Friday Morning REACHED V I Try i I i 1 ll LIB III j NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 22 SlQgle Copies Q Cents Each Newmarket Friday June Cash in Advance within or at GUI Interest drafts AT old promptly INSURANCE AGENCY Montr to THE FOLLOWING FIRST 8 REPRESENTED Handle Association or oar rum A BOB Seal fcuurwJc Main Sooth Newmarket oar ana tat to rtAHHlWKll ETC flirt OH Ihmi loaas op- T WTO LiBiMtUO AnarMC plUllM TO LOIN AT Mutual in ic- Old Cor A YTOWIDPXrXKLD kwkiwicT TO ALBION fit of llMlbTilMlu fOfl irilni OOUE Ec LOAN Dominion l AIiLAtf A gARnl8TEIH ftDd J T Cotirt Toronto now prt to Anlniili Hollo KESWICK DC A J fttXiAOT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ofca boy Dinner Sot FWnoy And Plain other In Town order to of not to thorn before buying a line of Pinner which Are offering At LOW PRICES of takes tho lead flncit And In In tact price end tbeir them Hi Popular verdict A CALL SOLICITED Flash Seeds Just Opened by Telephone promptly attended to A- SMITH but Father Nobody t of To top Nobody of lfa dilU It know Nobodvi told tbi seed gJrU a Nobody old Nobody Ihit he cod wood And floor art oat together Nobody good Nobodyonly Nobody Bo any 4 lb of Ihoaa fitter Nobody money To pay fttUto blue Nobodyooly of home para a mother ana a all Nobody DENNES MILL I LOS W and Time A Oxide onbindat all fcOFriOKInflaroaMiaBiooK and A will leflat aod Vtotoria a wcyODcooii J Trait iniOlkSpOOJiAJlir Court My Miliii will bo abut down after ho 24TH OF MARCH m For Two or Three as J have full train of the Rolls which will bo second mill in on if Chopping everyTcesday Or I ST I DONE EVERY DAY- TO WAN Id LlOEMBEAUOTiONKEK For York alio V BAILEYS BAKERY MARRIAGE SIMPSONS MAIN STREET TUB ACCIDENT JKBURAKoKCOaOPNOnTJlAMKBlOA Afoncipirv In for Aaroxm tut and J CO- 0AITAJ yUNDS- DOLLARS TOL1UiH8 CAPS NUTS AND FRESH- GROCERIES Kama and Canned Goods Roller Flour delivered to all parts of the Town at Mill two in a Continuance DRUGS I ANO FANCY GOODS WILET SOAP SPONGES TOILET o REQUISITES Please Come Again MRS SIMPSON J ICE CREAM PARLOR 61 OPEN FOR THE SEASON GT Cigars and tobaccos Leading Photographer LIFE ARE oi dif- fel NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT DESIGNS IN TO LOAN 6UlQifi JACKSON T ius Suitings pu4 to WiAlr op ft SUPERIOR MANNER for 7 g FARM I Button Wert SttdRTHORHS WALLPAPER CANADIAN AND ENGLISH BORDERS INVITED STAKE Central Telephone Office for Infants Children Her May was a that he to bo At Hut had hcn to him bat of rioter have yoang roan tho effect In Mr had not been in a legal eat and at Jut worth counting a rooana toward What he He had asked himself this question almost very hour lately and bad never got but answer Marry I At first he had met the sngcslion with a negative shrug and a muttered Nonsense hut it had come back time with a little more per suasive appearance Finally one windy day in March he determined to an hour or two to a serious consideration of his chances in the matrimonial market After A careful And honest review ho was compelled to admit that among all the rich and splendid girls whom he had habitually spoken of as crazy about him only two were likely to ho enough to entertain thought of marrying Mm pretty Bell and the exceedingly clever Clair he was quite sure both of these lovely creatures adored him only point was which he liked best or rather which it would best for him personally and commercially to choose child of a rich widow who lived in excellent style And who was perfectly mistress of her income She was a sweet dainty little blonde always stylish in dross Always to dimple into smiles and never At a loos for the most agreeable thing to say Nora was a close friend of Bessies but in nil respects a contrast was no tenderlynurtured heir ess but poor brave girl who had by tho force of intellect and hard work gained an enviable posi tion in the literary world income from her writings was very handsome She visited in most Aristocratic circles She was charming in person and and dressed like rest of tho fashionable world But felt that in every sense she would not only be the bet ter probably the fourfifths of the house and that his personality would sink into Mrs So Bessie won the decision end he determined to offer Mis Bell his handsome person For to tell the truth he was a handsome fellow If this workaday world had only been a great drawingroom with theatrical alcoves and musical conser vatories why then Julius May havo been no undesirable companion in it He rang at Mrs Bells door footman open it a gentleman camo quickly out threw himself into Mrs Bells carriage in a voice of authority ordered the coachman to drive to the docks The incident scarcely attracted his attention until upon entering parlor he saw pretty Bessie watching the disappearing vehicle with tearful glided into her usual beaming pretty manner Very soon Mrs Bell came la asked to remain to dinner After Mrs- clergyman called the char ities and the yoong people were went into the library to them the Julius was not afraid to scire it What do men say on occa sions Do they ever say what they intend Do they remembe what they I dont did Before he in the middle of a most eloquent sentence on his will a little aajing Mr May stop toSly I been engaged ever was abroad for six mbnths nd that what I was crying jet Alroot iif though Ae has away for Mamma said we waijitij I was twenty oie hyp biro just the Mine and sever to make think cob Id care for yov this Mr And locked fcjpr fiyokaetOl aoj dm or Sow SB1nl if Chto Street it T hive bad honor Aip of being alj no winter tommy fa WV nttasaktUttlecUnnora and speculation That would in deed be dreadful loved the professor too she been simply pleasant and friendly to him as ahe had been to all gentletOAn friends who had too touch sense And modesty to misconstrue her kindness ihd went to the and began cooing to her Julius hardly remembered what Afterwards except that he re ceived a cool courteous goodnight sir in his Farewell and that he found himself In very unenviable state of mind To this speedily the thought Nora He must fee her tonight Tomorrow Bottle would give own version Of his conduct and then well he would not acknowledge that that cooidmake any Noras liking tor him he thought women Are such Where Ms own interests were Julius was not wanting in a certain strength and decision of and In lea ad hoor after rejection Bessie Bell be had so far composed and encouraged himself as to determine upon a visit to Nora though whether be should offer himself io her or not was a point be left to the development of circumstances Ho found Nora at home and more over she disposed to welcome him with extra cordiality He noted with a fresh admiration the retired and cultured aspect of the room the rich silk and that robed the lithe graceful figure of Nora All these things bad a fresh And delightful charm in them lie soon drifted the conversation towards Would she be married when the professor returned from abroad Ob dear no I until she is la it not rather a be questioned Noras eye flashed and grew dan- gtrouely bright Certainly not Professor Mark Tyler was a of world wide fame It was an for Bessie to bo loved by such a great soul indeed he had not thought of it in that light People usually spoke of a with regard to money affairs Yes I know Nora and just they are frightfully wrong there are worse mesalliances than disparities of fortune but how ever hero there was none of any kind the professor had found a sufficiently rich alembic with a rcaidium admitting of no kind of doubt whatever Will you when ho mar ries he asked Very Yet you will lose your friend By no Him will remain at home and the professor and I are very old friends he knew me when I was a little girl Indeed Perhaps you may marry before Miss Bell Perhaps so- I no particular doing such a thing eventually but I quite sure I shall not do so immediately Why Because I cannot afford it I am one of those women who would be likely to make a misalliance in money matters and I repeat I can not afford it just yet I at pre sent another extravagance before roe far Letter than a husband I should like very much to what it is I A tour with perhaps a peep at the Pyramids and a ramble about old Ob dear ssid Julius in a tone serious half mocking I should have no chance I suppose against such a great temptation I None whatever And though she kept up the ban tone it quite evident to Julius that if he asked her in sober earnest ahe would answer Just tho with a slightly different accent But Nora with a womanfl ready tact tamed the conversation and gradually led it into a very unusual and practical channel the and the necessity of labor The glowing thoughts he yet hopeful truths that fair young woman uttered Julius heard for the first time in bis life that night Never bfforo bad he realized the profit and the deep delight which might spring and only spring from honest career no matter how humble or laborious if it was steadily pursued crowned it She hid none of her own early mis takes and struggles and then alluding to her assured position And comfort asked Julius how he supposed she had won it By your he said Not so sir but ly simple persa conscientious labor in the path I had marked out for There fore she said with a bright tire face go home tonight Mr May choose what particular form of law you will study throw with all your into that one subject and success sure to come Depend upon world not wrong success tfie test of merit You yiis said Julias ally I When I have proved this may I come and see you again He had risen to no and they duped binds Then you may come shja averting her mora was said but they understood each other went into the clear starlit night determined to make a good womans acceptance before he would again Next and Nora sat En dinner was an ot ana rather sadly Nora turned said noth ing That is he wanted to my money Everybody knows that if he loves anybody really it is yon Nora He called on me too last night said Nora and I saw he was in troflhle so I gave him something to do Nothing like that old old gospel of work when youre in trouble When he hid done I told him he might come And see me again Surely yon would never marry You will just have him to dress and care of said Bessie All men need women to care for thorn else why were women But I think will do very well yet These elegant sometime don armour and take the world by surprise Not often laughed Bessie xemember bow our countrys onrledidarUsgs stormed And bAttered down I am going to trust Julius May for a year or two think hell do I Wo shall 7 no Emperor Frederick Away June Emperor died at 1 oclock this morning Frederick Charles of Germany was the near Pots dam October He reoeive4 a thorough education and the doctors diploma from Uni versity of Konigsberg of which ho was rector In January he left Berlin for England where be to wed Princes Victoria The marriage took place on the 20th and prosy Baron was made- happy in bis plan of the boosed of Prus sia and England joined in more in timate relationship Prince Albert wrote The young couple seem to bo heartily In love with each other sod tho innocence of theyouug man is very touching Tear flowed freely when the Prince took his bride away from England Farewell Fair Rose of England was the inscription over the trium phal arch built Dover Keep her well to fier I God Mess were farewell words sent after him by the of the Victoria and Albert to 13 out A carload last week The excurt to by the count a mouth we shall see Time prove all things Time proved in this case what has often been auerted I hat every woman influences every man she con a In contact with either for as good or bad away In the first t Julius went steadily to work th with economy the rjmiins of his pa- with his bride The known among Jaw lobe wrote no princes bad as a hardreading cliarlinded such a hearty Welcome given to her The are taking a county poof house firing hi tailor shop fraud the insurance s A of on the track a steady young man and in a little more than two years ventured to call again on Nora and ask her a certain question to which an swered with pride and confidence Another evening and Nora sat sipping their coffee together in the gloaming of an early summer evening J3asie said Nora Julius May asked me last night to marry him Going to do so Yes dear I am going to care of him and he is going to take cere of me That is all right I suppose Yes I am it couldnt he belter girls sat silent for a while and then Nora said sadly I have been wondering how many bad husbands have been good did women in fluence for ends There ought to bo a saving power in love if it is true love and there is for I have proved it what I have other women can do also grant- that iti the larger liberty to which woman aspires she may consider how vast a power ia her in fluence use it only for gracious in The Grown him self telegraphed to Queen Victoria The whole family is enchant ed with my wife In late was of second Prussian army and essentially con tributed to tbe decisive victory of timely appearance at Ciilum In the FrancoGerman war of 1870 1 he was at the head of lb- South German forces as of iIik third rmy The first victory of the war that of aenburg Aug and one over at Worth Aug were achieve under his general- took an equally part together with Prince now Kinp Albert of feixony Mayor of cheque for Government for K Matthew a loard Mill Ed guilty at J be Ipy Albaiunn King oa 28th foloKloclitngtt roll for hi t tad or id ifceBcb If J IVid 1 1 cry of lot Id JUL ItOIDt At Court tbcQ op Jobo Jul toil J ted Millard sd others t- Follow were pissed Silu Hugh Cribto J 3 We Neil CO a ibf pit J Si err Cv Tbe of sveclion vis tad in to I It tbfl fon lot ordered Coo to lid familr tut y U GrwiiUto Cod Cod I Din Coo Coo 1it Con Coo ISO Cob poloiel for of lo at it till in the great in surrender with his army at Bedsit fcJepL2 additional els during of Parin And was made genera fild October all hough jt had not for to title abut years ago that the Emperor Crown I- to a eased For torn time fwljled health vaa a ure attributed to worry and humiliation endured at court thU theory when i apparent from medical exam ination that a fatal had At tacked and that the day of were numbered It when tbo of the Prince began way under theatrain that Mackenzie was called in but although doriog bad charge of Royal patient he did wopdera in way of prolonging life it waa recognized that the end soon come It feared that he would go to the grave be fore his father but fortunately that fear proved ground and do wife not deprived of tho rights she was entitled to During the three months that elapsed since the death of his father and his to throne life has been a continual battle net disease Attended by his faithful wife to whose devotion is due tho fact that lived so long he did and cared for by a staff of eminent physicians of whom tho Englishman Dr was chief he devoted as much time as health allowed to state affaira Once or twice duriog his short reign threat ened between Bismarck the have narrowly the most troubh- arisen from drain of Victoriai was mother and grand the of England In Alexander of Batten- late ruler of Bulgaria opposed onion and u yfeualj The dead or a tefdir a of pencil and had he lived the of ft European war would greatly The death of Emperor has caused excitement in this All the of the Royal family ifn has a lock of hoar a A man in with forgetting it was it is fjirrd An soniif they are in maids fS The on the late Km- showed that his ailment was bis larynx having teen almost entirely destroyed steamer with a thou board winch was has at broken- Conductor branch four train Monday nighty lie returned it to Reynolds At boy at Truro was for fourteen was sentenced to cessory The rich really frit because they so the world the truth that the heart At the meeting held rciolution was christians to down all such evil gambling and at Agricultural A WSM for the purchase of introduced in the Council but met position the the council ing at any result- The Canadian loan and it was found been even a greater anticipated The tbe of the great highway of which exerts a coot our nation catering of the mind A read paper he ra and things which progress to are beyond qofti era trade Canada extends from Nova and and the ministers th private death chamber at the g palace at Potsdam A irssv i- my rJM W v- is W W on y a log ice was frown Spring am owner- a man of by imping a of Iamb Is and will skip any other well bred lambkin scratches ear with wooden Jeg and behaves in a gnu rat most June The of ran tiling a of a corner the of Sjt tboFiT4Vytirian and Charity Hospital ten days proved a Airtdj man is enjoy the tearg sxlng fcvs not his by of since on the riil am council held just Mow the Km- died who presided at the was The meet at noon Prince death of Emperor and the Accession to itm throne of William who taaw tbe title of tbosfoond remains He in state in Garrison church at order of the bells tolled at boors for fourteen days succeeding in the Protestant churches of the kingdom The rich confess lliat the poor fret not rich so rons world quite trutbi that is heart A thunderstorm visited this vicinity Iht and much age to ami fhefsm- of Mr- were shocked his Urn Mrs and Mra found dead from The- anrnmor redden of Mr in Booth was destroyed The almaoaa- partly shattered savcral Inn In durable description A Id it is kind as to to to be siveiaod from a ways stands Jj It whose lusines wilt with vim until the c J lave in time go to choi home notice of of altitudes and upon Same fa top of though the brain crowded while down that they hard collar to do A and a of atom and After their feast hot all vomited srhn also waMeojJ as taken vary ill ail night is now I I I