Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Jan 1885, p. 1

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SBWJIABKET ERA gvcry Friday Morning BY GJACKSON PRINTING HOUSE ST of BEACHED SUBSCRIBERS In County InlltGfUooi lo MS LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ALL OTHER LIBERTY i FT Powder NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies 3 Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Jan Terms Cash in Advance within or at end of year of who tula its It Powder from or lh bert VJlUaiJA6rtioahUeonuc3t Bold by a Co Toronto liWMAUKET INSURANCE AGENCY fa pire Life Occident GAINS P LEE Boiler Inspection and Insurance wr of 1 Mutual Insurance Co and Stone Wellingtons J J HARDWARE STORE NEWMARKET try mm MILLN AT COST LEGAL THOMAS J Notary Public oa good MOORE THOMAS BRADLEY PAINTER GLAZIER Timothy fin Weal or Mil AND- Factory It Etc mix ETC tury and Conveyance A8 LICENSED Forth County or York and laod OUT from a for left will be promptly attended to Fine Embroideries Hade to Order COOKS BILLIARD PARLOR BEST AND CHEAPEST OF FANCY WORK MATERIAL IN THE TOWN JCOW IK- AILAX firilsTEH Conveyancer Ac Solicitor wrE-No- 1 Adelaide MONEY TO Solicitor l RUNNING ORDER 3 OF POST EVERY CONVENIENCE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE A NO New Years Day The The lcafl53 branches way Th A Of And florreri replies I hear the rioging So near fir away This happy tueiiigo We meet day And be And though the be For me the air ii Aj any jammers day Beneath lironriru Oar facewH wjj said With of red Aroand as all wonders Of Natures alow decay Bat loud thunders Oar welcome riogj I eyes will brighten And swiftest dusky Oer for which I Of all Klad the gladdest Will be ray own to say My lore and I who her WiU meet on Years day Select Reading Catherine i to loan a it ox toarnfoffrttd a ftvun Over lb t Federal Bats GOAL GOAL I I Finding the Credit System unsatisfac tory to both myself and customers I have decided to adopt Strictly A hired Aurora Out TO LOAN Stove and Nut A Lean Chain Toronto tit re I ytvfjirktt r Monty HA 1 1 lilt No she had a headache and I advised her not to her son I dont think your good news seemed to cheer her much I suppose from what you said it about that goodfornothing brother others Yes ho to bo doing well I delighted to hear it as long as he does well on the other side of though I they not So they at it all the ho was reading tho and considering writing words of the letlter leforo him it was that previously read letter that was slowly burning itself in his brain it was those few words in his handwriting which grouping themselves on tho paper of notes before him pushed open tho bedroom door and looked in though he knew well that ho should find it empty It was scarcely of his ho was thinking as ho looked around desolate room with flickering on tho walls of tho sad woman carrying about so plain ly written on her face the secret that was wearing out her life but of gentle girl into whose cheeks ho had loved to edit up a quick flame of color the girl whom ho had thought to him whoso soft voice and gentle movements he had himself learned to love He pushed aside tho curtain and looked out into the dark night The rain was coming down steadily ha remembered how chilly and miser able ho had during his long drive mid that thought seemed to bring back a current of his brain Where was she I Surely not out this bare idea quickened his steps He dropped walked hurriedly the room search of bis mother She had gone to her own room and in a few minutC3 ho was with her Mother he began at once where is Catharine I do not know J not seen her all day fihe never canje down stairs lie did not answer in words but he throw the two letters on the her She read them slowly each twice over as if striving to clearly them j then I see she said from his letter that you suspected some one else from this touching the paper her can easily guess of what Whom looking steadily him did you suspect Ho did not return the look his eyes fell to the halfsheet in mothers hand I cannot think of ocean Sometimes fancy Catherine frets after him Twins are always supposed to suffer from separation ore say But in this in- she began fortunately the From First day of January 1885 A MEDIO A iirett IM fiEiW itotiKits Newmarket- Hi l HOWE AC Mill sir Or CANADA HEAP INTEREST ALLOWED ON -WHAFTS- -ISSUED- ON AND ALL JOINTS CANADA SIMPSONS wIl a wTbvans to DIRECTOR I Ik- I lilN nAYlXU Hit of tllQ Pure Drugs and Chemicals THIS WAY 11m it CHOPPING aro tint lit J I 1 In Notes ffscounted M lliniHt Srfiii4ikit a jjKSriMT iiif COME AND SEE how tu1pW iijq lit ftr itv rJisil tip with f Jwj vuy known SMALL POX In lli CHAM A NOW Lave nil Mr If stoic Tin Types for t ink lurluif Hi Jltlfv fU White bethink it to IhSPCCT PRODUCTIONS Of North of IN FANCY GOODS Our hi VI4W ijitMMll Slipper Braiding i in in liKtt Tobaccos rtre A Cord II Vint ilIm find i hand lli rwfillxciitid nr frurWI Up ilU I if I f A Co- I filler 1 I I dr IM BAILEYS akkr the LEAD I- it I ivPf IM ifcci Ma rim a or- lioeubcs I i Choice Confectionery Sugar Toys Christinas and Cakes a A Marvelous Story TOLD IK TWO FROM THE SON KSftftS My Vt- Ho a iwtn j aril Hie rtU tell JOtt 1 In Mi I 1 or at lea jtj tut It In form rMfilu orou utiHI fiiu a A wlilcb It fvluftllyi4d I jcaLc m it t a of Km jo Im I could vlo I W FROM THE FATHER for Hie i i yon I RELIABLE -ai- YKAKS m a I f tj I L R Aplllut I L I op fttltiU to iliaigcst Jcst Stock roiiM fnr flft Jautiiiy IM to If El HOWE it tfi Mtkftc lr iter fc All IIbJV all Mm far ill II w I own for nil fid I commit with ftfd in itcMV ml to to ltj to cir I I of lo ul My ftrd I voll tOW do gOJ u I tin J tried you Vt Oct ficrorui all Hutu of fikJn It of 11 lta of it 1 stance I should not think such was likely to be case I dont know remarked thoughtfully I often think she would to sec Then a momenta pause Mother he hesitatingly a it strike you that looks delicate much whiter and thinner than used to be looks consumptive I think Lady replied What do you mean ho liecaii angrily and then in a gentler voice J wish you not such things looks delicate J I dont suppose she is very strong and the cold weather never agrees with her I think I shall take her out of Eng land for a couple of months Isabella made no reply Consumption repeated a moment later what an idea Her mother died of it Lady Isabella remarked in her cold voice and then wont on to talk of other things as if there was nothing further to li said on the subject did not second her endea vors shortly remained broken I am going to to mor row announced saying night I shall not tako Cath erine with me I think you his mo rejoined It would be as well not to run any risks of a fresh cold put down thn advertisement shoot the Hints to mako this re mark and having made it resumed study of its columns her son shortly I urn going to smoke Nine oclock was strikiutf slowly solemnly when Mr Ames entered tins silent the next evening hastily through it between the warriors Jhere was no light in the room when he pushed open he door of his hut when at length ho had struck a match and lighted a candle ho taw there two letters lying on table He picked up one it had hi written it in his handwriting and opened it It was so shot that took it all in at one glance Do not angry cannot you again until I linvo to my brother Hut though words to distinct cense did not seem impress itself upon his brain iitclianicaly Im dropped it on table by its envelope and taking lip other seal without the direction was not much in this one either a of foreign paper and enclosure uttered to the table as he the letter Dear You been so good to mo all our lives that I pray of you olid to forgive It was you guessed temptation of a moment when you left mo alone that afternoon J have repented over since and have only waited to write till I could send it back and now after two months absence from city I re turn to find your letter that has been waiting nil this time Nothing will right hut perhaps for your ho will try to forgive Tell him tho truth It is only of conscience over being at again It was only when ho had come to tho last word and read signature bat Mr bethought himself to turn over envelope lying on tho table and then saw that it was to his wife not to himself letter was addressed after all what did it mat ter ho thought picking up en closure which until then ho had not looked but bo know well enough what it was to valuo of twenty pounds And all timo ho was looking is not ono of wide extent in family Then her yes following direc tion of his fell also on letter she still held and a sudden something of horror crept into them and she look ed quickly back to hint Not she begun and he never recalled having seen his cold stem mother much moved Oh no her voico trembling her anxious Yes ho replied harshly I thought she had done it and I told her so Did you know he went on immediately that youth that was hero that lay 11 No no she never told me He was in trouble I know turned out of the ollico in which my brother had procured him work In debt too ho wrote asking for money I paid bis debts and then he wrote again saying he wished to leave the coun try Ho had beard it seemed of opening in America Did she scud him any more then I suppose she did whatever she did it could not have been but she made ire promise not to tell you she always hoped he would do better and sho did not wish his previous wrong doing known until bo had a of righting himself fan cied from something she said that she meant to oak you herself to send him help of course later I thought she bad done so He bad turned away was leaning against the chimney piece all the time she speaking and had shown no sign of hearing her Hut as she paused be looked around You were angry at my you have never sijd kind word to her slnco I think you must bo satis lied now Oil sho cried rising to her feet all the coldness from her eves voice do not speak to inn like that I did not approve of your marriage and told you so Her olso lie interposed You did not spare her 1 warned her beforehand only warned her that it ws and she did not tho warning and since then Since then ho went on harshly you stabbed her just as cruelly with your silence as you did before with your words My darling my poor darling between us wo have driven you away into cold world You know turning back for a moment how gentlo was if wo had been gentle to her either of uk do you think would been to keep alt that to herself for threo months He did not wait for an answer to bis words if woman before him had had any to offer Not very much later ho reentered room with bis coat on 1 am going to Liverpool ho said briefly standing in tho doorway to what left today for America and lo out particu lars of ships that this week If I find that has today I shall follow in the first steamer but I will telegraph from there what I do J To hesitated ft as If in un certainty then in closing tho door behind him mother ho if you bavo been hard so I If wo had boon kinder would told us everything It was pride that kept me silent not reluctantly His tnothor did not reply In words but nearer and took his hands in hers Ho felt thorn and bo saw tears In tho bard Ho hurriedly and kissed Her A later ho was driving as as a fast would htm through wind and rain toward Daw- try Station six miles away There of an hour to spare when of lonely station in sight ho dismissed the dogcart and servant and went in at once mean ing to ask as many questions a ho could without raising any curiosity Having seen a portmanteau placed in a corner ho sauntered up and down tho wet platform or twice revolving in his mind how best to approach the subject without be traying anxiety of his heart before bo had determined on quite tbo most of beginning it was difficult not to throw something of air of a de tective into enquiries his cur rent of thoughts was checked by Mr Lucas stationmaster approach ing him Good night sir ho ob served and then apparently recogniz ing him You come for Mrs Ames ho said she has already started Started repeated with difficulty restraining his anxiety Yes in ago I was attending to hut I just saw her step out of and pass on platform It was only seeing you put Die in mind of it bod missed you waited to hear no more Almost Lucas had finish ed speaking ho was outside tho wooden shed that constituted tho so- called station of Junction wind had risen and drove- rain in strong cold gusts in bis face he turned down dark narrow between high bare hedgerows that led toward Weston Even he healthy but toned up coat tightly with a shiver when he first this cold wintry blast and fact recalled to his nind slender figure that must be such a little way ahead of him painful cough that bo bad learned to dread hearing the slight quickcoming flush ho hod learned to dread seeing and he quickened pace Hilt after all ho bad not far only far enough to thaw his half- frozen blood and bring back deli rious sense of warmth and comfort when he saw ahead of him the slight figure but dimly visiblo in the nar row road through Ho closo was to him that if he had called Catherine must have he an I But his heart was beating so quick ly that ho feared blustering wind would haver carry his trembling voico to her ear so he want a few paces nearer noted how with bent walked on if in a dream struggling so little ftgajnat wind and rain that every two or throe steps bad to pause and steady herself before she could go on Some doubts of frightening her made him about speaking but while ho paused considering sho stopped again so sloso to him that tbo littlo familiar cough sounded in bis ears Then he cried heed less of anything but that she was near to him and in pain There was no terror or surprise visiblo in the face turned toward hint Oh sobbed like a tired child throwing arms about bis neck and clingling tightly to him take mo homo I am so Oh do not leave me No dear lie answered soothing ly Hut it is so far to too rainy looking around at miserable landscape Then realizing how wot figure was that clung to him I will take you to and send for carri age said nothing seemed scarcely to understand bis wordy only to realize that help and protection were near so clung to tlm strong arm that supported her Hut when lights of came in sight sho stopped I wrote letter olio began vaguely till morning I left Yes I got it ho answered You shall tell mo about it when you are warmer He liurried her into tho small room at he station where a bright was burning and then sought out Mr missed carriage ho said shortly Which is way of getting not Mr suggestion was that Ames should Jo to his house and get dry things from his sister who lived with him whilo a message was sent to tings Am a for a carriago and as seemed nothing else to done Mr Ames agreed Certainly to get dry clothes was first necessity He roenUred littlo waiting- room while kindly Mr ran across dividing garden to sister far her visitor ho glaring gas lamp snowed him Catherine just where ho had placed heron tho small up in front of fire Ho had taken ids heavy furlined coat and wrap ped it about her In of her own wet cloak and he saw that had fallen into a sort of uneasy slumber her hand under her cheek It seemed he bad hover before no ticed how thin was how dark the lines under her eyes or bad this day wrought so much Catherine ho cried down her- started at his voice and sat up resting hand on bis shoulder Lovat began speaking un evenly and quickly no why I came back I wont away this morning you know I and when I saw first I could not remember why I bad back now I do It was to tell you his arm around her There is ing to Ml He has written She looked at him a moment as if scarcely understanding his words the color slowly her lips and cheeks then a moment later was white and still in bis arras did not ask many questions not even afterward but seemed quite content to drift slowly back into life in her husbands care with no anxiety to her of what had before Those words be has written telling of the letter for which had waited and hoped day after day till life itself seemed sacrificed to her long ing were all cared to hear even the letter itself did not affect her in a great measure content to lie still all day in Mr Ames wrote or read silent as but skill with a difference in the silence from that of these last terrible months A silence that no longer served as a wall of partition but as a tender union that no words could ever wrought I cannot think with her head on his shoulder at lie knelt her why I did not trust you toll you everything I used to think you so hard and unforgiving and fear you That first day you know hesitating when you came in and put it down there pointing to the table I thought at first from what yon said that you had guessed who had it just as I did It was only after soma I under stood what you meant and that it seemed better to it so just for a while until I heard from him The truth would have been bet tor Yes yes she sighed but I am such coward Not now kissing her now for my sake you will ho breve Yes yes sho cried bursting into tears help me help me Oh mo whatever happens never again to bo as you have been these last three months As ho had been to her over since he weddingday The lesson of his was in those words Religious Instruction IK SCHOOLS Minister of Education ha apparently wived and toe difficult about character amount of religious instruction to bo in tho and High Schools of Province A of Scripturo has boon prepared under lion of Department in to in bands of teacher in convonient form portions of Bible adapted to capacity of and High School pupils This vol- a not lo bo a claw book to bo used by but as a guide to the in bis daily reading of Scripture to scholars to that it has boon careful ly revised by representatives of all loading religious tione will bo Found ft of lessons so arranged to includo the most portions of both Old and Now From following regulation which received sanction of in Council It will be seen that conscientious convictions and scruples of all classes carefully guarded Public and High Us opened with lh of tho the or the jujerunctiODed the of Th of Scriftntd liken for that Hirpuo the of lion and shall he Kail without or WSf re a con- and elusion the ho dull notify the to el feet riling I- pupil he jort in the to the of willing the of the by Ten he Icait once a dial a copy of the authorized in each of the Iubti mil High School their the Jata hereof The clergy of denovniiiition or in hoiked dull hud the right to give to tho of their in school a week hour of of the school in Ihe ftftciinn if than Irimind lion to give religion instruction in the how School ilui or house dull he at the at tho timo for School Hoard or of any hour of the at vldrh a or authorized to the own it be Hot he regular of the It is not a littlo whioh been gained when of all religious denominations of Province their lion to of selections to tho proposed by these religions to bo raodo it No Christian of any can usoof Lords Prayer ft Ar two at In Interim of ia or icncUerH lo bo fully represented and their rights carefully teacher it will be observed is simply to read tho bo lected for tho and no explanatory remark of fcind- Council Thy met to ad at In the of Button luitnnt- Mem present tDtc approved A received from the Clerk of In mule hy ttio municipal- A of atul were iro- by Mr to ho by ratel a J culvert CO J J work on timber for culvert Jrtioelaeeto Johu Ikmnell on Con J a bridges at Vii ft J A Joi J do J til John Stark tin Kceteh Will do lUyiKinl In at IMoru la freshet John IK of A Treloir W Ik gravel rep JL A liicllrvvi or road Job i 100 a di in J it at SCO i I 13 SO aw trustee it ML jK all about It Perhaps it is cowardly but I cannot boar it any longer that what I But when I was vaguely it aeeined if I ought to tell you It loo her voico it I wicked la hiding it aaho In doing it ho wWy putting utivafa Mr by Mr llial lor of l-X- to UUtliHl UUtll Carried Mr by Mr that bo refunded to John John for On of Mr Mr fcuci of wfl lo bo paid Id ft cerlaln under Viewer claimed to been filled In by Wilder that Clerk la hereby to tbo Wilder the Collector Holt for ISO A Introduced and for attlp for year and alio a and Deputy Of Municipal Of HA No filiepimrda Hull nut Kail It No IIoum r A a P It- No Vatca Shop John Yalta It ibt tine die On night of of St Catharines aad proceeded to Brampton and worth of from St Kills months ago Thomas la impli cated In tho robberies Sharon boa decided 07 Ino San coorta in auit by Hill claiming to bo loo wifo of ex-Son- Sharon for and of proporty ly to bo worth On Mr J Morria loacher a No skipped out having a nam- of boys to mourn lose of dollars Of ho to for nothing bat fighting ho boon in aavoral monU noarly always coming off victorious in that lino worst by him of any ono was advantago taken of bis pupils Thoy had resolved to collect all edforChrlatrafta and their a present a of for him to ft to on ay colloolioD in all to with bought and bad It toady with an ftddrasa for occasion Banner Doc A far named of living about a and from nnd killed crossing in front of train near station about from says Con Gordon has cap tured a consdorablo quantity jrnin by his slcamors and now recuives from eastern bank of Kilo Ho is making his own powder and chances of holding out until Lord aro very good An accident which proved to be alight hut which near being a serious happened to Mr p Wood on Sunday morning Mr S was driving Mr and Mrs Wood child homo with him to spend the day when frightened at logs on roadside backing cutter was backed into ditch upset whole party being thrown out A iron on the dashboard caught Mr Wood in tho thigh ing an ugly fleshwound and cutting very to an Had art ery been consequence would been serious it a stitches needed but wo ox- patient will bo around in a days Bradford Witness Pea Early on morning an altercation between young men in Elliots hotel Mr Elliot them out of bar and they left it but immediately on Mr Elliot went out and when doing so bed him in tho doctor was- sent found that of Mr Elliots lungs had been penetrated in a very critical condition- At this morning and Johnson charged with subbing Elliot The evidence when Johnson bound over to appear when wanted waiting to loo of Mr va

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