fog opening Mechanic wring large- feeling of Interest tho work or by generally iIm 1 as it bo library by JiTf Government as of the end Hid n endeavoring to furnish elevating ii 11 ring the winter receive the end of tlio Oils entertainment on Friday evening flrstolfiM in appreciated by the lent of Public Wesley Mrs Dr ployed a of overtures mi piano in excellent manner Hiss gave a recitation with usual grace end and Co and doliglitcd tbo audi charming rendition of a tilled Ioat nnd Found an of Chicago tiro and a warm en- to tbo responded by sing the by tbo River Mia Minnie- Dr Montgomery of made be fore a Newmarket singing lioart trust on end for on gave Walters Wooing In tho part no- lei eluded by and PibbildT3 of Ibo Tables Anderson who in libutcd largely talnrriont concluded Hi charges Hero well by re Olio- Ml of thirteen company ing herself on thogu rapturously applauded in rcspoi universal approval Miss a pathetic- sentimental balled lO Doit angry with mo darling Several Bongs were given In good style by Mr A I while Mr Alex JIuir amused the audience with n rendition of Mrs Party and Mr of Aurora cleverly a song entitled Awfully Clever winning hearty pbyed ho accompaniments for id Mr Walter Roo for Mies Robertson and Mr God nave tbo Queen proceeding flic President Mr the that it in contempt lion to fori miniature of the Institute and have regular during the winter in Id rill be Mr ASSOCIATION The of ibis Sutton on evening of the 10th inalan said before splendid To indebted for th full returns but ly hoped debt iIio ill Hied in its com will be off by Sbar n Band were given in a stylo not to pi lid by fiiiy il fact all tin tin and pivliirnicd and Well long and first ias of by Miss Faith MiesKiity and Isabella and the petite Miss Florence Char ily and well merited the plaudits given J favored the will the eliiimi Good bye good bye in i style and was deservedly but as the was rather lengthy did not respond Tableaux No ties an incident of the of tlcn followed Miss Ritchie taking tho of Jessie tie minor being represented by the Missed A Ritchie Turner and Messrs M Anderson and made a splendid group Tbo CI ever popular air was by It and brought down the bouse Family Flow Flour or lit Hi- l Kill lilt Ills Union took J It llioo Od in it A grim nod part Ira Mr Staph ttio Kalo win for of Luuibcrnion Ottawa on to go into ibo pood for ir Now I murder of ally I llio Sill Ontario of Jinad will most at on Hie Bret Monday of November rito for No at Ottawa was turned y by An or St Ban In Block was subscribed by local nt with capital iiie and carry on Mr Will Porter implement factory jTtri3 ftMiriJteXwfJai AT IK LU ARTS NEW FALL GOODS WR3 OF North said liilbio To of liave the Council of tbo Municipality of I At Hat Co 111 bat and want rail ay connection with A Toronto lie japed from custody from doff to the grouud a distance of of the Liberal candidate a recent Scottish election is tho rao striking proof yet given of decline of faith in Liberal leaders Timothy GriGin hostler at the Hotel Bellville was gored to death la by bull foil from too lo iilu the maier io front of the Bull along A daughter of Mr Whitby fell head fi St- and hi Ik Inst of two scenes fir of flour only were greeted with jeers being a sell but upon the rising of the tie second time only one barrel was d covered no was it visible it fell io four quarters disclosing a litt lady Miss Linton nursing a do storm of applause which greeted perfectly deafening the old but Martha the Milkmans Daughter folks It Mr Editor have present to have t tperhap3you dont require any Toe first was city courtship which by Miss Ritchie and Mr Brown who looked as loving courtship was given by Mis and Mr Townley were about greenest for the business you over eat eyes both seemed to think that diatanc fiot to the view an visibly affected you may life heard the applause at Newmarket Stevenson When the fly in good style followed by the charming tab- I Night nod J representing Night and Miei Morton of Morning and M Ritchie decided applause by the pretty duett Noil was the tableaux of tt8eaoni with following Spring Miss Kitty Miss Morton Miej Winter Miw was decidedly good Miss Pillowed jo songs duly was before Wall of Oslawa on Saturday at St banged on 30th December for having tie girl Inst July Mr lately from land was incidentally shot in the bar id bead while shooting last Friday near Hi wound however are not considered fatal on Saturday morning The cargo will probably be a total loss the express who stole the two from the office St Gather ines on the of March hat was tried or Thursday convict d and sentenced seven years in the penitentiary An agitatirn is at Loudon to a knowt as East End which embraces the whole oil refinery car district with population of The beavers Northern and the of lalitudej as having already commenced to put up double doors to their dwell ings from which the rural sacra predict A fiendish attempt to set fire to a of Halifax in which louse NO 1 MILLAHDS BLOCK Ml I lliK FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS FAMILY AND GROCERIES HOOTS AND SHOES READYMADE CLOTHING t7 All I for t v 1 1 Jr w was opened a bucket of kerosene oil placed and set on It however and lished A very sad fata accident secured the 13thinstant instant to a young an named Allen residing Dear Weston Bcl less manner now aware of its being load ed Allan but tho muzzle in Mb and told to fire which he did and to his sorrow the gun discharged fracturing his in a most frightful manner killing him instantly Peruvian This valuable cine has been silently public favor by ihe numerous FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE SIGN THE BIG Arrival of Reasonable Goods HARRISON CO a found choice Silks and figured Liu- tree CoLouj i n ilJirut olori of STAPLE DRY GOODS To Invito special Family Groceries for quality and price Equalled by few Surpassed by none and Glaittoare having bought large quantities they offer great bargains Boots and Shoes a speciality worthy of inspection by those who desire a and Pur and Cloth Gaps- Ladles For Sets In newest Styles litest designs Plain and Vesting die CLOTHING READYMADE TO ORDER A hearty to every one who will call in and view the goods at the Centre Sto SIGN OF THE BIG the value will bo given for raorcliantahle produce CO if REASON NEW GOODS Every Department a Most Attractive TORONTO saw DRESS NEW SHAWLS NEW AND CAPS NEW BOOTS AND SHOES vMfyrt ii of two mills a ra on Mr 131 J of I o I OMilip boons of firica or of Ilia And for it for tle of to tle of fifteen dollars in tcAfreJl bo raited by rats id of am is For it 1874 so For year 1875 an For the For llo For tbc si For year 1879 at For tie year 1880 at For year 1831 tile For llo year 1882 si For year Tor tbc year si For year 1885 si For tbo year tics For 1837lles For tle year For tbc year the sum of For lb year sow of 1323 For tle year the sum of For tbc year 1892 or For year sum of Ami amount of the sr properly in the sail North aiy i in the nature of dividends from a of a of or 129D nor 1322 1312 of of or J of 1331 or til lien or In lililCnlie bin far 1 on- nlbdayofDm bo Of 111 the said I performed Ilasingnlaveffioacj offing to the protoxide of iron which in this preparation remains unchanged Ibo only form in this of healthy blood can b suppl Power of Wj Dresaiog Ibo Bride taking part Bride making a charming could 1 liabr Ad tie pccial rate equal may be sufficient for the payment of Ibc said debentures and as the same shall become due eud yable to be levied in said Township or North in addition to all or it is viz For the year a rale or too mills thirtyBn or a mill on the I Ibe dollar For year tiro milla and lliirlyfivc of of For the year a rale of tiro mill a mill dollar For the year a rate mills and forty of a mill dollar For year 1881 a rate mills and thirty on the For tbc year 1852 a on the dollar and year nine or i For Ihe year a forty ate the do so bundreths of a mill For the year a rale lliirlytwo of dollar For the year 1863 mills and in dollar For year 1889 thirtyone hoi II on Ibc dollar For the ye ta is iHDg G A NEW COATINGS NEW NEW TROUSERINGS lbs of a mill r a rate of a year a 1 thirtythree bond lis and in- the dollar For the i and thirty lliiiaLnryletslienonllisIJyto HALL MONDAY The above a true copy of a rrcri by the month pnl En an ii- rriet Era bs day of I Courier on of 1673 Kill beheld and Ibe voles of of North trill be taken as on Monday the commencing and November A ek in the let of the and fixed by the ninth of lire above true copy of the said proposed By NEWM Hardware Store LEE Hub Spokes SPRINGS SKEINS ANVILS BELLOWS SLEDGES and llo LIST OF LETTERS REMAINISO i the on Oct