Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Nov 1886, p. 3

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I NEWMARKET ERA NOV lifilj Id FImI Velvet Satin iJi of run attention SS fT j to S York io Hi cah J it H Mini- studio nairna in arritioR dally A drawing jj ill by u liutiy la Mr fcwiltl nock Milit for iic hit So well ordered a pair altr lli f gocuL The second of tones J- in largely irtoduclDK any tfift After tea La rtiJmi lv or lliteft in Miller lb rt heartily eojoyed toil and tdtoj- We an ad jwlM- A wot IS I Qd from you Willi bit iti other kitting ilick ft a J fit Id He the bind out SfOHf ioi by go itcttl A Id KiMitt ind Hi- to to Lib fcjjtiriacc many liiiuaJi of Home idea of tj J the ill be figure firt of frtwol liroi of to New coo- the ibey ltliH to nine iM oUikd dozen list Ihiy of to VU for 1 J of to Jul Fa rat ftraUte Ibli week of ftcarclty of cot uid podrqatllty of fiotoaly bat In 8Utu Ufa to their lulu Mom Mr to ifao of tht fllewn a Hod and will for tbt to bo fa Float Bolt of tbft new site and km new teo bdn jUot will four mI and a chap ttoav ill Mt work of I 4diy of MO bbli of flour bourn for Ur float it Id Qutboc well Id It t lb rough to a MruUiffiil by Jobn WIM10 wub by work tad and bow 4muill of York I If go work nod can toward bit A undirtiklojjlikn bo mute but at uvs It aul llic M wilt beforo I Jit jib drop now Low luucb it fiofiJi It All umiIdx to Apiuli0M for of received from Iwctvo to of Mr wv by Mr Wonicnery of Klx of lint at An by tod tecoaded by Mr Ed ftvor of Mitt Cody it A turning tail year for clccUon of to Till of Una A I Jobo Mont gomery tketdCttt the of Hog cm of Afttr Itttrtictlog flecroUry to foe of Too A from Hun t string a of- article too late for T5ty taa call and Ihem Lost At Though of Bit of dalJ la of ton It kept on for tbll art to of but tbo tbf lb thorn there bail to thlog boom The Social io idun day aa well a ftUDgTuudlktiDlflf to Wade All to and Morning and at p tt I fli Aadrowi day at tti Dibit it tbt oloto bid of a ycaterday tbo of Otter who fflttontbotr- rial of by and UcCirty to armory or Co Ho to flod Acoootrrmeota tbD proceeded to whrro ho hit Drill flbed tbrougb- out Op returning to towa Col left for Aurora to tht alio No Company a no a of pioiperlag A of utmbert wat at tbeir weak tomt were In regard to elitfr work to of the foctaro aodT tbtlr the of by a amount log to tbt tad Qaeea of bate pledge an ta courtgemiDt to tht wo tempTtoco ir rigoidi la or to to reach oar that very all our aotalooofor politic but for to of w Com IS LARGE COMPLETE AND VISITORS TO NEWMARKB UNUSUAL to at the MANY CONFINED TO OURSELVES WE SELL HOODS AS CM or bought at Low figure u not be touched in yeara Now the time to lay in supplies to the beat advantage Sutherla Goods Fresh arrival of Walker fc loiouficlure of Wool Cradle sod Illioketr etc at i Bolts made lo order Ad I Indies Aid of decided to give lit of and lii tbat it id frtt oame to pa at of ft ibt iui to oftbo doa- conduct tbo lady to In iitlziiiL great ftuticd well yopog kll0j4ttd A Ida Without a doubt p built in icit- of Car- V Friday built to of Mr of British to a to Li lotbtr ae- dutshlllly of work ulfd in no doubt led to the home of sal him or rUJ tod finlih utiiaed and dexterously jud aud to 5 Job Mr ao eioelbd lo the Mi talis it all all the fig do Jit to soy city lo the For a few J tbe of tbo Co work day tbU week time mi red work tin p in f bout tbt steadily la- but extra hours in kept of dry kiln I ro on sod a planing caiue the fire will be another week or to Lit Assk an J at meeting of on y Re Mr pro Mr ibiouh by an original fioa Potter JtiWieg to a fc tht editress Miss J ib I Ma Mr Mo posits their eritiebo together with UtnirMd tbt program A foil will baud Baku Yesterday after- the Hand turned out to the remold of their comrade Tolly departed Ibis Ufa Pat- Village on Tuesday to their last raiting In Marys Cemetery wis and schooled in but like faumsuUy had to earn hit llefu by the bis brow tad couttriuratly bo obtained at the Mtoufscturlng at a which ho proved to be a mechanic A few yesn to bit Mr P Harding bit grocery provision store where he eon through neglect allowed to go on finally coutnnp lion fattened open falu and for tht past two ha has been a great Dur ing time with Mr Harding ho rendered to tbe being an cornet player funeral wended lit way op Street met on lit entrance to the town by the bind together with a number of sympathizing friends In carriages and on foot Death On Thanks- giving Day sad but fitlarday Johnson eldest of Mr Agent for with violent hi at aiout and now catloned by a cold TbU op a fever and low of blood left no weak that on Wednesday lady died of con- geitlonoftho brain 8bo so exceed- lady Into with all the tnei that adorn the fair mi and took ac tive part In church Until recently the performed duties of for the and at lime of her death discharged duty for the Sun day School well at that of teacher At an expression of deep sympathy an Anchor of natural and a Croupf were placed her casket yeiteiday on be half of Church Sabbath School with which she Identified funeral took afternoon bereaved family have the of the whole town in their sorrowful affliction One hundred and forty Uvea been lost in Pacific Ocean by of a vowel carrying number of Queensland plantation laborers Portage la Nov A tiro out About 7 oclock this evening in the faoso tower of lire hall during ft fierce from north accompanied by powdery anow There in building at time of tbe outbreak The fire ultimately subdued with of water it had much damage to adjoining pro perties Tho hall was totally destroy ed with Ronald steam en gine carts book and ladder furnace and worth of band furniture mens clothing etc in fact verytiring in ball low of tho town it A spare Arc engine from Winnipeg baa been telegraphed for for temporary protection of town- DO YOU WANT TO THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENf Embraces all the Most Designs in Mootlo Cloths Goods floods and thing to inako up a stock In the Woolen Department you iJ find thy NOBBIEST GOODS IN SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS In Hats Caps latest Styles all new this season In Boots and in Ladies and Boy a great Groceries New Teas New Fruits Etc Every Line of will found marked down to Lowest Cash Cut our Cash is now as Golden Rule in buying and selling Merchandise Furs ST NO TO SHOW YOtf I I J DAVISON i I NIOB8T Gents Suitings The The flrt direct to Win peg via of the City 1 No u up of jiiiMogcr coaches deeper And a The of It Thompson quite ft of on It t Station on JO litre no one lo get The trela down through hi four oclock on Monday The 419 a- but only makes stop end Toronto ant to water for Itot at well at Mr Ticket down town end doing Toronto will find oclock treln far trip when they ere time to catch the oclock freight and traffic has considerably Increased on ike- IBtb when the Sl to debate Jl to mUkL The w Jf Dee end fa J wh for Webber on Tremendous again lut to the Out Jiy Tracking com for The wow ahoiel to wink at the hoe lake the A flag flojlelron tbe new noWdaya when that la lo order Sooday wet beautiful day end Church largely attended lSeyeendgUU ate looking up their of weather the of Mr Alfred property on lot in tbe 3rd of North postponed Jo of report of tha Council proceedings to of the more or leu interested ire have been obliged our usually abort iIjIi ho got In stock of Huts Cards They ere end more elaborate thin The big white dog tbe Tannery died on We bare not whether there have little bickering down Town a bill board- got into the of tbe Tom StreetLamp were blown out by tha high wind night the Church wet at Mr The Cottage Prayer Meeting place at the of Mr WiUaon ftnl Sale at day look iO of turkey fetthen day Co ConocU procediDge out good deal of about the mud on the aide although the etleo Won of two celled iU open and a of grocevUe end food Jwt WW I Tern- tertneo well filled of the Mr Iwture on John tbe Morning Star Reformation The lecturer began by describing in a clear and manner origin of Iht aod the of introduced Into Britain ably before the of while the did not ar- Tiro until close of the century As he followed life of that from 1323 to when at iti yeare of ago he as the moat eminent of England ibt word painting wee that appearance fairly before tho ritl tea of manhood were de veloped in their influence on church and atate the of lecturer grew compatible with frequent applauded- For nearly two the audience liatened with en chantment while the many the wonderful life of this man were portrayed atriking and he lecture a word which wo underatand for the Cut time is an able elucidation of the of the fourteenth century The chair occu pied by J Aa and the voles of thanks were The collection to appropriated the expenses of the Young Mens Parlor Great Discount Sale DATS -1JIK- Leading Furniture YOU CAN DO SO BY BUYING GOODS AT GREAT GASH STORE THE IS SIMPLE We in lnrgc quantities for cash and sell in the same way and we guarantee that we do sell from JO to per cent any North of Toronto BROS MAIN I I To bo found In pre raast6 up a SUPERIOR MANNER At price will favorably 1n tbo Call and far alex Mccormick Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED nice for col from PINE timber tfelitered the Factory or at do apply to CO- MONTHLY SALE HOUSE ibetlmoioaocore good barf a Undertaking a t largo of fiOBEB call to at reeldeoce J ford at A J MILLARD CO JK0 OF FASHION WE SHOW THE BEST AND MOST STOCK OF day of laat week Town holiday ami the keldiQlhObrialUaChQrchia the mom was largely attended Elder Haloer occupied the chair aod opened of the followed hy an appropriate hymn Id which the choir congregation joined and prayer led by Iter Smith choir befog a the and read anthem after which Rtt Mr Webber aa the for gratitude cur and duty of gen for 1046 around After another anthem by choir J Smith regarded It Ma good omen that tins country wta apart a day for dealt the auVjtcI log Canada with the different principal tie of la wbfebhecleailf of we bad much to thankful CM of are cot calculated to make of day purer and better A collection waa then taken op benefit of the poor of the arnonn ting IS onefourth amount left In of and by Mr Smh the CogrtgaUonal One attended Union glvlPgBertictatntljUTowo by proponodog In nrdayenfelTOtoU Ja fU iWdod Bon ANNEXATION IORReflrtyhaJeDtnrytboAMKBltJAx 1 aaodacrcaOLauaionaircMfatnlljofrta- 10 The great who or a quarter made tola tbo all now reinforced ft or well- known CFABTEMT aod t4 additional attention of firm sod ioouhold scfues MANTLES AND WOOL GOODS I MRS BOND FREE Homes of our Fanner It La a majority of oar or ab ill by eosravicn con of or home- in ty Endorsed by tho Government VnIoma6lh Aaricuttutitt attend lb to do- vckii widely jftwr Don lorn w4 or grTia of with looby American Agriculturist WlKlltl Our Markets Floor a Fait Wheat per a T2 do OCT a do Barley per bajhel a OK do a do Oil per ton do IS CO nr do it a a IS a a a a a a k do a Apparerbaf 0a a OH Our Toronto Markets TORONTO Wheat do do do Hay per tons Hotter roiii Butter tub do baj IVJ petit per pair i I fep atiaati If 1 WO Will jowbolntaadialeyanbacrlbea to receive year and as ISM 13X5 a a a a OT a CO a CO a a a a IK a a 01 a a a OSS AN new cheap CO WANTED DBAS Huron St- TEACHER Wanted for Junior tor ilaUoffvaUrywUb to BOOT LOtKIB MARE- yrsolj ANTED from TIUOTnTROOEKS PO Clean Plbit 19 ITS AM WANTED Liberal- t lo or ABED Stow P 0 t TO At flea DAVID for taking tlf War- Ac teal lowing Tirol Hoot real ancceompaol tnUMttCaofoa rw of a an Auction New In any having atoek or lodUpoMof will OndiblsTa ao book open at tba till of charge for KAVAHAUn GRAND OPENING WANTED Waartfn mora first pay or and employment We many new and apMlsniei la be andcrca- floe not handle Apply at once wlih references t MAY flvvi2 TRAY SUEEP 2 LEICESTER iy qaeitd to property and tbem away HOMES WANTED I Per roanent of iocs now enquire or ibo rALLuU We ara showing aa NEW GOODS all New Cashmeres New Dres Goods Striped Buttons New Prints Table Linens Table Napkins Sheetings Pillow Cottons eotwns Lace Curtains Hosiery Gloves Comets and we would call SPKCI to our fiftocJc of New Teas and Fresh Groceries- NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUR GOODS yoy ALL JUST ARRIVED in colore Cap and aaa r rtovlnwJthaiooratockU tbo and tier to Tat HIM AND SHOES and warrant Bit action Two doors or bo Wawuiafoch etc STOCK FOR Span and Horn from j7 TTEIFER lot fch A lot ajJlmsl a war Hon PO reo on mod tor at TO ROOM AN I -OF- GOODS Central WW W STARR WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELLERY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES ETC think of buying a Watch Clock fliro line until jou thing In or Icy Goods at Wo also hay BEST fa ITS C To la 8UU A A

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