Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Jan 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JAN 17 FRIDAY JAN 17 S Convention preotyear iicoraing director effect an union with th County So- doty This report adopted and tho mooting proceeded to elect office bearers for year with following remit President Jacob Lundy Vice Pret Benjamin Lrpard StcyTreat AJ Hughe DiHentt4AH Phillip JamcH J Pere grine Cole Allan Graham Joshua Ho Treasurer of the Society dod i IT I SI mi iii las Hi jrn with the lf led be the Mr a intl MhoPieiJen iitcil Secretary pre Hughe followed and i adjourned till pm usual opening presented tavir first that M Jackon during the afternoon J question No on the ramme bo the die lie Mr Mill to open Bid That question No on the programme bo second question fur and that Rev Mr Manning open the debate Report adopted and Mr Joe tookjtbe chair The question named in the i going were discussed till after when the remainder of the aftern wan employed in hearing report from delegates or of the respective Schools by them represented Closed with thi le by Rev Mr Manning large asaembly In the gathered i Church for a public meeting Mr Hull opened the meeting with prayer and a young choir from the Sabbath Schools in Sharon with Mr A J llutut leader furnished for the occasion with much efficiency Mr Alexander then gave a very borate report of proceedings of the Montreal Convention and followed by a few abort from of one oi School at and Union Street Rev Mr Bruce then led the in prayer and closed first day proceeding We think end effected nod Fall Show to take plan- next will be Ac exhibition of York beyond question Whitchurch Ag Society Society for current year Carried Moved by Mr Joseph by Mr George that Mr It A Anderson bo appointod President for tlio current year Carried Moved by Mr P second I by Mr that Mr John be Secretary and Treasurer or the currentyear Carried Moved by Mr Joseph by follow- ng named gentlemen be appointed Director for current year John McDonaldJoseph Shop George Hamilton John Don- ell A rdell James Bain James Tborober A Mark Kay Carried Moved by Mr Joseph seconded by Mr John Me Don aid that Mown John Ray and J appointed Auditors for tbo year Carried Council above Council mot on Mo veiling last All the members nit except Mr Sutherland After he usual routine accounts were from Ed for leaning engine A do P Irwin registration Mrs P Martin James Warden per Dr Scott do I do and for dories in also of Geo Armitage I two pauper Warden and Geo Armitage attendance on Warden A grand out Stilt Momuat Jan 13 1873 now teaching in tho Tbo speaker took the chair at in clock Tbo average cost to Tbo loosely tooki place at on Saturday last Tho Secretary Mr Jonc pro- the annual report frow which gather following the Show held last This balance on band of Inion Show together with was in the Treasurers hands pre leaves a balance to the credit of tbo Society to begin year 1873 of 937770 The foregoing report was adopted and the meeting proceeded to the election of officers tor the current year with the following result John Vice Pret Jared Lloyd 8tCf June Diaicro J Walkei Lloyd S Dougherty Lot Hart- man John Samuel McMollcn Joseph Thos Lloyd and James Brodie and A Ring Agricultural Society Tbo annual of the King Townnhip Agricultural Society held on Saturday last The annual report seta forth that a Union Show was held last year with the Township Whitchurch and as the Secretary of that Township acted as Tresu it is expected a detailed accoum proceedings will be more fully by that Society finance reported as follows On motion of Mr Sheppard second by Mr other into above prose ted wore ordered Mr from Road and Bridge Committee presented a report to matters of differ the Corporation and Mr The report set forth that the Com it toe considered tho work by Mr McMaster compensated it of prior to and mended a settlement that basis Report Adopted Mr Road bouse presented a report from the Inspector stating that Market bod paid over than he wolfed recommending re said 93- Report adopted The Reeve presented a report from Clue Engineer Report referred new Council The Council then adjourned wtvis following Bills wore Introduced and ordered for a second reading on Thursday Mr MACDONALD Bill to amend Law Act of in reference Juno in civil ca and to repeal A Bill to provide for tbo Interdiction of Habitual Drunkards Bill to certain clauses of Regis of Title- Ontario Act in so relate to certain portions of Loads Mr BETHUNE A Bill to amend Law of Slander Mr Bill to pro do in Civil a by Jury Christian Sabbath Saool The h interest at six per cent said capital outlay for tho train g of each teacher who baa made teaching in this Province a pormv occupation Carried presented the return of the Committee appointed to strike Sessional Committees Hon Mr PARDEE presented the report of the Chief Superintendent of the third an adjourned at p end provide for the payment of potty Mortgage in Upper Canada Mr moved copies of all Orders in Council any and correspond if any in to tho candidature or intend pposed candidature for seat of House of general election of members in said House of the South Riding of tho County of Lanark of the Sheriff of tbo County of Helton of Sheriff ol tho County of Carle ton and of one of tbo Inspec tors of High Schools in the Province or Ontario After stating the facts of each case as they had come to his be argued that it was exceed ingly improper that sheriffs and other officials should lake part in politics AUorneyUenoral MOW AT said was glad to find his friend eating views which tbo party of which that iala should not interfere in elections and ho regretted that whil A Cleveland Correspondence North York Society The annual meeting of the above Society took place on Wednesday leal the JD Phillip in the chair Tho Secretary presented an nual Report which was read We have not room for it this week bat will endeavour to publish it along with the financial state of the Society in our next After adopting re port the meeting proceeded to the election of officers for the year resulting as follows President Levi Roger Vict Randall 2nd E Jackson J Ferguson John David Rogers J Phillips Smith J Wilkin James Pare bam Charles Lundy and John B Howard and Alfred Stevens Mr Jackson was elected a delo- to the Provincial annua Meet After tendering vote of thanks to retiring Board the mooting ad- Eaat GwUllmbnry Society annual meeting of Society was held at Sharon on Satur day last President Mr Boag in the Chair The Secretary Mr A J presented the annual re port forth that in consequent of feeling bad grown op in the T regarding tbo place for holding the Fall Shows a groat lack of Interest bad manifest ed itself and recommend for the Ego be appointed President of B tut put After the adoption of the report the meeting proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year with the following result President Jamee Samuel Matbell Joseph Stoke DiaiCToB Gillie T Ross Grey John Johnson and Charles Irwin AtDiTo Joseph Wood and Sid ney Leonard It more than likely following the usual course adopted by this So ciety Fall Show for wilt be held the Southern part of Town Georgia The annual meeting of the Agricul tural Union Society of Georgina and North G was bold at Jo hotel Sutton oo January The President Mr Ego the chair Mr Jamee Anderson Secretary and Treasurer road the annual report ac companied with the usual statement Moved by Mr Joseph seconded by Mr John McDonald that the report of tbo director submitted to this meeting be adopted Using satisfactory in all particulars Car- Hod Moved by Mr George by Mr Randall that the friend of the bon office had Jan 14 The speaker took chair Mr S MAC1XNALD To tho Law of 1868 by providing that betting or wagering bo an illegal act To render qui interests to sale and execution I Respecting Sheriffs sal of real estate Mr CLARKE Centre Wellington To provide lor protection seotivorous birds and other boneficial to agriculture Mr To amend tho lav Minting to the remuneration of Mr PRINCE lin- PRINCE Respect Tsfatgrspbls s Ii at oat is reported from of Mr Secretary Fish sT The Calberioea proves of Mr measure for the interdiction tual drukards from OtUwa that in all probability tbo middle of February Tho John tea to concoal any looser fact that there is great another smallpox atsr widow of die1 in Toronto rcd 71 years The funeral tab lace on Wodseeday afternoon The Paris Star does not working or liquor law such a lit its introduction into Jan The raka Is hire owned by Coone totally destroyed by Loss g ace The fire ft in the drying room lie Cornwall Gvtetu mm that preliminary being mad for the of cotum mill tb Can la Company to In of counsel in of ituled an Act re of claim by thereof and trial and precede in tbo Also A B ipocting Hon CROOKS Respecting the University of Toronto Also A Bill to consolidate and amend the laws respecting any necessary to prevent evil of which the boo gentleman plained With regard friends motion there no Orders Council with his motion With re gard to correspondence there waa no official correspondence with any of the parties mentioned with the ex ception of the Countr of Helton So far as bo knew there was whatever with which the Crown Lands would ex plain He had no objection to bring down correspondence with tbo Sheriff Halton Mr MACDONALD observed that the Treasurer when AttorneyGen bad issued a circular to County At torneys on the subject Mr CROOKS said be had intimat ed to ooe of the County Attorneys who be understood purposed to be come a candidate for the House of Commons that in his opinion if be became a candidate it would bo neces sary for him to resign bis position as To prevent any misapprehension on the subject he issued a circular to that Mr MACDONALD was not satis fled with the explanations given by the Government It appeared to him that interference with officials bad never been used except to withhold official from working against their friends He did not think there was any doubt but that Sheriff Powell would have supported the Dominion io the Also A Bill reepocting Municipal Institutions MESSAGE FROM HIS EXCEL LENCY AttyGeneral MOWAT presented a message from His Excellency ex pressing his thank for the address recognising with satisfaction the ex pressed intention of Assembly to give it careful attention and consider ation to tbo subject wbicbwill come before it and stating bis confidence that it deliberations will conduce to be advancement and welfare of thin Province Message from His also transmitted tho Estimates on which a rote of credit was proposed be asked Hon Mr McKELLER said that he bad made arrangements with Mr Burned to death A fire doubts Mr MACDONALD deprecated the introduction of Dominion politics into this House For bis part be did that Dominion officials bad in any way with and at any rate that was the question before the House Hon Mr WOOD said the member for bad claimed that Dominion officials bad not interfered with elections and in reply be staneed the case of Mr French bad woo accused of plotting the I of the fraudulent townships in Sooth Renfrew We can not affect Provincial prosperity without Do minion prosperity and we cannot ef fect Provincial politic without Do minion politic Touching Do coin ployees I Ontario Legislature Friday Jan 10 The SPEAKER took the chair at Several petitions were then pointment on lists of Standing Coi given notice Carried on the Addrooe In replr to the speech of Lieut Governor was then resumed The debate con tinued tilt after oclock when last clause in the Add roes was passed without opposition Hon Mr then moved the usual formal resolutions appointing draft in reply his Speech The motion having beat carried Committee reported end it was ordered that the Address should be engrossed and presented to bis Excel lency by such member of the House were members of the Executive House then at adjourn n from bore Thursday to wbsn an be tbo Blind Instill CROOKS moved that supply be granted to Majesty Carried On motion of Mr CROOKS the House went into Committee of Sup ply to tb foregoing resolution Mr Wood Victoria in the chair Committee passed tbo resolnti ported and loa again The report On motion of Mr CROOKS the of His and panying Estimate to the Committee of Supply Mr moved for a return of names and residences of all per son appointed Immigration Agents since December 1871 the date of their several appoint ment the name of places to wbicb they have been instructed to go through with a copy of all tione given to said Agent Also correspond with the Government with reference to irn gralion together with all not lb Ion of body ltl I rrobsbiy ami Vrsur of American News Caixo III Jn Thi morning small boat containg two dead men drifted past Colombo Kentucky postu the I in Count bringing Son Ho though sver it wbold bavo been more con venient and satisfactory to the if the Hon gentleman had postponed he said that all the Welland Canal bad for Dominion candidate Mr LAUDER said that many of bad voted for Mr Thomson Hon Mr WOOD said that was about as tin the Proton charges Laughter The motion was then earned Mr CLARKE Wellington moved foi a return of the number of dren attending tho Public and Schools of Ontario from 30th June to30lb Jun 1872 ami of those schools irao far as the same can be ascertained from the school retorns and of her of children of school age in ae reported in the annual return of 1871 Carried Mr WOOD Victoria moved for of all correspond tho Government and the different municipalities indebted to Man Loan Fond Carried Hon Mr WOOD Moved That be an Order of the House that Superintendent of Education do with all convenient despatch lay before this House a return stating paper were brought down Mr RYKERT moved for a return of tbo namee and residence of alt per- eons appointed by Goveromoot since December 21st as Land Valuators the date of their appointments and the fees and amenta paid such valuators Tbo motion waa Tire rumour that Mr of bad been offered the at Minister of Finance with th Council is Three Cornwall oi tinier a when the poli sen bean the Ooe of tarn moved for 1 The date of the establishment the Normal and Modal io thi Province The total outlay on cap tal count in respect to said Schools the purchase of lands and every expenditure strictly cbargeablo to capital account 3 Tbo annual outlay since the es tablishment the said school in cluding staff of teacher donoo maintenance and every expen diture not charged to capital account The name of the persons in each year who have received instruction at the Normal School with their places of residence with tb view fitting themselves for teaching in Province and lb average number of them who bare made and are still making teaching their profession and bow many of such teacher are MACDONAI of all Order correspond telegram in re ference to establishment in On tario of additional Normal Carried Moose was adjourned at half P four other was lying in the the boat which was surrounded by of ice rendering it to reach the boat from the shore posed that in attempting to river that boat waa caught in the ice and that the were frosan to deatb Mitwatma Jan faom tbe the Milwi and St Paul Railroad say that sleighs have in reaching snow bound train between Con- and and pa Eight freight train are blned in between McGregor and Aus tin snow to packed tighr that snowplow bar no effect on at end it will have to be shoveled oat All that can be aeon of trains here and there the top of a brake trod iig above the enow and not but tbe smokestack of marks it whereabout ther mometer has ranged to degrees blowing a j Driver rehef teams Conropany are doing i possiblo relieve do layo passengers and reopen A private letter from Sault Ste date of December contains the following The severe and cold weather on the 27th of November and for thro days thereafter made short of on the canal and melted death of a Cape John in tenant waa elurhi a gold medal the Boyd mane Society of ft as live gale on tbe A sot occurred employee of Great way on Friday afternoon at ton Threugh th backing his engine too man was killed on spot other o badly craahd it thought most hart termination Th driver kef at arrested and will be ing the result of the The body of an Baa was found frozen to death a la on Saturday night and two taa of horse were frosea near ton Minn one of and to so sadly frgam that he cannot live Sitting and Bock m ono by freesring to daaV nam is A A Tea small boys were to Humboldt la Owing to being badly blocked recent storm strong fsera ato tained of fire and at many at I Jan I only a few hour a had engaged ia and A paper mills short dress sal t of toga down and braising tbe Bnt for Smith book heard tbe sen stopped tbe n after lb- of Ik firm k sari and I t saved giritUw that aae was her perilous and Colonial By the Atlantic Cable and also vessel are all right this date below here Mud Lake were so when they were last heard from a day all canal improvement to going ill as can bo expected consider ing cold weather and tb force of men at work about All Lako Superior fleet vessels bare been heard from except the C Qritwold W O to shore at Mamas north bore Five of th crew war lost three saved and two mate perished Sim on Hi A lbs lass Mis In in ttaMi at Ms jvwwMiat ask J A TwjM Miss task ia tfsswWy suffering but to keep from freezing They will be kindly cared for here An expedition will be started from here on Monday next to look for the It to reported that a vessel to ashore at Cap Canada about seventeen mile from here As soon as tbey arrive will write what Ottawa Government ago via Rev Horroeka Cocks Gen Commissioner for England Ireland A Scotland Alex Begg Ottawa Com missioner to Scotland Mr Byrne Agent in Scotland Mr Agoot in England Mr McMillan Niagara Ajrent in nortb of Ireland Mr Toronto Agent in south of Ireland Mr Dyke Otta wa Agent in Germany Mr Wagner Agent in Alsace and Lor raine These with exception of the General commissioners nave en- gagerocate for six months each while the former baa been engaged Pkbth Hon Roderick Senator died at halfpast six oclock s IS- lit For Sals taT 100 UII I r JOHN

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