a A vaa r a rtl p da I in ATKIN80lfi NQwmarkotOnt Internationals ONH Nor- Job A Golden ye odd ltd to lb Urn of Jo due It of by He bron tod the had ltd to to Slates The from two Iribw wilted bid lb fully with Oil bad or panful of tod bill tribe of of ibo to coa- faithful of It and it burden of our leil It foorcf olbiii fii tie o Vfifjd up ta they fWt to Klod Mill to ord Ao wocoofprtlwftoflhiiooodofbUrnf Jty Velio fnalMtt wehrjr much of we do former Not poly ere ibUrerd but older brotbtu aUtcn ire too culpable a bat of the lack of eomewoidof kindly word are like old the of od Ibo and ijuy to kind worJi lead to for fill to In illy kindly The be wry bat A tingle ftoer Into to out m touch a of It ut iowr eod I leuhrrybolmt for teht by iinde frill cot Hod It difficult to teach it lo itfdJ YlOloltJ I and lbo fcre axe like under ibe Jintmrof He care of lo hit home bed attack of mo before J- on ftuoday ldrAIaAaeCoQll aroatprweol roof At Lloyd lowa AftA ft poll of mod our roa4s6e about dry I tit pait quietly A dot of Mr loil fid b from Pol will a to o to next fiahbdlb were Intended for but did fiOt till Friday Taato of in Milk There no OTCr X Ait fet of cnbo effected J JDlj In I Tno from crown of turnip If cut off tad throws en tire will not tbo milk of CAT- Id warm water and oM to of milk sot in pans For a aioglo of of bo sufficient and for gallons In due propor tion turnip ought to bo given to thocow after milking or so to them and after eating and mix with cut or Scald milk soon as drawn Tbo beat way to do to Insert milk Into a largo pan or about full of and stir milk until to of boat and then sot It Way to grad ually cool cream mot thick cornea off a lump and churned quickly All remedies so to bo easily tried and if do no good bum ill Editor of lail of Loudon for th dtupci Ceotnl uid tti of Itft tint be will up hi jKtcii- in a tfco lima become sector the firm of the lite Mr Flcr was a too rttoBgly urge upon oat Doeultr of for a of the first claw nth far as The of York it a aewapapeij all Id in a Q art a a aod a toper combioed It lies folio a Ho welter what a religion or be or condition be The will a an instructor educator Our less than for a free copy or for paper will for en to of critic ally yearly or two for The Km City lufvtruitiou as to of Gtote fa given our aUeiliibs iu out ecalra trei order for pub licet lou hut The did pule off fa be IH in but ijily fin iu ofaeplfadiJ publication such at in Mfli at Iomv DoiblDoffinaodal uoctuy The putts accoioiuayiug ut litre ever with any Ibtm being a copy of a of Park by It president of Hie CanadUo Academy of The lit- tbU number will coouibutlooe foretnotliterery pirn Id Canada The mechanical of alii a beyond if fine ben presj ttotbmto count for nythlo in aocb may with w wy Tie direct Pearls of Truth We cm do more by being good than any othor way in no Inconsistent with slrlclcat morality who waits to do a groat deal at onto will anything highest of charity la charity uncharitable angry word raises a storm that itself cannot allay Stay not until you told of op portunities to do good after them liko must bo viewed in all situations or iu color will do- coivo you Would you hear a tweet and speak awootly and pleasant ly yourself Dont judgo a man by clothes ho wears God man and tailor clothe happiness of every more on his own mind than on any or all external circumstances When guard your thoughts In tho family guard your in company guard your words Wo haunted an ideal life and it is wo within us beginning and possibility of Kindnesses stowed away in heart liko draw to sweeten object around them If wo did but know how little great things they possess would nob much in tho world is bells that ring out awoet rousio when touched resound with sweat music Honesty that is only policy is not much very heathen know licttcr than that end said that what was right and just ought to bo dona though heavens should fall- Bo careful to bo just what you would to appear to bo Wo of ten think much of appearing to bo a worthy charactor rather than being one Another break has occurred in Cornwall Osuaj bank and them Is prospect of to pass through this fall fc On iVcadiy laat tho was from sons to when front axloof and ho was violently precipi tated over to tho ground shook utter vented him ixx breaking of his fait l that ho was not Nov A heartrending accident occurred hero at noon to day children of Dr two girls and a hoy aged 11 8 and years themselves on tho banks of ho Grand River and it Is supposed that of them fell into tho river which at particular is and that the other In trying to a rescue also full In boy youngest of children was scon clinging to Ho was saved but tho two girls drown ed AMBBSTOTS THIS J I limido l at 7 HUGH Business Notices CoaOiumpllDn for timely Inyo per Wrod- be fed to two you If bay will WDdJBO a A a our lbc bird it to bare tdo worn cite An jipy my if would gut or amc Wed of tick Wo bo got Floret tor bo would bit llou a ex- flowloj or cVikm womb vUbMotcraalfant- Forty men by pirate at a at minora killed in ft coal day by at by ho MiDh of and filial of Brentford Upwards of bad pro- coDVcraioiit and work still going on A A stick of timber cut day at which was feet long- and tawed out of log foot of cedar weighing thirty tonn Mr Mrs Geo Fletcher of their silver on Monday week Jast about 200gucct at their An wan read and a silver in Joo Strickland to months In Cent ral prison for on Oshawa by on last lash would if girl had younger and Ica to for Nov A firo occurred hero at two oclock this morning which resulted in coin destruction of largo skating and curling rink and dwell inhouee besides considerable to oilier buildings The firo wm tho work of incendiaries fe Recently Miss Hall daughter of Mr a Hall of mot with tho to of logs- young lady who was with her at Harmony was standing upon a ladder picking a applet and reach ing for of fruit tbo ladder turned over and ho foil to with tbo result- Frank Snyder of Port Perry was up before Mr Horn at on Monday on a charge of selling liquor during tho fair claimed that ho with lung troublo and bad whiskey there to mix with hie cod oil but nut for The magistrate showed to and for troubled youth THIS YEARS MYRTLE CUT AND PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO THAN IN on PLUG Tie iadmoaftant That Where yoa can bay DRY GOODS No in consequently will wear longer a great goods that Uio JJ0D8E0 On Weal of much GREAT BARGAINS Fancy Goods BUSINESS BOOMS SEASON SPECIALTIES At New to Street HARDWARE WORLD in Uicfiv liudt A J aufl Political Article By Wmi JK IdcUirdTa HlCailcaVsJi tJrcinJ Mm fcn4 Atveii 111 Xr MaTboEfliifADdicb JO rfiw London fiog lift a rl f Tin will Articles J JJr Howard JJhu Ji in sMUituui AgricQiiuCp xniriiwiiuoiiJiitn Why mm vlllufoxfitrluonvtieol vnclcly foi to four WjFlvo WW An Fiftytwo During tbo Year- ilolfo lhoncdilnInooITNi ox a a month COPIES fort Til cotXro lo Co will to fur Lilt I FOR For Halloween takesthe tun Tbe doors and windows destroyed build- stole and used the factory to cook tUor A in speaking about the tbroat says and tbeae throat Is smoking And It doesnt any difference if the tobacco is the ft it not so poor or but is bad Now you or any other gentleman can make no expert moot for yourself When you get up morning sit before your mirror and look into your throat will find it is color of which if natural ciar for five minute and then look again You will find that color has place to a deep red for BO and you will your the of raw boot condition It to u a health wove it be a good plan to do away with It Is not only an unhealthy habit but fco Jnoiealloui aa Hour JleadacbMUaJog Wind on bo or a or aansauoo ih of the mil mat by ba cored IDs wont record RiHiVlltiacdf or iihgjaiAt Yellow Oil from your medicine dealer and cured Ida Cornell ibal and It as a ore cara it sever A sir IJl to hivilMld w colli tor friMtrlfAtv Wit ar kcpJIaairOsiElortUUiutiJB quick and care for ucb Op flood or towri by Blood bo ill by itberouQtcr a- woit fcoddIof food flicbtw For all iLtiaDJxhf Yellow Ibo DAM LA MRS YOUNG Absolutely Pure Tftlf vtr A or ffhotimanttJ Ih and Million AKJKUl PRESENTS to to who the the it luviij ft tlilECKia iCOTOROSTO aUiQufdctnrcnt of i la Jo Cod of a jvi ftmtriy far produced falltOlrrlt sun feather Air thou thoroughly on a windy day in a cool sun draws the oil the a rancid smell Children Cry for Brilliant Durable I Economical Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength Parity and Fastness None other are just as good Be ware of imitations because they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak colors To be sure of success use only the Diamond Dyes for coloring Stock- fugs Yarns Carpets feathers Ribbons c c We warrant them to color more good pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable colors Ask for the no other A JO A Coat Colored garments A Child them I Ax Wilts Mod trod P Pitchers TRUSSES Ifio lit fttiij Kcock Kiu VllUltCH ST BREADMAKERS YEASL I ttJ KilfdMilWlV i FT jiyt J toWoJal PRICE FIVE CENTS A constipation DIZZINESS MP Of Am ACTION FOAM A AID TO aiTTIAS IN TcaraicKT we or chronic A0 065TINATC STORMS KINDS IN CHILDREN OR SYRUP AND THE- MOST HARDWARE in Builders Hardware Dry Building Paper Tarred Pitch Threshers Supplies Leather Rubber f leather Babbit Sportsmen Goods Shot Guns brass Shells Powder Shot Reloading Tools c Largest Stock of Glass in Town CARRIAGE WORKS LOT loibaok our IK for year da very npnt rtoincinujncolhmtrrtc In wo will ucouf practical Stylo ftualityiDurabilityi General Appearance and aim from and will cod be to tuck at of SPRING WAGONS OPEN AND COVERED BUGGIES Jump wiU A the Heat feHlns loiihuoxCD iJcUiublla at 1 1 f that Workmanship A from- branches JOHN BRIMSON DENNES Mills SHORTS CHOP OATS ALL DESCRIPTIONS Of MEALS Delivered to any part of Town CHOPPING DONE EVERY DAY AUTUMN 1888 STORE THE FARM Stilton SHORTHORNS Ibrcccartlpf by tb ha by Hor alrrioa a Island Native Wines I Swwt St St ami SPECIAL PRICES IN 5 GALLON LOTS GROCERY DEPARTMENT fvUj Gallon Pots Glass SelfSealers At Cost In Order to out Stock P J Slrcf North Telephone 3 toll WBHi Sheep Ar air- aIj iitr iiV NOTIOB- MECHANICS TOOLS Slackemitbi Supplies kept in GARDENING AND FARM TOOLS Of all kinds always on hand Full lino of Oil and Putty An Paints UORSALKOJ W No ENTIRELY NEW STOCK J A ALLAN CO IS Bond WERCHAIMT TAILOR CORNER OF MAIN ST PARK AVE Newmarket it to lulls equal in and to any in the trade Having bad jcors a FirstClass Fit Guaranteed or no Pay Choice Stock of Cloths on hand to select from Sample Formerly Ruses D PIANOS AND DOMINION ORGANS PHB and Most Elegant House in Canada Special Prices given to Spring Purchasers Terms buyer in Visitors to the City cordially jd Come and Wild a pleasant half hoar in our Music J S CO No King St West J Toronto LUMB E RI LATH SHINGLES NOW TO CUSTOM KR3 WITH noons SASH PATRON OK THK SOLICIT A OK SAUK TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WE CANE SONS MFG CO FITS ro A Ravi the or fL jajpoair tor a BOOT CAUSE AND EFFECT MA NY till if Htnriajai WO -ru- Beck ItLiVwiUfiifjr Vrirt Gli7l aAWKfNNiiY WlCfiii of or ft J nj ixer ftr tub wrwMbrr i Jls Mixture Wood or Bolts WANTED inc7 la prle for OH IINK r HOUSE i tfron3 oft CM ALL PLA toft pppIlT FARM Kail the Held Hood tray to A KM wtwt the- firm ft sxtO is is vm of Valuable FOR A lo lMsnDJ3inllCol Jul For Kara iOjcrtof is y l0 j J Or bin alp ir 4 on si LITTLE without disurlXDJ occult too Call SlHEHiBI Indlr Of an J vcX toe lc 4nf their MWtlLAEiMIATtOyJ W ftl I Moody- ftod aid It It- in titer ifrnUxr i in ft b lluiisivi J lulf fn i hx Dr IaUrrh ftttj by of I My lb nub a inj lay TO4 tiiattiaftOtl Co miAil J- j- Juj iunb lo I ftia no m IM dftv waft flv jL