New Goods tiering ImportUo L Bond A Auction Boot Repairs Hoc Wanted J For or To Rent John for L for Hatching Of I GROWS WITH BACH ISSUE FRIDAY APRIL Our Toronto Despatch April t from ad off a train lio coin Tin lb Art on will roo railway Hamilton- ft I let of it own iho Sew York Inf of down tt In irfc fa A Wf llbtl toll to ibo riMOoart cot lb Ifct Je- Tbt of Mr He ihroaboat ud Aidiv liboner will MMdDUttfbbiUk At debits upon tho to long dis pute the in Que bec ccmo to an cod the deciding by to 13 to cam to be settled by tie as one rosy regret the occasion of the controversy it difficult to dense a than this con- the delicacy of the and the consequence involved the General under the di rection of Parliament to have inter fere The began on Friday the OBrien moving in fttaendmtnt to a motion ot the Gov- to go Into Oommittae that the Government be called upon to disallow the Estate Bill upon the ground that it not with in the powers of the Legislature of Quebec to have pasted the Bill in other word that the Bill was ultra vires Legislature of Quebec Thereupon the discussion began and at time wandered far wide of the real involved in the motion namely was Bill ultra and if so how should this question best be settled Col OBrien spoke with much earnestness dealing historical ly with Jesuit and dis closed strong personal bias against order Ho was followed by Mr Conservative who as a Orangeman defended the Bill quoting copious extracts from that the Bill was legal and should not bo disturbed lie was by Mr- Barron Liberal who confined his remarks to the legal aspect of case his argument being that the Bill was clearly illegal and should be bo declared by the Govern The next speaker Mr Colby Protestant from Quebec informed the House that tho Protestant of Quebec at the settlement of this long vexed question by tho Legis lature of that Province compromising the case at Ices than onefifth of the property taken by the Crown from Order He pointed out that Protestant members in the Quebec Legislature approved of Bill voting and speaking in it favor and that the Protestant people were quite with it and the ooly disaffection on their part was simply in conscquenco of agita tion in Ontario right to interfere 4 Mr Mitchell followed urging on behalf of the small of New Brunswick that Central Parliament should not interfere with the legiilation of the weak Provinces to do so would practically them of powers which they would not submit to tho first debate On Wednesday of last week Mr McCarthy made chief argument in fayor of disallowance dealing with the law and the facts Ho contend that the property had been taken of by tho Crown for educa tional purposes and could not be other- wise used lie further that the Bill was ultra lug reference to the Pope argued that tho J endangered that Its teachings were Its they could not be presence of laJits John Thompson followed Mr McCarthy and exhaustively with the law showing that Quebeo had the light to do what he had done This closed tho days debate On Thursday the lion Mr Mills Liberal rtsutuod the dealing very largely with the law and proper construction our Confederation Act holding that the Dominion would bo act ing in violation of the constitution in disallowing the BUL lie was fol lowed by Mr Charlton liberal who was evidently down on Jesuit and decided everything them Next followed Mr Liberal effort York who out on a new line of argument Without Into the merit of the be shewed that this motion was a vote of want confidence in the and canled the d Gov would have to To tils Sir John would be called upon to form hi would hare to dissolve the House and the would be disallowance religious in tact If ins- his advice would be acted upon and the BUI dlsallowel Que bee would it and the quarrel would grow House act ingits part and the country suffering circumstances he urged that the te should be sent to the courts u it a question of law and the decision so arrived at would restore and good will in the land Therefore he would support the Government at this crisis in or der to save the from a and religions war at the same all to seek for their rights in the courts Tins sen sible and patriotic view was wannly received by alt parties as shewn by a of all the speeches that fol lowed With this we issue a supplement the speech of our mem ber in full J Mr Liberal regretted the passage of Bill but would leave it te the Courts Mr- Sutherland was against and union of Church and State and would vote against the Bill Mr Liberal as a private in the Liberal ranks whilst regretting the occasion of embarrassment would not shrink from voting with the Government where they were right as they were on this occasion Sir John then made a great speech reviewing the case ex both on law and the facts shewing that the law was against CoL OBriens contention further that Protestantism in do danger from harmless measure in question and concluded a most pacific and able review of the case After a few remarks from Sir Liberal in the same di rection the Tote was taken and raltedaa above stated Mr voting with the Government Reviewing the situation we think it would have been in the highest de gree had the Government been defeated upon such a question and the Hiding of North York reason to be proud of being represent by a man like Mr Mulock who go clearly foresaw and so fearlessly and effectively foretold on the floor of Parliament the consequences to flow from any fatal choosing of tribunals That his view had much to do with the result is apparent from the- clos ing remarks of Sir John which we also give in the the Editor WHAT HI TO ABOUT A despatch from Ottawa It is rumored in political about lbs ihit Mr J rill to Static as J Ax press to a rumor it Capital Mr Colby will probably Hon J A as of State Mr- Chsp Imq eg of 10 pises the Mr The Accounts of Commoas ibsceoeofarnlHTlj of lite The member for North York hid a lilt with Minister of Militia army and Mr of Smith bis em ployed a fertile to lbs Wesl with a bill for for bit he it his boms in Cbtthscu It is on the authority of Rev Dr Potts the smout I to Victcris College To will be very dsws for Co but as the Church as a doit folly to the e no It will be carried out Is too small to with Toronto to its tea- la sod id repeal of lbs Scott Act In the Act carried with the following majorities Lincoln Victoria Darbanij Aitliogtoo llraot 06 city St Thotnu city 11 Tbs cities were expected to repeal uesMyallof the The will he this 1 TV NEWMARKET ERA APRILS from lbs activity in political c tics not be surprised If sgtntnl election lb pnuit arc oomple Is J Pont- of Railway died Monday ed to tte of in took in lb a Privy a held the of In If be was of end Casals to ffl local will to the Sir and gi mas of land been called to his reward Id the of Mr John Bright P which event took at tits resident last week The was well attended After bed bid towered to last ruling the monroers to Friends bis remains bti interred la on for an Act of Parliament forbid body of any being deposited rehired rite a to the Cborch of Holland Open Friday veil and did- Wl fee In Him hero for a at last Sunday Mr- Holt Circle- nuking tba floo of la abaci see-ilor- welcomed 1 rotdst to in Dakota We ibam prt Mm Jam a fast Tew If bean aJtk for Sharon Ink Drops- April showers Band of nest Promotion neat week from faster this week on deck again What St again- lid yoa town hell POINTS QKAPHBDj Klrkpaltiek a a Bill for wrecking lbs on of to The of Its promoter was to ptoaptnea in saving of and In Its mult circulated to fatter kindly with the This BUI was to the by foe some reason It seems that Branch of composed of a men Irretponrible to ople should to a reef ibis kind after ft adoption by a utjorlty of lbs Montreal la demsodlngan amended libel law for of Quebec and cat I a open Provincial pre to an nor to needed thing Spelling the ezUtiox law tbtro the it Is hat there on oar a law which practically sets on the and lawyers sad an oppottanlty of cot for the character or bono hot for publULcra who nnder lbs find it coats mors to defend a libel salt than to settle ft by ths costs of which is all that asked Mr Will Corns ha left sio Mr Rogers of was town Warden of ML Albert Town Wednesday Mr Geo of gone Toronto lira Toronto or Sunday with Jin J A with J Brown of for a week at Mrs Kb Playter of Toronto Log on ixitnA in town a of days tUi Mr If VeLOL spending a Mr J Grwas Roe and left Ibis to sue months in sg land Bon Voyage Mr Andrew of SU Mr J A Sbarpe two or days in town fast week El Mr Pegg a foreman in To ronto World spent in and with old friends- t Riley gone to take of the department In of most booses Mrs Toronto is on a prior to to Port Alhoc on the of Snib also hers Sondsy Mrs Andrews of Aurora spent a at Mr John toast re attack of from which is She relarneti borne last Sitnrday The Gwtti says It on that Iter lr3r Kin Hector of Newmarket to indeed OConnor of Burr we low oar friend Mr Watson in with Reginald McLean pcrbied a good jewellery at them cruel band of in fo croup nipped a bod at the of nearly two tut on Monday from aud Mr The child they hare Us of hu been Masters a His morning wu eiotptfhilly good In afternoon be the Temperance meeting weeks notice our former townsman Ketcb for i new VoIunUcrCorapwy about to to known Co Mr an torn and brought up In this Hunched for slrtady put In fits years on succeeds bis employer If who been offered lacrsUro for a Montreal home Mr Ales a oat from Ireland about been for diCTsreat people town put winter received neon gem ent to a Shop lie evidently and we wleh him ad If ftBlD orrU bu from Toronto to Wsboxoa Mies bo aocna here homo wlrvotix Arthur Tory low few has part or farm Co Lou la do better lbo funeral black- a call- bo per forata oar popular buyer Mr- cattle Ihtt Copper mated Into on iTaJo Smith on Monday to is Will fur Moo- da morning Mount Albert t V m Rowland dt bare In Miller block This la branch of hail Ua carried on this hOSi Mr Ed Mitchell onrdroggiit for our and returned to his former situation in Newmarket Mr from near Zephyr been honored of lata In Janoary of Scott conferred on the honor of councillor by acclstnstion and on his wife presented htm with a pair Mrs is a sister of Warden Mr Editor bars be ably upon He do well to writs on we do not think a for Idle men and target practice tan retired farmer Scott baa Into boose on Main street vacate by Mr BobuTbompoa moved of the lain on moved Into r So you ss Mr Editor tbo Albert Marble la alt men of arto at any hoar And wurrTtly to of our LaOlca of blab to odd and avea marble too toy ebippM a on Wednesday John Harris tbo faro a able aod lntmcUveJI on from versa dwelldf tbo latter of lbs many Impraslonju Kettleby- ha of of Iheir it iW- Montreal I deplores the falling off emigration lo this Dominion com with owing to stop peg of and of actlva Is a But what can Federal or do A bus and shut fcy labor If moos placed In for this ars by party If do J Condemned If they dont It is matter to both Oar says that all on lbs preemption a Incmaisf 1 bate and tat It SanMygftdk Life Around A petition circulation open from Con lav a more convenient way to reach Thorntons dont to be much nrfetafty for It many teople will sign a seiltlon to to exieoa It Is likely to incur or ths to gained Monday a good up day tat there cot been touch syrup made farmers expect to plow- log tomorrow weather continue rajld 1 Am lo Mr tftilloa bride of hid uMnitltd from M Town Up Not tod far tho fa of a tod la but or tofortj lit wop the pari to of ihty tad bin lie til for WtT Whit Din U of oat I Do tea rotllv Ibtrt obportaaltT a I In of oitn with bo for who for of ffcrf by Mr htd lh lib feoodtv with coot for two tohooi wfth tad it t called to grief daughter wu Interred in the King Christian gronnd on Sibbatb by Elder Chid ley takiog for his text As whom hit mother so will comfort yon andysahaU in 13 A largo concourse of fifenda and relatives bung Elder will tako two little words DftltWorbls text on Sabbath next at llam gristing mills again coming under the cars and of John Elliott as miller Aimitrong a on Sat to Isaacs for Frank Toronto has annt the week at boms Some time ago we mentioned a in the possession of thtf form of an eagle Wo now faave to note what Dame Rntnor R has a par rot and a ate common fn this men are jrti rap Idly spend many long tedious boars weekly endeavoring to domesticate them Walter of Alliiton brought milch cows from that vicinity down hers to He reports feed scares in that we ara told Is the owner of a for a time We think this pretty good for bachelor who Is busy renovstlcg bis home the girts hint There was a meeting the trustees of Kettleby on Monday afternoon last for the transaction of inart ant to Church A feu thing the would like to know Why lbs gets ao far West 1 sugar special Wbo will be the to bars a taffy pull will be fiiat of the Vouog to sally forth politics What School tume 11 and going to do with their When the for the of the old Sunday School organ at A Dennis has tn Kettleby during winter months takes for city Ibis week to to In for season It aeaos though tba boys of cunning as debars not beard of any practical played on on All Fools Day who bare been the in put hops that may It la with extreme regret we learn that Hit Anns Dunham quits unwell Mon day morning last owing to effects of an apoplectic fit- an much pleased how- to know that she Is tooth Improved School of an Easter from amount of talent andnomerons it wilt be rendered Gertie Graham bu been quits for past few days but la roach pi Mr R V wbo baa In 111 wint ers will return to Sharon next week to st tend to his dntlcsl Aurora a has got settled now and la doing a good He will not bare a opening year Prof A- Dike gats a lecture on Life on Sunday last to a ball It was mwt for a man I listen W of Aurora died sud denly the of at rbs of bar inlaw In West Toronto The body was to Aurora on Monday and interred la the Aurora on noon followed by a of AJ of of the celebrated the eleventh antilremry of their wedding by party on Friday evening of St are building a lot of for sum mer trade a Horseback riding to all go this spring and gents are to ho at this healthful exer cise A passed aloog Wed nesday sflernoon of the last I a mixture of weather sinc last re port It nearly all day Sunday on aodon It Signer are playlet In the Hsll this Fit- and Saturday They gav sway tickets to the ladies Thursday night left Town for last Friday morning J to new shop in block is at present doing miaou work with a gang of men in Toronto Mr John Grit of Aurora has the of ColHogwood water works and electric light Wilkinsons Plow Works are They ship about a car load a the being North- and John with his white choker was for s hers Wedooiay Will Sutherland and KohL werd In Aurora calling on old friends has started a cash ha found out that credit dont pay Aurora Ride Club went down to Newton brook but Saturday and were beaten by The of of Auroraare going ahead fait now baring bad doling the last three weeks Farther disaster are reported from Sooth Pacific ocean owing to hurricane A Englishman named committed nt night hy jumping into Great Bargains I FURNITURE FOR CASH AT TUB LEADING ANU House A Larya Block lo from Will be of WeUtJelcetrf as wall as Undertaking a Specialty tost reatdenoa AH prom and fftaU on Joho Tux tjc rtiUeoi of lb inJ of Mi Mr lo Mill ticaf bo I MtlhodlJil to illu Kir- Hat Mr uUMrlL ibo iu un Mti Jriinla ircuxLLOn lbe Jii Mr of Kforalay At to uiL by Mill J Gorm of li by MerotOor btiiiNonadAUibWrofJoi- Silt Bomb Toronto of Mi- J Ibuilpo Of Paris London and New York Pattern Hats and Bonnets and Parisian Novelties Straw Hats Bonnets Paris and New York Frames- MILLINERYTRIMMINGS Feathers and Flowers Ribbons Laces and Ornaments Too tor Sutton Muter who has been sofferlngform a elbow to tbs Toronto for where being put under trie influence of chloroform It was speedily Albert Dr ISaoi- will he long will again laet the of lou A lane number of at tootled but Ibat Sfarkliam ajoJniaax tbouht hat no would be held and weal a Judeo anMotafc Mr rt of to received next and Court four or Ave were which the public IP fiddltfoD to Deputy Judge pane and of of market nod it- lioa er of estate of Millar which look place some time Mr list week once was left charge while s pleasant nap guard Mm and bail Mm outaids door was thoroughly awake or aware whit taking but he took io the situation the of a a toted its ha got beck ibttmhoute where till force me Saturday a Torouto but is Mr force wis A deed is all the and if the right of who hold it a bit time is exiled week both repidty increased day thadifeosa officers nod men or stout double that of John of the forces feels bad losing the eogiemeot Mr Jobu who met with the cut- hot week is as well as locked for from a liU to her iu last week her child but pleated to lbs quite I tha few weeks Lick item from Albert to to the stow and for which I would J tried aod works well which is follows If the a little boy or girl age firs Ire or if he osi- of a he for stew till the firt loafer appeal thro to s4 latest then go to your Us lbs toy to watch the the boy fo nine out of wilt be because he his will no doubt wbi Is boy if property tell out watch aod es didot rocket aoythlog bare noil people why not Iry It on yuiio a number of our to tusks sod all wont forget you Mr Editor for I If in this world that It it We Miles Prof speeding siya a good there It tobeaweddlng lotbsljurb soon 1 the old Mr Mil Miss at Alberts here a the by lbs time la print formerly of io A iloualCjSoo of Mr The year J hit town tod Mary years the March fcjiwird T Id on of Mrs Jerry mouths tbo Jit lust Infant sod of Mr if Teat S J NEWMARKET All order will receive auj FOR HATCHING mom and a It IWL- ANTED work pply S3 rear of Hi i SHOE lit or over ma pre fared Work A 11 If OR SALE OR TO RENT That well at tha North property or Winner or of JOIINT ClIKTia Carriage Work us at another Ufa Id lowo or depart log bo well provided for now Jjtiall of A No ijrthtr week Is with AoflrJog about Lo Ho or Mr John Arkuy of North had to tut off tbeoflQgar aod part of hie right baud Ifc the cutter culling fteJforhlscstUa a a It- Hall look laat and lurcoyau wo i and Air laid at test lam Jam churchyard 1eU4 their have erected rtiito top a large railroads which Ihey loteud to or Bums of every rear Is tha fiyalLaopearaoea at to bare ilttgblog baa oot heavier all the wfoter the time we arafolpgtobavsUetgblDgaxalu Maura lookout for boraos foriuuetely oor slock low Mr Wo Howard la to Far Mr- Vf good very well m will Toronto toauui loBLtlaaViu4 at Jamei peal thews a that piano wJdoS from at St the lia tin loooa that dUoQMkiD In lbs aoow term moiety f wire swruiasti that grain market con- with lower again reported Our Newmarket Kail as as 1 Al a Barley do OH a TO do t a Rye do is a It JACO 1100 per Apples par Dressed per owl PS Beeper Timothy Mill 1 a a a a a C0 a IM a OX it Toronto par a a do lit a 111 Jo a i a 15 Qi Docks I Smm jr Farmers will rind It to a call i mil Application for Guardianship hereby given that after ei- iweoly dale will ratdeby to the florroala of the Con tit of York to bo tiuardlso of Holland April HOLD SATURDAY APRIL 13 AM About Buggies and Wagon 3 Gutter Seta of Halters Howes Cow Special 1 Family good order AUCt IT BOOTS SHOES TO STOCK OUT By the 1st or April 1889 John Montgomery i Pitchers VWXWVX VW Our Stock is the Most Extensive in Town and com prises the Newest effects in Checks Stripes Antiques Brocades Tinsel Brocades Twotoned and Embroidered Ribbons as well as and Satins in all Widths and Colors iT In Feathers and The character of our Stock is fully up to its well- known Standard The Assortment is at once New and Fashionable and in respect to value Unsurpassed Under tills heading we carry a Large Assortment of the Latest Productions amongst we would mention Colored Tinsel Embroi deries New Embroidered Laces Jet and Fancy Brocade Bonneti I All Ladies Visiting the Town are Invited to Call and Inspect our Several Show Room in charge of Miss BRUNTONBROS Specialties this READY CLOTHING MENS YOUTHS AND BOYS All Sizes All Quantities All Prices carry an immense stock of Clothing made for us by the Leading Manufacturer can guarantee Lowest Prices Town 1 DRESS GOODS Our Stcck of Dreas Goods and Prints is now complete and we confident no assortment both for Quality and Price be in the town FAMILY GROCERIES As usual our is Replete with Choicest Stock of Groceries North of Toronto purchase the Largest Quantities and sell at Wonderfully Low Prices We We have paid special Department this Season and can oiler a for and have never been shown tiere before we guarantee the Quality the best and the price Lowe ffsfyftm q roade to a Perfect Pit v I A