r V a i NEWMARKET ERA SEPT RAILWAY 3 I ALL -IK- OMNIUM turf the ATKIN80N ffowmariotOnt It lXl Car- CHURCH ItfcV I IV Ill A nVlKll AM A PM Hi Nil AY AT vltlora llift irIHiRgiro4ei1 Mr AND Willi SEPT 28 International S SO SI The Granary Tim following report of llio whfAt Manitoba and Canadian North West it by tfao CI It from observation Anil from farurn in their immediate vicinity and traveller to and from respective stations who travelled in llieir die- given shows that i baa been damaged by frost to audi as to do- juiuln the value the Mho Province in ho jjryiU in win fiiitfcijiatcd crht ill of v ill on crop limn up l by of by mi iiirtit of y popl in 1 At it in is for of Willie by And Ho child en forhtd to onto Mo of oIIlDATcn A form our borne A Wo tow Id mock the will Wear Willie hue lie from 1uji the And iaVci lu lilt He lay ii my kingdom not to owe Ho lent And cow called him One blow ho protlrato falls hat Wo lift biro- gently bit Ob I can It bo dead Could bo have if but word jolt to J wo hive lait fond look How oar grief lie who marks fell Wlllbcarourprayore will heal Wo know Ho all flit kind and claitmatca all With l re ad Approach bra bier for look he pale and dead Ob bo badly lovod lead To up i Will not hit spirit hour near And softly from afar come to left ajar Notices bars of Wild sod flod boa It equalled We too Crow and April tb record child in In hi it- pry of of tin of the Union Two points Jaw All raiii huccessfully lrM7tnL No MM grain No frost nil new I froit will bo com inn fw rfttys or two iriflli rroitril binifl Ipitl in mails iy jin salt In injurcd r rf Whit wood liar ftiout SO Mm vrltlj iiiji of EOilth of prf will in iime by frost Liability A and low Iropura a double liability to con lral blood Ml worn matter sod by Burdock thoroughly rejulatcs and the ayilem Cod Oil and Is tto tfplb of Halifax bavoprfcrlbtOKcottaKtnul will for rait two and found It itauto pre para have ver tried icWcandllalM A rootl It la Is Hitlers more favor yearly by ItnUlns ayilem valuable in removing oil and up To your read ers Km a for above fly timely been per manently be loand two of your If they will end inn lift A 5iotJ5 MrelTriioiibiitni Women of but when tfispMHIObl be lneoniiutnedc of features peculiar to tbty not Ii the duty not oily of worn to but of VOLoenaosintcUdlo bring and of Oh lit Pre- the great for female wraknrMCr ft a a or Ibo and ii prolapsus or the back- version mo Hon and of the fiid jo and kindred All El in t Oak tlantan tut or About cent with juntl pent more or are all vrry littles Sydney wheat no all in no l About cent about wot more or No improvement than ju prrvious all grain cut report indicate consider nearly all cut about cent No nearly all cut f nearly cut Neatly all cut about r cent Nearly ail cut about 50 Nearly all cut about all cut soma days in condition all cut about one third damaged alxiut per coot dam aged early wheat largely of 1 late wheat damaged Wiverville Nearly all cut farmers well with of crop although damage chop yield of wheat Manitoba and surplus for shipment of bich 11000000 ono enquires in 10 is reality lie pyluur of Art till- ply is liHlpV 11 to were Villi and the only rn dy did Enactor We utrt rMtherind bo without time J New we Cuter Wins was a tot 9tt due bad Is of appear to of rays- My enoltra and tedtr one bottle of Fowlers of entirely A vlvWiy to mind ibropsb eautdby liver kidneys aud 1 be great bnrc ijtood A Hint to Clerked or in life depends largely loyalty If you are loyal to family to your church and to you will bo true to your employer and to your own of young and promising men split on this rock Ability a good thing to have but without stability and re liability it leave the for weak and at a in life dare do right dare to be true be a and world can fool proud of you your wife your your em ployer Everybody will proud of you it over 11 All of All fin out delightful in bom or other for li quor on the Exhibition fined 100 and that too of the Fair au Mm to Mil liquor Alexin a the fair Saturday bad about worth of hay by lire usual luarkh tires undertook around bis atacks but stead of futuro low tiro he started stacks large number of all to the bUsa to the A Delightful DAy Known Authore8 of the moat my a friendly hour spent with at met mo at door with a gcotlo motherly greeting won my heart at I ahould say it would bo to feci awkward or at with tho authoress of Girls A Now Graft Pay and charm jog works which found their way Into Sunday library As settled her comfortably In a low rocker op mo I took a rapid survey of famous littlo woman At conclusion 1 decided looked ai one would expect Pansy to appear A well rather below tho medium robed a of dark green silk which set al most girlish of com- of this woman of or Massive of oft brown hair unchecked by gray as yet were coiled about her shapely head Id a quaint old fashioned but eminently manner No abomination of fritzUs or waves marred tho of nut brown locks above brow A certain sweet gravity loot an In- charm to big lutein- of dusky brown and firm gentle lips known as a very pretty woman and I do not wonder at it Is seen without favor- ito and namesake At of which write a groat golden with black heart In a of green silk I found Mrs Aldcn was very wilt ing to talk but always to aomo other subject than her- self waft not my intention bo between us managed to touch upon a diversity of sub 1 am always to moot Cana dians in aoft low voice know such delightful people from that country though I never been there myself I hope I shall go fiome day I should enjoy your beau tiful ao much This fired my patriotic sou and next five minutes spent ex tolling transcendent beauties of our fair Dominion In general end of London In particular winding up by abruptly Inquiring if had not written at thirty books 1 really do not Know num ber sho said with a laugh but I thero must bo than that I mean largo of couree You aware I edit Pansy you I assented Well after our abort ap pear in hat publisher gel them out in thn form of small primary books for children in about thick holding her two plump forefingers about half an inch apart I do not know how many of there are either You must bo very busy woman I remarked No with sigh not as I would like to be I have been somewhat of invalid from my birth and only ftblo to work earlier part of day some days not at oil Hut I advantage of being a rapid worker and from my own weak ness have an adept in lematiaing You see pain isnt as hard for mo to bear as for most It is a part of myself I do not know what it is to bo without it ad I learnt to bo systematic and rapid in order to make up for enforced loss of time waa no shadow on bright toco opposite only far away look in the wistful brown as went on It teems to ono of tho pleas- thoughts of no pain Just never to tbo old aches and wearisome back I brought a from London 1 said And then I told how some children in Lon don South mourning the death of their young and Miss Finnic of Jndon South had formed a little band called each child pledging to do day some kind net say some kind word and try to overcome begetting sin This was their childish way of erecting a monument to their loved teachers memory to carry on the work bad inspired To cherish memory of her words her teachings and her personal pre dilections and look for comfort and support to living pansy As I told her how the little dauchlers of Mr A Robinson on behalf of the class had commissioned me to give fondest to dear Pansy tho soul of the woman flashed and shone through its clear windows Thank much I lovo my children have names all enrolled in a largo book are thousands in different parte who belong to these Pansy societies and I am always so happy to hear from them and receive their little con Do you know I like On Day best of any which I read Ah You interested in the temperance cause I am vry glad I believe it work of the women to day I told her something about the of the Scott and how many pirtia that the Very fact of prohibiting liquor caused a desire to obtain it Forbidden fruit being sweetest Absolutely falsa reasoning Pansy it does not apply to other law I am sure I never heard any one venture to assert that wo would be better off without a law theft and murder On inquiry I told got elected because of their temperance principle but once in principle subjugated to and prohibition seemed as remote at ever as far as wero concerned Exactly the same story as in country Pansy with tho shake of her pretty head Oracie dear young girl in com bine who at that instant passed the here let mo Intro- you Then I Miss Grew Mrs a young lady of about with a plain and People who Grandpas will 1 with the Ixj grownup as a Livingston is pitchers THEBELL fe PIANO by to lUricli to sod CRLKBKATEU WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE ALSO Tilt STANDARD SEWING MACHINE very lftot sold If JOHNSON Main Street Newmarket Next fllcpoi Drug OIL FOR AM OP VOCAL NORTH OK TORONTO it J fc AUTUMN 1888 Island Native Wines Sweet St St Can SPECIAL PRICES IN GALLON LOTS THE S SONSMPB GO OP R00ERY DEPARTMENT STONEWARE Gallon Covered Butter Gallon Covered coots equally as cheap Glass SelfSealers At Cost In Order to out Block SEASON SPECIALTIES At the New Hardware next door to Mala Street BUILDERS HARDWARE IP And Supplier kept in GARDENING AND FARM TOOLS all kind alwajra on hand Full lino of and Oils find Putty An ENTIRELY NEW STOCK J A ALLAN CO LUMBH LATH SHINGrf WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY WITH SIDING SASH i THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME A TURN OUT GOOD -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE P J 0MALLEY Main NEWM ARK ET book and news depot schoolTbooks STARR Central Telephone Office a writer A dainty Jittlcpoern save that it is nchlicr veno or rhyme called A Idyll in book form over Iter noma It that new to bo in full will for heroine the lion of all young lady to bo in Mrs estimation the I met Pansys husband ttcv Mr and her eon tho former a tall gaunt man and tho beautiful blonde lad of about wih regular I Both wore of rich purple panties tendon Advertiser t3T a affair took Durham a few days ago which auflkicnt for that for time to com It appears that a lady who had into of a considerable of money was engaged to bo married to a young man of district The wedding day rived and all on hand who had by means delayed for a time In the meantime a Mr Hill who was to man took a out with thcbridp When the bride groom arrived two hours later ho learned that hie fair one had out with Mr Hill and ho followed tbem and on overtaking tho pair was told by lady that had concluded to wed Mr Hilt The bridegrooms chagrin and rage is bet ter Imagined than oppressed Ho ordered to give him back garments he had bought her when peeled off wedding dress and which was what he claimed and throw them at him accepted tho offer of a coat from her new man and they wont on their way rejoicing to Durham procured a license and got married- Kincardine Reporter POWDER Absolutely Pure of More and powder A vim ido low Toronto W per 10 to MILESIAN at own to GEO HO ft OLD CANT SLEEP filplOnt and earful are the Jic of Jn force up to ucct next the nor- Ton if contrql trouble u a during he day lie train not time to its entrain medical remedies are tonic and IS EVERYTHIN remittor of ione Coca and in is the best the aodwlcrr lirandrfrro in This a brought Cm who in night to morning or d caused to awake more than IeprdcbilitAtcJj or aged people perfect health a the great CderrCompouod Price Circulttt GO Proprietors WRIGHTS STOVES TINWARE -AND- HOUSE -AT- Prices to Suit the Times CANS Aw iIKEU Milk to SEW BtluWs for booi Woo4 j To Goods Exchanged to D S WRIGHT THE BRIARS FARM Sutton Out OhoUeofWHeadof SHORTHORNS I ftttvg an bow MERCHANT TAILOR CORNER OF MAIN ST PARK AVE is now prepared to suit equal in and finish to tho trade Having bad years a FirstClass Fit Guaranteed or no Pay Choice Stock of Cloths on baud to select from PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE OK HARDWARE AT ROBERTSON For consisting of Cutlery Plated Goods Saws Axes Skates Forks Shovels Spades Etc Robertsons Old Stand Newmarket a THE WM CANE SONS TO LET POH Mil Kg My PKGI ARM TO KENT UAlfctinD2UfdCODof Whit Alt Appy to a GROCERY BUSINESS ibppropeTlycf 111 Al until taut to or to C11AHLUDDY 11 nop item fcrnijaJo tin it I J w4PoitOffla lift OR SALE A BARGAIN- Two Pi On I rtl apply 10 Sit DR FOj HOUSE TO LET ltol boot Apply r A ttf MALL PLACE FOR Hire from oaw water ivJ tKdQ fttcn Apply FARM SALE I of farm of y Formerly Ruses P AND DOMINION ORGANS and Most Elegant Music in Canada Special to Spring to buyers Vie iters comiog to the City cordially welcomed Prices and Catalogues given Come and spend ft pleasant halfhour in our Music Parlors S CO No King St West Toronto fid bit Office or wvl of labile Work MARIE CAM for will bo In at siiblVptrt Man will received Jt Hep- lh6rrvil at Jito TKNOtKM forth mo RENT AND ALL SUM FLUXES IS SAFE AND CHILDREN Wood or S ftfa Coo Ktcf vel watered about oJ wrHdia for sailor r T j TijU two on IMdreaJOOitiy loacoodiuits WaLTKHD Victoria It FOR SALE- IT l IS Kait of llmUr CCcurcnHwtt Valuable Farm Land not be aud U9 to ha J tola inacooiracor of iba pry irnJrr fall to 0 Accept tba low cat or Aucit A DUNNS BAKING POWDER AND EFFECT acomrar iba xo aejwryffelruatOFprfi viirHativ lie ay iiaaicrotcb bxJ liter at3 LiyjKoiii ibia will ujJo of IJjitvP lb by Mandrake by J l a 4H erf vtiaru racial en JacT tlJHWft JlUolofHU Mary lei two too iba IbotffohaoJ wMeotoio at A lclily of ItjU aManerTUKrtUW or of In for mat too reUtlta to bo iqo lha lo mid rioted by a lil nol ieolr tbi malarial plla fa ibtremQit ifcoaetcaUfjotufof lotffuit of of each iflimberof ba a ujt for lb turn of tba ardtocfci man aoiocDy for vliolotr of oiratkalsaod will eonirae for at on In iba receipt ibo Till Ikjartionild bled lUeif luttor A fin A lt ftf cay bah and AtutftJaceMoJed 83aod3lo Coo Of toll and abaodarrc Far adapts to jail For Kurt bar fKTKHMAN- Ml- AlUrt FOR SALE THE Of New IN PERFECT ORDER WUta all Improve menu Owl table do Viy It or Kovmanet- WcWU excbmja atora ether pxopeitj farm FOR SALE or TO LET ACRES acrea partly tut aeta KCAitaaloa Very LtbWfil ton Apply to or T AT SALE ibeTowoibitor ibr ban IW Ml 100 uu 1 rcedttiareon J itao AUftSarcfalLotliitbeToujiolNtwuiai Krxprtcaiaatfpulteulertapply to Do you dull rocUlIJH fuLatj or Moat lax or ing coaled irrxfftJUf before afteJ If of tw or jour Mill euWuo if for a aw or later a Dr Co acta tbnKiifti on puntUa from ttfl and a4 an arid air Dr PI CURES Al from a Situ or by L0rxi powerful lu In fl KryipeUa bona ao4 a Skin UlMB a Vef Dumb tor on l TH rtJoa ika trench nd Prorata by of rower to to IMf a look Of KM or AT trill Liver roe wrk a book aw KvXlJJ0 iLii 1 J J f L A l ii I t