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Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1885, p. 2

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J ltf NEWMARKET ERA APRIL Hew Advisements Eld to fcssrsd In Kirk is Co ft i a A I A fi in ft a a MO sS KM ill rfffi52fi FRIDA APRIL 1885 Our Toronto Despatch to En April J great Monday grot The it Court Hew ted pasted JUeraej la North York to Collies Ffsfiigta it were for en rottJcg bat to hit of the public fldjOilniinent ci Wednesday Frota An the hare Icen reiooats- the Sharon rtrrlTcq in commAitrt of Town being fts ft Newmarket Com pany were mustered by Captain Ashworth and Sergeant Thompson and Dr arrived on the morning and of men resulting in the FROM CO 2nd Allan Scrgoant Fred- J King It J Mit- terry A Charles and Walter Terry J- and Privates John Ho wilt Win John Kittle K P A Armstrong A Thompson Taylor Manners Piper and G 1 Tho sol tod will form one Company under command of Major of worth has applied for 1st Lieut- but appointment is not made names were entered on the pay roll and the are to drill till Saturday vhtn bey ill for Winnipeg In the mean time nil men will in Town Aurora King were examined a total of men At an adjourned J nee ting of the Town Council on Wednesday after noon with the Mayor in the chair the Council devilled to furnish Wool- 1 Editorial lt3Ltat-Gir- BsflpU it tntght bees todorrbgr- in bat pre rest a rtriew libesv sad Bills for totiodocnBill Iba fl for York be geoenl object the It minor re tat iti la to bring charged by rtspeclire liar In of upon oar Wot oar Mr which cite in hit Bill Ink Good Friiiy Hot forget the Town Monday Council Kilter Mosdiy it bank holiday High School Reunion Monday night Enter holiday todiy Only fill at iboota till ere 2 robbins eceo in Monday morn Robbies like may bo fooled Carter took to again lut Friday Main afreet pretty bare thsngh are in hvkap Friday night by a brand If a toss too for hi May the next holiday Kir oat week TJsronTijNArs- It reported la by fc5fny at In at a of It a fctary to city to Notwithstand ing tin Rebellion lit Bailey today that Intends to in bakery fcoooorag home and tare money by bay Bakery retail eka ad Finn The Ptreot Toll Cut cm elirilyccs it nppcd to Id atcyspirei testkr of the for Personal Mention allowed them cat their own j such as shirts fcafl drawers fioct luitfs and two Active Service Orders Names of Our Soldiers Gone to Front Leaving on Short Notice days for man belonging A com mittee of the Mayor and Mr was named to pur chase the clothing and Messrs Eve and to furnish provisions The who committee also to hare power to provide any other they consi der it The Council then to en- the Committees to go to work at The call for active service to the Battalion of York Ranger on account of the NorthWest Rebellion has wonderfully increased in this County during the present week and at the the demand for news induced us to a and afternoon Extra on Wednesday among other news the first contained the home news No- Company of York Bangers mustered the Armory on Monday night to number of when ilajor Lloyd delivered orders In response to message re- on Tuesday morning requiring active service No Company in of Ahworth a-ia- at one oclock for and drill which continued throughout afternoon Several citizen prominent among which Mr A anx ious that our men should be loyally supported in response to a call for duty drew up a petition to the Mayor which was signed by J A Basted Esq and others asking that public meeting be culled to consider the of providing suitable underclothing for be longing to Newmarket Company selectel for active service and not comfortably provided Tire Mayor immediately issued no tices culling a meeting for the pur pac stilted to take place in the Council Chamber came evening On Tuesday night the streets the Town were- full of excitement Cob arrived from Toronto with further instructions to Vol- Town Band marched up to the Fire Hall fol lowed by a large crowd The Mayor called meeting to order when the Band withdrew and for about an hour headed the Company in parad ing several streets the Town The interest at meeting was enthusiastic The Mayor Hav ing state object of culling tli he was nominated to net its Chairman Mr J Dickson Secretary Mr in moving that the Council bo requested to procure the necehary supplies to make the men com for table made a patriotic Mr Joseph the Msrs James AlUn ii V John Savage and kins of details neceaiAry to but on of that suih might safely left in the liJid of the Council the carried The Mayor highly to tte how united our were in providing for the comfort of iboe who were hardship and danger for the defence of our home On the that the Band to accouipiny the Volunteers to tbe the Mayor informed the meeting that had already communicated that it the lion of the Hand so Win with prolonged Vote of were to ibe Mayor and for the of their to which replied in ir M in of the heartily endorsed taction of the meeting and that the to include that the family of any volunteer from this Town pro vided for by lhecorjoratioh or speci al which remark was received with that while he heartily In accord with tho action provide our volun- with suitable underclothing of opinion that- County Council the whole Battalion provided of he in the of the County to- him on arid it wan their niton to at the to the War den at once ehwraforthijQuti the brought the rntirig ty a close The Council a abort immediately when out the i ORDERS AT ONCE The telegraphic message received at oclock ordering Newmarket company to proceed at once spread like wildfire and many an anxious heart said goodiye with aching void that circumstance alone can tell whether for the last time or not The hour intervening for their depar ture was busy In the Town Hall every loan of Newmarket Co and also of Sharon was provided with a pair of woolen drawers two woolen shirts a pair of woolen socks and a pair of woolen mitts At the Forsyth House each man was I led with si healthy sandwiches half a pound of cheese and a can of potted beef At oclock the bugle sound ed to fall in the Town bell was join ed by the Christian Catholic and St Pauls Church of England bells band out and streets were lined with excited people About the volunteers marched up to the Royal Hotel headed by band to tho tune of Roy id Grenadiers where Mr Jones the artist took expression of the men march Was then continued to the depot where a special train was awaiting them The parting was very enthu siastic five or six hundred people having collected on this short and rather unexpected notice as the volunteers passed through the crowd to board he earn many a fond sister or mother implanted a with a tear and many a warm shake of the hand accompanied tho parting The members of the Town Council passed through the ranks shaking hands with nil Rousing given for the and men of the Batt and also 35th were on the train ami indeed a continual cheer ing as kept up from time the vOluiiU were in sight of the train till their departure As train moved off the band chtcreJ the boys up by playing The I left hind me It was a sad Occasion to It number of but the men have the sympathy of the country at large for a sjieidy and The prompt hearty for duty shows the meter of thejiien haw to contend nnd well for the loy alty of York County accounts to the hour of going to is not re awuring Re port of Indian uprising yesterday indicate tluit a much larger force than culled out up to the present will be required and good authorities convic tion that at least ten thousand men will have to placed hi the field- It ia really no time now policy of treating with Indians as the which the of the Interior in United appear to bo the Canadian administration of wo may look for Company will bo mediately reinforced the full com pliment of mvn and drill will at onc- under either Major who to with Copt ami J i tils frieodi up North J a High School on Wed Lieut left for CoUtogrooJ on night to aay to his J Jour Esq of Domic loo official to Town on Friday The Ottawa on also Dr from the hill Mr of bury the of Mr Ifclfry near for call on from Toronto lit of Iter the pa- in Lc in the church at Sic J- J for me time id the of Sir left for oiling to the of father of Mi Ceo hit Mr ONrg Dun Jhn on for the of ou the J tod Chst lrothr of them lit The or hone Mr J who to the of church Mil wilt hit on the of Mr RoU of Hill cm of of the expected to th for the threo Sua- Mr ton Mr Girdtii of thUTowo the Quccni left for the father went to Toronto oa night him off fleoige Prior of ilr Din it It alto one of tic drafted Mr Allen vQ of Mr Ja Allen io a her of time riot called out of ffewmitltet Irei- of tha of otlhr and Other Items in want of the article will Cod a large at Mr J ok We remind our once of the Kale of of in the of York takes pit to on neat at the Court at II oclock In the trt a the Toil ImI A Wei It Anion hi f fir It a liifi an- Lout- dvfi third iirj liini- ij I The ffoml grace St Hi Mil and to of lr licit auLUrrt and ill be by tin Iter Mr piejirci young JJruryNvlbr a ftjtti ou eight At the volunteer the were fiifroutof flier It ran gJjg ifn a along a hide by the band and the buggy on dotog the to t To Hi All jroo that pior iff A for of lit lUUIIIon but lie to Mr Won Is lily Wall Taper vblcb be fire roll op and are dealgot a of depart- and hit at the year A of took pltco lot biting ihtt they to of for the to In tbo ytot la order fur M tirxe come- A lattice la avwUJn if the ISvtrd WiJtf web to at a folate the plto a will adrtntga or ft tad It will and Good This being is Week in St- when hate been delivered Hector Iter A on from the Cross and will fcicon- tinned and acU aerrice in iUry from JO to oclcck no tut I Toronto tooighL Headed of Wednes day A man named Edgar to- deceit girl ycira of ae He not elected to be tried by aCAolt tixk plica on Much in tbe boose of where the girl employed a Tbe was reminded to Assise fc A op Tho windows of Hardware are deemed this with general as welt at farming and adrertiiemcDt riral of ami other article at of- The Newmarket Hardware Store a very Urge aod well assorted stock led rely on School following It the of tome of the for the Month of March- Sadie Millard Martha Dew and IIP- I he Anita John Millard lit Charley Flood Frank Millard Temperance Sun- Jay School Temperance in MetbodUt Church latt afternoon attended by scholars and and of character to of the import ance of abttaniog from use of alcoholic Liquors and tobacco the appropriate by the giro a Fred aon and Ceo Montgomery giro and of a practical nature In ten pelted with anecdote from home life were given by J J J Tho deviition from the Review was appropritte aod profitable Palm Sunday The op of a tprig of evergreen in bat- tonhole or branch of the at at St Marys Church after wai a gentle reminder that Sooday bad arrired ThU event in the the and the tiny Ufa to be of the when hill and dale will of green all the tlowera end plants anncslly ioto life but to hare come a little too early year u the still gives the earth a wintry prarjoc air was delight- folly laliny Sunday At meeting of Fire Cot 2 oo duly elected for the current term Captab reelected 2nd A- J Secretary A Potter Jlrtoch Joi Murphy 2nd reelected 3rd A i It How- J Hughes A Committee to wait on tbe Company with the of amalgamation with No Co that the Toronto were called to front fa of the Rebellion w received on night with and in five after arrival of papers ooe could not hi for love or money- The on Monday mornlog when hold Newmarket in to inarch on short notice the went about notifying men At the drill the In regime and their defend wade a ry A large of were alto pre- Marching order were telegrtphed to on Tuesday morning At Court last three were ap pointed to be heard before the Mayor and J J Fcanon- J- tot Mr J A Slurp the one It tho The otbfrjwo cases were Mr Jacnra Kerr for alllog Ihjuor on Son- end of Mr J behalf of plead ed not guilty Mr J Robertson ap peared for Intpector AlargeuuoiUr of were but their mem ory teemed to fail thttn when of dattt and to taking a could not aiirar at to what drank ihevj An wu shipped North before he be and obligttl to lth not Icitvg to tbe A large of were In attend ance aud a on fetes during the eiainiustlocta A of the of the North York In th Hill Wed- In the of Vice cbtlr After the routine a from Jorf relating to union North York read efter which a predated from to confer with A motion was adapted ooiflrmlog the for an Kshl- fell the dale of the tog- gettcd for October and was agreed to was called to the fact that certain known at the Track Co again meeting without with by profit or notice or This by the Inn an on wnaMeratlon of tta rente and that a not Tie Rdoihl4 of Israel at the tomorrow nrxh neat Sunday teonta at of lot in the of wm knocked down to Mr Knight East Saturday at A I at bandnme work dona an tha Do- fj In windows of Hew market Ladies It the firat felt here abd we have bad over three monhj of sleighing Cbmpany No- waa badly Monday It is sen is aide of lice darken tbe air in spots dry ffodi nod people annoudco grand Everything lodfeatea that baa come except one thing the weather machinery bis broken a wheel and thfi is itill the Janu ary article A meeting of the of tha North York Liberal Coo plica at tbe For syth Hotel tomorrow afternoon The Art last night next Friday for Easter dayi Parkers Dye Van Town on Ttieeday Another book agent doing He excited and offended wo smiled at his effort to one of works shipped thirty cattle and a number of to Toronto on Monday Mr Richard shipped aloe for on extent of his purchases week A car on thosdiogetihe depot Wednesday awiiting orders to ship the at the North End tried bird to fool the un wary on with paper- of slacked lime on the We a morning and afternoon edition Wednesday and newsboys gave Townoite The colored picture In window of the of Aba Kits attracts wonderful attention crossed and patted down to Toronto on Wednesday Over 100 people male and female the volunteers drilling at the Market on Wednesday night Town Band also Major I conducted the drill and with a patriotic speech Business Notices or Beef account of purity and power over disease Wood Bitter Is cheapest mil blood known for all disorder ed Emulsion of with dtstrabtofor CMIJrvn A lady at the Guilds Albany We been tucce all of patients from diseases It very of In a recent states that bo met an accident by Of bit A lew of complete relief flood for We Cook boa secured the for celebrated Cigar which It Scents by 1I jood to be equal to any In the All lovers of a good smoke should not fall to call try this Justly brand A A man may but can never wlthtul good to re blood bo kept pure and errynrgHOln proper ac tion purify btood reguute all theoryjus lioit is y If lrilsd re lotto and fa ycrjcrctl Red ask for relit LB Writes b4tafGrntc W hot- for attack and Id baa It ttadtitri being slowly aosailaWe snob com- and enemy by bat la case wo will them at fertile Bee own town J Suttoa Items- Era I re- notice to bold volunteers under for active service in the Among many wbo are at this dtertiog the ranks of single young friend Mr John school teacher in united In to Wilder of North on ceremony was by Rev at residence here held here list docket was a Urge one and from oclock a on Friday till oclock on Saturday morning to of the before Mr of occupied Ibe Bench A number of legal were present all of whom got or less lo do Mr New market however seemed to nave a very time of It an end and investi gation into the Mr Indian Agent at last been brought to a at least so far as taking In the matter is concerned but what fiula will bo It a to aay Mr in defence put in a written In form of a declaration in which be his conduct and dealing with the Indiana just and equitable in every particular and farther that it bid been falm a special study and anxiety to advance interests and wellbeing He alio charged the movers in Ibis pretention of not being with a desire to benefit the Indians but on the contrary to l prompted by a of envy malice and Mr books called for and iu so far related to the Indian after which bo by Mr of Toronto counsel for the prosecutioo In Mr positively denied the troth of many of the of the Indiana particu larly In rrgard to treating then to intoxi cants oh admitting only one when be gave an a of Ale at hit at any other times it licit for medicinal pur- The dhrLim any as that attributed to them and that are in tbe internet of and alio in the public inter- tat and claim that such an enquiry was a and further that the evidence folly vindicates the coarse taken In the matter lK J hi tiring tin Tao- V peitWa of tb Ki at week to bird for to their tit wciltela coo ad ToeaJij- hat thj Bat ire from abort fas theyre tnaloed ibtjr adJournrJ agalo April fcJFSn3iriclirfiiijp Government muni all The up o morning for via Swift Current with and cannon It is supposed that ho can reach in if It feared that tho Puck Lake will go and cutoff all commu nication od Indiana in tha vicinity hi l infractor fc Special Despatch A special tcjephono to Era at yesterday afternoon says that Fenians been mus tering nt on American side for days EBELUON Continued Excitement Leaving Toronto Another Indian Outbreak News from Holland Landing- ilr J absent at as one of the in the CMC who has lire got our auinmer irorkT We out Ho many nlaroiata fam- My Wo Ave dollars for six bottles of Ilia Kits la Just ilia will ay on In to his home fur put few days a rert is rapidly Mr wld home lot to Mr who out a milling Jhe vbijfa on by Mi hare been largely aHeodcJ proved highly Mr Tail hat act jet at c J home Kwglaud hot he daily expected widow of the Iter Mr Where It Keep It In your family tor accidents no emergencies for burn w l and or soreneai nil th beating rent si To A Curdle Cerate will skin on either faanda or and leave all older for for A Carbolic Cerate and do not be persuaded to try any thing to box at Thai Cold Youtblnkaolltitoofmey prove of com plaint Hut may be fatal Avoid re by taking or remedies catarrhs tliixwt mug Toronto will vie Hotel on tbe 2nd of for treatment of all forma of He have up by yens tie has cur of aklll bat follows plan of treatment entirely If yu well under do not call e It Is bis to treat who have given after long have Ml Apill fib for headache It doe not take a or art hour locate but leu a all la gone merits the year Fluid la The worst ailble caws have been permanently cured In at Drug Trcnlinenl the that achieved In muJIeliio IreAtcoeM for catarrh lug the fully ninety cured of stubborn This It none the when It Is ibit five per Cant or pa Herds to fbe prarikluner ore befit while the patent medicines end euros never a euro at all with claim now generally belle by the scientific men that the due to the presence living the onto sdapfed to their tills practlcAltycuredodlbepsrrountnoylauo as cures affected by four years ago are one has ever attempted to ours tbli Ircatmsnthaa star the la at home the present of tre year la the permanent tbe majority of rates being cured at one treatment A street Veit for their eijfw Morton Mrs sod of sent here with Mrs The indlcatiouaof are tbe farmers locality to briny forth their the re pairs before com a eat the earn- It is that the in this with diphtheria etc rapidly re covering and that all tracts of fatal die raw will sube out Mrs sold her left for wilt her future home Hilt be held lu afternoon at p lec It the mill break up and la at an I Toronto March 30 From mom until the regiment had taken their business completely at a standstill Stores tho lino o march by persons asking to view the from an window- It almost to the that composed assembled the hut most the centre closely Queens Own ore equipped with carpenters tools provided by the regiment They also armed with revolver York Rangers commanded by LieutCot and under Lieut- Col OBrien have received to muster one at beadquarters for in North- West- Flack Tito advance train has just this point quite good time as was expected to bo mode- A number of members of the House of Commons out to to the Volunteers through Among them Mcra Small liny city Sutheriand Oxford J and White They took advantage of the occasion to ask Mr Edward who had out to some of family members of the Queens to make a to Otter of JACK with aruii Mr lock introduced the subject by saying that the members irrespective of par anxious to show that they were a uiiit iu their earnest desire for tbe success of this expedition wish to show it in some titling way He request Mi to make Mrs came for ward addressing Otter A of my in House of Commons desirous of ex pressing their sympathy and good wishes with men under your com 111 and the expedition on which have now started have desired mo to Sgffj two formerly of farm a hair killed April n from is irvn Afternoon rivftrni tonigbt another i- ft J saying ihty were re enpmbcra attack fort occupies strong hundred rpUr i ground There arc north the other ptc or other ticking fort got to the those in the fort could not om good io l Oa the north shore is large stock so J owned by two i two settlers No button wero for active fy mi on at imt of men turned r- a I were J four oclock for to by train to Aurora The supplier with cloths and the citizen viJ another in their to comfort of the men Brass Band turned out I other appropriate prevailed f and E4- nionton are likely to jointhosoat ho wires- are still WFa7tWfchi A -Bou- just returned from bo nolo through the l6ijoUtVA ioitbjtbplerolprairi J He however has a thousand When Irvine and and that a number of Indians are joining the Col with for Edmonton yesterday LieutGovernor hold ing a parley with by from AH they is clothing provisions and pipes arid he has agreed it is said to give them what they ask A and B are ex pected hero next Saturday from the cost were at Dog Lake lost sonic miles east of Port Arthur Along of tho sections from Dog to there is an ample stock of provisions and Mr Harry always bakes bread at Ins camp near Bog for men and frequently for as many as so that anxious parents need have no fear that their dear ones Will lack tbe necessaries however touch they may miss luxuries of life IN Mar 11 The body of troops arriv ed from station last and are in the Town Hall and the Hudsons Bay sheds and la few in shacks boarded touts still re main the station to bo in vase the File Hills and Crooked bauds who arc moving about in a wry restless manner should make railroad sent out to Rio Hill probably remain there for a day or two until the main body advances north the farm instructor who was killed has Ferry J up fill right though rumor stillhas it lo from the Chimb- tolay that he has There is- no if that will be able doubt that the File Hills Indians are by but the authorities will rruirDg tin the endeavor to win over by of liberal presents of aud pork March M Four compan ies of the battalion are Qrdercd lv will to in for in W000iiofoKiue6ti NorthWest Two of these to A from li Admiral IV1V1 and the other from Alliston Tho r company arrival or at here afternoon They were in favor spirits anxious to get J I MEWS CABLE in the Soudan War Declared with The French Lose England Preparing to A from tit it Much The in lilt j atuoaII ilfi There fcrcf titijTi he the Kill iV ffl at Qllj wat llc on who tot to the tMukiog from vent but to on- tflniloii to In up St if Try prefix lev Hub or Hi Did Haiti Skin I i In lately ml all over the About Keswick Items svculag Dirlilon hew officers for term the following mull SI W- W Join tfanlll Kilo If A Coo W J out Saturday a good la uoralofi pulpit of Mr ltel of ihe circuit sad lu laorolog by of tfitttoa i sod ths si by thi of il out WITH THIS I do so with jreat and the same time would like to add my own heartfelt prayer for your speedy success and safe return Col replied in a feeling words and said very much touched by this evidence of the sympathy of the of the llouso of Commons and would endeavor to show them- worthy of having to their care Cheer A company of local volunteers headed by a band were in attendance to greet the passing regiments ami A OF every part of platform llio reception was an exceedingly warm one train bearing Grena dier having in the meantime coma up were treated at the restau rant to an excellent repast This oc casioned a delay and it was after twelve before trains again got under way March Mesais Co received a telegram from the to complete their contract for pant and Jas OlJrnn completed army overcoats and t Klernan over tunica pant The city ia greatly excited over out look North- West account of A general uprising of Indians luring to bo A from reports an outbreak of in tho File Fort having that 100 had join ed the rebel movements there had killed the Jndiati Agent Nichols sunt forward to point com- Winnipeg- Utiles gun and portion of the Field Advices from today the situation there is getting worse Mr McKay agent of the A tt Company then telegraphed Ailllj Afternoon and In dian With Indian Agent I ventured out of t with lieu we were fired by They tried to cut us our way kick to barracks in getting safely TWO KILIKt A auUerjuent from thnt tho had killed two form Another privuto this afternoon slated that round ford had joined Indians in of nil store and outside barracks A despatch received the eight tonight THE IS TUB nuns And ammunition for number thnt think can hold out till relieved am ex pee ted at ltattlcford from Duck Stony Indians joined others and The building on sjde every man with underclothing March the iir The town- military about it and preparations are being War to th mad- lor everything to make the men Lord for t lit comfortable Council furnishes of wen l army that cot Hi to litre beta iu sits Sir J no said There the IWW4 the ex- either two satisfactory items of mi The ici The first is that the move- ments on in all probability put at have rt and satisfactory sol- therefore ution Hear hear The other is out lb that we have the strongest assurances for war from Crowfoot the chief of the great Kriythio lb that ho and they II will remain loyal under all circura stances hit iU Today the Quebec mf fifty id ait wi J with I caul huiitrMW that under the command of twp in Lieut Col P by reason of morning tele rams from the locality NEWMARKET FOR- UPS I Way ft on ban SCOTCH a Foil Stock of GINS DIAMOND- OLD AND iia DA VIES in and STOCK OF PRIME MAIN SORtt BXCUK310N3 TO fat IX THE TUESDAYS 17th and MS p 111 bo t llowea on roll Settlers t lit be Trains 6 Unit towns J ATKINSON

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