Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1873, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA JAN Conumdrums there bo a larger M in than in the It the house of ally i Haw many insect make ft land lonl Ten ant Why i like a dissatisfied and unraUful ftiUMintaruo loss Whs What arc ho degrees of com pari- on lor a lawyer First be has to get bo tlicii logo i honor then to get What J base yon Washer woman were more careless than now loot hi in the How many young ladies will reach a distance fifty for a were obliged to swallow a whom should you prefer A Doblln Why sa conscientious baker like i Alp without a ballast Being of weight he gives a roll over Why did Curia leap into hi- golf Because it ft good for young What i the keyooto to good breed 7 natural When i ft clock like a discontent workman When it strike relation is thai child to father who it not the fathers on lis daughter Why is a cocksparrow like a cul prit called up lor trial 7 Because be is brought up by the beak Why are archbishop ba lodge of cattle Because they thought popes bull a great bore boar What is that which has two build two trees two animals and two flobo 7 The human body which baa two temples two palms two calves and two sole Why the Emperor of Russia like a workhouse boy He feels Hun and want- a slice of Turkey What is worse than raining cat and dogs Hailing cabe and buses is the carthorse the moat hi mane of animals He giro the bit out of his mouth and always slops at the sound of woo What most like I woman A little girl When may two people bo said to bo halfwitted 7 When bare a understanding between them Why does the Queen wear far her neck 7 does not lib to leave her chin chilly Why arejeowardly When are exposed to fire they ran WhatVord signifies tal ent 7 Reaped ability What ort of a day would bo a good one for running for a cap A mug gy day What is the difference between the of Austria beggar in his shoes 7 One manifestoes and other manifest toes at his Why is the suspension of Ha lo Penis recently knocked of her If those who help thenaelTea bow well thieve must get along sir- Why is nature like a baby Because there is generally a squall when its face is washed Pi Since the clergy bare held pecial prayers for benefit of the press the Chicago suggests that editor in diffusion of intelligence and ality among clergy ay following decision of the Postmaster General la worth remem bering want to pat two a letter you must pot cents in stamps upon it It and determfi than at this moment What baa transpired all lion has only goo to show that lb Government have lost ground not that there have been tbo least lion in their favor It matter what schemes and devices may be tried order to prolong their dying convulsion was pro nounced August and a kindly tisnd dare will nut be want ing in Feburary to pot them out misery Globe as Node baa been given by Hon Mr his intention to move at an early day a resolution to give power to tbe Governor in Council to invest certain proportion of surplus Consolidated Revenue Fund in the purchase of debentures issued by under By- Law on the certificate of Com of Public work that tbo investment i mode of patting tbo surplus to good use will commend itself to tbo favorable of public THE VICTORIA CHEMICAL COT i LABORATORY AND WORKS THI sold by Ms or sad for lbs ass Glycerine Jelly Tsis Is to DrjseH Is or IMhh voaba Tsa For Caap- Bit Sort Toilet Soap Telt possess ail IS hat- asd sstatsd ha s bsJlbr a V anJ ill IssM ill unll srsTsat las sf all tat Add by Is prt REFINED SPERM OIL Prepared Glycerine For Basss Hah Tooth aid Nail I School Books Paper and Stationery OILS Horse and Cattle Medicines Disinfectant I TU Is a of asd Tnhsld Is alas for ClosrU Cm fc for SI 1iasMMn Is to snt tor tbt risfostiseidii 0tsbsris71 Is JUST Bakery Hew Frah an CHESSNUTS ORANGES s Sblioi IIOWIE ALT ATT LUTE Liverpool Londonderry AND GLASGOW Carrying the Canadian and Liverpool Line Rates of Pare from Toronto For 8ale Alauuc W hdil mi Lb ACRES GRAHAM fcllllitu tut I DYESTUFFS end of but Receipts for Dyeing ALL COLOURS FRESH IMPORTATIONS A FULL ASSORTMENT AT DR DRUG STORE Of THE Bronze Mortar Near A Port Office Wholesale and Retail SALE OF LANDS ITT ARREARS FOR TAXES BY of a Warrant issued by Warden of Connty of York sj sf epMssr 1 lbs snssrs mi Tszss sst fortb I sstlss Oat On Wednesday the day of March TboaW mi Mil hmmlm I I A ftut am rm mm rum III Iff llil 11 IT Till W All jKS 1 J J ANILINE COLOURS A LARGE ASSORTMENT Perfected Spectacles all CHEAP uiroiii nil for Dssenff Hair If AIM to Hair to a tissual tops its la fow I rrsesred self by Dr Newmarket Out Insect Poison wsrsHssisr f asdPsas Fuss to PRICE CENTS I BentleVs Ague Cure And Vegetable bsn tokss la ilb Us POWELLS Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam Cosgb ladptssl A 11- Cmb too by Dr par BENTLETa Botanical AntiBilious Pill Tbsrsrs j Urn sbott Botanical Worm Syrup lb asd sst Il It sad as Issftb Telegraphic Reliever Tb is las for Us is all f sprrior to si Ossti CMPOUIO Extract of Blackberry For Summer CMera ColeraMorto mum at riB para mm ut rlteUlqanUa lajMinU mil mm II hMil iWiMM a kkk nJl I Mmm HUH mmtiim lulllNintlW mmU mm bail Un Kiim MM I A Mk twtMiMl ri Mf A Mi STOBII LEE Wave oh hand a complete op Wood ware Bar Horseshoe ft Band Iron 8PFIH0 AID CAST STEEL DRAG CIRCULAR SAWS Rubber Bltlng Hemp ft Rubber not i J IS D DMu at It- ISO iturn I KAI I S a MAIUVIUjUIS let is a IB Aanlrav vat an onStfBssBTAaaf UNFAILING EYE I Blacksmiths Coopers and Carpenters TOOLS I SPADES SHOVELS MANURE DRAGS ASS FORKS Hay Forks Rakes Scythes Snaiths WINDOW GLASS PUTTY PUNTS OILS COLOURS STOVES GRAIN MEASURES GRAIN SCOOPS And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AID GOOD J ANDREWS ft CO September 1811 IT IS FACT J J HODGE WILL SILL Cooking Parlor Sail ft Bedroom Stoves LOWER THAH PRICES it year Pipit COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At that will no A U aW Ik- Ikq to II I 1111 IT MAT I irtaa 11 a torn WarTnUMl BUM to ukm in talliqaikn rinaari mtrfufla J A J l0rtlllMa NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET sataaafM ass jest Jewellery Goods Aim BOLD A SILVER WATCHES BOLD An alLvrm CHAIN ElectroPlated Goods in recur Fancy Goods I rOmm mi QUALITY AND UNSURPA8SE Childrens Toys WHSLESAIE J at a Ail mi eto WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN Jewellery Repaired A aeaajilaliaeij AND SEE vaM aw A me Hi Horse Infirmary Perfected Spectacles Will I il m A 1I- et am a I 11 mml iiw si sal rsl Is S bars SSllbll IS Su ilnli j lbs msss bar ssr s ssr rssidmi sssiil bar itb Mr a LAXAKL1I A OX PIANOS PIANOS TF TUB PUBLIC STUDY A- sad SAVE MONET j Dollar see Go to Hendersons steer rises COMPANY OP Price from to MM A ft London Insuraacs Amu la at fUaa4- Ommm a tin at I mi at mm maum Cm LaTrailM ami aal pith Cfcil teem Mr teti LIFE and Ike il J Mi I atm- naiiill nil to a at maim ma ok to m uuatowg toibf- 11 im to mien ta ma toMM AND DESPATCH aiMto Trunke 4c at P Brick Store to Let fri itof fall- HUNT Ilia areMOtoiisoMaiato arts to aar IP PIT u tin JHO L4CD0TALD Trmmrar ai SUBGEON e pptoafatoOatoitoT aia I p HORSES CATTLE A A iflpton Daacnjirua or Harm Cattle or JBamd T7imp SALS Oa or Heavy Working Oxen GOOD a Call Sa ISO a I Itoawaalkleia to to A MakaW laaa to Ua a a anral Ha I tojul rah lap AMl JOHN Omcaa Street Beat TORONTO It 1IT1 Mr TALLAGE LOTS FOB SALE 0Tpm4 aaiirfriiirr a reaa aw a rf iak aw Warn mm at Oak I to LOTJBT a DDDLST ff ia tan FOR SALS I mm a a A a a aaa if a a mm A

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