Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Oct 1873, p. 2

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Black Lustres at Silvers for worth 60c Great Bargains Real Lace Collars from cts to 6 New Goods in great variety NEWMARKET ERA OCT 10 1873 parts water will not only be mailable but of access The proceed of lliis years exhibition from all source will amount considerable sum will bo these and such othor improve- in ground a may bo Ibought desirable instance as sheds for the cattle It wan matter for comment neither the representative of the Hiding in the Local Parliament by Mr B Morrison East bury j and one of for a collection of roots awarded to Mr Francis New Yosx Star Whitchurch Tho prixe of transatlantic staruT lor the beat twelve white field Brooklyn at oclock ibis wai given to Mr J King taking a due easterly who exhibited a very excellent occopanla arc Washington collection The were a very sUson George Washington fair show the highest prize for a Alfred Ford Mntua lew than three Bethel Conn Oct lent nuhlulitucat Out concerned are now report ready for the meeting Of Parliament When Mr Huntington first made his charts of corruption Sir John indignantly ami denied the same invok ing the name of innocent and declaring his hand clean The Commission or Of the Premier Mm only received WW wit debauch and corrupt the of Ontario but was privy to a wholesale attempt to purchase the Quebec when the revelations of Mr McMullen node public Sir Johns Toronto the Mail cited Sir Hugh only of of having money or any portion of it but their ignorance expenditure and jet Sir John A not only received bat directed the personal charged by Mr McMulle having received from Sir Hugh as part of this election bribery fond This charge was distinctly denied on oath in the following language Mat did not ssw- r loan la pbUsis relM Sir Hugh All mat on before the Commit- n icatified aa follows s s be K J irtislac I lb- and the public are asked to tbat Sir Hugh generously and complacently handed over to a journal in which lie never advertised according to its published rates half enough to expend the interest of the capital I First the proprietors denied having received any amount cither gift or lorn Than whan the giver is put into witnessbox he given a says he made the loan bat never expect its re payment With this running through the entire ex amination the country by the Ministerial press to acquit of charges made denuanco aa a swindler and I is r and allow Sir John to Prime Let us hop Parliament will do its duty on and the Augean SsUw School Meeting In King At on September n a meeting for South King wa- hoi I whs to consider certain proposed improve- I to the School Law hi the J ally school tad avert absence or the Reeve J The the chair After a full and interest- following M their work Us tbaruoganess Moved by Mr Job Jokasoe tsacaiaf the of la by J to s Us aa the aa Tbs of fieri at of rvpnaaat Tbs as a La amy hat la in lbs td Qsesraairat all Oat with her wtar that La of BUbaa Carhsta escaped distinction Oct The an fast thorepreacnatives of East at the Mark I show the peo ple of North York naturally Mr Patterson P for Weal York and lho lion tor Boat York The Hon I intended to have been jreciit but on finding that official prevented bis carrying this effect be a letter of poogy for bis Balloon Salter East and trip morning from price for the best collection at hour of Itugg who city took the firal for winter apples rapidly going ocean wards valued at 1 1 for tho New Hates On a near at colleotk market the of annual exhibition of tho North Hiding York was operations and that they ally becoming weaker before thi competition offered by the powerful Association agreed to County Society Th material increase far aa mere numbers increase waa igbt have been looked I Exhibition ft place at all There wot tbia difference that while actual number of entries Tory little affected the general character of show especially the live department waa On Tuoaday the ground opened the implement A imperishable articles were placed their order and fully one thousand ly people visited the park Yesterday really the day The train leaving tho Northern Railway intimated intention to visit the Exhibition The taken all over waa said be about tbe moat successful eld in Newmarket The stock and wore really of first infer and were said to have exceed former exhibitions in merit show ground the plote order was who fleeced the gullible with tboii usual but there were whiskey- tents and no intoxicating liquors allowed to- bo sold or ground and of course there almost no drunkenness no disorder and no conduct In tho rectors refused to accept wry handsome sum tendered thetn lor leave to sell intoxicating liquor and they deserve lho thanks of the public therefor Everything paseed off in most pleasant and agreeable manner without as far could be ascertained a single accident mishap Ono the standing rules on the show ground at Newmarket might bo copied with very good result elsewhere viz that no horse shall be driven except drivingring whore no pedestrians allowed at any other than walking pace By this means many ably if accidents occur where contrary practice would be obviated Tbe fob owing ia a more extended notice of tho various ta In grain and seeds there waa good representation generally there being an average of seven to eight entries in each class and as many as twelve for wbito fail wheat and any kind of spring wheat- One the hand there were no entries in clover and only two for turnips special prise of for the best two bushels of white fall wheat won by Mr J Baker church a very beautiful speelme might be aupposod from large number of entries the competition was very keen the second and third prises in tbe same class fell t Mr Win fceGUL King with spec mens which would have been a credit to any show The grain of a very superior i perhaps among thi In dairy produce the show I really wry large and tbe quality For lho special prise of offered for the best tub or crock of butter of not leas than lbs there were onirics and the difficulty of making an award was very great The was carried off by speci men exhibited by Mr John son East packed in tub The nam gentleman also took the second prise of with a crock of butler little inferior to the which gained him the first enough the entries for the ids of be the i roll Where very clone and the difficulty ing an award correspondingly great Mr David King gut the first prise with a roll of very compact and well flavored batter Peter Rowan East the second Tbe fine arts represented both aa and quality of photograph specimens were fairly good out could not be said to present any special feature either in attitude or execution There were six pencil drawings and five crayons but there aid velvet painting Tho of water colors were what ght be termed fair bat this wai a moat that could be said of them A large number of beautifully flowers were also shown n wool and feather work aod Station Toronto at brought liree finn of large crowd from intervening the day people flock I Domestic Country might bo expected from the taw pnaciplssaa I Mr That an j hs sast syalaw far bad witaaassd la at in of day aad of tbe At a held at Kit- i by Us the at which Joel pupUs the At the Beers pre ed from the la and by about 2 p marks made on tbe domestic portion arsattarly tk mm i leM lhiUl persons 0 fiuo arts department the Waders Ceaetai The park as it play in domestic manufactures w at present la in vtry good really first class first prises pint order and well fltted for tho rugs and woollen blankets Tba of OftfaaasaH is jt It were awarded to Mrs Philip firm la vary share spacious well laid off and carefully Whitchurch and that for the Um divided into sections so as to best piece of quiltwork to lira Um fattas I oojomodate all without Leppard East The The hail is also very large first prise lor the beat wove wool ample room for the display carpet went to East of all the more and iu Mrs Judah There were soiled article thirteen for tho prises this the Committeo of for twelve for of hi- fooling inconvenience for want full cloth which were the largest gftm aad offices have purchased the number of entries in any of tbe class- vasal and adjoin- of thU department The leg the west end of thegroaod The however was from seven to eight A despatch was raedrsd at War today ban Ota Moris a gnst by his fug I dweillnghoase they intend fitting up entries in each class which can as offices for the Judges rooms for be readily seen was a very good the directors and so forth Already show there is a stream of water passing through the eastern portionof the 1MB am which is allotted to the The show in this department was ion of cattle and a pump very fair regards quantity very is situated about the centre bat it good regards quality Tb spec- has been determined also to erect a prise of for the best pomp at the western to that at Swede turnips wee loaf of homemade bread can be learned in this city Young Donaldsons reached The display of borne- bout Hit miles diMant in ib by Mrs William Young I Donaldsons distant in lbs fruits and corner of lb state pickles was and there where it wasUughtin avSali were a large number of entries For a few minutes STIriliriin I linn- ll I It L of merit sural with the compelitora lhan Loot tat offered I finally succeeded ground unhurt Tho balloon ess and bad not been captured Must Both these departments though nccoan very extensively represented L re eery how said GrOSS Outrage Whitby be superior to any- former stored class of South- la downs the first being awarded Perry atuekal to a ram by Mr ittVini aged Marsh Tho same Ill l0 gentleman took tbe first pi yearling South do shearling rams there were only each of which For Sontbdowi South Iambs and aged ewes for were seven and five competitors respectively Mr Lemon King awarded the first prises in both cases being well bred and in excellent order A pair rv fine ewe lambs also belonging Mr were awarded first ite in their class A pen of two fat sheep shown by far James Russell bore away tbe firtl prise in their class from nine competing pens The class of swine shown waa also very good Mr Coatee Whitchurch took first prixe in lho class of aged boars large breed with a largo and wellbred the first for a brood sow of me class going to Mr John A a East air S Rogers took first prixe for a boar pig the second aod third going to Mr Wilson West imbury wbo also took the first and second for sow pigs The show in snail bred swine waa equally good and oven more largely represented Mr W West Gwillim bury taking two first prises vis for a brood sow for a sow pig Long wool sheep were more largely repru senlad than finewool breeds but pro bably not Poultry were shown in large Mariposa she from Port Perry to young lady she was into Fence corner ruggad j ravished by aniimber of young She tell how many but ski identities three of the cloven partial are now arrested She abused and wangled bod hysterical fits ever tinea Messrs Foreman and P P magistrates have ting on tho cose for the past tee days and have procured vidtDe sufficient to sond at least five or hi of the prisoners to bo tried at the assises forrajs and drugging Then in great excitement in Crowds of people bave attended day sod rather limited Thee petition game fowls there being fourteen tries in the first two and last mentioned classes Cattle in some classes we display ted pretty largely Mr Both trial for the first nights and ft that law would be reso-toT- fWhitsj J Farew Smith Barrister on part of A Oct The Mayer a issue a proclamation declaring Iks city ofCario in against all coming up let Mississippi Hirer lie a precaution since tkeia- create of yellow lever at Memphis Little Hock Oct city y authorities today quarts lined Memphis and Li Railroad tho Southern and Fulton of lbs the King taking first and third prises for milch second for two years old heifer second for year- ling second for aged bull second lor heifer calf Mr V West takes second for milch cows first and rd for yearling heifer aad second or two years old ball Mr Markham fit for day lw third for bull firt for heifer ralf first for aged two years old year ling aod calf bulb go to Messrs C Davis King J Randall Whitchurch James Nelson East and Ed Jeffs West respect ively were entirely re j river I Oct There were seven yellow fever yesterday forty eight yctorday sJR which twentysix were yelk fever For week there deaths of which 14fi were bm fevjragainst ninetyeigbtsM weok The total deaths sine appeared are of I few occurred in the The Yoax Oct A Fa he banging of the Mot 0ther tiniabed under Tbe first pnse for the beat fat ax management Mr Field lbs post to Mr and carpenter and employee of lie for tbe lost years The of a gallows to bang six ate rather an undertaking prights stand about 17 feel hisdk for the best 1st Whitchurch cow and two years old of breed Mr Playter also takes third prisee For yearling and for aged and two yeei old bulla Mr James Bastings Whitchurch and Mr Alfred Denis do respectively the beet yoke of working oxen a pair owned by Mr Anthony Anson East take the after very close competition with other four yoke imp idedly good in foot pronounced to be best for some years at least baa been held under the aospicoa of the Society This was especially the case so far as conveyances of all kinds particularly buggies two- bone carriages were concerned bow of draught horse was rather poor presented no feature worth commenting upon An to the general rule however furnished in two entire horses imported shown by the Aurora Stock Importing Com pany The class of blood horse was represented by only two entire The general purpose and carriage classes were splendidly represented There were fourteen entries in spans foriy for roadsters somewhat Over thirty of were the ground In same class there fifteen saddle horses shown large number of mare There ire eighteen span of general pur horse shown and mares the same class There re also fifteen spring colts and thirteen twoyear olds the younger classes averaging from four to five in each The awards were so late in being made in these classes we learn which ware the most successful competitor Altogether excellent and bank I urea already announced almost to a panic The National Bank assert that they all sixty days to suspend They were tod in length Toe single rope will upset the porta or the front platform and gin the six murderers a six foot drop- Lieut Col will officiate Provost Marshal and superintend adjusting of the noose by sod commissioned officers Tho execution will be public that nearly ill be present Oct death tho remainder the heavy demand for currency for several day past Notices were posted on doors of the other I alleviate her sufferings i banks to the same effect lived a few hour and Captain Jack of bis tribe will not be tbe Oregon authorities bat red to Fort Russell The tribe amounts to 156 dm and children Wasiunotox Oct 3 Grant issued orders some for tho commutation of tba and oft prisoners hanging to mem for life at Alcalras Sal Francisco harbour on gross they are not duels Vat stood pod ion of private 1rt the orders of Caput a Jack fa Bcrrsi0 Oct arrested this Wax Ward aged bailing ft near Toronto who posaoaaioo s largr mens and ladiort gold watches gold chains Ac supposes to bo stolen from a jewellery The exhibition of the South Agricaltoral was today and by far ibo best held in ibis county Tbe entries wis over The reset at the gate were about withstanding inclemency V weather there was not less people on tbe grounds Holland Oct 4 night about oclock Mrs wife or Turner of being atone in bouse it is rt took a fit fell broke a which was carrying setuegBf to her clothes Some going in discovered In fames After it was found so J Dr Tayhr was and although everything

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