111 AM YORK intelligencer AND ADVERTISER TDK NEWMARKET ERA ORDERS fiii V fl v j Vi Lain I Barber HairDresser le ft BJOY Baiber Har-Dr- rt A I to body b ii and ktopliiWoor todr iooxioe- or ll ling W fcr TmwJ like pool lift from ioar Jl A Dr mo l i STRANGE Mi HI X House Lot For Salt t York Y I Ml AN 1 til KOtJKKS Veterinary Surgeon Vr 5i5 I Western Assurance Co f rowvro Dr Robinson L S SCOTT i K IM I no their l heron board dead hour only repeated deliriously answer lo her father and lover i w drown i let it ho limB aw daughter really lit area Willing that ahe Captain Ale near Jamacia Coat an to official latumi water and then Into air eighteen the i ainng alinging Cuba when the bekaii nil lor Jamaiia a mill Till tihwiiii at il Sot lit I I Too toe iippi i- mil the Imnlm Kwd tnf- Jaraaka when tbu J mid b kill J laa fndllc tho on itHrte list iuipper ii i a- latpfe an a i irhli lo aharpen Im iunM rod ho M hud lapped W- ro and luiTilrmei drive them r lJ JOr haa hud enoutUtoo Mpa and damp In her ill thoeveriifiL- the hw lllu W- t the and fire- liangr Irffht ver the r lh bur which even iJ of maple- ami 0 of the tlitrbril Ot anamum li line- the hm lydly I- Ms g the IMTYI Mr -hi- tin teU ltd and put it not lather il of me he Aid fur one ire though he had iii It Of l laj hill dvplha of ii in The iterate ayi the aufoemeoi m fheABy Mr fairly groaned at lie all ami an halt owl the well lie nil ilure mIhIo hnyht iIihIhiik j Hie Unit inuewtinii the twilight en in evr- ikmhi a too lovely lo be I I an hit boor by fwajauiOijiv thai a cm mm humming a The Wtrtd J ia intl of the ibat if lo a aotamer morning Lnba than lhe mother a the fault will be her Initijt ecu placed where there lawannti to re in he will hearta for each other ho knew lo them and where he dm y aenae- it waann I an I- in of the nop oat to to aeUol Inwloaa amloriad hi nuj K into the water thu J Sa4p hi he The great International bridge panning iho Niagara Iron Fori line to baa at been tiniahed aid it ia announced that now daily over it without The of nine known technically high and graceful in ttiivw but very apanning feet conatructed iron upon eight pier abutment iht At mother puis her Mill into a little ark which aba on aarface of the pool rk he make of the li p Insurance Company Three Seals Policies J A KIEV AIR Bir MV1KIE Contractor C Dentistry C A A ML HOUSES latiia ioltaiaa Bates are aa afl Trih lhr It a- a full mile In the I tle Ptrrted ailenl and I a- lKhii4i in heart the In he not think that he though a- he alnaie along quid go to had aOMia doubla In the iIih mould mend lhe matter in III end hum the Kllaiiiie hail from bad hut lh h twenty three a inomnrehenihlo IwlMvad it i am to who knew her boat am ow of half or a at the top of the water by the of lega The third pair her the letter do now The tirt egg la caught and held be lt good the lega Then another and auid another are to the flrat by a aliip gam which covers them until where or twenty of them have up aide by aide like the in a the boat of a sunflower ntf the ben becomoa too her anpuort It lii oat hnlda It by put- ting her feet on until have been laid ad tSe may he any or barrel of I the what mora notch hue tiny black the top atrrwhKl It lumber San Skjlt ff CANNON S E T I S T JJ J A I Provincial laid Surveyor couwtt Speciteatum farm a Bonds ere- uui Trart f ana J Surgeon OS OF attiaiaMiea PROPERTY FOE SALE Pia ma A Liverpool GLOBE Ccmpany Available Alio oat if r beat they light a of water be pour up an faBjr li man a viil who a Ml p lite iruel their ia not a daya the hatch and m a r inln tin- tiiioiigh a d botutm foam iMaoyaot and dry hw water may I man iurl lweM If be did tin I and by tail to aurlaca If diaturbed be 1 win I j but aoon I back aa before with p hi- oat the water He 1 if would do be thin the moat oat noe aUoe he had ever and the loo Mr had the 11 ten told vvrry particular iithm life it wwild make him a changed man fur all lhat time We make in dire I rail which riako now and llwn the lor if we do not began lo get low in tin tfUaaai n 1 11O 00 art at tut jniJLtrri f Life Vat a4 wjliWral Head Office Canada Branch Montreal and ahe had received the bo in Inuhl he give with equal rvliceiee which thai lath Iter up now lie waa certain argued Well though for the her hoe and upon the hie of him he did not know whether or what Hi- it did not To nighl be knew a when heart and he know well he had lilt to hope or Pp law r him by opening the door neat world for of bis daughlor from the of pi akiried lb began rut their facea aharj and the whole fury of the atom la strike them it had no done before them dreadful to He wa trongman but alrong men hue will tearful and ban over apoealWo or alwaya or lerrillj At after another he nan a that Mr Mam thinking he waa about to pliug over mud are that he bi lace while a pointing off The odd tiling aba a breathes through 1 pWUlOaVtbaae which 10 ihwapbl and tbctf w lor which and apanningThr iJrifl Canal between Squaw and the main American abort The river proper lrS feel in width At rot of 12000 feel the over the canal feet in extent Two am In j are one the canal with opening ninety feet and one in lhe river wilh one hundred and leet open- 1 be ruporta Secretary that the Kjiuy me will not be dermloped before and that tbo will that the American will be Nov lb Daily of thi- morning in au editorial on the of the of Cuba to the United a tea aaya the ton lain edit inula of a similar the hfwawt thia morning yet touched on the London Market New Nov 15 that not u cope pain lie if it condition there be no in from Sjiain Ih Colorado and MumeiOta are IV got lor as Mtal ii in with virl latLdfrhi Aim ml of a Yai that itreqnirwllwo iiadfuill night id 1 1 in order purport between ial MttSg abarmte the tut tatter of all it ia lo embark them on and then giraabh lead to the aare capture Java In New New York There are more in New York than Jerusalem aad more in any other city in tbo world aaid by who have their preaent aiau Mr of New York There are mora than in Berlin more Irishmen than in more Catholia than in and mora than in Pallatise The not give rellgiooa bat the number of rmatdenu of thia city baa bran approximately by the of and by he changea Into pupa in tho yeara the Span- factored for their The habere I lien he turna end h people have noabeerioo produced on the average for the end Now he breathe an In he I decade pound- J early which whirh have to pay dearl at the rate of one pound day lie ipture of the Virginii lhe he priMnera Ibero ia a general feeling it it ia all the i- before ha Government of Spain or any power can get a to although aunt of the but- keep portion lhe people and fear that apt the water to reaalta d an purpose The newpaper a form through and buoy at the of the apnjdjrd Ibey tan at what they a a hi- been tiding lor tno 1 tho expedition The carried into execution the Ural Nov ember Many permon bam boon already and daily increasing bjMe lhal parties guilty ofjXakiiig pan in the will bo judged with the the law igathe latter being deaenbed I the larueat in the world The weight or the draw la upward- ton- but and roHara it a moved by two men The bridge in owned by a company the Mr J llrydgea of Montreal Vjce Hon Buffalo Secretary and of Montreal rue lion of work will a lating monument to the kill and energy of tne r- British Youc Nov patch from Victoria V I the aleamer California baa arrived there Silica with nowa of a rocetit of new mine in IVian She nmaeht down miner- in gld Thouea ma great Our pan iu told dual i The little eight California in end early in I I thai the wintering vn river have bought up all proruiona in the that largo aappllea will be required in the Spring Colli so wood Nor lit About bl inebe of fell here There good sleighing iku up a 1 water Ilia tail fiah and by an move the water He remain about ami than a new una home in iho valor for a life in the air- When the warm eon on the rater the The papa to the and throat oat inty and in j each daring intervention e the generally obaervrd make a iaalm of of oar t numb of lit are far from hive an orphan ted foreign date orphan a aula j- laaber the Independent Order All had apoedily become quiet when there for aged an indigent of