Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1886, p. 4

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fob Driftwood raOM or A bell to go to dinner Mr should be I Joint will supply men Owen Hoarder the Act wore fined from to well condition of a county boon denudod of and money A being fail had a nap in ten average plug only wj ouo moil to foci though weighed ton- A young that about will bo to heal bad boon by bold bod man bock on remit of arid of dam at at Grove lliu for fifteen ywn Iitk Hock Ark March Joltmon for Dm murder of KllJi made implicating Wall and John Ho Mid Wall him and John kill them for job Wall was od of Aim unit bund killed to lie could her convicted und to trWW Pa March aim Jlviiry living two from hero Oil kihOltd a fill coil oil can exploded Hi- oil body of thu women and upon two and Tin run into yard jump- into Uteri nod wok sot on tiro Mid children burned her who should your best friend you think and It in tnwfgii no young will txforo jjiolhurthttt wliicli it im should It very ho hut you would not willingly to your your but iiver to your honor anil in llioniorclmnU of in tho it decided to form a of Trad vijwU at fur its jKaniUe ibogcuCirol town fttid by their in tho One thing winch tt of tho of bo to got as near a Strictly Case m jKJMiblo All figrocd to their Over for prompt payment other- 10 on nil over duo accounts of cent month March A firo took ttbout miles from at oclock last niifht in a by a farmer in which ho end hired name unknown burned to The firat icon by ho who livds ten distant but the fire far advanced ho got that no chance of cuUring building bo out- door tried but found locluxL wore found ia tho harncscdjae bo had just returned from here matter in An inquest will bo About oclock Thursday morning Mr ifarsliall and a friend walking lb- they ww a llguro along front of thorn They hastened Brief Remarks on the Mouth of April April month when root by earthquake Id April bald ftjoko Id a family or a row In April a woman a roaud her hair up oat and to leave a chunk on to too on In April School children to look forward to pfooic of attouuatod and very robuit colic- In April for by buying a In April chow of slocking rovalltngs around panto rex and coll it ball In April a young hi and out for homo of hit girl fond the amocako Augar that night In April children not hardboiled oat tbo egg and doctor pratontly with a Id April farmer forth to low ow In April tramp up now at and ookingwhoochlokenabo may dovour In April and other lead of into profanity and their countenance into April Ho la very In April opt to rain- When not engaged it abowcin a for dm knows April bring forth cauliflower In short April not oMn thai it is cracked up to be In words of verso April Is ftsUy Odes stir Tsal wins for uil feci tike ft Toot la Id Couldnt Make It Out proprietor of a having erected on main street for leather bides begun to consider kind of would bo most at tractive At last what ho thought a happy idea atruck him an aujfur through the door pout and stuck a calfs tail into it with bushy end Haunting out After a noticed a looking per son standing near door with spec tacle on gating intently at Ho long did ho that the slcpjed out addressed individual Good morning Morning replied man with out moving Ins eyes from tho sign You to buy leather NaT Want to toil hides you fanner Ko Merchant Doctor No Minister No Well what in tho you am a a or SPECIAL standing half mi hour trying to decide calf gob through and or of mo cannot it out A Patriotic Small Boy in with the fioifi which proved to ho tx young My was fast and did not two men Thoy to touch fright might prove fatal of watched her the other found When young lady up took la arm and into n hotel was Bun Jay School teach er and her class was composed of a goodly number of smalt hoys other Sunday upon the captivity and teacher had her beat in prepar ing as to attract and hold their attention Now juet boys be gan great army was to come hero and take fathers mothers and yourselves prisoners and carry you off to a strange land and make you work as slaves and try to you in their religion of your own eta A short tlmo siooo a travel in truths had an appoint ed which was attended by four of Tho Friend preached from follow ing words If any man have not spirit of Christ Bis This text enlarged upon very clearly Next day this Friend was coiled by of tho four who said I am bore to know if you preached doctrines of your Society I have been informed you do not in Bible nor the divinity of Christ nor in atonement- but if preached tour sentiments last night you certainty have boon misrepresent ed Tell mo djfforonce between that portion of Friends called Hifllt- and Orthodox or Or thodox generally you soem to differ from them all and yot last night you hold up tho scriptures and divinity of Christ fully and I heard it done before Our Friend replied that ho would endeavor to him He asked dost thou that God allwise that Is unchangeably the and that lit raws answered I do Then thou canst not a stream can rise higher than its fountain Ho aid no Wall then wo told in In beginning was Word and Word was with God and Word was Cod Word was mode flesh end dwelt among us and wo behold His glory as of only begotten of the full of and truth this Is what wo recognize as Word of oven power of fruit of this power They words of God were created by this Word that was in beginning wo cannot thorn as word of or were creat ed and Word of was created but was in beginning with and was Cod To this the was You right On the next question our Friend said Wo in divinity of Christ as well as tbo humanity of Jesus It was not humanity that constituted Son of hut Christ in Jesus or Spirit of flesh or Cod in thus was Cod manifest in the flesh of Jesus and wo behold glory glory as of only begotten of Father full of and truth To this ho assented saying that is true Our Friend then proceeded Tho means thing it is simply reconciliation It is said in Scripture won in recon ciling Clio world unto himself as Ho said this is my Ron in whom I am well pleased Now what was it that pleased Father was it not His full submission to tho workings or influence of spirit which was given to Him without measure Now it is simply the of Christ wc rccognizo as being to savo us from sin or reconcile- us to Hero then is between us It is the lifo of Christ that reconciles Father or atones for the Bins of world you say it his death and that death was brought about by great Omnipo tent Being calling upon His enemies to help Him accomplish work of mans salvation but according to record the devil put it into heart of Judas to betray him into hands of sinful men and wicked and unbelieving people put him to death Now if designed to world by a sacrifice why did He not that sacrifice prepared by hands of good men as Ho had under the priesthood Can wo suppose or and allpowerful toemplov agencies in work of mans salvation t visitor atten tive hero exclaimed Is this difference and I will never preach such doctrine It certainly was the of Jesus Christ that satisfied and reconciled Father and not death Indicted him by enemies thank you kindly for this interview Utou fc fe- I NORRISBGOICSTORE THE NEATEST AND STOCK OF PAPER At tho most prices ever offered In this Town Dont fail to ox- amino before purchasing Neat bordering to also Window Blinds in of BABY A Jest to hand AND DEPOT IP for Ars0loxatblji0moasfollowt orTonnjioioaAarora ffiaS NOXtTH YORK STORE r TICKET AGENT FOB GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Bin vftdoetdMjtAairriUjB Vis and flcopm At do as lit i Abstrdet of Accounts or Tin ttwilrr TUB from Jturcl- JO IP liUDCdQo SI JoQrLor J WW CO tt i Id Mti of ibf60 h ViPHUaip AftuolM well onn MriDcl of ftr Office to wo TICKETS TO ALL AND WEST OP Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Cisco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J ROBERTSON NEWMARKET Fares to Manitoba lower than ever Town Of In T6iycMb bo 10 LP ikiloon VA is if Office 7Xb fisXlQCU iortml a by K foe lo ex- lU oUirtcl wiMd tod of JOUH A ciol iba deCcltai To lad Mraoaftiobll bo or All leUcnfoltlitraitotiibMtd bo bo jwjacri from fn SALE Of- GLASSWARE CROCKERY W00DENWAR8 JOHN from tho TINWARE MEATS AND PROVISIONS FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES To room lor iioportatioiia Orders by Telephone promptly attended to A SMITH- SPRING GOODS TO HAND AT WINTER GOODS SOID i A OP FIRSTCLASS GROCERIES LbAHlQd ii cm bo prtptld by a mail bo by fr or fraction of HOOK It for iitbo com or to NorthWool VktorioU and Pott- or Jo ID bo pfopold by pot up toliMDllQ unorder or cool by to flctUAJiy or of or United to IbtpfUl Wo by Irani- by to Iballrnluoftho of iJr to bo HUM Jtmlt of 2 limit breadtb- Is wb four ex kroner n bc6o money ordort Up to iwocodu op lo Uono- tip also le06d Italy VJclOflTiutnaoUNoirlAliiDaoDd 0FMlUfOJii bo of Hook of Information to bo bad rf A IboTowo of or Atow rtlo Apply at TO commodioQi locatod- office NEWMARKET Hardware TO RENT HI by Mr A K to OR Store For TO BENT BRIOK lately KU RENT- la of market A CAM J A DALES- J A jCtoaii As licr vivid Imagination entered their and caught up upon picture notice that looked but her quickly ended as patriotic urchin amid of his twould bo kinder rough hut their aint a nation on earth to do it on ft louiio in dining room still A doctor was sum moned when she awoke he had her homo fltrvet a mark of and soma of- the men fauvo been noted for Many the On an J boy by publishing house was to Ed ward ptoof of a he hud teen examining boy enter ed the library lined from to celling with books n fear trembling turning his Jig was writing received tho boy with reassuring courtly him sit down chatted kindly as end around them for you as politely if Visitor president Tim hoy departed in n very frame of mind had len in his own estimation by Mr Everetts kindness and never forgotten it taught htm Every few days newspapers lor setting forth that tender of some wonderful cm re for ills men mo heir to and through pur generosity ho I to recipe of euro of on receipt of application Now things a snare There- At a catch about them somewhere It costs at least A little money to advertise- to newspapers any of these men ere real philanthropists are sincerely desirous of doing their fellow men good and without cost why do they not send their remedies as broadcast their advertisements it would cost no more to insert the ingredients of the socalled coreall than It does for the advertisement itself and this would that there wasnt any humbug about ft it it there a totnowhert Seven Wonders of the World- A married when asked to the seven wonders of the world replied as follows says the Phila delphia A woman who wilt wear a spring second season without growling man who tup truth when he saya bo never tasted liquor The tewporeuco lecturer who is rtilliag to talk for good of world when there is no cash in view is tor who gives all his marriage fo into the fund female who every woman but herself looks like a fright when wearing a lawyer who cannot He without blushing old moid who never cried her self she never ld Sir Isaac Webb hot made an assignment KS go into a place of busi ness and manner of questions just for the purpose of gratifying your cariosity dont stand at the in post office and ask for loiters for whole when you know that there It not slightest possibility of a letter for six months dont give your neighbor a worse chaiacter than he has for perhaps it is bad enough dont because are at leisure other person in town is situated the same dont Interfere with a wan at work it you have nothing impor tant to tell him dont think you are the only person In town who knows anything for perhaps there are few others know nearly at much as you hare forgotten dont handle goods which do not belong to and lastly bat most Important of all dont look over tie shoulder when he sticking type for the manuscript ft not intended to be road by wo outside The Month of April In a work entitled Tho Twelve 1701 April is described with a glow of that era The youth of country mako ready for morrisdance and the merry milkmaid supplies them with ribbons her true had given her Trio little lionibbling at bait end to of tlio tide The shepherds entertain princes of Arcadia with pleasant roundelays feel a kind of youth and youth hath a spirit full of and activity aged hairs mid youthful cheeks as red ns a cherry lark and Iamb look up at tun and the la- abroad by tho dawning of day The in lambs head tells kindhearted maids strange tale faith and troth make the true lovers knot- It were a world to set down worth of this month for It is Heavens blessing and earths comfort It is messenger of many pleasures the courtiers pro gress and the farmers profit the la borers harvest and beggars grimace In sum there is much lo spoken of it but to avoid wo hold it in all that we can see In it the jowel of time and the joy of nature purchased stock and goodwill of Bros I am now prepared to supply Messrs RAIL WAY time from mot fcSfla To- From o from fcpretfi fcO am Moot real Kx- Tomato Toronto SALE- it pi to by roodtfarf JVRQtlERWOU OR SALE fcrlcltcla WHI H Apply A JAMES SPADES PICKS LUBRICATING AND HARNESS OILS BUILDERS MATERIALS FULL LINKS AT LOW GLASS BAR IRON WOODEITWABE AND ROGERS CUTLERY TERMS ABU Farm For n THE STAFF OF LIFE 0 WvO Made from Best Imported Roller Flour and really a superior article at the usual price Having had YEARS PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE of which teen in tliU Town I know something of want of the people and no io that IK THE fl Will suit the taste of most fastidious A complete assortment of FRESH GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS Will bo kept in stock and told as Cheap as Any in Town A Trial of Bread and Cakes Solicited ALEX SIMPSON North End Bakery flLTorrtnloJuQcUoQ At a fci ra uHV S5 lerartHallj fd tt5p to ArHveklxpri MaiifiU all bad from of lha ad a Vlprt J of Lot In cleared Ard good order Apply to FOR lot In ibt3 The for To King to fa Do If Wewirtarkct P- a DODO on w LU lIMilKD W W Paw Aft Toronto On Ticket Mevnirkc FOR SALE for lima K OLD GORIIAU Id cob Lot In to loll About property of W For apply to JAMES At SALE LATH SHINGLES North Of aiotbeSibCOD w Mb fitb tb- la ilia Atltbd landa WM A car horae driver and were precipitated oyer a bridge dropping twelve foot into the river at on Moo- day The was killed and were in- Alfred a farmer killed by light did near Saturday morning The fluid chimney ran down the pipe and flew off striking bed in which he wife and child were sleeping other without injury NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE of the over wo have now down for other years you for patronage and you a Happy and Year WHISKEYS WIHWS FINE LiaUORS ALES AND PORTERS Stock will bo found S FOR lo- jo FAMILY Received and Bought for which to Sell Cheap as the Call and examine THE RELIABLE -AN- LEADING HOUSE FOR YEARS T Largest Best Stock Of KW- of LOW FIGURES It win to to mvU WEEKS 13 Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED WK lb cub rxia from OR PINE ONH to Pan second powtb or Umber fleltterti apply OUUDRX THIS ltb tba Best Moulding Materials I Am will u and to ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOUKItS WITH FLOORING 9IDIO SASH i THANKFUL FOR TnlrfERAI PATRONAGE OP TUB PAS SOLICIT A OF SAME TO TURN GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES WM CANE SONS MFG CO Burdocks Blood WU n4 On Shortest Notice always toil HEADACHE DIZZINESS DROPSY WORM POWDER la a of VPM jq-OTlOEr- aieuiVa DUNNS POWDER THEC001CSBESTFRIEWJ a it- Ti

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