V NEWMARKET ERA SEPT Pi New J Mad or Now Fall Good It J it Millard A- Geo A- Property for Apprentice Wanted J It for Mill P Slit Bra UP I WITH FRIDAY SEPT 1888 Toronto dirk York d lb oflli of of they Jury Ilit for ImporUvt to the km Hall on A turned Mr- lulling from ft ftt Hod by two of tiling hex jiurio At of the lu of of jitmoflir to on Ibt It Mr Hone ttu city on North for lid to Asylum to for ft It In city Id tbo exhibit iota Lift t to firetAcot jo J Id of ftt flrf we Iter Mr WKlolij by cooicnt Mi com bad a Wilt of tbeyiere600h9 Com- Ikea gatfftl on of ftltrtloni St ftdmltpion to Mr figrjcoljorftl filter of Hit- London Knftj fa ftUendftDe at the A on foot for W the of Toronto ft A Thyrr-lULthf-i- lit f lit And in lit toko nd look upon poor cotDponwtloa for hard earned tioy prinoiplo Id loudly demanding tht and an neighborly bo by fighting Canada by treaty and it our American want to which can only bo by treaty lot honor ably indemnify Dominion rather than fljrk to by bully log Principle and Bluster lis Editor AIM TO of tor apparctt mid a throngb ara loog ikfttehca tod Qororpftnod JUaitrtUoctit ibe from to charged temji of of that Colony to Ihe fill week Chronicle pi of a largo circle of IxjIIovow when flaying it might ho good for Canada if it could he fcocured but it mighty to on An in its favor tho in inaultiDg us at turn and further with cointiicioUl relatione Hint now the two of the bo provoking enough- especially to who fancied ihoy could a in the political of this country through tho in Addition to by leading on of politics vieing with cacti other in laying things about or Canadian threatening all sorts of direful con sequences to this part of Her Majestys dominions unless Canucks quietly allow Mr Yankee to poach our fishing territory without com- or permission or regard to treaty obligations But Cana dians have not been brought up in the woods to badly scared by They have alight to expect that the solemn treaty of will be respected- Up to oar American neighbors acknowledged these obligations and respected conditions of that treaty when they another which allowed them to override provisions on the pay ment of a fixed indemnity This indemnity bargain was respected for and then Uncle Sam took A crotchety notion iuto his head that he would disregard his promise to pay end at amo the privilege Canada accord ed in of that In point of fact our American neigh bors down by the tea wanted some thing for and then our government ordered seizure of their ships and made things lively This brought matter to a crisis and Uncle Sam again recognized Canadas claims by negotiating another treaty which gave them nearly they wanted and still they are not Congressmen stand up and talk the nation they waited the earth and thereof and seem to re gard claims and Canada as of little compared with Yankee importance Accord to their of the situation and of their war with Great would only baa sort of pastime succeed ing aloe the campaign has commenced to special delight in to give a twist to tail of lion and to that a resort to would bo port of holiday they to believe tiw of York and other within of gum aa of little how of American Speaking of the poller by tbo Dominion in regard to Quebec District Act and of necessity of aniondmcnta to North Amorican Act of Confederation states tlioro room for of opinion as to constitutionality tbo thus exorcised f6r tho reason that that Act not draw with do- iirablo cloarnefis lino tho Provincial power of creating civil courts and al power to appoint of District and County this may be true if wo down to technicality but great dif ficulty with Mr Act Is this it takes from Judges juris diction hitherto exorcised by them and transfers that jurisdiction to Pro vlncfal appointees by simply re naming and calling This intended by tho of our constitution It was not so understood by country at timothc Act was accepted by Dominion neither is to have such a conflict of authority M two appointing powers to those would to further weaken in direction would weaken Dominion Confederacy Itself Wo quite agree with article in finding fault with tho Fed eral Government for not mooting its obligation to appoint promptly as many judges as efficiency hut wo sometimes feel that those who finding fault with Administration of day in regard to tbonumbor and character of appointment made to for neglect And remark will apply with equal in respect to appointees of Ontario Government No matter what nom inations are made or bow important duties opponents on both aides forthwith fault finding batteries and charge all of motive as underlying the action taken This lino of opposition oftentimes deters Administrations fromoxercisingtho powers entrusted to until public opinion into so strong nn appeal as to place After criticism by faultfinder less Hut while there may possibly bo room to fault authority for not appointing judges it is very clear f miners of our constitution never intended to the nomination of Superior District And County Court Judges hands Provincial Govern- and that no Executive over attempted exercise a prerogative or oven claimed thero was constitutional authority therefor is pretty strong evidence has beyond in this regard When Hon Mr Aho Ontario ho did not pre sume to exercise the power of pointing judges and wo are inclined to give the of Ontario credit for as much legal astuteness as Premier of Quebec and for that matter prehaps quite as ready to take credit and retain power by pat dispensation the leader of any other party in tho Dominion This is but natural but Mr too much law to raise the question of Provincial authority on this point With respect to the question of the veto generally we are inclined to tho conviction that the Federal Government should not take cog nisance of tho or wisdom of Provincial Legislation within the scope conferred on Provincial Legis latures by tho British North America Act but where reasonable grounds that Local Government upon the domain assigned by that Act on the Federal authority the of the veto power is not only but becomes a matter of duty Of course it is to bo expect ed that differences of opinion will arise in regard to the legal construc tion of certain clauses of the in which case the authority of veto power should in the court or by ultimate appeal to the Privy of Great Britain Tut or ljotn- Mr It Smith for fa Local of Mr gtta at the COQTCQtlOQ It a f that Is following is ths of Americas clltti and and aow of lis bu broke out all of a rcot following from ocean to aod from United to can bo Loarclal Ohio order wu Friday laat it OigoJa for Imprisonment editor of for day of court editors Jenkins j and certain libel I a Grant after by court from of Grants bad been If of cuo ho cow tin without sympathy of public Iris announced that so inquiry is to bo mails official condect of Deputy of to on tho of next Shortly after tbalalabyo- a petition algnod by electors of county to Hon Mr- for this Halloo Deputy la accoiod of unfair conduct In regard to lb Jar or abltors and county official hot politics that Is analog trouble at King ton was mora Fair em held exit of Toronto Tbs entries at Toronto During exhibition we a stock to Hon Mr of Ag riculture for to conlfouethe Fro next year by leaking grant The chances are It will that lbs next will bo at London or with the chance decidedly favorable to London It thai Hob ted of iba la to In thi of held an to select a caodldate to forthcom ing to All In the Com- by tha of Hon White In May party Major but there and Evans decided to retire Mi a as of Mr of Toronto Mr a local man The two latter and Mr While was uxaolmcoily elect Ink Drops town next week and night equal Plenty of this Millinery openings news scatH this week Mill next week Bramptons rate rolUa Uvea wore cyclona Wheat sold at per at on Friday at Fort William robbed of on Saturday Angus McDonald burglary at Kingston and aeutenced to twelve years In the pertiteotiary has boon struck at S3 mills Lindsays rate at 21 mill Actons rate 23 mills What Mil writ for the election in has been takes piece next Wednesday aod polling week latter Oct 3rd Now that Major has got out of tbo young Mr White do doubt It his been comlderal to before la to get op other Wligcrant outbreak For part we pity Car dwells Surely elector could find a local man to represent where the of did not election trial to the DAW for Ottawa la Friday told Ilia court in of dead men Ho a practicing phyilclao sod aisled he experienced no in wearing to the dead A fud by lbs lumbmartt amounting to KSS also dUbuiaed alibtral the of Cornuoc to bring about Mr return to the Quebec as a supporter of st Kington worthy of being folio ffeil by Director of agricotloral throughout Ontario fakir wa entirely from like the lake tho wbetl of fortune fate and indeed nil other for depriving the of their was rigorouily ex cluded On I ho other hand exhibitor animals and natural cariosities or of geplus and ski lb by which moltitodocooM All games of chancsopoa should bo prohibited is to beat a fakir at his own game after tablioQ measure wis suggested it wax that a portion of St Canal was altogether vllao territoiyj and consequently might prove equally to Ham It la claimed that channel of the Lawrence Hirer for just of Cornwall runt within American territory This is given a Clair Canal j forget that ibe channel of by treaty to be the a fact not apply to tha St Clair Canst Sale Register by aakU itw cr L by jtm uja xau or J wiM Robert uiiittvaiLU iH ixfK mjwJ rt ociuoc 1 Two lives lost jn firu deal- era have been charged in Police Court with fruit tor Quebec has now got Ha little aotondtoy grievance list sesaloh the a Bill was at the of tha Plsg the Executes of power to District Courts and appoint Jodges thereto This Act has been by Dominion authorities and now Ron Mr the Nationalist party in Quebec threaten all sorts of political to Con He aya Act and to appeal to Council Whether right or wrong of frill afford a for the Qoebeo French agitators to Mining Commission appointed by of which Mr Charlton MP chairman made a tour through tha region along the north By from St Marie to gold mines at ud the copper at rich copper and fldrir wart also and and rofoA found to bo fort one the and is said by old ud In Mr Geo Hewitt of In Town this week Mr and Mm J P spent Sun day at Mr A Caldwell of Toronto Mr PrankBogartfarliUlugatyoutiga- tbliwcek Mrs Armllaga la week In friend Campbell la In Toronto for a couple of weeks Mr of Toronto was Wilting at Councillor Sunday Mr I J at Sound spent with Mr J Thanks to Mr J of Ills for a of floe crab apples Mr and of era week at Mr J Mrs of one of at Mtnterna wedding Wed- Mrs John Watson of la spend- ing a days In Town at Mr Bolton and a lllaa Campbell who has teen leg with her aunt In Toronto home Mr acd Mrs J Caniff of are spending a few days with alater J Beckett Mr wife of nailing Sunday with brother Mr Mr Beckett father of for Lome Oxford morning Mr Height brother of Lyman accompanied by bis were here last week Mr Alfred re covered from reatit to be In Iowa on Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs who has been her Mrs J left for Loo doo Out yesterday OWebber of this his eloquent lectors Age we Live In at Winnipeg week The of latt week ays Mr Mrs are Mr A tod Campbell sod child of Sin Diego aput a or ao t Sir- Mr Jnetph apeot Sunday at on night with SO of peaches Old frlendi of Mrs Titoa of Jaw her in town one day week at Methodist Wi mother Mrs and Mr Cooper law Mr father of J Beckett towo week hot only remaining a few days leaving for Michigan Mr Geo who been all summer at brothers Mr left for his home In Illinois on After fire mouth of enforced by suiting hia with ft Mr Hunter commenced week with aatilTleg Mr an old boy struck Town ttoie with old The oil region to agree with him Bond Head preached two excellent in tha church Sunday It was that day was so wet for exchange of Miw of Toronto was with fionday Her brother Mr J of Sidney Acitralli who spent oar or fire weeks with Mr John went beck with her city Mr and from aear with uncle Mr and other their wedding tour a aoa Mr Rogers formerly of Street Sheriff entertained a num ber of friend at In the city Tuesday Among from New market were Dr and Ons of lbs fineat dUplaya in tables at Toronto is a sent by from Straw Ialiid Lake secur ed tho firtt and modal Ho also aocood for for A largo snake co- Cumber attracting from Smith of Fort William of Mr A Campbell He one Iba in north and of the Hall at th Toronto I Tba miles lu and Ibe agricultural mineral art a to are Captain sir feet fo length Abraham and tor arrested at for throwing stones at trains on Michigan Jaa Boas an Italian waa at Port Arthur to three J cam in penitentiary for sUb- The elecUxi member for has remitted a to Band for log night after election A on Grand Trunk Railway on at Brampton caucd tho wreck of ten car an No one jy A mare belonging to Mr ran a which her In the flank In animal bleeding to death An eight- yearold boy was caught in Cornwall Ho was at taken tho Irate who him to In reformatory Two were last in one of which proved fatal by tho frighten- iog of horses by tho unnecessary of a steam thresher Alex Mitchells near was destroyed by on Friday last origin of the firo a- mystery but it is supposed to have caught from chimney A good of furniture Through tho frightening of horses a threshing machine Sat urday Mrs an old lady years old killed Miss Read of had her arm broken and a man named Coul ter had bis leg broken Windsor Sept Yesterday morning barn of Mr White on avenue near tho convent totally destroyed by fire A and a family carriage valued at among other contents entirely destroyed Insured Sept 17 A firo broke out hero at oclock this rooming in an unoccupied owned Edwin building was a complete loss no in surance Coal I 910 per ton at Vic toria A Ona Young Mr went to Colorado soma years ago and II- there ho fell In with lady named Miss whoso parents In Paris Marri ago was agreed upon by Lately Header has been staying with relatives Jo Hamilton ana for Mr Wlsner lo come to that and her nil own Bo camo Thursday for toatwortby but found that fickle Mies had given her heart to a Paris gentleman and had been to him Thursday Mr had the supremo pleasure of seeing happy pair pass through Arabitiousxity on their honeymoon He to Colorado to take unto a Cherokee New AKTKD AT J It tt Apt gOOABTTOWN GRIST MILL Mil sDd in It do U faction MALL FLACK SALE bows tiers of bird and sod water spplfii with tooJ Good itona sdJ lor Apply to A BROADWAY York Bonds and Petroleum BOhO OX ficod tor pamphlet lUi miners to of tiUt of coin Uo iUodd to it 1 the df of ilea fa fire burned tie tad Huron railvfcjr Berne station Mich- on Friday evening ftnd an off the track completely burned No tome of the were Children Cry for Pitchers firo uppo3ed to have been work of an inwndiary t3 A of workmen on tunnel Man were unconecious on Saturday by coal from passing and only rescued before the of an express which have run over their bodies lying on the track of the attractions of In fair will bo tho which is to take placo on grounds Uociatien offers a Imndsoxni suit of furniture valued at to the couple who apply and and of clergyman to all other couples who apply It is elated 100 of fever in principally to the had water well water in tbe place unfit to and the supply is brought from a farm well four miles distant and retailed at one cent a pail Those who have tested it it diagr arable for win be Octo ber for r4qoUtt in of Poet at Brampton Oot be mom of and of on lmbr not be form actual aignaLcirca of Wlntiirof Public equal of enape will bo tract or Ml ttu oxlc for bo of of tendtr bled accept lb or any Order A j an Si LOST Mop between tod Coo of KlOifp Jut for lure lorn to office Congregational Church SERVICES fil 11 Welcome A lomeooal w or for Apply W Silt ASTRAY Ibe art of vllh of May lkut TWO black iter red a ItUle leading If recovery win be rewarded J From Coo of TWO STEER CALVES- whit Aod Ibe Finder card liber Ted and by fieodin P TRENT i -WVtfT- Ar raotljeifTcoapcrflncvHIe on lOAtby loo of lUbecc ibe itobenrf formerly of by of Mr brotbeMolaw of IhcbrldeUr Albert ihU Town to of- the by to x At the ibe brides on ficptmber by Rev Sir Am limit to ferjtba of TUnoiu Q- of In the lowaUilp of KInft Holland on Mr Sftm KENffKbyAtLemuQvUtepOn Wn of of and a mot J KMN i AH order will pad 1 a per actios Wheat do a do a ftJ do a do a do is a if CO a A do a a IS do a a 0 IS 066 ftFi W a flW OCT lb a Oar Toronto I a rinr10WhMl JO do a a a 9 a tt a to a bid a dS ft h S COAL WOOD Coal aod to any Part of Town Carter NOTICE to North by FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT paid to for DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECO BEST FRIEND HONEY TO IUAN DAVID LLOYD or laklog of 5c for ibe fol lowing Fire Company of Life Toronto Main CAN A PAIR OK BOOTS OR SHOES at TO And Montgomery Tfeto t J THE LEADING IT STANDS AT The Running Dome THE- IMITATED BY MANY BUT EQUALLED NONE The Domestic stands preeminently ahead Its durability without flne three years of dxistenee and not a machine can be which in enough to unfit it for service Every machine warranted for AGENCY 0PP08ITE FORSYTHS HOTEL INiPRO villi on filck if ttfjcct THE BRIARS FARM West Choice of of SHORTHORNS by be by Hit Perk fa Herd aifloyoQPg J PRESENTS to at irriu Mwr a who will Itj and crj it a fcncel after f3i- the An or iArXfkcr knri vhsTrrbiEciitlfaawd Li JOa and NOTES DISCOUNTED VAlailloci Ac Accounts fc On and of AozujU Of- flcttlUeod lUok TENDERS WANTED 60 T0NS0F COAL rectlred by or For topi of If Coal aod lOMOf iNewkttHtatl6avftbi0 IsTuinoalia Home TO FARMERS I CHOPPING Wednesdays Fridays Best Roller Flour FOB WHEAT SalesmenWanted lb Ectud over 30 Years Men AM FOB GOOD PAT STEADY WORK HARDWARE DEALER IN 1 Builders Haidwre J Dry Building Paper Tarrec Threshers Supplies Leather Rubber Belling t Sportsmens Goods Shot Guns Sliol Roll Largest Stock of JUST BEST t Ever brought to Newmarket and all fiilB And full lino of Frash Family Groceries Hams Lowest Pj BESTROLLBE1 Delivered all Parte of tbo MILL I It Hi EXCELSIOR A I