taVo care of yourself You are too valuahlo a hand to bo sick now Paul stood it that day and of the way through another day and then ho gave up Ho could bear burden no longer It was eating his life away Towards the middle of afternoon he saw Mr Goodman in owners office alone Goodman was the friend of his aunt Ho swallowed a great lump in bis threat gathered all his energies and went in Ho know if ho would speak plainly ho speak promptly dollars and a half which you borrowed would leave dol lars and fifty your doe and that sum shall insist upon paying to you not as a gift but as moat righteously your due From this time I shsll not fear to trust all I am worth in your bands Will yon with We can imagine the answer The boys heart was full and he to have a good hearty cry before he could hold up his head end feel him self a man again There was one other boy in the store who was at work on his first year without pay Him Mr Good man called into the office at the close of the days business and asked if it would lo his happiness if bo should know that thereafter ho was to receive two dollars week cash every Saturday evening The fellow was thunderstruck but bis can be readily Thus tar that boy bad bad no opportunity to steal but it would have come and merchant could not but feel that he had by that simple deed saved a human soul We will only odd that Paul Worth- ley St the opening of a new year was rated as clerk nod his pay raised at the opening of third year he was given a desk in the countingroom and so on until the lay arrived when ho was one and twisty on that day he entered the inner office- so confidential clerk and One more step up ward and our story it The came on the which Mr Good mans youngest daughter became the wife of her fathers junior partner our KBWtT Bat tan coffins are the latest Philadelphia invention Georgetown knitting factory was burned last week A forest fire has swept ore hundred miles of one tana Scott Act was sustained in County Que by a majority of Heavy forest fires are raging in mountains between Donald market bylaw was de feated in West Toronto Junction by vote of to Indian relies were found in considerable quantity in an at Port London was fined 5 and costs insulting a Judy passenger Chatham carried a bylaw raise to pave a portion of King and build bridges Frank proprietor of fertilizer factory near Hamilton was lined for maintaining a The has bad to pay two damages for emit from a train at by a i Bradford council has voted and that junior partner was Paul I improvements to the high Mr Goodman said Paul two sat alone in their one even ing after close of you ever thought how many youths by nature true loyal have saved from keen temptation and last ing niiiwy by the abolishing of that old ruin of No pay first yeari Yes Paul I thought of it often and I think of it with out wondering how fiensolrss dangerous usage was long main tained school building An addition will built during holidays Octave Morrison tho man who got drunk at Claire Qua and came near his wife was sent to penitentiary for live years A young sou of Mr Sam fell from a and broke his arm at elbow and a sou of collector met with a ply and at once they are bo mentally exclaimed hundred times Quo afternoon slip ped into the store way whispered to Paul that a of boys were going- that tfyonlog to grand opera and that before the opera they would at Parkers I It was to bo a grand time dont you miss With that young glided away leaving our In a fever of unrest At five oclock the leading sales men and bookkeepers loft store and by halfpast fivo Paul was left alone general manager saying to him ho passed out that he might shut up and go homo as soon as ho leased Ten minutes later after he ad put up shutters of win dows on street front man camo hurriedly who wished to a pur chase and catch the railway train for homo Ho said he was tailor lived In Now Hampshire and he wished to pattern a of goods two pieces and be showed Paul his samples Tho youth looked at thorn In light and called to mind at there yere remnants upstairs of those exact patterns and upstairs he led the way where tho goods wore found and pronounced just thing- In one of the pieces Jhere were ten yards and In other eight What the price Mr Goodman I wish to Rive up my situation in your store It pains me more than I can tell but it mutt be Paul You I Why I was talk- It with the cashier only this noon and we concluded that you ought to bo advanced You are best boy wo In fact you are worth pay of a man You are not well Do you want a holiday boy bowed his head and burst into tears and then It broke upon merchant that there was a hidden for this sudden desire He looked to door to see that it was closed and then turned to weep ing youth Paul what is What has hap pened I You may safely fldent of me It was for that purpose sir that I came And with and and bitter tears story told Ho called no names but be told what ho had learned and how ho had suffered himself to with tempter He told whole truth from beginning to end and then ho added Ol let- mo go sir I will make up that money to you arid you will send It Great Lot mo go I fallen and the Is In my path that has lurked In it from the first I am surrounded by tenthousand innocent amusements that are denied me I have hot a penny with which to pay my way I did not know when I came here how It would be Let me go sir And if yon can m lift tail lie I Sharon tic June Wiry concert In Dill Sttd to hi I of tb Fcmd Church thii TV of the WW tail tiQiioi he to light who wall which wis of a wit carried cut by the amp dose to the rich CD Iti Icecream by After ia compioy broke tip at a to of much a J mired Liu J of the Ballantrae Mr bit aod it Is Mr Franklin Gray recently built additloo to Mr Geo which wilt float like Mr John StaUyi bare avarm- log lately bit The bread bad to force a order to the of wiod the day J Gray who had to ihtif each in On Siaoday Met heard by number of Com- laid before who held a Mod Jay night d will ho tried Thursday If guilty the be unit 1 overlook one crime I em make it up I will bleu white I Mr Goodman a tear from and got up and took two or lurnt office At slopping and facing boy to remain how money Mthfy pel- aonat aocial How much a week out with How With MfiiUerfthle to Two AH right it bo art you hare been thirty Would tsU last theteaehenaDdKboIara of School 3 held a pie file at where a to and foot amoDg the Herb Winch and captured lint a la a hallow tree and body their Mill exception one accideol which happened to Mr while op to the la a row boat got between Ibe edge the boat and whaif cot the tod hi Roger between nail firat which him no J of Mich formerly a few Albert of tbta Mr Frank Draper home the North Weal Friday The In this vicinity are to cut their bay it an abundant crop Other crops are excellent with the exception low I where t has been drowned out with the The Free McthodiiU of phceha to tbeappearanuof their and an addition to the picket fence along the front end now with a Kit of paint will be to none In township A Joke oh tub Minutes St Start congrtgntion of St night the The had just finlih- lenutuul verftei of remarks had ex tended right hind to what when the en tire congregation to their feet reverend looked for moment but to the ndVery v ulluieul to Mow up the whole peniry discoviretl tho of hospital at lb ton From to iraDipa killed in railway Pa to railway com a million i wI announced Prince Albert Victor eldest of the of Wales been to Princes Victoria of fritter of the Emperor of Germany of department of the cotton at Ind pitched for ward on a circular which was id motion and body cut in two An Order id Council passed at Ottawa Friday granting the St I Niagara trat Railway a subsidy of It for ending at Ham A youog man wrote a letter year ago to a lady proposing wondered why sho never answered it and saw her marry another fellow Ho look through his old clothes the other day and found letter be had never mailed it The grub which has been playing such havoc with oats id Western Ontario ami in County has also attacked Mr Arthur McQuillan of they a field of ten acres of bar- ley which ho expects will not bo worth ten cents in two weeks l A from Field says Air has returned from ft trip to lately discovered spring south of there spriogi of petroleum within a radius of hundred acres and indications of an supply with the qualltf The are near Neat Pass i Services wero held for first in new Union at on last The of Button preached in tbo afternoon and ho together with Rev Mr and efficient choir of assisted at tbo entertainment on Monday Mr Wellington Wilson Whitchurch has a turkey gobbler which sat on eggs and hatched oat young turkeys When the gobbler first commenced to set Mr Wilson had some doubts that ho would continue and a week was lowed to elapse before were put under him consequently the old fel low sat five weeks An old trick was success- fully worked upon Mr Alexander Mitchell farmer of si Hamilton last week A young man ran up to him at market and asked him if be could bill Mr Mitchell said ho could give two fives but The man said ho just wanted to pay a man five dollars so that two fives would suit jMr Mitchell hand ed over the chongif and took what he supposed to bo a bill Bo- fore lonp however he discovered that the bill was issued by tho Into lamented States About one night last week a walking the Wat erloo road about wiles from when his attention was to the proceedings driver of a horse and buggy Three times tha animal was run against and crept up buggy and he Lad heard enough to satisfy him that the young woman In company with driver was endeavoring to resist Ms advances he sprang for- ward seized the whip Mm ho- had to call foe mercy only excuse for tbe young that- he sjDedtbe I under huMr girl was only old

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