Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 21 Sep 1888, p. 1

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Friday Morning of SUBSCRIBERS Ml on Sl in I CAPITAL NORTH YOBK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 35 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Sept Terms Cash in Advance within at end luiirU a asNaiuiBANBitf DRAFTS AT to5 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loan Etc Etc FOLLOWING REPRESENTED Compact China Hall i witty or our or nor on of writ for further lofc Kama and Of Block Co lo BOB Re Insurance Main St South jt6l Toronto t on Farm ftiUBWrUR t It Bias Toronto A TORONTO J Mo lor of Op- Loaru Ao POSH e Federal and Lire TO LOAN AT giUcnoB Pobllo tlIOrOROSTAB10B4KK jZWElo IteforoKr WAN MOOHE MONKY TO LOAN lh DoUloICiQ ALLAN A HOMO AoT ToroRCoand arid LUAiat A HI every HI OS London tfotnal Co Old Halo a Lot HOTEL TO HON TO fid VffBtlfl per day ICO bod roomt or all billiard parlor J Prop A ftod or college la now pre pared W Treat All Come Healed iQt on cite A J and U Scotland If tt Newmarket lo AM a p a PaprUanjrer Decorator SPECIALTY VftoWtMog ana KaleomlolDg mm LADIES ASP GENTLEMEN You can buy Fancy and Hall other In Town In to of fact Do not foil to give thorn a call before buying received a Ilcautifol of Dinner Set direct importation which arc at TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES of Family take lead leinK finfatand cltcapoat In town In fact and their goods knock thcin oat Popular verdict SOLICITEC Order by Telephone promptly Attended to A SMITH Her Papas Politics Whit Are Toot politic ibo The en bo clock WLj4oycqFlli fellow like we If I cut fail And with cm til Wall- for you Per he bolt it loflv then ho lwlttr A your pt thit bo tie arty icwcrcd with Li hid to kick kit loo She tolil h WgbUoeJ I pi unit lo For he id ful kicker A the lover lj rid With thought tide of For A Gem of Art- Civil York Toronto w to is All order will prompt For York AgontrortbftMM V be kept aiaoy tioao THE ACCIDENT OFiSOJVni In America for Aurora and vicinity at too and v J-B- Notary Public Aurora SUPERIOR GROUND OIL CAKE Dispensing Department only with and rcat given to tho compounding PHYSICIANS AM RECEIPTS OPEN SUNDAYS FOE DISPENSING A 23 P P CHAN A Newmarket Cm all of office tt A LIFE AfiAURAKCK TO OAPITAL AKD FUNDS- -OVB- 9000000 DOLLARS pOLTUlEfi BAILEYS BAKERY CAKES AND iwo Agent SIMPSONS FRESH- GROCERIES Hams and m m Roller Flour delivered to all parts of the Town at Mill prices MAIN STREET you we to if I yrpatrouuaQd lo Solicit a Continuance DRUGS Leading Photographer MAIN LOT ML ABK ol Cerent kjuda ol ICE CREAM PARLOR OPEN SEASON m Cigars and Tobaccos BAILEY FANCY GOODS WILFT SOAP SPONGES REQUISITES Please Come Again MRS SIMPSON THE RELIABLE -AND- LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS TICKETS LINE DOMINIOK LIKE STATE LINK W Clocks JfWELLERY SPECTACLES properly Lenses Fine lino of reo CANADA MANITOBA BRITISH COL UNITED STATES A PACIFIC COAST T Largest IfrjSt Stock evenly of P By VERY LOW FIGURES lit I u cull YEAST AD Vtl0OAlxdif4KAVe lay thai It 0TLlt I fltukri lS whit- tefu It AUTHORS C0X Of Of dollars for a picture I cried Mr V My Augusta isnt that just a little extravagant It first that Mr ventured to to wife for glow of their honeymoon had cot faded from the matrimonial horizon But he was only a not yet arrived at an overwhelming pitch of and ho beginning to think that MapletonV ideas wore a little too hightoned for such a limited income wad Mrs turned with a moonlight sort of a MyDoarGcrrardfihecatdpray roe but you arc quite ignorant of the subject That picture which dear nave mo for a wedding present is a real One of tho great art Ufa earliest at it is true and- lack ing in the fiouh which char acterises his later productions but a And no common or piece of gilding can befit such a gem of art as It wit light up our drawing room as a jewel lights up some dusky oceancave Ho tho dollar was ordered and tho was sent home incased in its splendor Grandma shook her old head when it was carried It may bo a gem of art said she But Im that your business wont support Augusta if he keeps on at this rate- picture of Washington Growing Dele was framed in a cherry wood moulding that didnt cost fifty cent And oven portrait of Sarah Jane playing tho harp that was by the part ed bam was put in a plain gilt framo that only coat three dollars and a half Oh grandma cried Mrs Ma despairingly cant you under stand that the world lias altered since you were a I know that well enough said Grandma meditative ly polishing her fcpectaclo with corner of her apron But I aint altogether certain that it has altered for better Grandma old heart had many doubts and fears to way in which her grandson and his were beginning their career carpets all over the house said she Ingrain was good enough in my day with Venetian stripe on the stain and oilcloth on the hall so you could scrub em up once a week and you were clean And Augusta has got ebony to hold china and where I used to satisfied with a wooden corner cupboard and there are curtains strung up be fore every door and fan tucked in every hole and corner until I fairly ache to go and fold away But this picture busting outdoes every thing What hew currantcolored plush coverings for furniture Why Augusta them aint no earthly need for that They must match the band of currant colored in tho picture frame dont you impatiently retorted Mrs Everything mutt be toned to the key of tho Grandma said nothing She only shook her head this time more than ever I wish never had come into the she Mid to her It has fairly turned Gerards wifes head And dont see any different from any other picture Mrs however thought differently She toned the little drawingroom sitidfactority to the key of the and cards for Wednesday Not regular parties you know she explained to friends Just evenings And and lit erary conversation and all that tort of Mr lookfd doubtful fily dear ho all that sort of thing as yoa call it costs And Im not that we can afford brooks of bis face assumed a worn fiion a troubled look that went to Grandmas heart Gerard she said softly Is it 1 Dont afraid of coming to granny my boy It was mo that bound up tho firot cut finger you ever bad Heart wounds are not so easily healed grandma said the young man hull half But I may as well be frank with you That Is ruining mo wiah to goodness Mrs had Invited tome artistic friends that to look at her picture With a famous connoisseur whose manners as his judg ment was excellent That a Meissooier he cried ruptly Why it is merest daub that over was framed 11 A copy cried Mrs- pale A copy said the a very poor one It isnt worth room it takes up on your wall my dear madam Mrs Mapleton herself to sleep that In the morning she came down had broken cord and lay mantel with the javelin of a halberdier sticking through canvass while the seventyfive dollar frame was broken into frag ments Dear me what a pity said grandma It is beat thing that could have happened said Augusta bit That very afternoon offi cers took possession of the house and the family slept in hired rooms at tho top of a cheap flat Augusta to her husband the day Ah Gerard said what should over have done without that darling old grandmother of yours I was just going to take a of laud anum and end all my shame and re inorso at thus having rained you whan sho came in like a guardian that she is And oh talked beautiful ly to mo just exactly as if I was a littlo child who had done wrong oat of inadvertence And wants Us to go out to her old farm house on River and live there Its all furnished she sayp and and with a little IcriLil laugh there are no ion era there So tho young went out to the old faro house where sumacs were beginning flaunt their crim son velvet torches and the Atone walla were garlanded in scarlet festoons of and thero they began the world Dear grandma laid Sirs on day bow wrong an I formed of character when first you to us You thought mo a meddling old woman said grandma her keen blue sparkling shrewdly through her glasses But I dont think now said Augusta I am so much happier here with my bees and my chickens and all tho beautiful things which surround ma And Gerard hasnt got that troubled look in his face all tho time growing so sun burned and healthy You are both of you contented eht said grandma knitting diligent ly away Augusta giving the old withered hand a little squeeze Well then said old Mrs I will tell you a little secret there is ton thousand dollars in the Bank which I have been saving up for Gerard to begin busi ness again Keep it there Gerard promptly I am satisfied with being farmer And what does Augusta asked the old lady Augusta says the came declar ed the young wife Who is quite satisfies Grandma smiled The lesson of adversity had not been in vain Mrs Augusta idded The picture of the woods and fields that I can o at sunset from the back yard is lovelier than all the in the world I so too a aid Gerard but is his secret heart ho believed that tho happy light in Augustas ryes was a still fairer and sweeter picture for Infants and Children Knock FIVE kHvaoys m Tin It flam Sutton Fall Exhibition Pint Day No For the Em Millers Minnie Lady Patriot Nellie A Little Jit 2nd 3rd A J Toronto No For Fair of or Style 8peo3 to be compered Twice the W wagon weighing than In Enlace lit 2nd Prix No Farmers Premium driven by ox ftant of Farmer 2nd Prize 3rd Prize No Bloom Bailey For rirJArnotdi QoldeaBow Monro CmuonwMJh Veteran Park Veleran W00 Exhibition Day Oil No For the following filallionir rix Wards Chief George Whillawa JnpjtCT jr Phillip Vonona A Korland Pollocks Star Mill Patriot Boy Filbert Flower of Smiths Cyclone Twice the beat 3 In let 2nd Special by Lemon Toronto 2500 3rd th Prize 1000 or Gelding lively for that twice round he Bin trance let Prize 2nd 600 3rd Prize baa been No- Bicycle Race Special by James lit Prize 2nd Prize CLASS I DRAUGHT HORSES 2nd Span in Harnett by Brood Mare with foal by her tide or of had a by Mulock Foal given by J Bharpo Twoyearold Gelding or Filly 3 2nd by W Yearling Gelding or Entiro 3 Yearling Entire I CLASS PURPOSE OR AGRICULTURAL a HORSES Span in given by A Brood Mare with foal by her lido or evidence of having had a foal this season given by Foal Twoyearold Gelding or Filly 3 Yearling Gelding or Filly CLASS AND ROADSTER HORSES Span Carnage Howes in JSharpe Span Roadster by Unlock Brood Mare with foal by or evidence of having bad a foal by A J Foal Twoyearold Gelding or Filly by 3 Xeariing Gelding or Filly by Copeland Brewing Co Twoyearold Stallion by Stallion by A Spring Colt or Filly tired by riven by Sinclair Spring Colt or Filly tired by Norland by Ml or Spring Colt or Filly tired by Bailey CLASS I DURHAM Ball 00 Yearling Boll 3 Cow Twoyearold Heifer 3 Yearling Heifer 3 Bull under one year Heifer Calf one year v 3 CLASS ALL OTHER BREEDS AND GRADES Two yearold Heifer 1 Yearling Heifer Heifer under one year 2 Yoke of Working Oxen V 3 2 Fat Steer or Heifer given by Kemp 2 SHEEP Aged Ram given by WON AT for wheat at told at cen The will the to the amount of Humboldt waggoner named RotV lightning and ioetintly An organ faciei and a tub and pail coorae of erection at A wily farmer Bradford merchant incbea of good butter grease five injured by Iho threahing machine a France Fifteen aan are submerged Gall and destroyed A bylaw to Smith lately burnt don Aaron Stouffer had hit thumb other day while new building Levi plaintiff in a Division after giving bis evit on the floor dead 1 1 1 An old volcano and a hundred peoj by lava ftnd Charles Ayr an were fined for freight train The McDougan of Tara swallowing a burr from bin Speaking of the attraction young with a through thi general now so in At wild While Charles near ing a the pitching on and killing him 2nd 00 2 2 IS Shearling Ram Aged Ewes two Shearling Ewes two Ram Lamb two A steamer was sank col lision at Port Canary forty persons drowned Mrs was stepping from boat to tba wharf at- Point on ftfteruooN Iter watch valued at 300 Mi into water and eight year old eon of Mr of Port Perry clam bered upon tho hack of a motion day and his feet catching in the he was drawn under When the fig stopped it was found that his leg broken places and amputation was necessary but he died under operation A peculiarly horrible accident in Smiths mill at Rapid a who iiniitoyed in mil bad into the basement and at retched upon great belt for a nap when and Borne frienda came to 2 LEICESTER Aged Ram Shearling Ram Aged Ewea two 3 Sbearliog two 00 Ram Lamb 00 Ewe Lambs two SOUTHDOWN SHEEP Aged Ram 00 Shearling Ram Aged Ewes two Shearling Ewe two Ram Lamb Ewe two OXFORDDOWN SHEEP Aged Ram 00 Shearling Ram Aged Ewea two 3 Shearling Ewes two Ram Lamb Ewe Lambs two SHEEP Aged Rain Shearling Ram Aged Ewes two Shearling Ewei two Ram Lamb Ewe Lamhs two Pen of and 1 Ram a pair of Blanket by TYoung I BERKSHIRE Boar 2 Boar Pig 1888 Sow Sow Pig 1888 CLASS ANY OTHER BREED 00 00 1 The Patterson of lighting a fire with cot horned about the and her recovery dot week 00 1 1 2 1 I 00 to the was on account of the den the marsh marsh hay have been The Acton It was a woman wh make Since Set pealed however a been attending thing John Davit resting in the long land Mirth was by another hunter knee Eight grains he Is expected to recoi Root ford a potter representing and was found possessed of lota sentenced ill Prison Every frhere Toronto as to who is best of Art in that city in favor of Son All tbo finest Toronto and of out in some form or Perhaps loll ever witnessed Thomas on Friday be don and St There was a keg of 00 3 00 00 1 00 I Oh Gerard dont ridiculous look things over and seo bow the said Augusta with a shrug Machinery worked In showing the her shoulders you are throw open the always thinking of money A few j Hood to the water wheel sHcos of cake and a glass of wine or not knuwiiK presence in what can it signify And as for luildlng and that unfortunate my I should required to new black this winter in lICa no more ji j irf- A- I and hie bead and the upper portion of body wm to Death He but and bye when the bills a large family in 9 Bow Sow FOWL Turkey pair Gec pair Ducki pair pair Plymouth pair pair pair White Any other pair pair pair pair it r I I I J vv tiiJv a am and every time a rui ha supposed game called at inning he score St ST A id Monday afternoon death of He belt on cylinder ing and fastened in the shaft with his arm and effect of which after KLOnTuesdiylj named Kirk worklt Kjtsly of Writ with a driving a barn to down steep hill wsgon worked touched the away of Ihaj breaking and throwing lid Ho the and shoulder Matters are a about Grand Trunk ibortm their to and it will by two loopa to another- a point south of dottUtm grade or a of Approached in lag for its rtiffi J- im y I 1 1 to 0 DO 0

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