Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 5, 1873, p. 1

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INK KRA Friday Horning Advance for atop aft iluMy EiN AND YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME THE TO KNOW TO AND TO TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER Vol XXIINo NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY DEC 1873 Terms in Advance THE NEWMARKET BRA Book tad Job Establishment HIV LATEST PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS Irlnuac NHQr StDOHAlD Mtiriuiu HORSE HOTEL I aad Wine and HORACE THOIBE Umm and lOUST U Main BIBLE DEPOSITORY fnaadav alao Monday PEARSON I PHYSICIAN Ogle Main 5 D Veterinary Surgeon XfEMHKR or VITXBIiAB OSS St Antes 11 Iff CARD Hurt Land General Agent Afiototfoiif Commit- in v HAS to lb lately by it Clark of alrest IrM ft Mail WILLIAM MITCHELL Barter HairDresser c BJOY Barber Hair Dresser Ac A R A Ml J- of at of Main and J aol Start MM March Coroner for the County of York of a the Ufa of of Sooth Catlap of Watches Clocks A Aw ni Watches Clocks Jewelry on band of lb CAB I N ET MAKER And Undertaker works OUT ad Areata lift lb at Star aWi to j STRANGE CORONER Or STREET PEARSON TBB aaWribm lor thai liberal la tbat an seat Stones House Lot For HOT A a Man far a power and a that The trntor thou Id made to feel For a that and a that Hit and and a that She such and a that Far batter lira on fan and a that Fur tbat and a that I art TV can a A a that To than an la her w for a For a that and a that when it and Rati wondered bo bod never thought before She rslood her tittle lantern tod it around nor bead aa to ware her kerchief the bolioTe her She almoat to giro them faith at flrat bat then there followed a quick fluah in her check and a warm glow at her heart for aho or there had bean an answering light and she picture a tail form in darkblue clothing aland Log on the platform between too care And now while the October cooler and the aoild by Dim lika and a that and by tbani and a that Select Heading Katie Lantern Truth to tell the comfortable old- farm at the foot of the narrow and ledge had a Away to the wound and the fertile a propor tion appertained to Grandfather along the edge thereof the of the dbtpoaition her darling evinced to par ao many to Aunt III a brag walk for you child ho and ita through the cut too What if a railway train come along got out grand mama thatll Mrer hap pen laughed Katie the railroad and are very good frieuda You ought to be grand mother I taw any being care more for a dumb thing than youre dono for there train Bat grandmother nearer right than Katie for only a or after that it bare that charity and danger and Aunt Belay a clock waaabiw for litUe lantern trantically And now out in the open air beyond the upper entrance and oho could the peaceful light ing from Aunt window Bat there no time to go there for help The train moat be very Katie did for a moment think of kindling a bright fire on the track but that would take too long and nothing but my own little lantern poor Katie Maybe be will know it when he eee it bat he mast be warned before he roaches the cut The lantern like littje determined to be Kiie sprang forward up the track frosty an had la ahead of til of being behind bicb would hare desirable under the Never had anything to Katie Crown sore suddenly than did the great locomotive head light that now glowed her out the overshadowing night and her item to bare instantanooos- It is mall cried In agony he will nerer it Nevertheless earth and stones truck Kali of I knew it wan you Then waa hardly room to atop the train in wsd hare all gone to pieces if hadnt been for you and your light par God a And herself a among a of grateful friends They would hare made a present If would hare al lowed them but the only really wel come words the heard were those of the surgeon What killed A man like Nonsense hell carry ii ling for a short time but hell soon be np and all right No time lost in repairing the track and forwarding the passengers and in a few boars the old farmhouse peaceful looking ever The engine lay battered and help teas among the boulders- conductor lay still on grandfather Crownin- sbields bed for Kale had by means clearly oomprehended the bappy conseqaenoea of bar way signal i off It was Ilka a dream to her for Katie pheteas nor could the lantern any light upon the future then and yet She could Mt came to pais herself grandfather and would consent to any railroad log or signalling- lose by the aide of They all decided that it was better took her post of that Katies husband should farm broad acres of the fertile valley than the mercy of train wreckers Kiltie waa In the very middle of the while tried to her wayside lanterns And when cot when her ears were girls voice heard through the roar the question waa decided to her fllled with the shriek and with and clamor of the rushing train such a hug and kite that which the train dashed in at the up- On came the railway giant tagging which Katie Crown insbield per end with him his precious freight of I To whom Her heart beat quickly for a mo- human life and it flashed upon Why to the lantern of course moot but not with fear for abe mind what an aWfui lightlyupon a rock capacity for suffering that Stand Katies home As for Katie herself with her sweet fresh face ad merry brown the little aa a might hare on board On with the rsry available perch she gathered great glare and torrent nattering more of und and almoat before Katie J iW and exclaimed know it the of her hope and reepecUng the There Im bat to dashsdruthlcssly pV her think of ao near was quickly swallowed from 5 tb9 of VawtMh KatialV leaned bard against the crag her for it seemed if she of Rich With aery and grief on her and a financial conditio of the strange thrill of pain and buried face in her hands alTth world to faaM that oh raia- valley all thai Trnaa aU a TIMOTIIT at Bob sTaSjOa Sato DR SCOTT and Surgeon Madicalillata f of of Main Street Dr Robinson itm until mo Ml A L AMIS HAIR LU dixxnw tun HACKEE Builder Contractor mi trope etc M Mm JAMBS Provincial Land Surveyor Pint Report SpmfaUwm SKtnlmiUct ait4 and ha La C DBCP4S0 Physician Surgeon c h lud fcj ilnl My or a I Western Assurance Co FIRST PRIZE TEETH wad officb Toronto Capital- PresidentHonJMcMurrich the valley to belong to her wfiile the idea if anything bad brought it to ber mind that the good old grand parents were not to lire forever would rarpectfall tad of Betel attend Dentistry ADAMS SCBOBOfT DgBTIST Street PAtTIOtJLAR la Coaaaltatiss res and all erk Da A saa Wised astasiias to Is Apparatai laid law a A HENDERSON Insurance Company out and favorablr known Company I Three Tears Policies wall A DWELLING HOUSES CANNON L ENT 1ST la Allan a waasaraa Mated vith ami- paid to of Mth saaasrsta qT ill iaaasss ill n to A FOB SALE vary ssv s of anod Rates are lower Sloe fob IV- A lroad track toward The I hoIatobed more tightly the folds of beside ber could of Mm d I cm mother to tig for oat Intl S S of b tb of look- prng now hardly did forMrd if iopuint for lb u tbl lb in l mt with In hi tod watching pUnt fcr J to I got th Sb moment he reicbwl to gather breath and K 1mw tobroBh the salt mist from her eyo that she herself had been and bad even marked the swift great i paling of the bronzed as it ibtoaosssAwt i i were sad wings to her spoed Govern to grow worse day a clrcanulaace some what overlooked in consequence of tbeCabsn The fact need not be concealed that the Treasury is practically bankrupt The limit of the circulation is but at close yesterday the actual amount outstanding was or man than is allowed by law The lable cash owned by the Government fa only and this I the hare turned the brightest Juno day the gloomiest December Bat in these latter years bad painfully struggled into I cognised hi Katie world with sn great too valley with tbat which lay beyond the hills and ledges Katie bad seen the ragged rift cloven in the granite wall watching it curiously fom door or window and listening for the dull report of the blasting charges until the barrier was pierced and the rail way crept slowly down through and then swept the darkness beyond Ha waa afraid I would be hurt he thought and then aloud scattered all banks treasuries Yet the five- system of resumption before looked upon the ibs shows the advantage of I scene she know must prepared for men and financi her maoagooor It proves And then why there waa the also oar Wall Street train rear esc rising close in what they won about whet front of bar while the other and they sent out their famous politics then wen but few of them that circular last year glorifying Prcsi Dot be most bare how safe I night stood all erect upon their dentGrautaea remarkable financi was up ban on the rock I dont wheels beyond not all upon the genius and deprecating election believe be swung lantern at our iraek to be sure but all apparently Horace Greeley And as gate lonigbL ssfa all except one groat dark Betsys house was some little night house from upper entrance valley gin torn them the iL awl the approach but her little lantern shone out cheer ily against its bright reflector throw the latter was and bad been liberally respond by the passengers and and although abe bad then been JJv radii if a little girl and was lady bad dreamed of any maidenly boldness in giring of the cloven wall There waa one train in particular to which Katies attention waa pretty well restricted a through express wbicb went by at eight oclock to the morning and there waa another from the same direction at night From lbs former just easily bar own good morning fluttered above the garden gats so certainly would there be a fleeting flssb of white to answer bar from the platform of ooe of the cars or oven from the engine itself lor that too bad happened And Katie knew very well that bar an swer came from the samo band A tall erect manly follow dressed in bios cloth and Katie bad been well aware for a good time that the conductor but bad never yet been near enough to apeak to him The railway cut bad brought to Katie among other results a short- and path to aunt jnafa little way the ledge and who was never satisfied if too many days passed by without bringing Katie to see her returned many a time by the narrow path be- the granite walla Again and n good Aunt BeUy detainsd v ayOessaasMn satlwaaad a pet till the night had fallen liaaidatadaakataaad though her only companion bome- ward was her little of a laotsrn a day when Katie bar Then dear ba afraid now Ill had not gone far the granite j J walla brought to her ears all tha way come at times I lb cut had been a apeak- Liverpool London Insurance Company tube the sound of voices that wen evidently intended to be low and guarded There war other sounds mingled with the voices and Katie could not make out more than a word or so hen and there but then something about it all that star tled and frightened At first half inclined to turn and make the beat Of ber way back to Aant Betsy forward trying if thara was sot a rook or hollow when aba would be as from a aba had been from the orgs of whose polished metal in the with Spain it must be an occasion of lights that flashed upon it great satisfaction and nkricing not and whoso hoarse throat screamed only to those bankers bat to the angrily with the escaping steam whole people to be able to reflect for the locomoliro bad come to grief that Una war will be conducted by pretty decidedly among granite such original solid and safe states I mmmA mm Am Grant Hi Bo of them seemed to bo hurt at all nor practically bankrupt 1Y did Katie that told J as apod bar way through InaUtoUona Act and past thorn bad caught a W7 M VI Chj glimpse of a group away beyond evn the sbatlered The follow a of that whicn forbade lingering for portion of the relatinsT to Mom an Bight down towards her in C0OJI0ilkWorTblwitldi Whr if JSP They say so Nobody alas was L hart lie a spleodd fellow A toll man in hoar- If the Township is entitled to or Deputy thai at first elrea each Deputy in 3- As Se states that the mum- shall be four Id all esses and that in dividing a into Wards the Council shall have regard to the of erectors in each Ward being as nearly equal as may be il would appear that the ByLaw creating Wards or Electoral Divisions in moat Townships has been repealed being inconsistent with the Act and such Townships may be con sidered Townships not divided into Wards the election of Reeves Deputy Reeve and Councillors be elected by a feasro vote aa Sections 105 and 106 are very ambiguous and acted under literally might lead to the election of sufficient Councillors to form or compose Four Councils Tbe of Candidates for the offices of Deputy Reeve and Councillors in Townships shall be held at noon on last Monday in December The Election of Reeve Deputy Reeve and Councillors if not by acclamation shall be bold on first Monday in January the poll to open from nine oclock a until oclock p m Livingstons brother of Dr Livingstone the African An entire block In the town Eureka Nevada was burned on Thursday Lose Ob Dtt That Mr William baa been appointed Solicitor for the Canal trie lie J C Schillers Hotel assT Roils friends in Montreal say he now way to Manito ba to stand his trial with Leplne An order is to be booed at Ottawa In ml Offices dosing working bourn atr Hon J has declined become Wetland Canal Solicitor and the appointment has bean given brother Mr Curia A gun exploded in bands of the of the steamer Nheman on LakeOntario the other day frac turing skull and bia recovery ia of doubt ar It reported that Us inhabi tants of the northweal portion of Iowa an gnat distress mm gjp tits failure dark blue clothing but ghastly pale whan they laid Grandfather bed and n in from the bod make outwhatit Forty silk Canada Branch Montreal SMITH Af sat tor 1173 DIM dsssi tiered ben oven reply reoeired from train convinced bar than had bean a change of kind and that would re ceive no signals from band prepared to giro it up in first fit genuine she had indulged in bat afterward aha liagand at garden gate a little after bar ra the rocks and peered timidly cot towards lbs now doll and muffled sounds with which voices wars longer mingled broad quick gleam from a lantern or extinguished shot across the track not many yards below and than all darfcaaa silence Bat that moment of illumina tion bad revealed extraordinary things to tha keen excited vision of Kale Crowni Then wan man throe or four she not any just how many but rough flairs wild anxious look ing and before them on railway track from which rails bad bean pried away jest than was a confused it bad taken bar and had told above him Head all right matured man of science Only a cot or Ab theres a ntb two of mb on below elbow Struck the ground so thats clear and tba other Election by Wards are likely to ba all right A Township loaning out to look ahead I should i that light on his face light in the roam what with clearly into their a to wrack train I wbereaTowaabipienotdiridedinto wards the Election shall bo held at last place of meeting of Council or such other plans Council may appoint docs and a thousand killed Eng lish and French silk operators have returned home from the United States since the cessation of work at the silk factories io Patterson J saV It estimated tbat 30000 French Canadians have returned to the Province of from the United States during throe weeks Many of them hare gone awT It understood that Got- eminent bare information of serious disturbances amongst the Indian tribes in the Northwest A between and has resulted in loss of life am Montreal Herald We understand Inst report of Mr opposition to Mr is utterly roid of foundation He expected to be returned by acclamation ordered prayers for the recovery of Mats and are not garded as satisfactory by the German The body is largely increasing in in London It is now proposed to erect a now in the northern district city at a coat of or sod to six hundred persons work will be commenced next Spring Yobb Not A special to World from Sao Francisco a Are at Oakland today com pletely deetroyod handsome bridge of the Central Railway at that place Tbe bridge waa three miles tons and one of strongest and bast in tba Slate ass And now Orange Grand Master Bowel whose favourite toast consigns lbs Pope to a mighty warm la agonised last Mr at this moment a golden ip to gUam was pound down oo race of divisions tha injured man and slowly if lhe3 a divide the Township into Wards abolish each upon racer Ing a petition from a majority of of the Town ship so to establish or Ward quarter of radiance itself bad awakened opened his ayes and looked dreamily about Lbs Electors of too Township aargaon beard sigh that waa A must pointed tor snob Ward Tba intention of Sacs 1M a to ba ball bo held in Officer presiding and that each Ward Councillor half a behind him and looked up to see tbat sodden light came from Katie and bar 1 Mf for tba welfare of down trodden lamb baa at last found a parallel London Advertiser Nov 15 Miss employed tailoring de partment of Messrs Barber Bros mat with a serious If not fatal drat last by explosion oil lamp Id lamp waa overturned isto some combustible material and in her dearora to extinguish the flames clothe ignited and only for assistance she would inevitably save bean to death ass lies ft with ssVl

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