Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1887, p. 2

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Now Now Oft Book aid Bros Clearing Sale Mrs Bond Moore Hotel lor M Forsyth OP I AMD unto FRIDAY NOV Our Toronto A to redaw Toronto by P IU reading Id to bo MfaaUUd lo of at oat looi- Toe of Mayor Howled be not The new A bleb has reeled or lo lb York Count sad Toronto took place Wlgitot and market It i reeebi4 a far aa Mr John of to the Built Itf lb dutQ of Is a one now tbst to p p No Military at a Mr Cockborn P for Toronto The of IubMa and Job Trustees eft hold hire week grand suoceee and Separate Schools- pleasure and His tnaUoaWsv de parture on John A- ho In Up I ImtAnoo whop to boon by from of political opponent Judging from of loading In tad confirmation of by boon Mr boon by a decided majority of popular Intlmalod abovo no of of Toronto In the old Comment of Can ada ho a Baldwin re former tat to think for In not among who by party for party and party but supporting party In main own of right and tho good Wo look upon hi nomination ft to tho and should decide to bring that of logudatlon Into harmony with by Introduction of priaclplo wo no In the gentleman now named for Midland receive ft hearty of by being mado under the Montreal Witney log on Mr appointment Mr lift merchant prince for integrity ftnd for atornnott with which highest principle of religion and morality are embodied In A largo part of wealth la benefiting of Canada Ho fa ft prominent mem ber of the which boon greatly In work by liberality Such men all too In both of ptr baa loTownto fe for week by a V Tub by the ppar la lb of by In confirm to In of but for lidlu wo coma uom la yur la folia nd OTr work of iloo oa department In u well Tut York Ibo two rift 1LI4 P will to lei for It grco a into between j P P ih Tiller will of cf Ibo Utile Is fit lorbey local P for tho ere of Dr J oho lUobudioQ iQp- for the more good to either of It tb Ink Drops Ytfl flro break WhlWhurch Thursday Court hero next A communication from Mr Smith in pretty contfijllon lost May at Court for Town in regard to or fly Act of it fbadp duty of municipal council To the roll of be Obi and acbool atdtrn of Clio ttxtblr d Ihcrtlu bis to VoLntiat and olio iod supporters Public or schools w4SMshiU in ibowwimentrollprtscilbed and TellgloD of and try to sliced to from a ad soy so or elector or lay may notice to of the of the Act vf ISC In to giving roll cod fcr like to all this of tbo act After quoting Mr jioinU out that to Ibo above inserted and fa Ihero might be no concerntog authority of tlto court correct mid tliow wore in law to person complaining of an error or in regard to himself having been wrongfully inserted or omitted from the roll ho stly or by notice clerk of the municipal ity that bo for any of and iiitftudtf to appeal to the Court of law provide that 0urt of hear and determine complaints fins given It follows an appeal is to an from a sup- jwrlcr of Public to the Separata School or vice of which of appeal ha been given bo do- by said Court From his exposition of fliiirndmeiita to the law laid down by Mr Smith ho action of the Court of vision of this Town in refusing to and John Howard from supporters of the Public to that of the rtchool was in accord with tho I These having been the old law supporters of iwtlco o municipal clerk a given period of year is now su perceded by amendments In deed Mr Smith points these were made order to remedy and labor of the Clerics in regard to these very no ices Senate of to OddTtllon Hill torn by on lodge w to meet of of Mr I rob tad whip as a soariolr of Battos of tea tb Wa bU will not be a the one be left J oar peat- muter and will boat well fo few Ho lbs Mr and aod that will bo en la a Mr Oiboroa bom people that mutt hive beef and bo to them tho at reuosiblo price Mr baa laid op a few with foot but again to Parka went today to atteod ratUog A i- A A of returned tba bale and Successor Mo New Sharon 10 tfl UP flBEfl TO AnOOT Tar Frozen Pirate the of book by of Toron to We bars not time to read ft but It looks InleractlDg Tub cckbltl another week by oat on nlak paper for a patent ft Is better than the average If to mark Canada it la to abwtb lbs portion of Hero a cbsoce for o a lot of wild laud for good fat mackerel The appear to Yankee oodfat baa It out of book tbatitba preparation of for Watt Ontario cost private w from Ottawa w aro given to undented the Government ore fit- the capful odd all the required on tho for the whole A fa ronadrof to bo that Hen Mr Make coDUmplitc up and will shortly be a for a in the as a Home- tier We bate no rumor which appeam have had ha atiglQ la feet that Mr Mr OBrien lo Middle- ton and a speech of ago to ho to bo fillrd on of ifaa legal fraUroUy have tog la of placing the of be a snore the at have far mora Herat fo he of who shall If the poser of nomination Is to be takea from aotorlty by alt mean It in the bands of be people direct who bare to pay It ia that Mr John mer chant prince of Toronto ha been offered and in the to fill the occasioned by he demise of the late Senator Mohfaater who In the Upper of old Canada represented North York and South known a the Midland Division Wo ha people of- Division will Mr jfft Tab or nepattaia of which complain loudly be fog ha Is becooi the tide of now A has been by the to lbs medical of iha we aratotd doctor as a Joalllatloa Mr father of the of son the li loufn to more to piorlio for other jkepla con show fur- report of for the of fall wheat is year sad 5- leis than average of alx The berry Is but hard and the enrage yield per Is IS flprldg may st o failure The estimated Is Jul for of sis year The crop with scarcely any from while Is right It light be yield act a Ices thto any a treat of tears total which is Im Ibsn last year sod of Ms years la and Hi also the is from Mtlost acre lift accouotsol s mor rariedetiso of other crop- Where wiy sod l34 a fair jield but under other filled fa etc lout filor The jteid luitjfrom rL bat iter her In Toronto Mil Toronto has been spend log Councillor Mr formerly of now of town Mr Kb pub pit last Sunday Mr North was visiting with Mr John over Sunday Mr iavld has been up for two weeks now from cold In a en his and of Mrs over Mr Thoi flhane left for Parry Bound on Saturday expect toreiiisln the aire let with Perry Lumber Co Mr J A represented market the School days Toronto this meek Mrs from Winnipeg by the rarly train Fri day and to spend In Newmarket Mr JoboKp -ecu- ftrriVcJ from lo u ac tion ofttQnUy r Mr Sim HflwHtr a fit got jj- sTctk a or od be freight of who aferiiloty to Ibtt I go nikt by ilw- CI b boy joshing be li in of of ft wulcff ti7Miny Mayor to Aid to la it fa a wau- fa ilocft city good rick tin tod ability to Issin wod l to oo ume fillloglfiechilr aUityor of the by to of wit ff call ilu llitf nod one t vcuU our to call it it by a Mr Intyearto Home for a in of tbt of Cfobe fibircD took la a hero a wind blowing a not good It Dr the of Alter the all of a at Iluma night an to Mia Wltwoa hat tbo timely of a ntcb dog put to fllgbt Mi la for Jlowlog water on firm he of nl ore tack for deer la Muikoko their to of twenty tatnrd oat tYeek and plowed the gfeafer of Elder Jeremiah 1bo1 Collector la about ha Into llie lately by IX Will too Amman the by our Wo John bit from their of abodfvl hit enlifged ly op on A from tartan honored lth MM by oat top pens to flhiD during the both Jt looooio a city for CO a LU f a fl Speoial Try our Tea China anci Glassware the very- patterns and newest shapes See OUR Hanging Lamps Boot Shoe Department the largest and most complete stock North Toronto No trouble to show is Terms Strictly Gash and one price only J R MAD The LEADERS in PRICE Town Council 69132 21 Figures put up in this way dont draw much of a crowd dont interest many people do they But when wc them this shape and put them on a line of all wool Grey Flannel that we have got hold of worth cent power fa noticeable Then we single out two or three more and put them up in Ibis and attach the CromptonB sold all over the wuntry astonishing how many people the Wo at once place theicon a Serge Dress Goods which compares favorably with anything in town at and again the drawing power of apparent by the many people who enquire daily for our Lovely Dress at cents And so we continue to use these figures putting them on Dress Goods and Silks on Plushes Trimmings o Fancy Wool Good Ao on Millinery on Hosiery Gloves on Flannels and Staple on Mantles and Mantle Cloths on Underclothii Cardigans on Overcoats on Fur Caps Fur Capes Fur Jackets Coats Fur Muffs Boas Fur Robes on Boots a often on lines of Groceries every time making them tell but the onjy way to do it is to exactly what is advertised and at the pri All the above on Sale this week Call i Kavjiiiazb vuriavtujiuorYiflrvta6ieofBik of Qatcos- Ten over Nov J will I ala of etc at liiircjidtnfu at Jatoca JiMr jrju inra on at yortTf or on aU at oco Jm Kay In lbs or Coo of urn of aui Halo oclock Koy Jumoa a oqf v ISttWp AUCttonocr win OJ lfcoCOjoNom for fat hot- AUcl A atrou force lia at on Nov Meeting Council la Coin J That to Com A Wm- A Thai tlto loan Coin- tfKbchoUuEialerclLi rrfoot lo their aqJ ihotftiicrllieijoH ix order for of a Xbnt No bo aoi Corporation further bad touting Corporation to giro WarobotorretttoMr at Mr to way ibat by aalUBod thai bo abuAlanco of wmUsr from the to to tbo ba would da Corporation but Mr to look QjltOioumli of rauparr4 VCTO ion- Hon to in fayoraodfloTatothoc WW bo Couoclf carried report of A Water of AJItmWrlr to wairirorta poorer a tod ottioroiattra faooraftet II oclock of the lor of pa rophoueto wit Mr a of re- to pxt on of lot Council to meet at call of CO Direct Kara Hoot and Pariah Cor at Colos ltlcmrnt era l- with sidilar here is week at foierelt anil two at are very cheap very plentiful of excellent qua it at The roller riok is running under the auspices of tho village band with minted foetln of j aadW000Wrf barky On Mr exhibiting to a lady ho held the tamp was rtUa of lb sod But held of iron in inmates of Asylum in will he moved to now building on tho farm in a few days Tbo Trunk lias decided to now of heating pare direct from tho locomotive stove which have boon so to wrecking trains Ibo Martin sys tem will shortly bo tried on Corn wall branch sys tem on thii Ottawa XUq has been severely on tbe Main Railway and the results are slated to lavo been most satisfactory ia from the locomotive transmitted through pipes whole length of the train arrangements eiiDpIo and effectual The Of the pipes la allowing trw without any boa proved it adaptability at of temperature thoroughly independent of an other A valve in of car regulates degree heat pipes am also arranged for of the condensed to prevent retting It is the Intention to adopt the all train if the present ex- town council ha de cided to the of in providing a system of sewerage Bradford expects to raise towards Federation Scheme Mark Esq con tributed An attempt was made to aaaainato Mr Geo A of Norwich on Friday night two shots having been fired At him through window No The P train from to city arrived this afternoon sis hoars having mot with an accident between Fort Arthur The train left Vancouver on Wednesday Nov and it was yesterday early that accident occurred train was going at a speed having been detained waiting for a train going west and wishing to make up for lost time when it suddenly ran a broken rail All the train with exception of the sleepers and tbe over it safely but derailed shock throw the truck from under the sleepers and it drawn about feet along the roadbed with the firstclass car two cars then rolled over the embankment a dis tance were completely destroyed porter on the sleeper got injuries in trying to pot oat fire in tbe car and bad to be eft at tbo next In the sleeper wcro Mr brother of tho Chancellor of tho Ex chequer Hobert and Goldberg merchants of Baa Fran cisco and also ladies passengers were all in their berth at tho time of the accident and alter the trsio had rolled down bad to break their way Out through the windows A Miss of who was on her way to Philadelphia to get married bad injuries that ahe bad to be left at North Day The I rain was an hour a half by the accident escape of the passengers the sleeper deemed miraculous At the next tha P It Telegraph charged to receive message from of the paengeri abul accident About midnight igbt train ran into a loose bould er weighing about pound which had on from a catting The pilot of the- engine and and express were smashed by the collision and passengers severely shaken Many of wore suffer ing from the shock when train bom rwnajaln ihoUiinjt the wife of Mr or a or a son Id ibo ibo reaklenc of trrf ibe or tr to atooffMili Jib ihe lleTTw J to the Reach IbeSSth d n on Sod laii of ficrnaiiuirn At years On of lib run mooujiMiifltjt at on da Mrs l FURNITURE S J ST HO Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST FUNERAL FIRSTCLASS tm BOOTS SHOES LADIES HOYS YOUTHS to bo THE BEST GOODS Fine Goods For MENS PELT BOOTS AT ACTUAL COAT MONTGOMERY TICKETS ALLEN LIKE DOMINION LINK STATE LINK J Watches tin of RAILWAY JtclrDmtSe AA t I a ft a a a a r It is important to the General Public to where to purchase just what they BOOTS AND at And the only place where you can get satisfaction is at I Their Stock is the Largest in the Count from tho in Canada Slates They have in slock every conceivable make and SiiW Our Markets poor pa Vibirtbet m so do on Oau ok Pes do ef no woe wfioM as a fiflSiSWto 4a t iaii is a- a a a ISO Men Women combino From the fact that they have no dealings with it obvious that they are able to sell goods as other dealers have to buy them for They have also the exclusive agency Rubber Company of carry on of ttiuir in Overshoes awl Roots BRUNTON MAIN ST

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