Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Courier, 27 Feb 1873, p. 1

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IX WHOLE NO lieetumarlwtoHriei NEWMARKET ONT TUURSOAY FEBRUARY TERMS IN a At the Thin- uy Monthly fas mount fill IVii irpaid will linn with tiro current kg CABINETMAKER ALWAYS ON HAND THE OP not yet been proved j Kit committee of Common Council to into at an early Jacob had been appointed question priognded by Ilqlpti lingered Jacob and turned his eyes beheld stolen the spoons an idea OP HARNESS SHOP If 1 l i I- ell A ai I JiiNii vi in LIME FOB A HlllNMlN A CARD Cols o JiikiVvllo A A TAYLOR ld lot all 11 la not a order of tilings wo important tiling in tlio world slionld get so litllo time Tor itself What no our can lint a few hours in tboneok one da oat of an or at most of admirable plan All rest goes work plougli- an resolved to in- reaping and buying and rolling plpo poor work for an immortal la it lighting tbe streets as much pa thing lo banish to make life safe to drive file ruffian to ft better Urdu Helping to that end is no bad thing to do Hero is a tea- very business that I Rut without him tbc potilenoa would sweep away city and proportion as diligent wc arc tly put it into If I loll you iword bench or at forgo in Christian him to 111 loll you factory or in That is tho If merchant cob purposely si to allow is told Monday to Saturday Jill a la of a ml 0 tlio beauty Mi to pats them If I f tell you Jim you pro- year never to ditulgo oven to a I And in our country same holds good for everybody rich No d y that at last was to doctor and lawyer have less to themselves than a It is work work work every one of us Look ponded at crowd Mint sweeps tho streets of a largo city how eager and pre occupied every one is What are By lime Mr had passed H bread and before them leaving Ralph and Jacob butter I What chance is there for any about yards behind I Youll never it In the hearing of takes of his limo woman or beast asked Jacob I think thai I can trust you Well But is hero not another to Ralph I am about to known to you groat practical doty which greatest Masonry I religion loaches Is that men should help When you wish to form acquaintance each other Now if we look at it rightly ill you do is lo which aoy one has it r the mysterious password others is generally speaking in That password is daily labor Spoon 0 that lo I ejaculated There is a low way and a tony way of Ralph as a smile on his face was displaced j looking at everything Here is a laasy all day io what might be I toll you truly drudgery sweeps and word is spoons and bakes might say ions I Ho I ah I ah I and Ralph was no bettor off than dray 1 feebly attempt diligent in if a schoolboy I learn his daily labor instead flying outside our religion show Whaledeteryedo doitHEARTi- Lord Upon your Upon my so Ralph as ho pot his his scratched his to hide a Smile of a Mai THE PASSWORD Eastern Curiosity and timidity arc the two traits in the character of Ralph Tbc former quality some years ago made him desirous of learning the tho fraternity but he had heard that hot gridirons and p goats will sharp horns made use of during the ceremony of initiation Ralphs timidity warned him that as he was not copperbottomed he should falsi Weeklies formed it dispensable adjuncts in tin- THE Iltlii lRKSS ftioo Imkjicmhnt in lolitic cob whom ho I cob DANIELS HOTEL OTTAWA llou0 la in- re GRAHAM JOHN COOK Ac Inn fe WORTH to subscriber to Jar Fireside Friend d lie during a j on I would to become a of tin djin a I think you ought to about Do they brand you with a hot gridiron if what part of tbe body Like all Masons when such question re asked Jacob would smile and say After you filial have you will know til bout it lean For a time Ralph Lied to worm ing the fraternity in vain On every possible be would renew the attempt until last became offended determined to pun is think Im a Tool I in earnest IUlph When Ha difficulty need out tbe word Spoons three Even hero on a should hear you lie rash that you needed it Ralph did not believe htm and to show that he conic not he to easily gulled lie roared out at the top of voice Spoons Spoons 1 SPOONS I Ere the tecond syllable bad passed his mouth Mr turned around faced Ralph You said spoons did you Take and tbat As he struck Ralph between eyes then under the car the second blow lifting the inquisitive man off bis feet so that hi fell to the pavement con ly stunned at load But she la thinking When my children come homo from and my husband from his work they will Sad a good dinner and a clean pleasant home tbat I have got ready for And with that thought heart at her work ore all of members of great family and each of us is working for all test There is not one There no an honest but in doing fortho hap comfort of others his and iistcrs The more heartily and faithfully he does his work the more he gives to the Till il t e EDWARD PHYSICIAN and and cap- iit fiii Companies The Canada I Hit Atlantic Mutual Partnership AND CONVIANCING Hod In hn It iii htaiilj oil- dollar picture It can hlid ft id It it can Ut ile No the ONE AGENT J I away ft valuable to Loan LOU NT fiinilBli tho in and thu Tool a to work with i i I Erly one morning as ph and Jacob were hurrying down to Grand Street to respective of business the for mer renewed his inquires Id fifty dollars if I the signs and password If yon tell me about the password nd grip Ill promise never to you another question in regard to the secrets of Masonry Come now Ja cobyouve known me since I was a boy and you ought to be aware that if I am a little curious I never blab Will you tell me Surely you dont doubt your old school fellow Out with the password I pronjiso you that Ill bo as mum at ere it not for the sake of Old friend ship Jacob would have long before put a end to such queries but failed to do so tho inquieittvo Ralph imagined that he would at last bo success ful pumping his friend When Ralph had completed last sentence which was spoken in a laud tone Jacob turned lug head thinking that Iho words might be overheard by a gentleman who happened to be walking behind them This gentleman proved to be a Mr who a few weeks before had been spoons itcd ss be advanced and rep idly Licked the prostrate man As Ralph made an effort to soou tired kicking slowly passed on occasionally loot behind to see if Ralph were following to obtain Ralph did not requite satisfaction thinking that he might yet to much of so he prudently postponed returni bad As he arose to bis feet he said to Jacob a subdued tone Why did tbat mar ike me Because you uttered the Masonic pass word but could not respond to the a Mason Bod as he solemnly bound to do immediately ana the password by making the hand You were unab his countersign and far THE HOOD TIMB Mark Twain takes this view of the nium of womens rights In that day a man shall say to his What is the matter tho baby And tbe shall reply It has been sick for hours And where is its mother She is out electioneering for Sallie Rob bins And such conversation as these shall between ladies and servants ap plying for situations Can you cook Yes Wash Yes All right Who is your choice for Judy Well you can tramp And women shall talk politics of disoussing the fashions and men shall nurse the babies while their go up to the polls to vote And in that day the man who hath beautiful whiskers shall beat the homely man of wisdom for Gov ernor the youth who waltzes with exquisite grace shall be chief of police in preference to the man of practical sagacity and determined Every man I take has a selfish end in view be pours out eloquence in he- half of the public good in the newspapers and such la the case with rae I do not Slat fai All the blest laborer the world t the Of i-l-iic- the Hospital charged with spoons Although personally ed with Mr Jacob knew hi eight he had been pointed out to a Member of tho Council of which body Jacob also at that ttmi bo had learned the secrets in an improper way Therefore it was duty to chastise you Your life may yet be forfeited for that indiscretion My lite By the great Jehovah thought you were only humbugging me when you said that spoons was the pass- Shhli 1 Beware I said Jacobputliog hand on Ralphs mouth Neve utter that word again Masons are quitous and you might lose your As it is you are in danger far all th the city will be convoked adopt measures that may discover who betrayed them My life as us is in jeopardy Promise me that you will never again utter the password And so spoons is password Ralph was at lost convinced that his old friend had been telling thetrufh Well may I he broiled on a Masonic gridiron and turned over with a redhot trowel if ever I hollow again I has most religiously kept bis word Should he need a spoon while at table he now bis wife for sugar shovel fearing that if ho mentioned the proper of the required article pugnacious member of tho mystic brother might to the d that man enjoys which the All the ages that civilized and Christian people over savages depend on the service housebuilders carpenters masons blacksmiths ploughmen factory as scholars and preachers fairly tried tbe experiment of escaping from worldly toils and cares to have tried that experiment And how did it end As a rule in sensuality worthless The body relieved from the necessity of work became not a better servant hut a tyrant But suppose the result was different- suppose these shutting themselves off from material became in pure and heavenly thoughts meanwhile not a thing for others adding not a kernel of wheat nor a shred of cloth to the stores letting their strong arms li while multitudes went cold hungry and houseless Would that be a lifo Would not the lowest ditche the field or the a profitable servant of the Master thai they Tbe idea has prevailed that certain as the Christian Ministry wer peculiarly a service to Lord must feel a special calling for them and devote themselves with a higher con because my wife hold different fern to do all her clerking If you give the women full sweep with men in political affairs she will proceed to run for every office under the new dispen sation will She will it lo do anything ill the solitary thiugTrourufall on my family would go to for a wet nurse LOUS A little brother is sometimes more when he becomes an angel over r Our friend Parker knows a certain little brother whom he would gladly waft over to the golden shore if society such an absurd dilated murder is proposed lo present to Iff before his The trial of the claimant of perjury will commence on 23rd April CuBtom duties collected at Fort Garry during tho past year amounted to Canadian Itflvigatioa Company have declared dividend of 8 per cent for the past year The Wcsleyan Methodists of determined to erect a church to cost The Roman Catholic Bishop protest against the parage of the Eccle siastical Bill The relations between the United States and Cub are now reported to be on a friendly basis The startling fact is announced that the Tombs prison at this moment contains homicides The Worlds Statistical Congress is in vited to hold its next session in 1875 in the United States Sir Sidney the present Lord Mayor of London learned the printing trade when he was a boy President Grant has signed the Bill authorizing lha construction of eight additional vessels of war The Peterborough County Council has confirmed the bonus of to Quebec and Ontario Railway It is reported from the Saskatchewan among ith liqnor and trouble is anticipated The Ottawa Free Prat warns the to be on their guard against ten dollar notes altered from one dollar The river at has opened to allow the ferries to run between place and Port Huron and Port The Hope Factory Company had profits from last years divided amongst the stock holders Mr Wilson late Opposition candidate for Selkirk has been fined to sit on the same jury with the notorious A British sloop of war seized throe vessels in Australian waters engaged in kidnapping Polynesians to be sold into A French writer says Tho seasons in London are equally divided there are four months of winter four of fog and four of rain The represented to be in a flourishing condition as regards numbers arm and resources and the troubles A large number of workmen are can- election to the British Mr Disraeli will be opposed Parker ss Clamm the sister of the da few evenings ago he called by one in his district upon the lady for the purpose of proposing An earthquake in the city to her They sat upon the sofa in the I of Lahore Territory of India by front parlor alone As the evening wore the city was reduced to ruins and on Parker plucked up courage nudged over five hundred lives lost over to Miss datums side of the sofa and The completion of the Detroit River began some preliminary remarks about bis tunnel is now very doubtful owing to tho eternal happiness his hearts long- unfavorable character of ihe soil ings his souls idol his loves young tered in constructing the work County Pa won a he had taken I iliu the of pursuits That is not the teaching of the Testament Paul teaches us that set as members of one body that the foot no less than the hand and the ear no less than the eye bus a ministry of its own and an honorable and part Ho goes further as if especially to re assure those places insignifi cant he says that the parts which seem leas honorable and uncomely in the sweet noble spirit of Christs kingdom more abundant honor given Our own sense shows the less con spicuous workers are just as indispensable and therefore righlly just as honorable as those more prominent It is a noble pre rogative for tried to thousands of others the press Then each sharing the usefulness shares the honor The writer depends on a hundred other people to reach his readers There is the papermaker compositor the proofreader the pressman the mailing clerk end mauy others and avery one makes a link without which the chain would fail Here is a man digging a trench for a gas dream c c Miss little hand in his and was about to explain himself a terrific sneeze was heard beneath the sofa Parker and Miss Clamm both sprang to their feet Parker dragged the sofa away from the wall and there lay yoougClimmnicker- and chuckling as if he had rich things tored away in his memory And when flew at and boxed his he remained silent escaping ran to the door and standing there with his hand on the knob he observed mind Im right up I ma that you and that Parker feller have been down yer ich other and one anothers hands and like mad L Im tell I tain And you jist wait till pa comes home and if he dont boot that Parker the front door lightnin my names not William Clamm hell go for you mister Hell root around here like a maniac when he knows youve been sis Never you mind And hen Win Clamm faded into the entry Parker and Miss have not yet agreed to consolidate A Toronto dry goods clerk accommodated with lha loan of his brains with tly spite a lady who had rejected him and India The records of in lempe married another On sober second thought he told tho revolver and got foot throush the snow He will wear boots three larger in future Judge has accepted the Lieut enantGovernorship of Quebec on condition that on expiration of his term of office he shall receive his pension as judge Several of the men employed the track of the Union Railway through Rocky Mountains report ed to have perished in ihe snow drifts A Bill to increase the United salary to and VicePresidents to has been in troduced in the Senate of the United Stales His Excellency the Governor General in replying to the St Georges Society in Montreal a short time since regretted that the capabilities of this country were not better known in the British Isles and Europe generally The father of the young girl recently abducted in Halifax has offered a reward of for the arrest of the two men who carried her off the Nova Scotia Government has supplemented with are said to be tho death of twenty thousand persons year in that the number of deaths from snakes try in proportion to the

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