Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Aug 1888, p. 4

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a RAILWAY a 1 1 a SI y ALL POINTS ilAnA IIISJTIMII mid Ihe W oil ilto ATKINSON THE TRIP OF THE SPIES THIRD QUARTER IN Cleveland Want Power to ft KoiuMd to out loto cntgbt work of Cor art told Mom limn Aod lb Avt and of IhJj aid from I b It TU of Lord Heboid bar unto cod Ji1j logivufllothttDAOdto After I VVb the thing tot lo do to go op it girt of Otbt twelve the en from coca or IxratL ft It to a inD In which i men tow wither good or bad fat or lean wall or not If or mother plan gift of for their wry eud appropriate that love not credit ftbii to lb children it the y I Ttilt record of their Jour ney and Iholr and in they went be to north Hebron or here an altar unto the Jyjnl after iUtailll angU to tudreUd under while they of the food prepared by bam died mid was In the care of Jdaxb that cove lay andfiarab Jacob and GcaxUi It dboul twenty and about half way to a to vUU uch a these men of faith bow would by the of w ItaAcand evident never forgot thle v lilt to be and rcttivce from Hebron for bit nothing daunted by fact that there and hut tvere pwt end fCDcoi If tit be with me to drive tbem out 10tSj They returned after forty Borne time wo fcee wo do now of that Dumber forty Wo at Hot in the with mount JtdUilo tbe wilderost with period rcrjrfbctc and ascension and otber but Of elRnilicanc any of BurtJy it frith milk and ibfjia fruit of Just God bad truly land and they had to do but inarch op at It was to part was to obey and take It Ho brought that He might give tbe which lie aware onto fdtben Dout of fullufii of rlvere of plaastirva pasture wiurt of quiet rating placui tJjesoaro of or of the Christian bfo which OTiutantly thus give report of iho redeemed and of wbobrougbt the people be e wollul arid very and moreover wo taw the children of there waa Imply leaving God out of the and only their on How could they with ibo pillar of cloud over it ami the of thus and If It wo a ques tion of what vero or of what they could do lit us with consider then will the joyful Bong of SO for thu not are than una We rro in our own a It reminds us of tbe in Job pronouns reft to Job are about forty flvetniK- and mntionaal or to only In Job nil O him nave beard of The by bearing now mine tyu evU and repent Qn Ttcndo wo flin aud to him it or John the glory of revilul or left them but ifcelr fCK In dutt U where we fiml of his onJ tbe his power the honor lninoity Ho to bat the of is w thFi u of the rooub all looks and of wen low the bbll ii17 lu1 thou voarGiUicg now to coma of aaboiit to and letlllfo work tho to will and to do of Ills good tty bad In at tbe and In the vUdcrncii In and bad His voice from jet knew not In nor thought of power on their behalf Unbelief nad bard their eyas and they saw only ditHouJtfe Caleb etillod We if we would and know tUmJod 91XhS Butoa to which In great deal of talk but very rjicjiU what outcome will bo no but It ccrUluy at far can bo among that be idea to ouch a woe votora of York city that ho not pro to allow to gain any him In coming through a lack of nation to Great her that authority bo to him to of tboy ft matter of through of lb0nlt alio that ho bo given authority to tolls Canadian through long as greater Canadian than Canadian for aamo AN OWE It that hut for cloaov of elections no uch roeaeuro would been flram- to audit not thought by anyone who hoe bad an opportunity to wbatovor by way very who that firttportof tho will tlon at hands of too many at fltatco in United roach involved In power which Pres ident Bits have it accorded to him without rugglo and Without long and vigorous which it Is moat to at of On tho other hand has been a feeling for paat much Canadian vraeeli transit through canaU Lake Superior and tho Canadian Government should not greater tolls jo than to thfougli ita own Canals from to and for this reason Itia pOUiblo ie reached all will bo a position on tho part of members to grant President right to J rehire tho Canal no longer to Canadian attend in at present time ho extremely and the diffi culty of a quorum in tin popular branch ia so to any and it well known that any attempt on part of to interfere with aUto of Affairs us far as railroad transporta tion between Chicago and East is concerned would lead to vigorous op on the part of all membra iuterctted and would certainly lead ia tip call for a quorum that it is that the will receive any consideration until after fa Of Course- do buntr a of fort tot ror on flihon for fih bite of I The Ontario Crops report of Bureau for August Interesting regarding tbo of In Ihli It la upon from Fall Injured by unfavorabto April May and part of Jane yield on aver- regarding wheat aroihoro favorable than for aoioo Too only Injury fforti jm eoa from slight roWrt Uxor- able 1 from 481821 In to 3G7860 Barley Is re ported good aa regards yield satisfactory return In tho lake lea of pd a largo portion of West group unfavorable for tbo midland and little Is grown hi On tario generally J good orop- reported good all of pea bug la socio of Erie counties Com la a bettor crop than for years past a en couraging report Is given of and fairly good 13- has been at Manitoba- r v I wri f jj4 NORTH END fttlON STORE Nth Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose Barbed Smooth Fence Wire guilders Hardware vDry Building Papery Tarred Pitch Rubber Paint iii allShades ia all Tints Wilkinson Plows Kept in stock Tons Blading Twine bo Sold Cheap NEW SUMMER Juat to suit the times Goods I Towels and Cottons Canadian Scotch English Tweeds Caps and FIRST CLASS GROCERIES LATH SHINGL 1 WE ARE NOW TO SUPPLY WITH SIDING MOULDS SASH JAMES A CALL IS SOLICITED To inspect good and prices J A DALES THANKFUL FOR THE WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF TURN OUT GOOD- AT- Aug proprietor of a largo at Mountain Ala recently discharged hie white men alleging that could not bo depended upon and men sworn should not work yune and and a followed out and particu lars pot been Notices Magic nlWiifi I laglvelhe I of for Mm ftubjects suitcnngiir In and to U Dot WO J be ah ever I oil vKh Mflcr tmta pain In back Mm Ijiuljlnradciirj P i I iik itiLrjH inform a for ib ftfltucl in iimtly iu bo Ud lnivuiJtwi my re medy of your If 0tidiiJD their nd A eLTontn WidHrwtcrry the I tMr for Aiunatc1iCdnii J It loo A Vtfiiiiria yjV Co prober CftjtiriJij When vim if Upwards of thirty loga t on tho Joorgjan Bay in heavy of week- Nar a valuable cow belonging to got her left fast in a pile of loga Id a pasture Iter a email and her neck- horns had to 1o broken to body in order lo bury it A Anthony Hamilton driving a ago their took fright and ran away throwing both ladiosout Ham was hurt Mies Hamilton escaped unhurt buggy was somewhat damaged done by wind and rain in vicinity of Now Orleans last week Houses unroofed prostrated up rooted two steamers and loaded coal buildings blown off their foundations hut only one lift loht at K In drilling stick a piece of or putty on part where you to make bole a in putty want to Of Into a little molten lead then unices it very glass the piece will imme diately drop out A Very painful accident oc curred to Miss Minnie daughter of Mr of Miss Nickel was riding on horseback when fituui- bled and she wan thrown off over head WHlo on the ground it is took a step struck the nidi of Iho young lady brad with its foot by movement right car was off Aug Mn collector of Inland Revenue of Stratford and of an illicit slid in the township of Minto in full also a quantity of grain The owner was arrested and tried before Magistrate Lowes and sen tenced to bo jinpmonrd live months and to pay a penalty of Pa Aug During a celebration in honor Governor Northwest ern Piimsy A Aeiiocia- ward Duel of Gas Go was compounding colored in a gas pipe- It killed bite instantly who was sitting on a and Curtis who was on the other aide of street were killed Half a other persona were badly hurt Hon Pater Cooper the once Id all towns where newspaper is published should advertise in it even if nothing more than a card stating his limn and bueiuess he is in not only pays the advertiser it people at a distance know that the town you live in is a pros porous community of business men As is sown to the fruit re Never pull down your sigh wbilo you expect to do business for it often indicates that is poor and you are losing grip d speaking judici ous will in return for every in columns of live JUST THE T T Ever brought to Newmarket and alio all kinds of Cakes and And a full lino of Fresh Family Groceries Hams at Lowest Cash Prices LOWEST POSSIBLE THE CANE SONS HARDWARE FOR BALE OH gEVERALFARM8FORSALB- qulrsor BEST ROLLER FLOUR to all Parts of Town at MILL PRICES EXCELSIOR- BAKERY A ROBERTSON SEASON SPECIALTIES At Hardware next door to W Main Street BUILDERS HARDWARE tools And Blacksmiths Supplies kept in stock- BUSINESS properly of rtrdeca1 to sell Apply ftodtilmoos It CHAD OR SALE Of EAP n- 1 tat omen or FARM FOR SALE THE Lot la ICO of ivjcuf te Apptyto W stop for fttlt tarn IDO WlaVlljDOfTaMai fifndttonceorAt end Post OmMJtl T T TTrFTwTr FT puiro In I from SO cna to Hit- Molt of QiJik fa all p to it un I of tfcatt j ktiJI od know I UQ for very I It ftWd rvpcirt wo It f truly world vJo3 cm For and mi Pure Wind it In vjy ortl4 In l0U- In lbollnrctllltwMalakW put up in ndl Mature Makvs Ho own ihtrVa ticking iuUotum a the jammer from A too food vltbjnt fieleotly tic burdock yicod oer ircjfcUi A si tc lr tiaft Tory no tl tibuirowjogow sMLV I of for l ritM klodreloiimiDtsV it tho a4 yHt JoMRT III Aug 23 Big Ryan tiheiir of county Wy oming Territory arrived at thn prison evening with a noted cowboy named Jim OConnor for jean Sher iff related a rgaid- ng of OConnor from his custody while through Iowa on the Rock Island train The aid prisoner had seventy two hour on the and were nearly tired out from Joe of bleep The was heavily ironed with Jmrt after tbe train had left Moines and it for a drink of offi cer went to tank not ten ditat and pouring out water when his attention attract ed by a terrible of broken lie turned and found that having head window while the train flying along At top Sheriff carrid be fore train atopped inbihed up the tract and daylight covered where Lid but of finding Sheriff fully be found entering l Urge porn Arid It not until lata in the afternoon that OConnor captured The bad iron on both lego and hands made way from the railroad and when found was hid a Thero not to that he ago Geo ran away from with 53000 not his own About four ago lip located at N week was given in decoying Ho induced to crocs on ferryboat last running between and and nabbed at time by Canadian detective ja considered an important one No Picnic excursion or tour fully equipped a good of The refining influence of the female ia needed on thfso occasions to curb the and of men Without the of womn men would become du and sink to level of the creation The finer of need to be incorporated in our lives and being ho cannot fail to make us better truer and nobler conscious of thU fact make it a special to pirn and family the advantages of recreation you privileged to enjoy yourself of tho few remaining Canadians with Dakota fever should read following Six ago Gordon left vicinity of Wooilatouk to become a resident of Dakota fin purchased of land in that and entered into farming on an For or years he said he did well good crops then a took place for worse and worldly prospecta narrowed and grow dusk crop after crop for one reason and another failed He bis and personal left it to liquidate liabilities If reports of the property id under and that money lender with bis two per cent per month alone flourishes in that and parched region it Kbititet a iu THE FINEST BABY FOOD BEST FOOD THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD MeaJt for An Infant for to it csf oo ELI A B -AND- LEADING HOUSE FOB OVER THIRTY YEARS AND FARM TOOLS Of all kinds on Full line of Cutlery and Glass Bad Putty An Paints EABT Half of ACHES teres l Mow y iron to a1 Hum the 440fl alter bar- Sf ui Wit ENTIRELY NEW STOCK A ALLAN CO EXPERIENCE IS TAILOR CORNER OF MAIN ST PARK AVE Newmarket ia now to furnish suits equal in to any in tradt had years experience a Fit Guaranteed or no Pay Stock of on hand from Very a CO J ft HUG Or m tbe lmfrfr SALE fHIKfftllOTirlntf y ICO II in muh a be a smdooUermnfot5rncrltTJs kef fltr COAL Delivered to any Part of Town Wood or BASSvi -N- Carter NsMfoftt WILL at Oak Salesmen Wanted PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE OF HARDWARE AT Largest Stock VERY LOW will bo lo tbe wish to call Pure powder A of More 4 t will mo Hoy At jVKtiHtrwt- J Toronto siltrjd to rf- per iMiTOttiooiV I AUTHORS G0X LvJaBU ftirajuit djMiJnAj KOf- yw lob TORONTO ROBERTSON For days of Cutlery Plated Goods Saws Axes Skates Forks Shovels Spades Etc Old Stand Newmarket 15th of Formerly Ruses EMUiX L ATTEHTrON ORGANS Mt Riven to Spring in given to Term to suit buyers Ko Discounted in Kink cordially given Cora and a in our CO f Toronto Established over 30 Years Men sir ffjin- GOOD PAY STEADY WORK rite for to WRIGHTS OH Of I runic fttj1 Dr bo y1 frore remedy Affile crjfeJV but A a It til to too kcfTsi lastppeiUiiijr Fv la di6trtii of STOVES TINWARE HOUSE FURNISHINGS -AT- Suit Times in may WHL XciacsV3 list of CREAMER CANS LINED tor If to bit yujlhj SEW LATENT lidi sV To fl a i Goods Exchanged D SWR1GHT rvorio Aft to cHpuoa AJid period In m or or- dfcK jn Mat bum vd fe r -hj- A 4sl

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