i fo -Pq- J JpTj Tho bought at for navy iho Dominion Bradford boa and Gen French Minuter of Jim in favor of fori Paris Kifibliif On London rioters Iiavo to penal running from one still continue rcgiiocnu Jmvo re wivid to ready to dollar worth 1 the hi i MhiJ for on on Many other lojjo not obtain K Wbibs in of bit Jiydu from lirl tTbi o Hit- of m1ms on iji be of til mid 5i- of fur more mid indirectly from an bo Jcei f dry and warm morning body df I Jtnuijhy found ii on rifalmr of foul in ft0biuctd An in A lrtliitlf of of nuthojii in vird Hi li Kjht olii- of Now own In vAiiyrijjIil in- all if litnury piracy Why a ntnvAMor To it bit tin of lypt fori in up It Jmatil iboub iiirlintd to Im giddy It enjoy rapid the It bus for deul homo il of a Offlcers IUiC Wuik- II Julul I lilt I I Jl l- l in iii A GREAT MARCH CLEARING SALE GO lyewojarfcet omboanUim until KftlU Car Aurora Plot Via ana 7tiori4in a cop mi v STORE li I AND TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AND OCEAN STEAMSHIPS I NEWMARKET ONTARIO Also a Grand Sale of a lot of Staple and Fancy Goods belonging to the Bankrupt Estate of bought at a low rate on the dollar Also the Summer portion of the Stock recently purchased from ROCKS CO All to be cleared out without reserve at this our First March Sale Commencing Friday March 12 1886 AND TO CONTINUE ALL THE MONTH place I or ibtrtof rracuoo ID maj AftDClC it wui anion try form usauoprOTidca fid extra or Office nor can or a card- for Town J tor bur or be Whin bo forwrlM win paid not roil yf will I8BUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST OV Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Fran- and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J ROBERTSON- NEWMARKET Fares to Manitoba lower than ever The different Sales held by us in Newmarket have been a grand success and this one we intend shall be no exception to the rule We have piled up Solid Bargains for our customers Just such bargains as cash can bring combined with the world for a market Early Spring Parcels from England Large drives bought from men who needed to sell Goods bought in many cases at our own price Large lot from the Estate above named bought at less than in the Dollar and we have bought them to Sell not to keep and look at The Goods and prices are such as to Draw Our Customers in Crowds making our Store like a Market We have the Goods it will Pay You to Come it will Pay you to Make a of the Day and Date it will pay to Gome Early The Goods belonging to this stock will occupy the whole centre of the Store as far as practicable and the prices will be plainly marked thereon flea clinch letlen be piepaid for of ordinary AH letter for be 16 On all od periodical IbOMfrom be ilibodlCJi a per roar prepaid by ic Id bo prepaid by poet or BOOK 6 of Tor book pout- log loCaoida J Victoria If CLEARING BALE OF GLASSWARE CROCKERY TINWARE FISH MEATS AND PROVISIONS AND FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES To make room for Spring Importation A SMITH- by Telephone promptly to v TO err rf LOTH In of or No rib for Apply at Im I mi Walker ft p No J Arthur Alliii Prowl Aided ion No 1 IoUl l Janus J y I Srilcy Condition J lUiilohN6 William JMwiiiyI Clark Job t Matthew Williamson No Patrick J JaiiKs Division No Jaiucs Murphy fl Henry Poul VMb frier Maliun No John r i pockloy 1 John Irwin I Cool lNiOII V ft nuil Will John Prnucii Toil Mac South I JJivid David Phillip Cook i Martin Robert Frank William j Lot No linens and House Furnishing Goods In Rome wonderful vnlun in iiiK 11I Napkin 7c flc and bought at JO cent oft are lint and ire odd lot in many cases fniii I 1 can selected of if selection is cart- 250 of vide nt and per 125 gottl IJwuiirul 1 mid 1 ami inches at I and 1 J Ac cadi JIucI Towels each mid Towels Ik worth Go Towels ot worth lino of Limn fie To mid worth half much more lot of Towels 1U per cent under virtue Plum Madras muslin curtaining for vard v- ftUiLTS Quills for at 100 120 etc up worth in cub case per cent About Kino Quality Marseilles Quilts and About iilcli wide at per yard cheap at besides niriny items wo have not to Lot No- Yords of Damaged Shilling oio of the Host Grades lot wm slightly damned by water in warehouse undergoing alterations will lie cleared at lie a yard lota of Cheaper Shirtings at ami up Nice Quality Cotton at yards for Yards Cotton a yard cover sold before by us iM ban Cents And hero is a Plum you Jliiy all you likely to want During This Sale Our regular White ami Cottons will bo per yard per lot No- Embroideries Collars Etc tables White Colored Each 400 do at IQl mill COO ot to and Colored Hordered Handkerchief Superior at for Special of Linen IfnndkorcliUrfe J and J Sizes About 10 Down Linen at a Dozen Yards at worth COO Y rd at mid 250 to ho at Cheap Line A Lot of Cheap Laces and Cotton Slightly Soiled at pair All Claw other Good at and Lot No- 6 Dress c- A Lot Of Check Summer to be sold at worth A lot of Goods at worth 20c in Wool Cashmeres from yard and up lot ladies durable rain umbrellas t 75e worth Homo special cheap lots of Satin Milk umbrellas and parasol low prices lot No- Mens Furnishings- Pattern of raer not la or mail by rKUofcrtf ud up Id such or im to not trade or AteootfedmluiblfiUiucti of ro0rcbindJi for lo tut by and weight to soy IbelluilUor of iurr W Col vU limit of 8 except to EUe ft lb- of mint col I Honey A great but made itt for ortforr- Up to up to J10 fivDunuuod 10 no On filer up it a iTJiri pro on t nn rin it VktorU flU- llbJCdllt Post Office hA Bank on J rceWHi Coo J Office of ibo and every lofortoatloo to be bad TO RENT and CODYeoltDCsaodceatrally PHARMACY OR flilclf lot or writ to For ESTABLISHED 1854 TO RENT BRICK STORK lately occupied by Uit Apply to ft LOTS FOR Apply jAUAbrbo AMD RENT ilio Farms F ARM FOR J5AL15- IWaJDec A cmntalDlngiCO seres VvOUt in order olt xjrebaur Will to Holt ho CHEMICALS AND DRUGS Large Stock of Toilet Articles fa PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS OPES 11 lo p a lo NEWMARKET RESIDENCE- SIMPSONS at c Colors at of lot of vrry Winn for you fi00 of oil Wool at jwr yard Really a Line for who go in pursuit of tops of fences Lot No Small Wares Window Blind at for lot of Curtain Jtands at Imlf ISO Ac Goods Combs for of line Toilet at half usual price I of Large Pins for Needles for Cross Muttons and Goods a down of Purses Hair Etc lot No and Gloves- new Silk Scarfs latest styles and patterns to lo sold at worth A superior lot of Mens working cacti extra value A lot of Mens Driving and Kid Gloves at per pair A job Jot of mixed lot special voluo GO Felt Hate soft and stiff and a clearing lot Mens merino feet socks at worth double money Lot No 8- Sundries- tfl- by en wood bJac Ac- Apply to- J Farm For Sale- to colt norm unit of Lot Kail acre In FOR SALK of lot Frame Rl puis shop It aJoJ and oca -va- Goods have never full and m it Pair at lots quality as per pair usually sold of r at and a Pair AUnuirf ami Fancy Wrio Gloves at per Pan neuter niul floods With every Bankrupt Stock picked up there arc always a lot of sundry as we do not regularly keepand do not to bold over Homo of wo shall sell some wo shall AWAY NOTICE r About pairs of Iidies assorted sizes at half price About pairs assorted pen and paper Very cheap and S FUN THE BOYS- Wade pocket knives that will attract and pick up needles pens etc well do good service bo Riven away to and fathers who boys and who buy from to the amount of also a FOR THE i of an elegant Monogram Initial or to of amount Many Lines of GROCERIES and BOOTS and SHOES Marked at Specially Low Prices flUS GREAT BALK We have space for Further Enumeration but Feel Satisfied that all our Patrons Hill go away Delighted THIS SALE COMMENCE FRIDAY MARCH Continue During the Month John t South Store Roches Old Stand Main Street -V- all Ift Up Druggists Sundries Try oar Wire TOOTH BRUSHES FANCY GOODS For CbrlitmiiTrtdo A- OfHDeot FOB BALE- MRS- a on to rj coMOlop Tut for IH WoPtmtr O- FOR SALE BE flotch- Hardware Store to the DWli J A on It ft is f of an J JAMES i PROPRIETOR GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF TOR SALE Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED WE Ihe l from tatr PASS WOOD OR ftM4 51 lfKiWry IS ibp lc4 Id Com- of TeiuiiUlaioorfclvlcof Pis- Wons flmeiuft ftod lboToobipor l H 100 biDaodibt4ifircteiiberOEinri jt1p Alt tow ftcdfOOfltcrnnorpaywnlwlltbntTD to LUMB LATH SHINGLES FREEMAN WORM POWDERS An two BOOK NEWS DEPOT BOOK And all fiOHOOL REQUISITES BOCK BOTTOM and Trustees liberally Dealt With LOW PRICES ABB NOW TO SUPPLY WITH SASH THANKFUli TUB SOLICIT A CONTINUAKCK OF K TURN OUT -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG COj i OPftBUQQY