Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , February 25, 1887, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA FEB 1887 4 Now Brest Drug Store Brother Catarrh Co FT WITH EACH IMP FRIDAY FEB Our Toronto Feb alit lite is he All elect- I- Witt j iil J Wo iiijiiii to ik liiWi Ptox ImM I trial llt70 lumU The fall wheal intuit J f celt- of Jubilee Io A of the House tbe City Til 1 1 lliiiMl to wl to li Tor by rtiD lit the etuet Sot Dominion Mwi The Sustained election are over llin newspaper reader ft of wo predicted in Urn lias this country entered tiro Lion to Win 111 andtlio ItwH to the a campaign result jtronal have tilings said on Will bring regret loortificivtion Auottitr very and that that where local was moat volicmunt in Ha of elector if to the- akdtokecp Wehbokr not look a MiitoD or tiro of canton- and aod finaliy another to or t ooaocation to of Qoaboo by John Bufflcient combination leader of the a will We ftRrco remark in Ontario neither party did as well party fondly to incrcaiM heir majority the on other hand was equally returning a against Sir A few of leading worn vpry end of IhtirbonfJdent ihair woro and both now reflection of corrected up to llic hour of going to of result giving ilio largest Measure of calculation in would to indicate to tal majority of only for tho to bo held abovo The Mail of atatea that John of having a majority of between and would acorn to wo Indi cated that by influences likely to 10 brought into play quite a number of Quebec National- nro only opposed on point banging of and that out of way they will go Ministerial lime jptof Urge vote Blriiion gave for MflljWof Edgar for Edgar and for Ed gar Vivian majority for Millar and majority at White Rom We expect to have the total figorea at the different polling divisions for next week In Newmarket vote at I allows 1162 1o7 Mr Whtrlti Edgar Si Aadrwa M St to to 4 if- mark returned the candidate to jrovokingly or Jn Ontario far at the general riMilt goes iKireA Jittlif as with id At tliut the from this ami from data lw in party of iiiatian now lliiitnMp with lo off and which will likely lie and knows wpo arc much inixcl mid itinioro diJK to villi is wild over vote in its returna w Opposition on day It as in figures mid classification litnicc we conclude Miry will found correct lie dig- a that party fiomu Lntcs iinjriiy of lh ore iw voicing trior the this dtMnbtd of in viz bo Witc the result he Minis of JL in im Opposition of ihlrlccn with yet not yet held In returns indicnto a the Wit of six favorable o Ik- of two on a Jtrunswick Govern- in two but in guriJ that ihi majority will four ujakiiig of four on a in J Prince Edward Island the Op had it one vote compared with I making gain of two on a division Manitoba iu a majority of one baton the present the majority itr three a change of lour for the Govern- incut in In Jtritub Wcat Territories alto in Ontario have yet to be Moat of them it w pretty generally d will Ministerial Up to Present according classification Sir John by about majority with elections to be held most of will go thus increasing that majority to about thirty Will this aofficient to on the Some ft will and rejoice the About oclock people from country to arrive in town w tlio the battle reformers collected In around in Mr J ohm building Moth parties for receiving reports not only from North York but entiro Do- and from seven to oclock bulletins thick fast As soon of ballot in East began to it was quite evident that Mr would bo elected by in- crimed majority and tho reformers having engaged Town Band set for Aurora headquarters for campaign On arriving it was found that place was olive- with excitement each succeeding re- iport conviction of ad About an both Aurora Bands from streets and entered Irtrfrmnyl hooift of canon Inrtjo liouHio was attracting a of wore Mr Dr Coulter Mr Jl mi J of victory After nearly nil reformer crowd had left town for Aurora the vat i lit le l result in York were over returns from other conmituruciefl and being perfectly that the Govern ment of John vts sustained thoy quietly dispersed 12 oclock Main Street aain by Hur rah for York the crowd itturning from Aurora Imt not long i hereafter till quiet reigned supreme Following are majorities in polling places in North York compared with election of 1882 i NOTES AH the in Ontario returned fi majority Dor- ham 110 thin the of 1862 Hit John wo in both end KJngiton W- majority of En the former and in lattor majority to pant Toronto iu nearly times a rofttty in and divWon it uoro than Mr- defeated in York by about roajority will tbo of Hector and Whltoof and tho Opposi tion will company of Alien of of and tho an ticipated help of Horn Mr McDougal AH the old of the Domin ion Cabinet were Hit returned in of Noys Mr majority in London reduced from in to Mr Wallace increased majority in from to carried South by 800 Majority ho only bod majority in tho came Mr- McCarthy has majority in North and Hiding by Cook ffilh majority In the have gained following North no South Ontario Middlcwxa South Norfolk South Went- worth Bruce Grey Kingston The in Province Huron Glengarry South North Victoria Kent Northumberland East bore Ruwollj Water loo Wellington a net gain In Ontario of one teat for Liberals- ore Steven lobe Algoroa five in Columbia and four in the Northwest A Fr diarchy It will other It do In neo of moo beta cot to from Itw Jfob iDaOjoffcciurtn to boodle for or of ct trod to elector ate it now to bo feooLtQQ to dec Ibi fof Tcct but lit pfela drill before wini T4 of pit or feii loot Liter Mr lost the of oomo who with Dim from ibit flLttily Moti of or The In iiiuf Ihtt giDoioo olhfltl to it Ibo lit IlftjlDH led pt Mercury Id thought bit Mr If bo of oil liter ciDdtdiu for to bo if ft fglrttf bit be twees tbo lion Bit Jury j Successor io f LINOLEUMS AND OIL- CLOTHS Prom HalfYard to Yards Wide l Ink Drops on W4o wd for people WE OPEN THIS WEEK V it their jin to Mr it All to be Sold at the Lowest Cut Prices NORTH STORE ONLY JULIUS WHAT BEES WAIT a filitri imtOtcttloo yondtt sUJll AST to Araof of city the ground of properly KINO 41 i3 W IS AtrotvitMuuvrv i Shop Sbiron 3 I Holt Mi in lea il i I 3 I Callows The election the of the political item he to for or two to Hon for li fcudlbeateroitr tight but Mr oca of only re timed by eM great victory bo are the Toronto would Utter leu riot for 2 help poor Such elector Wi Eojke the ply ooy od only for up hd t SI it jV 18 Mil 49 1 Id Tp 1 fiV a IfrrlbeiiiV r at clou of be ill Iu Mr be He alio lis bad bid with whom Batata bid drink sod be llo pit out Tbla waa UU1 id the pHt- rough Mr ltbo of of Belter Mm week Huron of ill- ltog in riciully For of of weeks at her home tod Mr A Cooker with Mr A at Mr Jlughra left Widaewlny for a couple of week villi Mr JohoSiVige Officer St Wajdj Sir A In St Ward Mr 9 Cower lu Wild J MrjJoiltua on tbt pit of timber white uikiojt to which to for couple of A from Mr of City ood fount fly of tOWO Mm mi- M tint bo iJ Well- Mr rtccoinfuDlfJ by will visit nest Cot Otter niiidan Iciipectlap of York lt on Iho which lie Deputy- tiuilliaihury hut who over on a vil jjve Era to fur the weit who to iuteoda of year of liia Mitchell town Sunday a parting with brother Mr Among a who weft in lown on Mr A- from fita Uaiie Mr- from yranlford John from Toronto J Eaq of for two it Mr hireling here no Monday night pretty fair for of Sir John If ws we the 03iiigo tho ball wm pretty welt There no except a Miiple of in of Winnipeg a teok which and Capital of and atnotig lb leading faoae V9 ficd of Start who IU at in employe three Sir who highly ill who JyaWnge with Lira if qqiio of by her of Whitby hire at the Ait wefka KM ho Up for bit ft cent A for Milne the for aucthfr lAlljit till DRIFTS A 9 IS fi 17 bat Sir JoW Is but bat daring Sit Hector and Sir A their to tint city to hire aburaocea lb at the utfilDt Id to give tie a of forty to from hit La hid oj- to their It will be at that the lebotihi ite way ai of In VlllAHH- Si In Ontario able get Ilia exact result we telephoned to for par- retornsfrom all polling places are not tut as near m can be ascertained Mr majority will be about aO la Mr Wheelers fa has troojt I fii w for trait of the of far greater ruoiad have so of A few dtja a MM the St taw- rirerst to the IWaw atd wUW aot to The car flora al fa It by the the car dSailrer bearer 8478 07 oj abwt Pfiojj M- other carlead t lawja Pi from a worthy io be of swell nut I o iat1ljaeat ia the of who not Rob of Every from Halifax to by repotaUo He beeo In the for years six yean He from of Toronto of which he A loc4tnetir to PtijaOb boDSol the oq nib and he guerds tor the enaa be drives a Bather look her chili And he to lore the opna for its record U it the lever I the firs years Works Doatuk So ft hit a reiatr of Wed No a bras or a lokeaootdoriagihe The rdfawy alfhoit will lags Ity Una bu a mites id bora to tte fear worked io rL of the road at CfQddull At 18 of he then so the to soy oath Wlnereaaa4aaftwytarjo to raUaaja the ha pay sod it wot RCIHOltS ttS Quebec 1000 tire Stanley arrived Zttiwilwr on way to relieve Kniin K Two flinaU in Hamilton on night from At are made for holding a thcroin 1800 iJio WovtTUOrOciirral and ft night The authority with the consent of llij Zulus my the aSoiiisili natives who toon pgkif lojiiug the sultan tit plot for ii Pol I in the toing gaged in war firo occurred at Tuesday night dU- ftfranging fur 0R14 a foil of of convicted his escape the Monday contract Catharines killed filondiiy ftfttrnoon falling roof of a house It is certain Mutt no hill for fort ion of United ports will ho passed during the present session of Many of of who to remain neutral in the of nro to he of hrqhoout yrand HOuse Columbus Ohio at midnight Monday The entire Was toss 1000 A convicted of in- Augusta Kentucky is to ho public auction on Murtrh to highest bidder for a of Natives of the Friendly Is lands excited oyer the do ings of Missionary Biker gunboat has gone to preserve order fc w Events to foreshadow a Russian occupation of Bulgaria and a Turkish occupation of when Austria will have a to W French alderman north of England and firjiuiikiRj largo of horse suitable for military purpose A stage CTrytng ex- was iag through in Mexico by a highway who rout ed by paeogerB A treaty ha been signed be- the tiovrnmont and the which the a large put of reserve for Sale Register MarchMr ir will lfAvoaamifrvrvifihfijifitior Khtf In Ten itimi jvi wny tre t jo lunrhtnoofi KItcht urn yrW HstleMi March It Jin t if JtiKfc on fhu Mh Con rf tairy vxcia Jjul fta Cottons Wet Twill Sheetings jtt2ft A one of the IjirjjPKt Conors in water pipes I by a of bought from at a very low inMtfy In the House of Monday Btertnry for war that tin from with the Of developing markets on which in of mobilization it would be 1 le w The horses from have turned out remarkably well- SHiiiirvlll rtf on of iiiut to jjet has ceii had for Ion COTTONS TOWELLINGS PRINT a At prices thai will pay you to bur all you want for the next yard piece Li ate as ami Ijeaiinr WfoaTFKlUfAt Hi or fxilior oil J Hi ImM Jji f At W EM I or Ifa- lima Did J Iiirka lukifrr feljjr vf JicTaJlvnchvuliijxi- sin rime old At i tf- of Mr former er and day Vdiv lit on Hit unlay latrrrctl lit tin lursiil aiy on Mr- John lint 5 n Cemetery Yards of Wet White Cotton at worth cents Yards of Twill yds the best Goods made a vorth of Wet IViiit 1utkTi vcrv wilo sold at to 15 regular Yards of Wet Russia Crash Towellings per yard worth is but wont be shown will do id be on J mi I promptly or until FRIDAY moriiifi B Si CO The Leaders in I FURNITURE ASH J J- S I 3 Bedroom Set AT FINE PLAIN FUNERAL GOOES HEARSE trill Dd prompt amotion 1 GOOD BEST The suit brought against the I a to A Stewart to have Ms aside Mid pro aruong is likely to prove successful bodies of five persons ft man snd three children tekeq from a cave in Bad lands of Dakota a miner and were forwarded to Paul The bodies are simply dried up are pot petrified and are in a remarkable of men say belong to a race which two lioutand tears withered family will WE ALL SIZES BOOTS i SOX- AND AND ARE BELLING REDUCED PRICES Oat pdj J MONTGOMERY Lowest Price M CO CO O O 3 S3 OP ft a I f I GROCERIES Nothing but Pure Goods in Everything New Clean and If you want Pure Unadulterated Gr come to us Ihcapei than Toronto Irices J i x I

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