Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1886, p. 2

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Now Great Attraction- J Dayton Co Bulls Henry Manitoba Products P Alabastfno Judicial The Warning Dr Wanted A and Hall Northern Train I ill si ELT Bra MKVllIt AM Hi oily until ft TIM Muiictl to Ji Mviwlfl Vii wider WhHi Mr hi wu round of a tout sflta worth or floJ Tin- J ipilllf I or July TJio livid lit iiiUi-Af- oiiC fcitlioutuaJ place to for leoancy A vn Hit of uuuuxvttoD to Toronto out hi lb i The Metis Grievances a spirited extending over a period of Mr in the of leftder of late lo ago this of left for llio district which motion was tic- by aft a vote of of confidence was defeated by majority Province in the to any regret and voting to lira iiction of tin Administra tion in allowing to upon footing and the end aorip to Manitoba on to were treated like other But la wbat todiLcd that they wore to and peculiar nay to bo a aaporior race anil objected to bo treated Canadian or to confonn lo the rtgofatton aa white On the Star the wo to convoy in the following extract and a French Canadian Battling ldu by aide in tho North- Weal Territories had exactly the tamo privileges They could each obtain one hundred and sixty acres of lend by performing settlement duties in the regular way and thoy could much more But tho balfbroed thought ho superior to French Cana dian settler wanted all privileges granted to settlers and scrip aorta besides The North- mostly a and the recognising necessity of preserving what timber wax framed regulations restricting wasteful cutting of trees thought that should bo oxen j pied from regulations ullowod to cut and hack as he short most unco of half breed was that tho would not trtat butter than neighbor To obtain these over their half breeds the and arc petitions which of Mr motion unheed ed it wonder I Would the have boon from had granted of petitions J No verily and we prepared to the of government in iheNorlbWcst previous to rebel lion as is more or in all new territories was yet wo ore not who would fault Administration for not granting tlio partial privileges demanded by Molts and had wo on the floor of Commons wo should felt it ft duty lo register our with Hon Mr Mackenxio Ontario reform- era who voted down motion tho execution of instigator of rebellion On this question wo join that portion of reform party who think organ at Toronto fails to of tho party throughout Dominion A New Hallway Project Aw for lb by lo Own- dh Hon Mr- UkLiUr of Flout lHl P It Oft loiocd to It I tie finl of Jal of North Perth it Jog held lut Jocldtd to hold of forth of od bo next and ittki l of in IdIo report the dlOJcolUw fetid of Mr TftTtt not clo Know the ihit who now nut It will carried tb at of that for lion who far oreril i- uoablo to account of kept Id the Kiel to in order to feflfelMt Mr Lw- drjp to UBljialltuL to It It to for pad yet to bo ftccnrtd Toionlo to Perth The rout of tit Ottawa for will bo utod from Ottawa to at bo Whmiooalrl with lha day VailJiUadniiiad todiai flroTllMff fe at iUJ op Farmer If of aw TOW MODS I areolnj- WAfci ally mild froct la oat of the bode of Homo at a3a4oeuxoopUoailiydfil WalorODthotUUbUhiUiiDWoclOoadar Hal for In oar noticed Gift Frit in which a born in with ono J a desperado a bono Into aaouott which th of thofabtoof Black Crowd to tho cartoon by Kick St which leading nrtooit the Jtou Kd kick Qne- A tooted by la oo the of Qrtp and at ftouiim cartoon agl- with empty with Bleu void An old lady Tarty pump the thought Im afraid y io It for tiff Edward noes was Aoatsar SlVl 4 7 lliuimik lllMil Of the Liberals House voted for the motion and against end the Conservatives including from with and it aroused by ironmct men of liberal discomfit of tho considering grtal things anticipated as the result of certain negotiations in Montrval after the ex ecution of Kiel e a utiable exhibition of party vtakti not presented during the larHauicutthaii the ibove division indicates Instead of Kir John and the Conservatives to Iixof is other way and me the- mourners who go about 1 io During tin good deal was aid Halfbreed griev ances Indeed most of thoso who voted for Mr motion luidn good deal to say about thcio giievance but singular enough all indulged in voguo generalities of injustice neglect or oppression without one instance w prove the general assertion wherein wen the halfbreeds treated unjustly Was there a single instance on record or charge out of their being dealt with differently row wbito neighbors or Were any them dispossessed of their properly or real J they unfairly against in taxes they colled upon to pay for in the land they sought to acquire These questions must all be answered in negative Now if there grievances of aofficlent magnitude to rebellion sufficient to justify resist- constituted authority aufficient to than semblance of pretest or shooting Canadian vol- and W incite to innocent and da ought to know just what they takes position that nationalities English Irish la Among many Bills of moro or less local which passed tho at tho session just closed a company for of a Railway to bo called King Line petitioners who by tbo Act constituted provisional directors until elected arc Messrs John Perry Joseph Wood James Gray Henry Isaacs Arthur Armstrong and According to terms of the charier tho proposed railway must start from point between and Hill stations on the North- em It in County of York- thenco in a direction through township of King to villago of in a Westerly direction through ho Townships of King to a point lino of tho and North- Western Railway or near village of Of course until wo sea whero this proposed railway is located it would not of New market to toko step regard to opening up other communication with Townships and villages to West of West Branch of the Holland River and it is oven said that Northern Railway authorities hinted that in case the latter lload drops into hands of P will not car a button whether tho Loop Lino is constructed or otherwise AH this however may not bo true as every project will its iieiita croakers The act sets forth that capital of Loop Lino Co is to bo 200000 divided Into four thousand shares of each end as soon as of this amount la subscribed a meeting of shareholders Is to convened for the of electing director to take placo of above Provisional Board The powers usually invested in Railway corporatfona given In lo the North of us Suit Act do granted since lut of Act this tint ore as openly sold fa this town though there no Act Under ilic Act during Sslor st not sold but now is no whatav hero Is talk submltllog the Scott Act to elec tors of County a great but ticks to enforce its cwrj- rreon to In shouM twice before casting vole in it fstor We dont wont all lbs of without lbs now As at and ceuuriogYtbe for allowing the law to course Ontario Merm en Toted syrapstti7 with boil ers whin- fifteen oeriied and tba of iant correct sod fifteen who lbs satborfied bugfa Liberals of Outailo sod the disaffected of are as follows loots Piatt Jackson Oxford and of tua the Liberal or gin at Toronto feel terribly of at we sticb a used will be new to old rtformcra We with tod on this charter j and Act further provides that railway shall be commenced within three years and completed within five years Editorial 9 A broke vat as4 dun- of Full tat the fit of lo by meat of fa Act flf Intftl Moogicg the Pi od ft Urn Incrru to to robWWot tow I JtetafttV A gooi ttt thw ftx4 ftcwai ft Wr Ub Cooocili fc cludlog tad bin la with ftcilou of York Cooutf ftnd ho to form of to to Br ftli Meredith wl to of ft in of must to 111 from of of to pocket the Coaaty paid to get tho look- ftfur for on ftspcaditUTo of IUgUlry bu WeccotLoo 1453 ft of tblifuoo the might hue profit to ft Ion op to ft now Cooit Jioue Ioao of ftird a tch hind It not tint toy County fthoali ftoooht cd whin UI Jot Yd- of In our of Wttt A fcvj of Aorort Jo Towd J W ftf- riffrJ Town A to Id of Jobo Kelly Is hope are now of hi of Toronto ft ft with Mr of log with hi Mr- thill of lniHoo to High School nd J J fttteoded fueuL of Mr t last 111 Ha lit own broth a of Mr Duo Denote ill P J and WcdotwJfty ft vckft Toronto Muter Belfry from Toronto on od hid up of Tort y Is Rot J Smith Ml two it incut for ft hit neck Mr lift ill and to hi of hot a better Mr ft tudeot of College occupied pulpit of the lut ODdyftftopply for lb Thank to Mr for copy of for which executed Mr StiWwrt left for by of to ft to of Toronto fog op the boy fttoood Town on term it the College a MI- field 3 Woodcock nd for lo a over tbt Mill Mr fitaily left for lies to ro but Mr Dtfoof North ftootbtr retired a of thToKo boose tft Mr A- The of ttyi Can tod Jcp ud called ftt out of Pin la to tbefr ever th Ant it ftbhwlng om of ftt ftftenooD hot in Occident- 1 ft on na of ft Mr of Kentucky rried Jo Town wife who her liter Mr J Caldwell for of her low th of the week wu w better yesterday of It Ward fill ftnd hit right boolder lie hit had his rm la ft Inc Mr at broA Da of o1d In to Mr- lit Iwk- for a cot tag to bU ue bat reported rfirclty in Mr Brook bad better pur chit o vacant lot od to nit Wl Mr Fred of Pice left for to accept for Buffalo who after be am hU Men Mr Reynold hit and on eottrM on action for aame which decided fa hit wet Nub desire us to uy thit feel duly to thmoy who thorn tbelr by no- call aod alu lo ayapithy by aendiog of flowe Or Jlllhry of ftod Roger of a comolutiD and do pot fliood flitttrt io for with bo offfnng- awltocgt writing from with wbtcb Oil lotttbftooo tnlllndba Un Wbliohcad or and JUor wcoplUot and wu able to meat itenpl a groat Two lb 2nd forraiof otino1odltftaM Ha boon or bo cured r you are doing well u II Ml to 1too after Ion bar tat- Wen bud The lb prtptiwdtbeai to be thorough and forth with Friday who and of Mr box fa doll A A bo rati yiOa yellow Oil of It la tortDt for lata and It rood or rteroally PAGE BLOCK Up one to otojo Wtito treated by poor Itft boil bo fire relief lo lu all loog Sharon Jottings Special to Bra The roids art nd roaddy end to place of aro to do the up mud- of lut Mr If youog lady nd cotltcoro friend gut tie at hi beautiful The In alten- ftod otoo to lb delight of a and piecUtlvo auemUy Itoworha it to the of bachelor friud four of the bit the wuhed oil the and cleared up generally bo all the ragoat preheat two od on the tf4t ft I hit jam would go wrll bat we hare able to hero bed to A if Old wo arc to friend but will bo the th gainer A If Mount Albert Items to tie The matin of the lite Mr Homer to AlUrt Jul Friday from where ho dud l Mr Writ Mr Hunter a former ra impeded by ill who him Ho tf fti of Ih Method it Church end acta Joul preacher for ft Sunday the of Mr Stacy Mr Abb of Zephyr Sunday It Mitchell her two log of who la in Albert Mr friend at EtttOjo week There to bo a the oo Saturday he third day of t tea oclock in forenooo to lit for the A big if Sutton of tba Bat too member wtrpre- Uq oo Orate Teurer Howard baa been blood Into Club- flowed In will bo and miny road The a Fund Informed bo put on for the flnl Oar April I LFvA Floor a to Pall TO o do a do o do a K Pet do do to Hoed per a do do i t too Coco a do rot I J par Oft a tub do to a Oil a off on a a Hay per too to a do a Street Toronto HOKE OFFICE 16 Silver St Wood St London England Telephone No lira THE Leading per a lb per lb- a a a TO r AND l too DANFORD ROCHE WILL T1HS WEEK LUHDYH Moron SALESMAN WANTED TICK HOUSE NEWMARKET IrUHHTCLAJM MAN who 1 anowJediooftiio Dry and oral trade Wtb tocbinwtcraodibility mint bo to com Apply orb bile alary Mr KowJiod ha completed the to store by Mr Mil Substitute for Paint it for workouWdeoMtdoon end SUPERIOR TO KALSOMINE than leper yard op lo and by 10 TAKE WARNING ALOparttwtodebtedto to tuber not or book acooanuoioit CALL AND PAY A i coco to ALL MUST BE JUDICIAL DRESS GOODS In the Newest Shades DRESS TRIMMINGS An Exact Match PRINTS In Combinations LACE CURT In New Designs MADRAS CURTAINING In CRETONNES In Quite New Patterns a swlon of the Ontario Legislature was brought to a close Thursday afternoon March three oclock when hi the Lie a tenantGo by drove to Parliament buildings And formally prorogued tho As his Honor from his carriage tho Toronto Field Battery under command of Mead a royal while a guard of honor by Company under Ma jor Smith presented arms There present in chamber the usual military number of iu galleries fjc Town ult lbs fiirsarIa alt 4 ihaKlh hoKih Wr John or of art Barrio on Jane virc Ml and Mr- Obed SI CradllofiCoolrl Cbar Tnd to day the f April Jnitaol at troonba dock and of in aoot appoint op Co pa ipauj to 10 of or and dated if J ibo of of ibi fcUut will ecu for Lb Coding March CLOTHING Boys Suits a Specialty HATS AND CAPS Newly Imported English I BOOTS AND SHOES The Choicest Stock in Town GROCERIES Special Value AT THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE Formerly ROCHE CO Now JULIUS MADE B Best Price Given for all Kinds of Produce FREE EXHIBITION MANITOBA AM rlr I jut o tut from at on Bale Better April WbWrWra will u of torn and Boo- credit on LbUrc at prorttl IRSfe it Mom aaTt of lonbtrbi Register for Jocra property of Mean Him a of AirCta L a nubia and be AM won or at Ho lisill UdttTOAIkQQwobroaoqV FURNITURE Oct la a loo from a I or He f a MlamjrfrsTS Srfi08Tli Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS HEARSE North- West Products a By the With NEWMARKET A April the IMA en the products Co ami Tg CO ARE NOW SHOWING SALE fcUaiNtSfl lha Li A RARE lor oarrgctle man io For W to contbAcxors SEALED toay at lor i oar lau to up to lb tb 11 or luoa Mb jtiouiaafrsmTior i 0MD4M0i4ilJya PO SPECIAL Frcncb Wool Dress Goods all very Newest Materials and Colorings Black and Colored French res Black Colored Satia Msrrielleux and Silks New Punts and A Embroideries Fancy Goods Hosier Gloves and Corsets Curtains Curtain Curtain Chains Cretonnes Hemp Wool Tapestry and Brussels Wall and Mens Furnishings Hate ReadyMade CM Hue Stock of Imported Woolens for Our Ordered Clothing bO Wo now the largest sod most confident thai we aro in a position to you for money any other Wo Import oar goods from very oit In England Ireland and Scotland nd and feel confident that Trade I fears thereby customers Middle They would pay to wholesale weu her of s call solicited Eli LB- fcTTOBK ROGUES OLD STAND NEW 1 1

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