ft Friday Morning YMANJACKSON AT OUSTING l l- ii r I -i- ftY r a ss i i MB TO SUBSCRIBERS ONTARIO t NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XXXVPNo 24 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont- July 1887 Cash in Advance 6 or at end of year A A Allowed at a DRAFTS mat at ait INSURANCE AGENCY A ROE Successor lo T LEE first Class Stock Co only OrriOE ONE DOOR BO TIN TO A and in Ilq dual Yd by Vi raAM Wl for Eli it VS 11 J ana China Hall I FOR JUBILEE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS COMPRISING FOLLOWING LINKS A of Dinner Beta Tea Sola Toilet Sets CHINA AND GLASSWARE Etc too numerous to mention at Wholesale Prices Goods aro you can on getting Heat IT A- iaMV jffMurfrJ A f JKONTO A No Ml 1IX A It iiOUK IN UatlcCt Note forme iroci J A TO WAN AT London OncEJn J wilt fcccupy t on after of pIlL bo given Of fM attend to AMiAN A AC- Tororilo and TO J J Oil nod Opt York Coca Toronto ALBION TORONTO of Aor roomt AocomtooJUlan far TrtQrtrooAfituMa meet all Iraloi Mo- TUB XTHK CO to UqMvm Iwl igc of t33QJKi cm Walur4od0TDi0iiU NowoiftrkeU A food agouti A nco J fltfoMi pro- iUJcioy most Complete- can found at China Hall at Lowest Prices Jubilee Tobacco Cigars A SPECIALTY SALT pY THE BARREL A by telephone promptly to NEWMARKET Lively Local Laconics WHAT OK IN A Victorias BONO IN AVI NO inannement of the Oven shall bo pleased to deliver Orders for Bread to aII our old customers alio many Wo also control of now And will bo kept with Fresh Cakes Pastry Confeclionery a FAMILY GROCERIES TIATK Wit V rf Aifi to Main aoJ a Meruit all timet Decorator QRAININQ SPECIALTY and Koltoulnlof will prompt attention may Do Jon my corooror wcvr Victoria AccntfotUiMev wy Toronto pr Jtapatrrfor Hardware remove from vitt uUcuOecUu ICE OPEN TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION BAILEY Joldsn to for folio by cot only pfltliili of aod Kttn 4 by llilfl of la It tod iy of Prat Spinous oclock hat for a Uktljr to pro tut otuly ha wen A boa load of fiota aclLedioforlbcU ota nicy and a glel fitmtd Dove pitched on It feared ftbowaa kilted bat lift not and a aa to Jacob remifcfd III A iDplrol from Aurora lb the fitly and cuovtycJ alfico Of tht qIo doubtful at Thursday of Mvtk to the town publloacbooU for iutd off wai arid add to this the fact COO picked Hill one order mi dot bat I net ire tod well tfaat the war feept upllirovghoBt children took parr and all lie foilowlox fcxerctw by prt Swinging by id Kinder K4itext floogi by Primary Tain boarlao by 12 bo lived iu a TelblngFiosrera by fcitQ giiU Mill a1i a verydw ItraQkineiV roadwork pat on lib bday bo found of the of fodt of now In the opened of all forward rigor of In will We bid fi already tbta year kind of our tike a ip- up For next io Schools bottom tbo A Friday Ejfgbt made tba oouUdenbly Under Cora Jolly traiu attbe depot on Qar ill ball I fill To cad to tbee from britU ad From cllcna at time Come of wdi fall proudly tale acoqu of Ufa f tbta At mother or wife point with Or la hold thee Jit relief fat la reawo for their became up- A camo forwird with ft long hardwood polo and tipped iron at ThU was directly over head A plat form was produced ataodtng it began to the polo Tho horrible object of to victim through body war the entire length of polo bad been driven Into ground that been were taken away and the crowd Much by thia lugubrious pectoris and lona their to Stanley Pool Chi An African Execution guiUKOS tnsvisv Millinery vjlKrltvlhtf tiMiut Air for Moderate A Kit I AUK in America osclueUely Agency Aurora uj vlclnMy at FuWlc Aurora JUST ARRIVED- 9 AND INSECT POWDER it n it fa I Saturday I I AN STOCK OF STORE A P St AND MAIN ST- SOUTH NEWMARKET OP CANADA ALLOWED V UNITED STATES POINTS IN CANADA FARMER NOTES on In fcoras Gents Suitings I To bo found In Town am pre- forl to make up ibo SUPERIOR MANNER At I will with ft to Ml ta1o Call and for jrourtftlvt ALEX g J a Oflt Hallo EBP m OXJNDR MARKET Best Moulding Materials Al well at new I J r nil kluUf of CASTS au jpujktimtDU the Shortest Notice to iti baivt Cm J ROBERTSON IN HARDWARE CUTLERY PAINTS and puiWera TjcHijt Agent tor the Grand Railway AMU ALLAN AND ANCHOR LINES OF STEAMSHIPS AnerlcoanJKOjr MAIN pun Heavy and or a Alexin nifaiureolbtilth wo to prtot tod a are wa can realize oat and it too tboQiindi not ooiy bat of others tba of foo ihc parity of a roy hare or It may more to and wpooUbiHty trill know tbamiichlcf bivaaptlb of ibo lent their or pila If to the is lie of r or other close and of adulterated oo to tba Ihur wbich go wuod wbtataod too fur yt or which tba of two wo pre- and fitirya the loyal wo thereby retala pro the wheal no fermentation tiViog place Powder tba dough to it form celts ara filled with acid la from tte of acid highly geptratea to ifefi ao ftweO to each oilier that the aod dor- tog the vbolatlmaof of to R J If an iy bo J fitt TO AGENTS cat j at GOT IN A STOCK Or WALLPAPER CEILING PAPERS AND BORDERS am prepared to make a SPECIALTY a few weeks PRICES TO THE 1 And Wiihiatbo of AH I STORK bit of condensed is from No Verb 5n if were to publish nam vho take read enjoy Bud re gratified but refuse to for thirhotoe of for ferity per pm editor fl ftp A will give you flvd advice on a topic and charge you for it An editor will giro you on lino deed topic And you pop very often fiyo gireo to an editor will save Wgitento a lawyer Jo fact no other to rtbbpd out of tHefr od country An deicritod Taylor who it carrying on work in Central Africa In a little a man had died and native doctor had of certain captain of the tribe Aa a of foot was entire ly innocent but hod done who this of fiecurin vengeance brought the king charged with the crirno of be witching deceased He denied tho charge and then ordered to a cup of a of made the tree mixture men tell hin that if a man who ia guilty drinks it ho will but ait innocent man not be harmed Whoever of in terriblo agony and the the doctor ia heightened accordingly The captain in this In refitted to drink Ho sent from Kings pres ence for a day or two pending further consideration of tho cose but that man in Aiter ix days of suffering the man Hit besought of the Free State lo interfere but he hesitated Ho was new to his position and dared not take de cided measures So tho King of tribe himself dead captain had a favorite of his and the aeeutation of the doctor had dis turbed his majesty Now that the captain murdered ho deter mined to punish the criminal arrested and tried for the crime and found guilty He was of course condemned to death The was led out and plac ed in a sitting position upon tba ground with his hands tied behind back Seven in front of wa a young tree that hod bent over him top of the tree had been cut away so that a fork mode by main branches re mained on tho slender trunk Tho condemned mans neck was put in the of the lines wire made fast behind bis head The ten of kept a on fail throat not enough to strangle but to be and to prevent him from making motion Ho sat thus for hours the preparation for his execution find en during gaze of hundreds of the villagers Not far King dressed in a gorgeously colored robe sat superintending operations The work progressed in duo order but without ceremonious that characterizes execution in Christian countries his instructions when ho to in- to a subordinate who transfer- red them to captain in charge of workers digging a hole in ground near the condemn ed man When diggers out and laid aside their shovels there was a and crowd gathered closer to excavation tho Icing uttered a comenahdinatood voted and ly began work of execution They cut off in front of the captives nock leaving prtfiig of tlie fork tied about He was led to the hole and ordered into it Up to this time he had a stoical expression but at mo ment ho weakened a piteous glance toward king and looked all around him wildly- executioner inqttn 1J lip Ho fell ft on and three men went in after him Tey placed on his fes while one held bun steady others began to dirt about his The the of carefully earth that up back the wan Inside continued the packing The victim writhed and screamed terribly the work proceeded and a placed in his to still his The people with crowded to the even to point of interfering with vorkinehand a of soldiers in armor them back The men in thp hard all ILo It thoygotout and the rapidly and oilers helped in the The IioIq was originally so deep that the victims hud was mora foot below Ms care ns not to fill Mm the rest the hole had been leveled over Then a thrown upon barfed the Poof er sli to note exactly where the head was After sUlho dirt bad been thrown bar complete Lib taii lis Hat Baldwin Wo understand negotiating for ft for a locking device which bids fair to anything of the kind now in our enterprising intends putting in a complete art of rollers during the summer Ho en joys and hearty sup- port of the farming community in his undertaking Farmers in this vicinity are de lighted with splendid prospect for a beautiful liar vest occupied the pulpit at the Christian Church Sun day last Mr assisted in the service rendered excellent It is announced that a camp meet ing will bo held at Mr Fronts bush on Sunday July 3rd under the picra of the Christian Church- Pro- ministers and arc ex pected to assist in services The choir was requested to put in an ap pearance A Kcttleby Mr got with a liotto a ego but ia ftMn lo to duties Elder and flev Mr Richard- eon of the and preached farewell armona on two Hurst of Toronto are present visitlngatWinK Fox home for a visit Miss has Wen viiljng friends hero for a week past A Stevenson and wife mq visiting a and ricntls up west at present Silas was welcomed back to Kettleby last by friends who highly appreciate genist dis position Mrs returned on Friday last from a weeks visit with her son sit Midland City a number went from here to lea Saturday Sonic of more enterprising of young went to of gelling up a four horse being nicely decorated looked Those who went in load slid they had the best time going and coming- School picnic to- day In Sir grove Everybody come Milton Terry says he has a cow that has had calves and not six years old yet Perhaps one of social meetings that has been held hero for some time came Tuesday even- irfg It was called for the purpose of presenting Elder with farewell address on occasion of bis leaving here for appoint ment at Brougham Following la the address as read by Sir J To Eider ft Beloved Pastor wo feel to heartily regret the circumstances that necessi tate your removal from among ui to a now field of labour after ft sojourn with us of throe and years We can enumerate but a few of the reasons why wo feel regret at parting but among be mentioned your selfdenying labours for Gods cause your seal and gene in pastoral viiitiatj the members of all of Christians not excepting Catholics and alto among those of no denomination you have received a welcome We have been led to admire not only gentlemanly deportment and manners but the sterling Christian character exbitotpf by a well ordered godly vers3t00 and coupled with your own name wo your beloved and oompsQ- the homes of sickness suffering and pain ha comfort and help at the time when so much A Dorcas indeed has she our midst and we assure both that remain to out memories for ong year We heartily wish of the utmost success and prosperity may attend you your now field of labour After the reading of the address Elder was presented a Mr who felt Ihe situation keenly replied at soma length An was also presented on behalf of the Sunday School by ant The meeting wm then to a close amid of lympithy from present which showed that faU do- was regretted by all A garden party was held at residence of Mean Webb Up of which aM Bon- day ftcfcwL There was a veij good attendance The Battalion Band was present and furnished North Grey yarnier Uxor union the United States Borne W unions bare so dodged already Browo eight died Friday kit after an hours iUoe43 She buried Mr Todd of Niger Hill 2nd building a now deleft Mr Idle new to reside in Aurora of con eiderabio Icnportaoc It about roiiea north of To and two and half miles east of King on Northern rail -way- It bout of two Churches and a Ho schools managed by Mitt for a post office and genera Kept by Boiler who ever ready to and tho merchant hat beep making Improvement on Ma place putting up a neat picket in front of hit lot Prof Curtis gave of taiuiWJiIfi in Church nights He had a full house and gat a rich treat The went with what got for their moneys Station of place biviiig leea- I hear and loyt are to have a game of on July at at Sutton I hope they will win back their good reputation which they loat on at the Mr- the cattle buyer from Toronto in aro always as he one of brat buyers who cornea through A circle iff friend of placi with tin inland oh in have their Aiuiunl mi July 1 No doubt they will put in a it it the frftoits in J The Ira party and concert on connection with thodist church a anil to given a errand concert in acliooi room on but to of the crowd not It would save our school a wear and if he would clew the against travelling On Monday morning iheTowihipf took departure on trip to the Ho to to about twn months just complete foundation walls of hit Rev Mr Smith who hat our faithful for departure at ml of the am the Rev Mr will Riui Mr Smith hot and to in Toronto Mr Brown will live In as it will be than ho circuit parsonage in Stouffville Our hare adopted the oclock oil closed every night at except Tuesday and Sit that ell on the and people are out the way In absence of Mra Matt centered the and made himself at Ho went down cellar add helped hint- self to pie and other He then plundered the It it stated that he in getting about in money tome under- clothinx belonging to the mjni jewelry which had away In a drawer It it hoped that the will be caught and hat improved the appearance by erect ing a wire fence in front of liia lawn Mr Manning had hi lawn terraced and it prcaeuta a very nice appearance ho ha spared in making it of lawns can of good enterprising men who take to improving the appear of town The contract let for the rebuild ing of the Tracy Mr fiat Mr house nearly partus aro all rage up way of our choir went to the party to in The Bond Head people were secur ing their service for has the of having the beat local choir around An young people went to den party night Wo they tad a good lime are the in part Mr box of honey with tho beet- Mr waa pil laged and a large number of valuable article Tho papfiata held their annua pionfo on princi- attraction match game but proved and four Weretui goodly number and to enjoy North York Following of it to at the North York to bo held on Oct 11 BLOOD Imported Stallion by Utile Stallion 3 year and Canadian Front Toronto Hon Bridle valued at in added v Kvnt a Grandfather at by of Peace v cash year old S Brood Marc with M or evidence ftnlthif jr Win Linton n ltr by 2nd best by Society rt Filly bcAt iu-VUt- Kilty VnlUsi and by nniM 2nd Iwri a Willi si Son AltrorajC at a Vcj at it tilt J Mai mid a of limn Win- Hill 3rd lUltvr iwtiMy ytt kmu lfl County J Up- If r fit fa one by JirIj A valntt the pv it tyiity 3rd or of ftt Vir by Vfl alii Icldlior by It J i rar of ft crFtt by 3kCom Toronto ft at- 3rd Hut visbilat J by by vfriyir rd Spring Filly jtiien lilirbLT I labiidit by 3rd and WW by J Solicitor tfhd fchvii to a by I Ncwu Driving fc by Hoc 2nd by 3rd Stallion 2nd 3rd jji 3rd m Marc itb of liavi Anvil by Society Sick by I by 3rd tfLkibi3tV 3rd tflMltmt 1 k A at Eos a which there per all whom Hot A Wet Toronto Continual on A juretl at Allendale WJiilo winding ho out of socket and fell breaking of hisril a Jv thousand ssv achievement York division of moved a f Unco bridge spans complUbed great tlmo of J a comer Victoria school laid op of concourse 1000 children to thi sito sbero of patriotic wceJIent a capital adrt