Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 14 Sep 1888, p. 2

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5wv rr I I I llll L NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 1888 Now Sowing Machine Wanted Can Farm Land Oca Wanted Jo Boy Wanted Era Office Firm to Oliver Irwin J who have not ticket ahould do to be fore month tod thai now to collect your make It you Over did and a effort will Exhibition credit to North York and an honor Ai Bra I JlfUrjJfTKU JtAQJJ IfflUtT FRIDAY SEPT Our Toronto lespalli 2 in Tin 1 1 on Minuter ftSvnl of fiohi St AhIihh iti wivicfl lie fit In A Hit fct tit ife to in infill l I IhUm fur ihc Ijiru lul will the loltl At million tad half It It Wni Si NY Kim it io- luc John A Mont- on charge of lyti CAUko the Dominion ly y of MoatrMl of by ii he had In a fair of aud foar gold all of of tboCaUomi lfirlmebt City on without p which city lute of the ud atolea properly Id their aba Th of Horry Webb to forty the dollar to Mile Cord ami Lady Monday anil received a very re- at the flu- am rW flai to I me dayo lit a bully and I 1 be to Ma etUrValcid a diiuur al Toronto Club The Fishery Dispute Although on In at brought out two now point of In namely the fact that controlo only channel at mouth of ho Detroit River available for ordinary vcole way retail- a to by closing it up to Americana and that acknowledged validity of Article of Treaty of Wash ington year when ho proclaimed a landing for tho Company Dill parsed on8lurdhy by ft vol of to Hill the in hie by lo that effect to in or in part tho arrange for territory of in bond and froo of of goods ox- or imported frnui any country to or from tho Dominion of to tho ing of a toll of twenty a ton upon foreign vowel and cargo through cither tlio or Clair canal or to prohibit altogether of said canali by any audi forotgn vessels At of this week Sir John Mac- remark that not afraid of of wo wanted to with thorn in freest possible if that wo a nation and could with In replying to of tho in Toronto on Stanley Yon will aot poet fa my to cater Into the I may that It a deal which the firmly the of and the of btr came able to an of quiet end dignified tod it able to certain that tbo as It da to day If It one mutt find nod that can be by mart will of Ink Drops aaxt Monday Proof rlbu It to an next are Stud your to Job Mir ft 11i It J Little I Mr Jo 111 in of It frleodalo ib lit North York Fair If prnat Toronto lirn Dominion in iU attrition of in perioral fct up hot for I ho tor own jty turn to profit the observations in why tlM Fall on the of month should not surplus ever in North York All over dm Ruling arivifim greater atUtl- than OWr breeding of of oil and higher in that respect may confi dently bo anticipated As to production farm in of or root crops has particularly favorably in case of the latter tin exhibits in these departments surpas of years previous While is compiled with groat care so as t6tmcourogo this farmer artisan and housekeeper it is only by individual effort that a and competition can lo secured Of cannot curry id same but verylody can do to make WHAT WRITE ABOUT Tiik of Mr CaidveH Into field iuutd in the sod Rut KtiriH of October ACoxiKiVATV4 at by Kir Hector Sir Adopie ami Mr Tin ami p by Mr of iwditfo tity od aahooottotbe Well The end trial World a monthly Toronto to the the By doctloD of plaits In wbtcl did are jaoducd together with abort the ere fifuenth volume to more coy of it Go The Toronto hare Ibe city to the The city is to bare a of condition lht they endow two each and the parka aoddtivei show and assist Directors to a of an honored throughout laud By way of attractions wo can safe- that tho tirst day will bo about as as second and only cents Exhibit in Floral Hall Carriage and will en aecond whilvthosQ who lino and fipced will opportunity not afforded day No less than ten important events aro an to take on half aro a teaui of for iu lor stylo audtpoid Team of lor I in or aud pu j or ftiaro for in Hiding and Driving riding end Home a very attrac tive lor to for reaching New market Directors never made such favorable arrangements with tbo for tho coming Return will bo at all stations Toronto and on tint day at a fare and on day at and all such good to return day iter the Exhibition faka ad- of tho reduced fare and in Tito your to and of days with at for Akoit people attended dtJDonttretton Nicole Iut Sir Hector Sir oiade the that Canadian be end that no tbreata from sooth vould make the and qoiil Herald a little aeie bat to not the of the mead eowtlblog nature I It aayi Playfully or jiefeoo ought lo bo taken ai of to the offend There of cotnitled exeats in Quebec at In the any and fooU ate with and to t ibe liw tu be ouly tor and to tcih fovla a ut id Jiitiatuitit ol Sri nut fog able bo felt Every bad lor a ltd ud mill be etc Tee really 0 of to from Ilea icpr of AUut were Ji two cabltit nULiun water had to Both of the lineal of tit 5lr tt at boa darotad moat Ibttr to a cooaklaraUoQ of iboaa j wo that labile aVUutioa The Mir J of I a of orcr The left for a Miia of Mr In tro Or three Dell at Lawyer Wilkin of Mr sailed mo on hero MraWmCtQe are recovering from lilacs lira J A from day a Mr Will of day In town tblt pajtota Ida Roe of and Car King ere Meaira W are dowo on Jury alto Mr Mr I home from the He week Mil Ho at Tbe a of two week at Brampton Mr and our St Catbar- The Missel Milter of Rev Geo- Miller of at Mr Saturday Mlaa of Toronto re to toed home after week It Mr A A a couple of at Judge Morie camp Jacksons on afttrajvoiliriK sous three Keeks at Haute and lliit lay The are to for Denver Cob winter account of MM Wlbg Mr Geo of left for reek About forty attended a piny given in his honor Week of the at of week at the of Judge Morgan- Mr and Mrs and Mr J McLean of Peck have returned borne Sir of Moose Jaw K tow a a couple of list Ha proicta for the Mr J had the of i lire woode but a iott lion to of capture- fc lit J- accooota pEoocaloD ibe Retail MerebsatsV had a big tUce Mrs had a narrow typhoid week out with her too Freddie Both are tod ercdoatof Dr who baa jolt returoed from two practical In the Hoi of England and torn Sunday mother and blotter prior 16 In Toronto Dr bad years Mitchell to bis tail to the Old Country Mr of Toronto of A for North York preached In St Cburcb market tut Sunday both end dUoourK are aald to have been brilliant and powerful Mr lay reader of of and with again the will no doubt bo crowded Mr of Ottawa town lbrr four daya on their way home York Mr a brother of leader of town fluid andappeare lohaie done well atace be left borne He property Aim gat County of we by the the Goremoicat de to iJ a now The a better could not It ia can a of hire it Wo upon Willi much pteaautenedirtctatteutiou to of It win our wvtk Mr JU taat Jin nun k lor pwbcieMyt ilr Crown and at a City We hire tJcucj aoccoed la Wo oocgratulata Mr of Lifs Aroud lis A meeting will be held la Aytwirdi on at p to pre- placed lutdeyu our the bare date to of October The return Foot fUU Match Clipper of Klog took on of Mr on tut A good deal of loterett by Jot clerk it ferlog from an Mr by bit step Taylor Is a or ten trip York We with a plUtit trip tod ha a alaty acre the Coo of for ten yeara at ISO a year Or two of oor are a change year that their after Ilea low Scott and Hillary giro little hope of her flbojldni wonder If Voter take the other rib ere An tbl way on logy library whlob it tcady and with the expect Ion of a workman a apple cot down upon Dr Hunter predion other day The Implement that did the deed faoitorer accidentally fell be Dr and for fear of further trouble the guilty to aa by another party The serpent to upon It muter The of the the neighborhood held their fo the form of a Harriet lo tbe ecbool Jog Although he weather very there were hundred both old and young to the J John coming to Urn After while eogRtd in op a gap to a new ran away maehine pretty bid Mr had to fiatur while rtturnlc from fiuttoo fell nearly lurutaK a the the the A meu by who Jed here for left night a who mourn tore Mr John for who od him a hone on crudity of away with a cum of other lotion by aarue Ho went to We notice Ratepayer letter in your last lame and think ho quite It It did em fttringe to your uinny io that the people be Awn to a High School Sutton wheu we in Georgia would bate ell the lo but the mailer quite plain North A meeting held at or read Iho were before the A or Arbitrator UolOn la fit Monroe aame a the County Clerk ol gal red or count and the applica tion of were A from David for land in the need for a road Vtltouhh made a verbal report of robblah growioa and Meter AloOordlkand made a report of their In tabor at notch to bo paid A of for in v Monroe UcCoddenworkdooe on Joel bridge atartln roail a John of killed by half or IwoiheepklUcdby of referred aod Com to report at away rob- tub out of Cemetery by Parka Improving to the atatloo not being in road vJaloa and repair and Kill weroJn- the laboalaoMccjr Morion work to bo done the aupertraloo Mr A confirming tbe award of rate year the for all adjourned day of ford of contain the fob will be read with by Mr Apptlbe many friend Id Newmarket On the Mean Appelbo Co to Co the time lighted by of llgbU The more tbe moat could hire aod largo aod wa crowded from 7tillafternlue At one time the number of waa large that difficulty experienced in from one of the to toother The lllominatlon la en tirety from at la ue in city Tho gilded tnblog about alx feet above tbe and at tervala of about feet are fancy J of pattern ib while Abadei The ate lettered with the of the article to to fouod at of counter la the centre of the can flud pertinent There ate tome lamp each and effect of a miniature atreet io some fairy city the middle of the table hid placed on were rich just from during I ting llit firat v alike it really asaoomont will bo mills tb to bo 110000000 abort crop In neigh borhood of Owen Bound La a failure this season now caeca yellow fovcr at on It that Italy an expedition of men King John For raging fiercely in vicin ity of Dak train on junction branch of run Tuesday A la feared In Egypt e all of a riw of baa boon abandoned THE LEADING HOD DEPARTMENT headquarter of tho Barrio of Salvation Army broken into Saturday night end from Cuba that fifty lost their lives dono to dwellings was of Pueblo in neighbor hood of literally wiped out by cyclone UxnmnoB Benjamin a farmer of Epsom in of Reach committed morning by hanging Not fooling well tho only that bo for rflh act Ho had apparently out into drivingbouse and standing on a tied of a over tho over doorway and of tho other end his head and then jumped grindstone of age and a and man Ho ft and four young children to mourn bis untimely end Congregational Church French Pattern Hats German Tailormade KItVICKB at Mlaslooay of Toronto Union All Mr- Mlutoa an tioo Hi nod fifK of In giro an rutncr us atd in the firm pot the we In in ainl utility it one ibe in The In way vs lha by tho to Site tomb Mb loat John on the th ntti of Mr Ait J to and on lOlh M dacglittr of Vioo 1 year and fit North Mm irrMuc aid Andrew of on toot acd7diji vj vv S J tea All cartful prompt hud bate fiegUter- lima the of tbia almost Is to who will likely take in Fair Mr lira Sid flrnnett alter a tur tbroogh We with la for tbo A coopld want into bam night a Jan- Urn aod a aad killed than We art aorry to report Geo week to hear of Mr Morton of the the happy father of a youog aon a pic Vitgioiaou list and re- porta a aplcndld time Mr If wife of apcot week In tbla with daughter rtloraed to In afkr about aix weka with kUea In vicinity Wo would like to when Bona of of Keswick lotted -of- their Tbo aoootr the belter There a plenty to do ao let be up and at it Mr- of town buying boraea for the American market baa been 111 lut week through tbe of a aortTe cold alio tick bat trotted agalo QolteaniolereaUDg time at tbo laat Mr Sidney joined holy to S of Mr ar The Jtrfoicued by Mr bsdoi fatter of aod Sutton j maid 5W gaeaA with then Iba which took placo boot which the time wu the down and wlf to a with too frkoda To happy Floods in tho south of Jiavc caused great loss of life pro Michael hays thing mutt Iks to Atop the evic tion outran The Zanzibar will ro- the landing any on their Six applications for have Won at Ottawa for tho coming teuton EST Tbo corner of a now Church at laid on Monday Ton men killed by of a blast in a tunnel estimated that eighty person lost their in tho recent West India hurricane An incendiary fire at dalk on Sunday morning 000 worth of property telephone cable from Point on the main land to Island has been laid fe Had followed by trado will make a cheer less outlook in Great Britain a company been formed to construct a joining the Black and Caspian of litigwood ashore on la- land io North Channel Huron During the week operations in England further delayed and crops injured by rain Cuban Government been authorized to distribute for the relief of auffercra by the recent hurricane been flood by river and baa been great do- of property A branch railwy lino to be built extension of Manitoba road Manitoba witb Pacific at Calgary An attempt made to a train about three of Both well on Sunday but discovered by a freight the of which by the Two men named Campbell have been on suspicion Our Toronto Markets IS CO a Wtet Uo a Pi a tf a do a Jo 00 a Rye la a liny per too ii oj a a per a do is a per a ffP n IT LEADS THEM AIL DOMESTIC Id Organs and Pianos AfulJcolleciioficribehicatPlrarCtafa M I A Now aM to i i it mm ftObeHisehjeijfs 0 a Our Newmarket Fluor fall beat per a rtwioic Wheal UK to a ft GOfVWbeal do Barley Oo W do a liar per too SI a tjorta do a CO roll per a Walter do a w a W a a par pair a OH SALE A BARGAIN every od op- rtorireU For MRS- 3ct TENDERS WANTED LOST lrol Klor ttnordiy Soluble ewrd to TO KENT ton GOAL ltcd ibftuodtftlfnM 30th of Not IffOffioqtbf- Borne i Valuable Farm Land FOR SALE OR LEASE lit COD of filjb repair clay tool or waiter to train or HARDWARE S IN bear- do W loam LII3KRAL For apply on Ota SI GKO- Ml Albert Apply to JOSEPH WAHLEY WANTED- realtor A IbAt lor entrance lenoeaboQl lit A healer new or or www to facet A AC aircry to ox ASTRAY tgrfaBa jpc and yiuWf Ui Ova- of iJifnuu to J- or J au t Mr i wd aala ana wj a un fr teU aftuy I iUTaMaW od a cotnExtunicauoa from aayiuUut baa in dutrioU Two ol and were aold to a mux who if La do law to tho hide and aa to Ma to oat coot Everywhere in Toronto to who is reality the Art in that city reply in of Bon Alt in and of through- out In form or from tST iUjUt appear to bo plentiful lKay a largo tho northern part of county and aacno and and J a of oar which wore la a tamo tor then lot tt lo Iba 5rd of or TWO and to ibttr win rtwardtd 1 The ft LodxiNov JlaUoa Sabbath next at A- For In at ll Buildets Hardware Dry Building Paper Tarred Threshers Supplies Leather Rubber Belting Lacej Copper Sportsmens Goods Shot Guns Rifles Paper Powder Shot Largest Stock of Glass A GENTS Uood WW CO are cordially pterin order Jttttrdr repair- p Kim from on tod Coo onor ilia TWO iiTEER t rod pd Voder ia TENDER WANTED win lElSItHwlil up to Saturday a or do ncAarU It TO LOAN Atali per cant en flraWlaaa atcoilty COAL Delivered to ai LLOYD for iaAMoiCooTtynocorliaotr Ac tot fire ana In at tor Ao- Main BUY A BOOTS OR SHOES 10 TO CTB AWT it AnHorarirlhhiTa a tbrown in John Montgomery NOTE8 DISCOUNTED dona VaIuallocaac MOHET TO JfoUa and 1Mb Aniuit or flceviibtotd Mala SALE U 0 KXPlINHIMratll AJJfta4aityCT FOR SALE THE BRICK RESIDENCE or Uaio ImiOTimtoli Good icfcnatt With all Vtry TO OHO Wednesday Best NO 1aitTiati FIRST OF ft

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