Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Jul 1873, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA JULY up I Cmlim of Bon Mr organ noticing A rumors afloat Dominion on lite 1 of next ami particularly effect that supports of can treaty until ritortM Mmwlrv been notified of International Postal ho United that i t- the attend without fail and that Mission promises to bo an important nod stormy one states that those are without founda tion nays It will remembered that on tho adjourn ment of Parliament Sir J A Mac- declared yards lumber yard which the IniUjdStalss will be in to participate A firo in Albany this even- UK destroyed twentv buildings and Academy lion that fat aaomblp i nil karat 111 111 1 death Ill July On Friday inquest hold II Itamaay at llaark- on body I I ml named LI who drowned in thi lillpond The water wan only of August Committees report which would be merely laid on the table without any discission after which the would proceed to Chamber lo hoar speech from the throne proroguing the Houses and which will probably be read by a commission represent Gov hi a word ilia reetdeep where the ocur no Cromwo whenVarl He wa an auctioneer prerogative of the fnge- ilniTt at aid the father after rocking two and the baby still awake The dinner boor is gelling later and later it end in our The bells used as a signal for closing every evening having been found Mr the take remarked in fo tomorrow fri long and proportionate and an Irishman with a steam prcasuri highway As they be metal mouth piece of some d thinking he knew pounds performers can his mi- wake up I am fa dances V It you are dttlog on my ho which rouMs deaf old ladi j of the I though thought it Daytaler of us Young Might I ask thirteen miles off July IS the next evvrest storms known in ttiis part jtasscd over hero about half past five yesterday The new which was being built by the When was litally destroyed by wind bareheaded man following and a young man by tho name of through tie front and who was standing in a door tilling the air with garden the stora by ments and profanity yon may that Ins have moo MILLINERY EMPORIUM Season of 1873 War A you ml man prided sell on hit mental speaking of the advantage of shut again i knocking him about feet Ho lies inetiihle most the time and Ut ile hope entertained orbit The appalling calamity at Niagara Folia- and the annual instances of a like character during god education Common sense the season of navigation given yon you responded v 1 the that the Got- of his hearers of Canada and the United Stale ought to a remedv- A A will is registered in Wayne One plan proponed is that a cable lurg Pa which contains the follow- trelched across tho river and kept irfaco by means of to my beloved wilo three- iolt and lh of kitchen and household carried A man whose eyesight not good was recommended to try glasses Iii says he went and look public bouse and ling an A man named Goodrich wot murdered in New York month land all efforts of the detectives t he party I Friday when a named Kaln Stoddard was I that John labors nested some of the murdered that ho is not ejects being found in her possession said a kindbearted old the Ian nodding his head not iho reply Why so sure Because John is to under anything The confessed ihe bo killed tar of for she couldnt part with him be doe it appears been he cast brutal mannfr toward trot worked np did sr Itbn The best n ire razed near Bergen J lominionofVuJeiy They there very fiponlaneons hooting him with a pistol The New York To Let or for Sale ssJ io Lot aUsai J- krti LUNDY in Sew Harness Shop initiui Jfirncu Shop in NEATNESS AND DESPATCH A Whips Trunkn c- OS twill Csrriaca 1871 if TOFARMEBS Celebrated Harrows who ihM sad iho SH0P0y EAGLE STREET General Dona on lb all J MANNING w in market Any as to the ultimate of in Ibo the wrecked steamship City of Wash ington and cargo tray bo I at an end Tbo ship broke up yes- J market for them ih very ler cargo drifted the grate injured the wa Meanwhile woliavo no si demaod tory answer to the queries which Two and fifteen to the everybody must ask Whore did the square inch korsiderod a paying in officers think thoir allbo they often beat that before sinking What was thee They any the apparent discrepancy their the land tho bigger calculations Had the lead been used lhaLday What was the speed of the ship when she went ashore As a court of inquiry has been order- a deal by kultivated laud that wont cntiy thing else at a profit the it want for donl I what sum would da tharo get a living for is a deal d shall probably get The muskcter i but dont bug time they are agai us az roddy fur slowlythough It and bite 10 minutes after gathering power Mr ar born just as fluently over to move during The iz a lho eion f Parliament for They lir very thick amongst each Committee enquire into the who other of Patronage and the but bis vices teeling of Scotch people wit never a that reference lo it If such a Committee a defaulter they fail ont an thousands looze their agitation which will all tend to lives in effort the abolition of tho The philosophers tell us that merely of patronage it who leant sing wont bight curious The adherents of This information may be or grate Church established by law are in lo bat aint much use to a fcl- Scotland a decided minority Why low in a hot night where a church be kept at the are plenty I of all for their special benefit If them aint but one out Presbyterian WtegoodlhatUenur San July Colorado brings the following sustain repulasbun be born or not and and death in a lonesome marsh miles from the nearest ever blood and bo happy Ihe child cir mww pekt he was wrecked May group The officers Mrs R BONDS MILLINERY SHOW ROOM Opposite American Hotel NEWMARKET IS NOW OPEN LATEST STYLES IK AND OTHER MILLINERY GOODS DRESS MANTLE MAKING In its departments BOND MJ 1873 FOR SALE SIX kis for for bqalf B Newmarko ffissswasl April S3 LOTS FOlf SALE LOTS sad TH03 AtKINSON from Shanghai for London f the Japan man boon by fire I Trade In Jaan are body bedroom thro ko hole and were alarmed about the take bis rasbuns regular and sing ricc crop prase and glorification It is reported from the interio- of It kost a mosketer much forijp wml his board in this world If ho find grass and lir i the damp fog Tho is a gray Log i self to death on the damp ami legs a eye a line bast sharp tooth and a ready wit lie dont waste time hunting up his customers and always lights on a baby fast if there iz one I positively fear a mosketer- when every thing is ax empty slippers to hear one at further end the room slowly bat surely working his way towards yon sing ing that same hot old hissing tana or theirs and barking to foci the exact spot on your face where they intend to simply sor row to me I had rather look for ward to the time when in was to step on me The fasts no fronds and bat few associates- Evan a mule despises Josh burned by mobs By order of Education de moot of Japan ail foreign will in future be obliged to procure licenses No teachers of the Chris religion shall be employed A despatch from London an nounces the sudden death of the Rev Samuel Bishop of Win chester by a tail from bis horse while riding at speed to keep an appoint ment with Hon Mr Gladstone Dr Wilberforoe was third son of the celebrated philanthropist He was born in September of and was educated by private and at Oriel College Oxford He was ordained curate while yet a young man and consecrated bishop of Oxford in and translated in 1869 to tbo See of Winchester As a spiritual poor he took a prominent part in the debates of House of Lords an earnest speaker and eloquent preacher be contributed largely to iterators- A ROGERS iinPnAkiii NEWMARKET for lifaanJ rtapartAUj that ha all Iter NO MY Ha to iat by sad la work rdn I putiM an A ROGERS First Prize in 1872 Organ and Musical Instruments PRICE TONE FINISH Carriage Factory WELLINGTON STREET JOHN W CLI FT BBda iUUUnU fAron la M branch CARRIAGE WORKS SPRINGWAGGONS Lumber Waggons REPAIRING NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE IWaallJUlMJIafl LEE CTAVB A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK WOO A HUBS SPOKES RIMS SHAFTS c af AlsoSPRINGS AXLES THIMBLE SKEINS Bar and Band Iron Tire and SPRING STEEL it Carpenters Coopers Tools in great variety BUILDERS AND SHELF HARDWARE Always on Hand Maiu Street Newmarket UNDERTAKING WRIGHT BOH A Specific Remedy for tfl the A mala M in either Sex al lb LINIMENT- For Severn Lumbago n Sprains Bruise Earache IT Jjl O A I On Heavy Oxen GOOD STAVES GRAIN MEASURES GRAIN SCOOPS And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AND GOOD J ANDREWS CO AunollASlombcr27 jf every description CARBOLIC SALVE A Specif MRS SOTHERLAND FRENCH m IUrrallj Zoreka Harrow ltdsd bj MiMfi te lh to m e th til SsiienltaiiJbU in IT IS FACT Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves THAN TORONTO PRICES your lime to buy your Stoves and Stovt Pip COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE HORSESHOEING House k Lot For Sale laaMaaawdia Brkh I sepiai Mr laaai M la aa am abaa and all for la Mr OIf0O FASH FOB SALE prt BB0T11ER3 IMPROVED PUMPS JOHNSON IMPROVED PUMP Durability and Utility Will ranpsU iib lfr ctb u Hot to be UNDERSOLD f B Jabs Banaau is so to BAEEB SEWING MACHINE AHEAD 0VFaallI lUraaa ibUu A GREAT BARGAINS SELLING OIF DRY GOODS BOOTS ANTl SHOES STRAUS WALTZES violinsolos Ask tor edition sent fort 150 in SANGER Sheep Rags taken in Exchange for Goods J ft J HODGE F A 11 Save Your Time Labour I purchasing one of Furrow PLOUGHS Jf The Sigbl MALE VOICES Sample copies mailed postpaid for per Addreas J SOD Broadway FAIRY VOICES A NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR Seod and arc will mail amnio copy April lab Addroaa J Broadway Lazarus Jos SPECTACLES sM el 4 aHavebimT nri I Most Perfect Spectacles TllBT ftlUFlT AND THKfK io nl MORE EASE FOR MAN HORSES Sid two la frost snJ lbs 8TP0NG EFFICIENT AND DURABLE Save Your Money I Turning of Wood or Iron m bortt nolks sad REPAIRED A apaelal alUaUua in Thnabfag JOHN Horse Infirmary VETERINARY SURGEON tlfa napnit tb v wo oful or by Houses cattle Every Description fo Horses A Cattle always on Band Ian promptlr aundnl to put alttw f All for ana la TUB aaornifM tb tbj ban all IbM ar JHlbbMl n Book Account or Note OF APKIL NEXT alll phMl la rt lor MllMtnat M saw slid Machinery Oram fo A last a May Tears rHkent raqniring lobe changed So are the wall Mr H SIMPSON For Sale A lad M I tb Cm 100 ACRES Of aald U Arm Iran Threshing Machine FOR SALE a for Ml Cm lot o irv Cuts lloih Piles I Chronic Diseases a all CARDOLaTKD GLYCERINE JEUT Pimples aso for Chapped Chilblains Frost and SartX a til TOILET CARBOLIC I VICTORIA SULPIUSM I VICTORIA CI MONEY AND M bj all opened Bi BREAD CI AND TRAVELLERS Insurance LIFE and IXHIRAIIF On most Favorable TmmW l to rats of sofMl J 1 to It lad If soddtst east Is per ft aaiaf riaki Ukcs si nits Life Department I Is lis Life TisfkIH Nil lb of the smbHIH svwtsMfl sou Mils Is Us oiitMioBlSsjlH sro Sf fori So as tllSlSM tsOtr lb llpolldro fftlBit it Appllrtlotal lit iim AaBTl 02 J 14

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