w DIRECT IMPORTERS OF HOME OFFICE 16 Silver St Wood St London Eng 198 200 St Toronto Telephone No 1170 i j I SUCCESSOR TO DANFORD ROCHE CO Shews for WW A Choice Assortment of Gents Silk Handkerchiefs Gents Gloves and Ties Ladies Fancy Lace Goods Ladies Fancy Wool Goods Ladies Silk Ties c 25 DOZEN ALL WOOL HOODS WORTH BOOTS AND SHOES FRESH GROCERIES FRESH CANNED GOODS NEW CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE THE STOCK IN TOWN DON FORGET THE NORTH STORE JULIUS It Z5 DECEMBER BARGAINS AT i Jos MILLARDS BLOCK NEWMARKET I LATE ROCHE CO fi PLC mm BARGAINS THAT CASH BROUGHT US Hi inch all wool Muck only CENTS yard dirt cheap at large all wool at ami worth as much more MANTLES any lots prices CUT IN TWO that mains for these goods your UAItTKRS count us Bargains Underclothing Furs Blankets mid many other Huts that we have not space to CO We are universally acknowledged as the leaders in Low Prices for First Class Goods FINE STOCK Oi- mmm WW r A CHRISTMAS GROCERIES Full Stock jjist in perfectly value for your money In fuel principal trouble about our Goods is that our ISO MUCH for their money that tit times they find it to yet away with air their parcels NOTHING LIKE LEATHER So it is fcaul Wo wont contradict this assertion hut our customers say there is no such valuo now being in in every kind and stylo of boot and shoes wo ore now ottering QUALITY licit up the TOP down at Well stopfor this timeonly dont forget place South Building Millards Block late Roche Co- Jos THE LEADERS LOW PRICES TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION AKtawa a aiii All We Desire to Thank our Numerous Friends for their Will be Cleared Out at a AT To Make Room for SPRING GOODS During the Past Year and Wish each and all A AND A S AND- appy New Year W A QUIBELL iscount FOR THIRTY DATS ONLY Ten Per Cent Off Every Purchase whether Large or Small During the Next 30 Thirty Sutherland Co Old Stand to wilt hold a SftU of Munificent Stock of Dry Clothing and Shoes SATURDAY JANUARY 9TH 1886 And for DAYS ONLY Ton off every our regular prices away North of Toronto coot- off will a yroat caving totho ho following log advantage Jan- Two joint calling upon the to eater into ozonations with of for a reciprocal treaty between the Eh the Dominion of Canada iatfodoctd in the Lower House- Bulb re ferred to the on Foreign when that committer be art to night that of coin- will be the Perry Be of York tilt with in Mr has on all idea and that to distinguish a the father of looking to better commer cial with foreign nations said to the Globe correipondtnt yesterday that he favora a city Treaty with Canada and that he shall do all he can to bring it aboac With a favorably chairman a deal can be done and it i very likely that one of the resolutions will be favorably reported at early in the J BOOK DEPOT BOOK And all SCHOOL liKQClSlTKS BOCK BOTTOM PRICES and Trustees Liberally Dealt With BOOK STORE OFFICE New of witb SUTHERLAND CO Old Miu Smith a of goods from CO Set Flannel 1 I J I ml Yard a 2o 1 Pair Button for Mr Yards CO of Sugar for I lb Tea for Soap Mottled film IP- i J Too off 1 JO Mm same goods from another Nowmarkot and paa Sot 00 Yards Button Overcoat for Mr Yards Twaedi ltd of Soger for lb Tea tor I Soap Mottled 3 1 TRAY it it It t4 inn if mi 35 10 Actual Cost Amount paid by dealing with CO every person who trades with can Save Money in tamo proportion The other ad of from as that our tho Largest Best and in Town Bo to of Bargains at the ORB AT DISCOUNT SALE CO A A A i At Jf fcataia i J I DAVISONS STOCK SALE association York At in- to mend Lit A ib will t tunnel itlr Jq In A I1BIFEK white ipoJ Bwijr astray JanStb A COW with with a ihort to the er received at ibeef Factory C North of above win be held COUNCIL at lbabOQroluoaclck p far ibo it or lot i other fnsildQDt ttA of at oclock a- mo Co Co will COUNCIL CHAUBER NEWMARKET for of A IS of Jan IN Ladies Furs Dress Goods Winceys Shawls worth for Ladies and Kid Gloves and Milts down low Mens Undershirts and Drawers for worth t SOHBsL REMNANTS OF- aiiiiii For Overcoats worth 8 for Splendid Fur Caps for GREAT VALUE IN BOOTS AND SHOES GROCERIES- Call J foryouwlfM In W aod Coffca a jean Day of J I A Full Staff Mr Itth of I Ulbe lo Of X i for for BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND NOW IS YO ME TO BUY TOOK F J DAVISON NOTICE JOHN DECEASED lo ih the of t to t- licfmo of Hid ill me lo WAAOttUJK Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED HEIFER Cm upon flni vlb belly coming vo oM Ii to anlmUipijf away fill pay for xi I from OK TINE of or ltnbr iSivcr- ai no or apply THE ACCOUNT BOOKS AT TBS lbs of Q of TWO VEAllS OLD in ALLEN TRAY HEIFER Of Mb of VEAR3 OLD Owner la pay jour A R WATSON WATCHMAKER ETC NEWMARKET EstabUshed Over 18 GOLD WATCHES or vim Jhrcclfmniih pur ear Pll mi- Trow from utodi SUGARS CHEAPER THAN EVER NEW DRY GOODS e W PLATTER REFORMER NEWMARKET A BIG BONANZA Kill complete for era Northern Rys to AelUNftlf ASTRA Cam iba A BLUE AND Ibrt to pro awt w Tba pay IMtO DOW TwtiJ Aubttr v or LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER MONEY Ibt J I J OR Net CsuJtrtCTlaitbcbipfiQUiur His TO in NEW NEAT TASTY ART GALLERY Door of Hotel will a WWW b lbs of tic thai AND BEE At I t