ERA FEB Jl-ilrKUCaW-iU- Train Time Miir r I P a tr Sunday Sot vices Hare wo lnv off end the extra attached to the tnal ol the lfe DAY FEB Important On Our Toronto Despatch illy I art had M at Tied Eo rone head ha aum I i fiunti to which and luux well on toward a- lhi femora but ween now ami preioo the of ike L i Art Rat not nil the part be question doe mil tell halt liu tale the of Ait referred an and aria Jin lillB4lJ only aoine twelve Week old nt jury men and litigant a were about he Curt Hon- on ourte ioari lb one- third of tit over Iron while f tried mil and criminal lelm get to the city And our land a tlo ami in lhfm of perpetuate that ttu liter fatl ml liuivf jtrtHfui rata of taxation North York maintain an while our nun Rati would jo Aaxe Court a In the year ami would tun extend a riia of week The direct lac- levied North York ml year to hi- and The Banner i Our contemporary Aurora a manel- expnially in devotion la in ere- at the the County Not wflh con tenting by into it in be ail vaniagtviiit fcjr to time ha ex Enen to 1anin he now the aiake- by 1 to t would be intiTtidiil khu hi bata ot In- what it vrtdeal thai the Id writing On in that journal the to of Moe we luu extra t liialit f the a MM do miVad the we lite of we ami I oiHe be informed the alter the of the year and for rnattot of append tbv jJ7l Mvwtu el etwj Trtal yiaraaUlrwci id furtiUhud the of that County which we thai the It mo only 180 a to mp than North York and mi the only nun than wo were axed laa year Tiny done at their laxof among theitiulviv the of their own ita iiruidrriniiall l ft all im- privilege We alwi raeeieed abstract of acnnnia one or lao other lot will not to en larllKr into the the tin- We hi k ha been dinrtly the ram to that our temporary baa at eoaV iluioni and thai by advoealinK a ixininuaiiMi ntn It Hull with Torotdo he ii the beWt York tbe of hi io a fale of Kay more when he aya we l rvocr by mcan what no luit In get In a how he i- not yel acquainted with ike the taken on the of ihv We hare to routine ur ma per- the quatin and four to in rA we be will Irke Concei Festival to a Cm pi are it ieiinf in an Fund welt Ailed The gramme of the MS an caBa3sK and i featare The Ban lb niM iiifrotirll 1 All lor J I- W in lb I I tfOl HI V 4 In Hi SHi tlrl liniiilit out an vli hu In no of Mr In Ilr Uiut Io to pre iid retired amid 111 lateirytiiMJ tpplauM- ftlli Ii k J of tendered to tin we kittd end Mutual Priaction Society An adjourned nut ting of me de- 1 he part l he Cm the Hall Shan 11 on lite inat II the and Air AJ lluydv- apaiiil Air Alal chairman if a jtienmali apMiinlud to t eic 1 which after tar read a adopted with a alight The chairman I hen railed for he and of ihov ihna of after to letlion of ftJer fir the ear reulting a- Mr 2nd Vice A- J- Heat he Tim- n A 11 Henry J il an Sen Win and Mi tn Cane Sen mm A dejiuialioi wax I S Stoker lint AM 1 at hi bad l ho view of form- I of hi A a bearing the of in Hniinale Inst ihe f An etc leke- in ike for throe day week Exhibition miit be with Sectalary and in thu Hall on Titeday We the Irieml of the will render the Managing all the by fa a Worthy of the dare Ft partinilnr bill bale Now let ai ike Uw Act coat- lied mm lo to lido artoeibi with Tonout year the da -atirfM-Ur-Jv- we allude a oft he on a oeaVm itelf the the the have fnrnti ami one The Bee the and an marked thia feature of the aarkMin thai he took to to it In ihe The en a in Mr A A then Introduced and ang a Martha air Akarxau the aiaou Ilr ainif much and on remark a My well We bop him on the Thu next waa a entitled the Two by and Mi- Mattkawa een- load I v A and Old by Mr Fabry the ladle man next Mr wa ben in- mdaied of fcaaV Ske reiirwl amid ppplaaea IM with aaeh aral a1waa f her Ana4a Tin- tin gr receitcl an to winch be a 1eV r0 of Thia ended I he pan ofNrihiwdliia The Church Our member ha- ami from the Air tt replied At ret Bout be reumed deuale reaoluiion re peel in a tint- ii placing in of Thai hit I 1116 in force and rfnllHr tierth irr bar lit intended that ihwd when it buy a of need that be diapnaed IK of the of the i tknaiboat the that the without tke aen opi at bat tha wa not a to laid down by the when in It waa admitted thai the Umber the would he the id revenue here after At the moment money he needtd by the which waa a Th and the hotel were crowded with perwona fairly or unfairly aa much it aa the- could There necaaalty to the bertha for the of money at for la twenty could be at doable the price realised when the money waa really He hoped that in the any wnejld Kind t any deal y It menu km K0 ii taken Hie uuu Brant who made a In which hu to die Ike judiotai point view For Kill an hour hi moid it whether the the en meld if not at he did ay that it c not on try been urvryel M able and l r w a- JMI North York at loo aa tkalWcK lid a hadjaatdehvero1 policy of the In rtjJ to the aahj of timber hi JjJ- iJJS lured a prudent a Within lenTearilha he rear of the Jrttrttt aokl be let we t with bylamuanuan ana fmtiL than the J- a iff wHild be if it were not j He nrtieraud that Within the riod there be invented in in that uxi000 to on and that there the of the and lend io make the Province one oat weaJthy in roale would bate been bad no new the market he and other engaged in a rut better lor btitae policy the the ore and he laai tha in hrk m- a- I- III loiluhe clmn wi the Mem Were not o the 1 ooo u keupa certain of man in or pat up another in but they were aunt tber by ibecuntiluencie principle on it which the country be guided hat Council Council held adartv on ThomUy of week All the metnbera Bre In chair Mad from Capt Alias Co No 1 to Lata ire and forth that eta- ployed to tbo engine in order to Fire and Mr gather land frmmiuae reportad thai bad been from Beak for the of for an I that riven to to the ame at maturity adopt- hare the quell at clearly eatabliahed Ho that of bertha were premature that it fairly mducied that and ad not be di tin- id and all that ii mi of Parliament ahoilid flrt been given for the alo and be afamild la Mr thoroughly thought the lion Cm Crown kail xhaulwl ike fot North York hauated the He the view gentleman look to Umber of the only and evoke of the luj copper being valuable rettourcee ke r of Ike the of raaolationa and bit Wood l Victoria aid Ike lorn for all aorta of produce much higher in that region than at Ike front He want mi to apeak the fact that it had been the pal object of all to open up back then- that the Department Slid no lieeinw in the la limber apon wikl land- of the future but hall excarjl any apecilk- charge lor be and local until ttio Order in Council raapaetinif he amo have been by motion he nail to Die Scot I for roe aio of the land but ho to be definitely whether any rnimioiier no mailer acqoaimed with ibe wa to hare iwrof elling lb rw ll ho q oat 1 iunUrin in I lllMWtf llxunUn flM ljt I- nininr Xri jiniiliiiK nlonjf Lb J lie MiiuCrilInaalnifa6 Ma 1 nMl he and a ii laaa M treat hi- ibnaabt in Me In- fttifr hail ajfrtWn Captain I Ike if be DVk ladiln artoe lime in the and plight he had been left hftt he kindly hi hiatal tfci bra hail i a if with a hot ant and paper Mood tea C a and Japan Feb iBrThcaiita aiaava arrived am to I Cain ara tha unniJiiii Mraae on ayatnt foreigner in Ik are tofeiT Japan 1 llAarta a llaliaa Trw be Worth a mltrm bare iitrrtt on the ilSdddOM th thou to tha were Feb After routine proceeding moved mi add re- nil ex- incurred by of the Outrage Committee Carried- Mr naked what ait they intend to take in a where on pay for them km- it not known thai Ma all that ragion were of gl land Very few people had road Mr ltd report He lire tateraattoribe getiUeman tbeo berth W AwfiekiV M the Japanel iia Ipjn the of Yokohotnw are iiKhled wirfraBM An lantatlm f ajifj lhal in the Japritl it being at He hen Kent into a detailed it which he that hair In million fa of lumber worth 1 be rut well an wrib of bar la to ordinary Jl i Went I In rtr at there woaUi ot In that leaded In laying for labour ami wr a to capital of land bare been ftaind on the of over lee tiro to be in did lam In not worth tbe price lor to tha ke a tber originally Hon Mr of c ami aid it ittiemled under the employed In regard to to remit of ibe thai Ike aa not properly original money Mr or known be iGrev what of time for rwi from re of Mr Fit gtrald will be allowed to oa river to which lance been IiwtMactad ftnmi had and price of whtrh A- far a regardel principal laal inteida to reduce Hon Mr the boo for that there no real no- coin be bad no objection to It but at with r to the the reoolation only a gee laiier principle and did not make any would depend vain of for 4 individual lot Mr moved work of Department of Crown let Thai no to la Little a year ago the cat timber upon tke wili land of bad bean be grantaii until a portion of each time aa aaid land hare ind owe of tha memher of aud and a bat time that fall report of tke quality tad ken avada kia 1 1 GRAND f aat Fine Arts 8ITWN1 iositie HALl NKWM On MekaaMjeaaaij ART BAH jaajwijfW 17 Jaa war III 1 all aw Tar faKatti Jo to army land lr of at praMM Within ike- la Java a re have been pur baaed for 11 rkoka TO BUILDIE8I IIIHIHv r TV aruwaa thai 1 hail de lad him u iewa iV i JOHN T STORES ta I o lb ho 1-ri- the flame were to iraVlrtinaa inullr I JOHN CBOIS 1 Ve j I a