Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Mar 1888, p. 2

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J Now Advortloomonta Removal Notice J Nov Print It A- Co School Montgomery Property Neil McLean A Bargain Wo Wood Oca Arnold- Notice Motor J A To Tlion Farm J Era UP I A Manitoba or MAR Our Toronto Despatch Feb Jilftfi branch Of It AHUom tiiioooi- jiii JiJ i hi lufcwaftJtl irfviil Vint Mr J- Bitot lwl- Mi MO- nolo II ww in fit ihcduiiMl Contra- Tim Noll of lloulk 111111 fit inoJ on other tttQJt to bo will ho of Jl bwomo yhm win Mr- Dominion by from of Dominion likely now Treaty proposed amend itirnlb to Act of law in North and fcunWd legislation to lutfi tho only Tux frblch It by to thftotEoo OTOgnWUaont mart ft pUot A Art took that ItAboQt tad old IbftOfw Jk boot thorn to tod other tbi Tfu tin cued to be mud ihli on lo of tIM Tut for ok two for loop to the old It j to loYfrlmfdo lion coon 1 will bo JUitkj of on frrotrrly with of oo oto topic it turlox tbo few Invo jo to call religion ft Treaty ft ftud tin fiial lo tbo nrlyftl now on it nod Dominion of flrcjlIf dinner ftud of writ for now Id West lib IlflCO tvOjonow foiling on ire fie Jd fit ttfortn Mr ftrut Mr J fioo- fori Mr fioomi- lottIyUDUulctloa Account of will be r of Ho Prince Wnl It of lilt calculated to much limn in Of tho amend lo to dialing Act wo to until In lo In a lRrii tho two of country lo o largo ftii it would ho too much to look for very importaut or radical changes in direction of railway reform How opinion iitg in I in notion that tho who largely in aid of liinir protect inn in not a 1 1 than w iiow tin fDohul I ill ji Hut hit- A w J Of Jivthii mid foi w of incorpom ton AppHcalionQ to private and one for It will thus that the sotMCwjitit hut is of will time hut tho other if not of a to bmttiy discussion it now In filr Introduced a Id CO ftiid illfldo Iho fjiiortlou of The World f of Bill perform duties of flhcrilT it courts Toronto of Court of York County Court General od Ct flboriff of To jrttforoi of at Court of AfC4i of High Court Court oil Kill Irta ond liUml hot well ftud tTeTTbodT of died tuddtolj Another to Hut of and for to from donq to for two lt4lj to to ooo oo Silver it net waft it uj Aolder ftvfouo Air wha ftud him ibey bid did not ttii to of oto polllDg would ftlmoot thco Tbi which lift bid red raa till of to to oclock now to ilteV tht By which hotel tblj Jill tbo Uoort idling Jlilb The will fcutomoQ In will to AbcrlOe ilUcbrd flu long odd Toronto of Toronto control of Ink Drops oul Four wkisfromOooa rtfcby lor Ian ycilcrdiy a Council 6urOMonooy end a tyllKbt from toO wtok they will not iiJd utl would lift Kerb- loot John A flbtrr wogrfttutittoDf no both QUOODBVillO checked wood couloir Id iwimp to North- of our The from tbnt ctioo winter ihowe like other Iq the ground The ilde here ire lo ft very bed with pitch of Toronto ud Ben Web of bid poor iuccwij College food The A bid big Hut fat lodjo givinff more ft ridion the goat tod treating vlilton to wme brad elites After an of or Mr Terry brothtr of Mr J J from Michigan coiorj home the bit ftikcJ local piper ft few deye ago and pretty with to- I to reply WHAT When wo lib Why a driving at gilt ftrtU boreo ilopplng 9 Why did drive Up over tho enow looking ftft If ho then lay tbtt twejoolyajokof Did the our or lift Kir found lrt yet got ftltccnorom mot When 411 young thftl gone for Ml bride come for then but not ihoibereboldcr who get Ho iay bo undenting and It is boilocu I boll clerk tipped It the bone bodiovo and ippodovcr a lUnirouj the lo our Deputy dont a wife tin he get lloenee from Me be wilt die an old where hate If back and the over Poet Waiter 1 it B A brother Beth hive rented J Cook oar bit done an winter and pollfog iiftrecih la a lDUodi Into the butch ftj be ol Oldham ting hid big Mid where report took piece wltb inatlc March Impte- lot la erwlt oteepi for bay root ftodicimiQDdLT Bale coco- Kirch 11Hr will rule lioctoeot Coo Worth of toll credit lucDioYcriLOCG one oclock Jfti- KiVftOftfbr etc iho property of the tale Oliver will lot ido tit noir Holland credit plga at IudoL at Of BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS and OVERSHOES to choae from pit March will bavoataleof lbefamorMr urn of Mr e credit over fiftle jMKaranogb Ac The Boots Must be Now for Price f Big Cliurcb was dedicated with over flown on 12tb cars of a passenger train for Winnipeg on Junction by a broken rail and badly bruised EST village of Valtortn Northern part of Italy boon half buried an by many houses boon and their in the At Monday city liotolkocpcr pleaded to a second offeneo and paid 9100 Coo and costs Two others paid and each for a Tbo Union Now York waa by firo Tuesday and the Morton bote badly damaged total low 3D0000 fireuicn badly burned and in jured Fob 26 Early morning were from Grand Trunk car in and tbo team and of a farmer named Murphy to carry oft booty uptown entered morning but nothing acourod Dont buy a Single Pair of Boots until you see Our Stock and get Ou Prices Stock Successor a Cfje A jE IT hi by i Mount Albert kjcot Sun- Editor AT UK TO ririd vouor con ercnic a on Mr Pit fibred dea ft in the ttiftl lftbertiuiiitiawuit liuiI p4tlUoieot Joolill a move the dtel wltb not forgetting of A Killed virk for Kicccoc for Town- Mr it for Pjjttj lUe iniWr toe for or ftdutt Jlw Mr It bKujfftuefulic viva week JdilUrd a two villi at Mr rid win left on Monday ill Dr d Mr A St Clear of Head Town on Mr- or of Tore two or lhie3 P ftod Mia of St are fttW Him Flo At Home on ay lliuint lime Mr Julio town iil it Betiiiixl to w wt ftMiliiig to coulter lr Putt iftUiinbleo fill liii en Mr 1 1 at Holt left or hi- in JIo for a ot Whitchurch Mr- Stent en- joyol A the tt or Alex Mil- of were ht loii Sunday Joe Thomptoo the College Mr Theodore Simpson our of the If it Mw of Mount Albert urJiittogfiitodsiD the ftoalreryiry of birthday wuieoo tint in four Mr W A- of occu lt td I Kef of Toronto the tatbodil ftn at Mr Vet from bury ttut be hie decided to vlilt radford eocae Urge p mice villji the wki in In iiM20 Kan Ift Ihed Hex loBI6 or A Iff our Arm 4vc ood A craved on Tuesday In and J wblloortvlnrlroujfUMakliani from Injury Their hoto eta pat away out li coond Mm Mr has a Ihli no elected at tbo Monday evening iWi IK Madbu on VUi pit Ibo wlo Jullut It or a on Mr A of a eon of flood itJftiUU of r Thorn or a eon Feb wife Of Mr of of Prank QuIblaEa Scott Wwnililp on Mud ICevjQO Ann of Altbe Jubo rtiiuu tow Feb 2Kb Jna by ICevJoo- IfarrU i rjeoUtow Feb 2Kb in Of Ktmy 1roijt yean month direct or of tho com J year BEFORE LEAVING NEWMARKET I viealea A John Mount Albert Male by PorlSft Jtfonic2n4 Mfiler ftlw ft iwloby Terry Mr and a J by It which down haute rooi- called on for but htm that Another party tho program for next week Mr Will raalc vmt- lug atlitfather Mount on the loet lbovlfeofjlt Meade furniture and ability wobivanodoubtouttbit they will a nock will fowl mil FURNITURE ihli price Wo Ada daathtef or Stephen Coo- Of married to of About CO wore the would amooot Tho leftortevmerket la time to ra train a trip amid have arrived In Jul editor of lL be was frtll di ihu art ttitboui ig Lu eoucluiiuq bu Mill JUt t ft hi but ibi aliiKarr it but for dvubt be lolly In of a uudifctcudbotnokiu by of IVxouto Jtj Holland J Dealer bid com lurpriieon night JlsU The of flop took of with luge and helped to tbe teller and larder aat via and formlog aov opta lidlci fqraUhed good raualo while with Lb wife and made iTtry body feel t heme Mr formerly of eoodocUd a In of To onto 5uaday at I Mr a tollable and the Mr de- I on eyjopatby xrftt crtJit for good be baa done people I fibt tbe Royal Tempter Mr W from tbtlr hero pjtb a fell Jo They JROftDH Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST PINE FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTCLASS JiEARSE and attention Many of our Winter Lines are cleared outbalance of such good Nominal Prices Other lines brought forward all at interesting and always seasonable are the Household Linens TO- we show at Prices about Towels all at up to each in every case at from and per cent under reg Cheap Glass Towellings and a wonderful lot of Bleached Dai fable Cloths about J of them all sizes up to yards long all at cent under regular value All this month our Cottons at Sale Prices I ings Pillow Cottons and at Prices grand Chance for buyers to make up for Spring and Summer wear At Out Markets Friday eome large to let now Mrtane- do do liarley per do do do too do per pound 1111 at and and bad to to or it firit the people and were favorably ft rttutioo via adopted to affiliate JJradfcjd put York alio iuaoclpaliii be gladly week of and p no eaylpg that pfano tod bit IU luoii bat rniordt of fit Paul of lut thochrcrful In more jrld family very for of fclud of ajll be to of ltd fl lo rew be bit ftt St- HI will corn family took plica at the rtaidtote Mr laat of here aoo good age All ibe family were oq except Dr gov at VUaWjAoiW rixiUr A- of wife of Victoria qw wi A held Sunday at every a took plica a full erf iileaaed firJ house and a forced ST iilUti to bfjia KiHoinkel ftvUte1 Now jo ate Mr bit to rolwca It relay teiuperibcaMevM here no effort beco made lo roae bad bat birrootai to to aoihiog wrrooojtl tboco lid to bo Ibit tog ill tvi of tbo lodge will tbvfr A of lope bade to I to laat ftfeamfiit Hotel bo lieeaiod plica tbe pot ibeto alt dead barer a J a OS a a a it a a a CO a M 01W a 19 a a a d a a per lb oo yucurpair OK a PrB Ji a moo a ik do a J t Baiter do per big pair Few Other Bargains Still Ladies Grey Wool Hose pais for Genuine Corsets Q8c worth 1 of Dress Goods at and per yard worth fully per cent more Fine all inch Black French Cashmere worth Strong wellmade Canadian Tweeds at and per yard worth a good deal more money- ODDS in Wool Goods Hosiery Gloves clothing Top Shirts c BARGAINS in Silks Plushes Fancy Flannels Jerseys and Furl Still a few Overcoats and Suits left at Bargain Prices The balance of our stock of Mantle Mantles Jackets and Wraps at just about ONEHALF their original price Goods in our Grocery Department to he Cleared Regardless of Cost Canned Goods Teas Coffees Fruits c c must all be sold in the Shortest Time Possible OBS JUST OPENED Many Lines we are offering at Heavy Discounts our Close Prices varying from SO to per cent off other lots at Half Price This in many cases will menu a loss to us but we over nothing in Boots or Shoes if we car help it The whole si A lull of fiSar trains and will interest every careful purchaser or SCHOOL BOOTS MONTGOMERYS Children Cry for I Pitcher

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