Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Aug 1888, p. 1

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M IllBNKWfilARKETKRA ll Every Friday Morning JACKSON srBAMlUlKTlSOHOOSa 1760 SUBSCRIBERS 0I7B KB ABOVE NORTH ADVERTISER 32 Single Copies Cents Each Ont Friday a INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY Loan FOLLOWING FIRST OLAflH K REPRESENTED Cam CAPITAL ill iiiiifi flJZ J lMWAlllOB Ireland Insurance tomboy or farmers italic Policies and or doing In Canada Call for to Real Estate Insurance JN Hi Cathedral 3 TIIOAH J AKKlH 1Klt Ac Newmarket good Farm J Notary j0 it cur Tortiiw yjyMuiy A J-IMCJTOK- Notaries Ac- ijyyltvHrt Toronto frtEMl JACKS A At TO it Hie roil dank lt1KJEln lloforroer TO LOAN rtAlUiMrwt Newmarket ALLAN AA1UI liAIUUrtTKIti and Toonto and JB ffelfALLT for Ontario a of LlctaiM China The Autumns Gloom I fllgblog Wnow Vlow frith mo lhautuon gloom from your tomorrw dying Ufa in tomb Op- dp J JPJjTfl sad Life to OfflMatboroitOT1cKowmfirkola P Mntunl CO Old lUulitr and ALUION irfcluB J A of Vetorimry TuroolQj io fll DomMitcMcO Anlmnt LADIES AND GENTLEMEN You buy Tea Obarobor Lampg and Fancy and Plain cheaper at Hall than any other In Town In order to convlooO you of this fact Do not foil to thorn a call before f Dinnor Beta importation which at TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES This slock of family takes load cheapest in town In fact prices and knock them all clean out Popular verdict A CALL SOLICITED by Telephone promptly attended W a smith A tit A a V Vt iftdttfil to 1Q AM to K A J Alio fits will receive prompt toil at my bouwooroero ana victoria ivewmiiikft LlOKWrElAUOT10MKBll Toronto will be ftaod riiord time Newmarket to ACCIDENT OF NORTH AMKItlOA AND- lUtirxciualvoly iubHbUIntwofiifturaoc AS ill HtACKa SUPERIOR GROUND OIL CAKE Dispensing Department only purest etc and is given to the compounding of PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY RECEIPTS OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING 10 all things booh- to fiylog Bring to wind the Oft gray rising of ing In our creator Live a tern I in While wfl poor mortals Weld to Bloom awhile then bread Guttled in pale Pell to fa Mournful when Dies by rout or worm Doubly when a nation by nfttloni power Death and war my shqra mo my Brings fo my mo of tv- gives mo dejection through my tool I mourn my forty Wives of sorrow on roll With to my aged sires Hollow winds about mo roaring Noisy voters round mo I my deploring Tears ft streaming from my card for treasure do earthly i youthful Time mast and health destroy I to how then I sported all my woes Ago arid sorrow have blasted Every youthful Whilst old Ago Oh short tin As the annual fronts are cropping leaves from the trees my friends yearly dropping Through old ago or dire Former friends how I sought them to cheer my drooping mind But gone liko lea ve9 in autumn Driven before the dreary wind When a years Ive wasted When a few more springs are oer Whtn a more griefs I Jhall fell to rite no more my aim of lifes Boon sot Hot my hopes pore and refining in life and light Ceato fearing trembling sighing Death break the sullen gloom Boon my fluttering flying Mutt beyond tomb youth contracted glories mm P BAILEYS BAKERY T IWBSBBH llii- Office SIMPSONS for Aurora loan J CANADA LIFE CO EBTABLIQHED -0APITA1- AKD FUNDS- 9000000 DOLLARS and two years force Agent BHEAI CAKES NUTS AND FRESH- GROCERIES Hams and Canned Best Roller Flour delivered to all part of the Town at Mill price MAIN STREET you Shinto thin you Solicit a Continuance DRUGS Leading Photographer MAIM A LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS ASIKCIALUY AN- FANCY GOODS Patent Almond ilifi l ana Almond Clean o REQUISITES Please Come Again MRS SIMPSON Guaranteed ICE CREAM PARLOR a OPEN FOR SEASON i Cigars and Tobaccos EXT OF CURES Mqrbus RAMPS AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAWT3 OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS TICKETS LINK DOMINION JUNE STATE LINK W Clocks Eyes mud fiifcjca Ophthalmoscopic Test lino CANADA MANITOBA BRITISH GOa STATES PACIFIC COA6T ACtUHipeclfQUjSoIlclUrf ATKINSON vDnHODDERS BURDOCK fiND EFFSCT but tiin COMPOUND iVfftCOMFLAIKr RICK SKI- BLOOD ARlSIhG for Infants and Children The I dont think I can endure it any longer Mid Dr Hartford gloomily And is aajn opinion Ho upon her return from Stafford wo to take legal pro for a quiet separation Lucius Hartford a tall looking man with a over which his intense hair fell in a wavy profusion As ho he toying carc- with a pearl which lay upon his deck while eat his mother a pretty lady silvery and that still sparkled of fires of Bat Lucius cried instinct ively interlocking her slender fingera terrible A t ion and you not married a year yet I know it mother the young but what to be Wo agree any one says fihe is a wretch and am Have you any possible fault to find with her Norn oxpt that our are not in commoo But my you- should have found that I am aware of that mother he answered dejectedly but the evil is past remedying And in what way accuse your calls me cold and She sbe fails to find the affection and devotion which alio ex pected from a husband LuciU tell troly have you no fault to find with yourself He averted his- eyed slightly and bent tho fragile pearl toy until it snapped within bis grasp Is it a fault mother to be too tired when come home to play the devoted lover To write sonnet to her eyebrows and read poetry by the he impatiently r that what very much like it At all are eat ranged She no looger for mo aa she did I fail to God in her the qualities once admired fueling we do it would be any longer to keep up the empty forms of conjugal life Mrs Hartford sighed She knew that her only son of a peculiarly reserved and sensitive nature and a few ago when he was married to the beautiful young orphan she had hoped he the problem of bis But now things were hope lessly managed than ever Well abeaatd at length is a matter in which no one except the parties concerned fcsa any right to counsel or advise Do as belt Ho shrugged bis shoulders There to bo little left ine he will go back to Norton and I well laugh- I shall be than Out there no mirth in his and it grated sadly on hi ear Hertford went left alone He went hack into pretty hay windowed parlor which but a few months ago be had taken in ornamenting decorating for the reception of his young bride There the of Go i hoped would help to endear her homo to AH that passed now He had tried and ho had faffed Well lot it go What was but a of fall- urea best And what right had he to expect anything else As ho stood there one elbow on tha mantel and moodily looking t the of green loaves on the faint grey ground of the carpet tho maid with a tele gram It was from Antonla Expect the morning train A He it up in his hands I Understand bo said to himself She has received my last letter welcome news informed her that upon her return should the legal to an eternal parting ho is in to escape ma Weill aooner the And he went off to round of trying to in the tribulation of physical pain the serpent that at his own heart evening upon opening paper the lirst words tbat met bis were Railroad Accident of life He read it over twice three time- with a mechanical slowness before tho paper dropped from his hand Then catching it eagerly upjheran his eye over the list of the killed Ko ho faltered aloud her name is not there Yet yet I feel certain in the inmost depths of my heart tbat is among the dead Theso reports ore necessarily in accurate and hurried there so many typographical And there is the name of Mrs A Hartford Good Heaven it must bo her Poor and she has beyond reach of my petty even before could she forgave mc 8o young so Antenia Ho had not used the old fond ex predion for weeks Starting to his feet bo rant the bell lou for his servant he faltered scarcely to control voice I am going to at Shall I put up your things sir No there will bo no time for that I need nothing Jf any patients require roe send them to Dr And Hartford harried away his heart full of terror soul rack by many memories of times when he might have the solitary young creature bad entrusted her hap piness confidingly to his care And J he muttered between bis how have I fulfilled treat have been a brute a savage No wonder wanted to separate from rap I would separate from myself if I could Oh how can I look upon her dead face and recall these things He had scarcely gone an hour when bell rang and Sarah hasten ing to open the door beheld the un expected sight of Mrs Hartford Dear me maam cried the you aint seen mas ter Keen Dr Hartford I him la he not here Gone to Stafford maam After I Hartford turned deadly pale Gone to Stafford J she faltered And she sank down into a chair She too bad heard of the frightful railway accident an accident which Dr Hartford had in his and bewilderment forgotten to note had occurred to the up of the down train and she at jumped to the conclusion her husband was on wrecked train Has any thing happened maam demanded Sarah Had anything happened Yes everything had happened Lucius had so strong so full of life and vitality that it seemed impossible that he could die And nownow felt at once that all tbe sunshine bad good oat of her world forever Remorse desolation sorrow swept over her like an I Mm I loved him wailed out and now he will never know it Oh how could I bo so cold so indifferent have been justly punished Just at a step sounded without and Mrs Hartford found herself face to face her husband My own love Heart to heart to her golden hair swept by the warm touch of his jelly locks they stood in the moment of and the brief silence was full of inscrutable Wits Do you forgive Lucius it is I who should murmured Dr And he seriously and actually believed it too It was not lone mutual ex planationi ensued Hartford bad heard before he reaches tho that the accident down Hop end ho returned Scarcely expecting to I Too will not me again I he liked looking doubt fully into Never Lucius never But you never told mo how lored nit lefore I did not wit myself darling And when Hartford called again she was to husband and wife in the fall happlows of How about mutual agree- or at end ONTARIi 2iiD0rri Kewmabki m a A interest Allow at ma DRAFTS ATAIU Al BlatllDBaadAmerleL rt mi era canary bird cage in the window the booka the oil painting foil of light meat to a aha and yoking the all And of it thing that be bad to her Prize of Newmarket Fair P and Crock or Tab of Butter Set given by Braotoo A lii W SCO oll Batter aSwiogMirjorgivenbja AVrrt one year to which the Society ddi Factory Trie Batter fall to become property the prize to bo at Office at close of and pay the wbtro to bo Tub Batter not than W Sewing Machine by winner to 20 0 Tab or Crock Batter not leas Wlba an Sewing Machine at gives by Tab or Crock Butter not than given by P J Plan n Batter Riven by Mm Oxford J000 100 Given by W Mantle given by Walker Bona ft after given divan by Meredith a 9 Roll Batter a Ladys given by Mammoth Toronto fitbe rolls given by Toronto Boot flhoCo Competitors In Dairy Prod oca most bo careful to give the number of in which to compete when making the Entry with the Secretary Farm Wagon given by Hie Lewis Son n By Society I Double- Carriage Covered Boggy Daily one year given by the jamp Scat Baggy Open Boggy fiunoy 3 Democrat Wagon of Vehicle Cotter 3 Set for farmers lit 300 200 100 Mechanics ai lit 2nd Doable a side leather given by ft Park j i 2 Bet Light and Bridle Upper Kip Skin side Leather aide of open all Fret Work Finished Moulding CO JanelDoor Saab pair CO Churn CO Washing J CO Hive 1 CO IO t Furniture Furniture maoafactnre 2 Mi from the hammer Sewing Machine family use to exhibit Sewing Alachine manufacturing Cabinet Organ Piano fln Mann factor is Rug one year given by Rat- lit 2nd cliff valued at with 75c by Society 2f 200 Wool Blanket homo made pair Horu Blanket homemade pair Factory Blankets Knitted Bod Spread Photo Album given by Brown By Society Piece Work goods given by Sutherland by Wove Coverlid Quilted Coonttrpane Box of Toilet Soap given by Mr Taylor valued at 3 By Society 10 Crochet goeds given Mrs Bond value Toffed Bod Spread goods given by Sutherland Bros CO Society Wove Wool Carpet 10 yards CO Rag Carpet whotealadt yards It Rag 15 cotton and woolen Flannel yaids homemade Plain vaids homemade CO Flannel for homemade Factory Flannel yards CO Factor Cloth five- yards Gents Shirt handmade goods given by J value Goods by came Babys by It L Flowering Bulbs or of Wool Socles pair Wool Stockings pair Cotton Socks pair Cotton Stockings pair A pair 1 CO I ICO CO 1 1 1 00 1 CO I CO 1 I 00 CO r 1 WVi Wool Gloves pair Wool Yam pound homespan kain pound 3J of Wool Mats r 75- 50 50 Arts and Work Oil ting an by professionals Oil Painting canvass by am a tear 3 Oil Painting on Painting on Plush Velvet Painting on Satin w I Fainting on Silk CO Panel Jewellery given by A S Co value 3 Plaque in Oil Water Colore landscape Fori lUfomtr one by vriued at and 100 added Society llVter any subject Pencil 13 Drawing Ink Sketch Collection of Photographs 10 Bead Work Worked Panel IS Etching Outline Embroidery pair of Corsets br Hughes By Societr Silk Embroidery a Tea given Hughes at and added by Society Cotton Embroidery J 09 Ktnaifigton Painting Ribbon Embroidery I iy Table Drape Table Moot la Drape Work Work in Chenille Work Embossed Work Berlin Wool Work S3 Plain Berlin Wool Work rt JJ 31 Wool iff 35 Cotton Antimacassar 1 l SO WoMert CO 1 i 9 f 25 2 CO CO ICO ICO I 37 Wool Cotton Crocheling Point Lace other kind Darned Tattina Braided Pillow Sbauu 45 Pillow Shams any any other kind a Cushion Work Finished Ottoman Finished Foot Rest Pcrim Work Twine Work Slipper Bracket iS v Wax Work of Coin moat coUeCttoa of or Animals tor mail be a member hy A stalioiiera goods to Iho of By Society 75 IS 00 ICO 75 ICO SCO w 50 75 50 1 CO 1 CO 25 25 25 is Co by Flowers open lo all any JW S3 Collect to House Plant oped to JJJJ 100 of amateur in fiovrer varfelie 1 I 1 i Oku Mica- t saiiWlloa will W awarded to such articles as In not- AKDflPc A too votiog KL A Stiver of by a kick from a hi Sept to their Eugene and tobacco fcguaOIil near top of a barn fc at broke pJay 00 tho school 8f day buried low to 1 he amount Qua torn a well Works and at Two lostheirlioeneeal quality of milk plied fe Yal and cosu in he luituiry of Smith M 1ST Tim Kingito rectors refused- China creased A fcoyearo of I into a cittern other day A cyclone in Delaware lost wee people and of property j The ston baa sought whether it can hold street or not he eldest P P fftthera tannery jumping A va Hope fell into the machine and torn to pieces IS During who aryived in against ponding month last worth was week it in order to lesson An to present medals for they have shown defeated Henry cat lost a white handling fan the load and Lint Phlf was severely running away Th over his head for five inches As a to construct works will la voters in were bur Montreal by Neil was only- ill died On belonging to a was struck by nary was cent for for it The- loy caught stripping a orchard They fore a cost them fruit Archibald Of Moll engaged to in Drown by the caps boat During a last week of the township by lightning contents Loss for A large pat was burned 18 persons were and a explosion of tl mill operated Eight being built for and some speed are expect floated for all are slaw to lowering expect to cross tl One to the Exhibition Windows of J openly MI and rfaljjlii worVff i 7

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