Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , February 4, 1887, p. 1

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V 1 Friday Morning REACHED SUBSCRIBERS IT lit Vol 2 Single Copies Cents Each NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Newmarket Ont Friday Feb 1887 Cash In Advance within mew or at end of year NEWMARKET THAI interest Allowed on pi OTilXJrt Bill DRAFTS at AtL lion prompt NEWMARKET INSURA AGENCY A ROE Successor to P T LEE First Class Stock Co Represented HODGES TIN U iicnjMfceOraoniwltt1 Mr A vtYi lo my and In W lb m J iKHIrtTKU Ac Notary IOOST A tt ha hah t of Op- NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE WE TO DRAW THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO OUK OP Lively Local Laconic OAT IB OK TOWN Loan On farm Write Rtjoold SO Adelaide it bit Toronto Kino Jiiiufurcd Ban A TOWN FY AlloiocyaHokUart voUrJci Man ALLKN A Etc II- Coat Kc MONKVTO LOAN- ALLAN AC Jf aim J J JAIJLH4 A c J At KM IN Etc J And TO WIN AT fl CtKTj He London J Iloboruob TORONTO iSObed for fcuuu bums nil llulm tlc- JHQUKftNPiHP CO toe follow lorJMlb CUIDi lB27S U3 I A few iwiat TUB ACCIDENT Offlte Director Agcooy for Aurora n4 J P Notary Aurora Finely to Season and bought for Cash Brandies Whiskeys Wines Porters I Also in many varieties Only Licensed Liquor Store in CALL AND OTPFLSE from Toronto at Prices and Sold just to Suit You P J OMAIXKY North End Bakery Ecuwt first eclipse of injr tiro put oclock ill ir Iluv utoj will get ill A vx- in by I Powder for SO per joaad ftvy other flicoUOourio stilt It for to of jrijtog6no their til will foaod pro port fooitely Honest Merit Is S common for to biro good at tbU of jar We r to term with ft Mir added week totrit will tell ju tod oar Hit of ftbout shall fiod their good foreimeota FIRST- CLASS A Kit Toronto CAKES AND CONFECTIONERY JUST RECEIVED THIS WEEK pnihing tbeJrcaoviftt ibe The of School oa Chuteh td ft to J la tut Friday greatly ooyd by the Utile folic bare ofoewigu to drop know It A at AND ACTIO IAINTKH ana O X T It Now in and open for tho Season us a call ALEX SIMPSON Misibtektal North uiet In tha Chtucb last- What uteri my to with the tub- of a rod by J- id J warmly od uittiog A tlma apeoL will held here firtt March sod of wilt be Cbrittiaa Per to bo by TO L of on toe or MAT Narrow are and o Cooehl- 1 1 lido athicbiog a Inlde- Oor wo aw folly glide the Mm that day to Iota While dMtam bat depths of weird the wild wore Bui inch charoii either or my explore fair our light la iU the bright waten gleam There a We the hoars of lore hippy 1 How bright of that memorably May lis with 1 be that Upon thy bright lorelighted day I We abort their We Mr lu ibeir Kscfrcled Willi rocks The ibtH inch beauty On Conchiebioge tide day unrolld For never with lore of old Eer purple gold the On the fill wa a of Qfldtr of Mr Woodcock who la of the employed the of the lombcrrrom log aroaod place It little low to Sod each fcot of rice olbrr loga ftet at bolt we learned the Id of oit to mill leaiutteraat per The yard nearly fall of at it ill ready for of the are la the raw e for log the work We are reidy Id of likely to be to doriog rat away moat A of lie ibe factor at to be cloth at afford brought here by from far whole fimlliar iritbthe a forward ed which the minager tbe labile the work a gxet are the of The rsiUUroobj and we aodtr at all times be A wheel fau lately io tad eUhouRh belter the old not all that claimed tot It frareare more will bare to done la near order to keep epic with demand of the trade Letting locality wo bid oc to a tint the or of we the cattle lirge we no than hexrl of which at weald torn poacdi fine being vera fill aod Id parti of the good from they be beef York present report of Beginner Stokes above an York and outlay the income from gates was syffidcnt Petitions were read asking the Council to consider a grant to a High School to be erected in of Ono from the Whitchurch was signed by one from Aurora via signed by Rich ard and other and another Wells and others Standing Committee as follows Yule Anderson and of As Evans Frank- Norman and Armstrong County and Education Wallace Hitman and and Bridges Wood and By- lays and Richardson Jackson Bruce worth of ac tion of Committed on Bylaws ft the abandonment of a portion of the York Roads Mr Evans said he looked forward to thts sesiion as the proper one at which to this as Roads were out of and had a aorplua of three or four dollars and the of many of the gates had expired Three courses could be taken now with reference to tbe Roads Wc could strike Off the and leave Roads to be kept up by coun ty wo apply to the proper au thorities to see if we could set with th A Ik A Visit Through East Township Ihe put fk of cor proprietor to ok If CIVIL pr GRAINING A SPECIALTY AUO And order will receive attention and may he at my how if Wpw Street atidlcUtla I roioutu ff iry JiWI SlM j t J rtttjudrrt to m NORTH END to thy STORE oxide all jtKroxwirit -is- Mi J I i A Jl m T Gents Suitings JnTowPfHOdatn lomavo t SUPERIOR MANNER At hit win trade ice for ALEX MCCORMICK A Dry Goods Groceries Ty Boots Shoes v- Crockery AT THE- ink ay LOWEST PRICES llOEN8ES li No JnrvliSt Toronto on NEWMARKET Y OF CANADA OF PICK TORONTO About Anybody who the It b a faroue la much snore comfortable but cost the objection a la oi dtaee fall we at a coat in ire are with the ink bloom 3rd not tbe doraot rfQire eoy more ay love From we will not rite more fire of coil through Some the in rpiratr lutor jioutiibiri iaoolyibree from end to firat from brat Mr A A- Of a eilt and be o well that be loaded Sirjie to like bit Mr Lloyd make That a per son can be frr not be generally by our li bud- en men in the of which to be for belief bat It are no- it not tba are M week- apcaVa right in tbmty the of to baWtoateach not s baa I Ml mag of reipctebiHty hut tbe of a rip of the vilb4 in of of Rut a abort de- of which be of tome iftttreii to the of The first place of Utol the A liana building erects the and operate On en- firat May before diijtf- of tbeco ofiucbaftreit are at secca a very great amoUDt no doabttbe would he tie quantity grain and which by theae the until for formed from ecru turajpi which will we the the lurord ibid tether with AND SEE J A DALES TO SUIMlY FRESH GROCERIES Atthj Prices Takes IMTERE8T ALLOWED ON -DllAVTS- -ISSUED- ON STATES Abb AU POINTS IK CANADA Notes Discounted NEWMARKET Holler Mills NOTWITHSTANDING fact that we w rip tfconhoo vjJ If I fir atof1 if W ara the ho in a cellar tte in when bo to Imp from of bioiaro to utter thewoceof trtcel are neb CbiUito etc quick to a word tbt to dJ hey by tbe itK can rile bceo dropped by who uialiDgaigf of mm all loo If for pan fbirwier ibt ahoold remain theiuwlfea 1U abe crop in a COIK A IkAH Kinds of Fruit BAILEY R E MO VA L AS fltrble Works RAGLAN AND Horn church Full Liu e J Rolls IN THERE IS NO STOPPAGF IN BUSINESS Gristing and Chopping Done Every Day AS USUAL 1 toPttftW V ffiUfiSi vim m Waft ll return im wm About fifty were at Half At Homo and private t among farmer of Oxford M down at of a friend Mid from of the fall MinWcria Association pissed ft roou- a reduction in of in that city A Toronto jewellery peddler vuUrd lumber near his in the light aod all for could get out idiot put my n I cant find it growled ho about office aw I ho added in a aa ho hauled tit Iueo that the mill iiinofra tbu of dry kilo which i itQUJofr by waterpower 25 ffiaDuftcIcircd day cot day with antfcr the mill la at about bath of over hMt of meal of chop from or for Teed or with and although may a too- of bard Mr up to entire borimai fa Urn of only eioa of but baaadr to uudcrataud proprietor irbcel for Irariug baoltt we atrollcd iatotba old john aiVfDts aod Rttxt tbe not ro to thcpcwu of Mr with credit to of rattier Mr Kamidta loi fan by through tic thio do by of filled tfhioie aov io Li will bo to the g6rat public it after the luwcu The rhapi mora fl oaring rail of op to time tbe put few a and hare to icitde tbcughoQt ibto may be term oue the Mill hare hid cot porcbaao of ratcbloeryi toga to labor rioca the aod Albert now other place the of most Mr came to four or fir go arreted preaeot fbortly the old mill which be ha doncg yttt by that It to arith id the bad what the to up plate bit will itb The which put fa iptfou by ail of be kept rowing order to Hike for the Itogthttd io will baa alao ex- a from railway floor aborts etc ro all fcrrtgo a lib tittle troobla called the koovo firm of of all of boUdiag lumber aborts chopped peia other to a cat- aett if a market a to tha of of our tying to tail we ear no aeo if we could get to levy a special assessment on localities through which the road and still have control of them or wo could abandon the roada to the which he favored He held that the whole of the County should not be assessed for these roads as all were not alike in terested in beeping them up ho did not think it would be right to a special lltosc who would pay nothing the would have a voice in their management York township he need not keeping up a larger share than rest it would have more benefit from his ar rangement These roads in creasing value of roads near Toronto Roads could by the Municipalities cheaper than by the as the supervision was liable to be better After further discussion amend ment was offered by Messrs which meant that the roads and tollgates should only be rearranged Mr Yule said to follow Evens motion would mean that the roads would The present good condition of the roads benefitted the farmers as it facilitated the in of rain Ho thought it would be a for York Township to manner matter After several other their views oh after Mr had that the adoption of by tho meant rosttor as it had been follow fear and the ad done nothing and never A amendment was carried Grants were made to the tural Societies follows e York East North York A was also adopted Jackson and County Auditors to act in with the County ftl arfof3pcr day and6 pay l A communication from 1 2th a grant of usual grant of to the Association to aiiisl in log exceptional expenditurpj helmets A was read from- of Court calling I to the fact of tho ifotection afforded for to the County Court The Warden and were appointed of county property The report of West School which was present read showed that total of enrolled for the year was and the avers Four Provincial certificates had been pi two county The report of the Markbfl school showed that the pupils last year was audi had passed the entrance A petition was presented Topper and 70 others for a between the of Vaugban and York ar coke over Messrs J ooui tors The Board of County Pro ported in favor of rerooviegj oilgate No on Yongel ground of its and unnecessary jr was op the a arbitrator of differences and county for the admit justice and of Warden Saunders and and sent the county on the Exhibition Home after the- other places I PPort the five leading roads running through it for the benefit of we had not uv well worthy of note le read by io the tccalily iottruitd Sutton Items if Sutton Lodge of United Workmen iu a very flourishing condition the for cur rent year John For Ceo Crock er Oven Winner Howard Fin William Receiver Geo Taylor Guide Latimer I- Henry John On Friday night the lodge had a Fish supper present doubt did justice to it they are bodied Malock hold in Hall for tho purpose of organizing and getting them in battle array for on Feb Mr Geo of oor law while on a visit to Toronto severely injured his thumb We hope he tfill coon ho convalescent 0 that vjlheo may not long ini his genial An incident occurred at Mr Ho to get in grain question and allowed himself to bo bowled out of our grain buyers asking a few A floating disturbed peace of hut after a lively chse the thief caught and down to Toronto as not ficll or acceptable to any can didate baa been through and everything taverns to point to fact that Mr after the election will be allowed to stay at home and cultiralo bis lav books and practice without any interference from par liamentary duties King Plowman AisiAlion held an at on Friday evening Jin An expedition composed of aod out to explore Congo country A bridge it to built over to at to cost woif The County J have Superintend the A Very oc cur at on Sunday ultimo thaw followed by rain caused an volume of water to Bow into the pond until at the dam gave way water the and car everything before The re- the will not be under taken and In lircD the flodring mill will by portable the county He would be to see thfi roads go down and the Nor thern freighta go up also doing with a certain number of gates leaving enough to keep the raid in order Mr it would be amis tako to hand the over to the if they would neglect them but he thought they should have control over them with or with out the power to collect tolls said toll- gates should be done away with his opinion Robert Bruce of urged caution in dealing with the -question- Ho would not like to destroy of roads He interested jo them because they were historical and he believed in there preservation He was in favor of taxing the people who received the most benefit from and thought an equitable scheme could be evolved Mr John Richardson said there was opposition to the imposi tion of tolls amongst farmers and the residents of the city The City Coun cil had raid they were ready to abolish market when the County would the tollgates and it would be to toko a voto upon it un til tho action of City Council should be dtcided A further amendment was by aud for appointment of a Main Yule Pulley Russet Jackson Bruce and the mover to provide for fa- maintenance of the roads Sir of Weston did think any farmer regretted ing to pay tolls for a good road Ho had seen article in the papers desir the abolition of the tollgate They were written by young men went out with their girls and found it inconvenient to pot their hands in their pocket should have three and ft would be all right one to drive one with which to encircle the girl and to put In their pockets Laughter would take the surplus and im prove roads leading into main roads Three then rose bat Mr given floor He was that the Reeve of was getting too old to go out with the girls- Laughter The original motion to abandon the was mos crude thing he ever had seen He Mr- Yules amend ment that the gate should be rented for a year until an equitable settle- could be arrived at nor did be object to Mr Richardsons amend ment except that It would not give York sufficient representa tion seconded the original motion advocating the abandonment of those portions of within to the local municipalities upon the of the vol Tiro Toad along which business travels is not pleasant scenes and by of delight On rough and nigged path thorns and falls which can only be the watchful care of After every worse than rough turnpike wayfarer needs something rest ho it is weary prose of Happy the husband that solace and that poet Worm greetings from fond lances from bright welcome shouts of many thousand little or our comfort and silently tell of thoughtful love the gentle that disencumber us into before we it these like and sympathy constitute which reconciles us to thSf life Think of this yo of men Tfl toils anxieties and that fathei secure for you comfortably then compensate them fc by making fireside The Farm February the months standing and the beginning a measure of tho seasons Weoften the with the bland airs us almost summer days in the season winter spring advancing Study of planning plans is pissing while work is at the motto and new methods crops new new fertilisers introduced soinrs mediate adoption letter than those Others temptingly and claims that would di elect but they are less We should slowly and would only as wtdy- those new things reward for work take frauds that offer profits without an Ngtn their progress would 4 by a cyclone followed caused and At Montreal Appeal decided lu a ried woman was Two little Creek sad narrowly

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