Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Nov 1872, p. 1

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Friday Morning AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISE GIVE ME TIIE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO AROUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Onb FRIDAY NOV 1 1872 Terms 150 in Advance Solicitor Attorney PHOTOGRAPHY John Ccjckerill A HOOD I English Oils Ointments inform lb feinilr ieS for Sale Recently occupied by Mr f J S PHOTOGRAPHS I Architect Civil Engineer PICTURES yoctrn illTCIIELL Barter HairDresser PETERS Musical Library JIOXEY TO luAV of York on rum AND CORONER PHYSICIAN My n OR STRANGE in iT V I Mr Murray Scott OF MUSIC K MATURES OWN R B JOY grant CABINET MAKER ImUrtalrr actually seta in Thus sud- and with sad readlts we find ourselves approaching bo condition tho and lizards for the chill that alert forerunner of disease is over ready in our climate to take advantage or that there are no ally cool weather and one reason of many of are ashamed to keep and fide payments for the fair warm To wrap up and button up I of the printing advertising and put down windows whenever then is a chilling change in air argues to mo minds a nam by eagerness to be well that ii repugnant to the hardy American vote or refrain from voting or on count of snch person having voted refrained from voting election ho shall in any way prevent other than bo laughed Wo prefer tragedy to grave to ridiculous ZfaMtj and Society in for NEW BAKERY JOSEPH SON OPENED A BAKERY ON MAIN STREET tar V 1 1 I J P Jrlj BEEAd CAKES 11 HIM Hi Select It a i g ii j Gambling Den email in HongKong was led with packagvs fur I young from his friends in lliv United and utter enquiry learned might probably bo found in a gambling house Wo would draw our reader to tho undermentioned Act passed at the last session of Ontario Parliament law very stringent one and electors will to see that they do not late its provisions An Act for prevention of Corrupt Practices at Municipal Elections Assented to 2nd March 1872 j Her Majesty by and with tho ad vice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario enacts as follows I The following persons shall bo deemed guilty of briber and shall bo punished accordingly i Every person who shall di rectly or indirectly by himself or by any person on his behalf give loud or agree to or lend or shall ml thither but not see determined to wait that he might come to br of The place lit ITER EGGS over their cards nd coming to blows a I Wm two men one young if lhoal of fe They were belting- and drinking tier or promise any money or valu able consideration or shall give or procure or agree to give or procure or offer or promise any office place or employment to or lor any voter or to or for any person on behalf ofj any voter or to or for any person in order to induce any voter to vote or First Prize in 1871 FIRST TEETH XL Dr Robinson LDS way older one giving utterance to the profanity Two games had been mun Slushed the young man losing each I J whatever time third game with Afresh do any such bottles of brandy bad just begun and the young man sat lazily back in thereof shall not be a contravention of this Act IV Any candidate elected at election who shall be found guilty by the judge any trial upon a writ of quo warranto of any act of briber- or with using un due influence as shall for feit his seat and shall bo rendered in- igible as a candidate at any mum election for two years there alter V Wbc of summons of tho Judges of NEWMARKET Book and Job IS THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS and if grounds therefor shall ap pear to him to be shall be competent to w him to make an order for iuashnuf al low and may order the costs said to be paid or any of them who said bylaw the part hall have ind if R appear that to quash said bylaw ought to bo dismissed tho said may so order and in his discretion award costs to be paid by the persons apply- to quash said bylaw After an order has been nude left with the Clerk of the Corporation of which the bylaw is in question all further proceedings upon the bylaw shall be stayed until of the application in respect of which inquiry has been directed but if matter bo not prosecuted to the satisfaction of the Judge he may re- the stay of proceedings Any witness bo bound attend before tho of upon being served with the order of such County Court ting bis attendance in the same aa if ho had been directed by so to attend and iay bo punished for contempt Jl the penal- nature of before tho Superior of Law any question as date or any oth anvvioli of this Acf affidavit evi dence shall not be used to prove the offence but it shall be proved by evidence taken before the of any County a reference to him by Judge of Superior Court for that injeeeding in any Court the presence of counsel for or after Judge touching or concerning any notice to all parties interested and or bylaw or the conduct of such reference bo directed to any i thereat or in relation the Judge of the County Court hoi thereto on the ground of any return evidence to the Clerk l of the Crown at Toronto and party shall bo entitled to a copy t given by any person claiming to the ground of privilege and shall be liable for such attendance the irao manner as if ho had boon rved with such person shall bo question put to the ground thutthea icstion will tend person of the Superior Court before whom of I at ground that such II tend to criminate himself shall bo used in any criminal proceeding his chair whilo cards The of such vt having voted refrained from vol any such election or upon any a if Main and isor Stl m Short DR SCOTT Accoucheur and Snrgn NwBsrkt J of stoata sIm foiaf toOiaJofMclia Organ and St PRIZES AWARDED AT TH Late Fall Exhibitions j Pint St the cards and young on till at length bo began to gift may order the to bo the hearing of the summons to be j against such person taken before the Judge of indictmeut for perjury if the Judge the County Court and in any shall give to a tho previous section of this Act that ho claimed the right to bo ex- rig shall apply cosed on either of grounds atore- VII Toe voto of every person found and made full and true answer guilty upon any trial or enquiry as to to the satisfaction of Judge the validity of the election or bylaw AH other proceedings of a violation of either of the first two against any for any violation sections of this Act shall bo void of this Act shall be commenced with- VIII Any person who shall be ad- in four weeks after the municipal judged guilty of any of the offence election at which the offence is said lie meaning of this Act shall to have been committed or within penally dollars and four weeks after day of voting Money to Lend LEE A HUNTER Physicians Surgeons 4c OFFICE TIMOTHY may Profit- COEOHEK OP YORK f Dr Coroner for the County of York Col si ft missis SiBsrkrt left Ur bo slUaoW Horse Infirmary LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON td lAUrlo Mcrtnsrjr TORONTO TlZOa iDbSblUUlU Of HO JO mm 2C bo Ac Jaaiicov of fo Strut on Hand PEARSON DENTIST NEWMARKET j Insurance Company Three Years Policies DWELLING HOUSES M ibJ J J hirh J DALES Musical Instruments PRICK FINISH MARBLE WORKS I OUT DE T I S T Dentistry ADAMS King Street Bast Toronto ss Us mm Iwd SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES CBABLB8 is for lh I I to kis lis rftrs Tomb Tablets Head Stones Potts Crosses dec On Short Notice ft Term Cerartasnalp If oArtssr too Jioiitd ISM shudder A Sabbath School a gambling den llut while tbe young man sang tho elder stopped dealing the cards stared at singer a moment and throwing cards on the floor exclaimed where did yon learo that i tig been sing- as to or for any per son in order to induce such person to procure or to procure the retorn of any person to servo any municipal council or to procure any such bylaw as afore said or of any voter at any municipal election or for any such bylaw person who shall by reason of any such gift loan offer prom procurement or agreement procure or engage promise or en deavour to procure tbe return of any person in any municipal election or to the passing of any such bylaw as aforesaid or the vote of any voter at any municipal election or for any bylaw ill Every person who shall ad vancO or pay or cause to bo paid any money to or to tho of any shall bo disqualified from any municipal election or upon a Law for tho next succeeding pen any brlaw as aforesaid By- XIX Tbe Clerk of polity shall furnish each returning officer with at least six copies of this IX Tho penalties imposed by this I Act prior to ever election or Ibo Act shall be recoverable with fall voting upon any bylaw whoso doty its of suit by any person who will it shall be to post same on In for by action of debt Division Court having jurisdic- where the wo- commit- I and any person against whom American I ball be rendered shall be ineligible cither as a or jw Oct Mayor Halls municipal voter until amount trial was roanmed ihia moroiog He ho has been condemned to pay conducted bis own defence assisted by Ira Schaeffcr District Attorney was assisted by Lyman Tre- and W of Act or who con- Richard S Deputy Control- shall be fully paid and saliatjd It shall tho judge bo finds any candidate guilty of a young man bo did know what bo had boon singing expended i when elder repeated words pal election with tears in eyes and the bylaw as aforesaid or young man said ho bad learned them knowingly pay or cause in a Sunday School at home any monoy to any person Come said the elder getting repayment of op come Harry bores what Ive won from you go and use it for I such election or at voting upon some good purpose As for roe I any such bylaw have played my lost game and drank voter who shall before my last bottle I misled yoo or daring any municipal election or Marry and I am sorry me the voting of any such bylaw di- hand my boy and say that for redly or indirectly by himself or by old homes iko if no other you will any other person on his behalf ra the of the mi fence has XI Th ity shall duly money wholly ponded in bribery quit this business agree saw those two men I money gift loan or valuable leave gambling bouse together place or employ and walk away arminarm and as for himself or any other he went away himself bo thought person for voting to Verily God moves in a myslenoos or refraining or agreeing to way I from voting at any election any such bylaw Fall Weather and Warm Blood 6 Every person who shall aAer any such election or the voting upon Wo should never allow to any such bylaw directly or it that nature intended us for y by himself or by any otb intended blooded animals In this changes which no hoed of cold or boat dampness or dryness and receives all temperatures 1 with same front generally defenceless It is certainly very troublesome to change front often ve j the weather and there is prejudice for American minds against I riage his behalf receive any money or valuable consideration on account of any person having voted or re frained from voting or having in duced any other person to vote or to refrain from voting at any elec tion or any socb bylaw Every person who t hire any horses teams carriages other for purpose of conveying mllLS THE HURON AND ERIE Savmg8Loan Society OHT American minds against change which baa a great deal to do pose of convoying electors to tar if mm hs with rapidly increasing population from any polls as aforesaid t of graveyards People like to Every person who shall some stability of and indirectly by himself or by any if they can it in nothing else other person on they will try to it In their drees of or threaten They will not make a change until force violence they make a permanent one for the season No matter bow hot It ia in spring they will wear spring clothes until summer and no matter bow cool it may be in August sum mer clothes moat bo worn until fall Xo Lawyer Costs Its Aslidtsr all is tliftUnc sid ngisKriif tf J 8oUciiosandVabiattr for Society April ie Mr bebalf make make use of any threaten infliction by himself or by or through any other person of any injury damage or lose or practice intimidation against any person in order or compel socb person to that A Halt Court for any offence Mayor in that the paper signed of this Act to re- by him or the other member of tho forthwith to the clerk board of audit authorised ibo pay pal wherein of- claims incurred prior to April was in defendants hand of every municipal- writing the witness described i book to be apartment where kept for that purpose the names of kept and said ho partially examined all persona within his municipality those which were subsequently stolen who shall have boon adjudged guilty September stolon of any offence within the moaning of touchers represented the bills In- this Act and of which he shall Miller and others been notified by judge who tried Mr Watson was then County auditor ease vouchers wero sent to the Mayor XIL All proceedings against a can- for bis signature and to Chair- didato elected at any municipal man of the board of supervisors bad lion for any violation of ibo provisions tho bills attached to a blank of this Act most be commenced with- rate Witness saw stolen vouch- by tho municipal i era a few weeks before tbsy were Act of one thousand eight hundred j stolen Tbe Mayor called one day and and sixty six went over greater part of them looking Any bylaw hasbeen procured throughorby of audit Tho leans of any violation of the wanting en mini of the Scales of thousand eight hundred and ity six as Before any amplication for lashing of a bylaw ground at any of the provisions of this Act ive been contravened in procuring the passing of same and if it is made to appear to a judge of of the Superior Coarta of law that pro bable grounds exist for a motion to quash said bylaw the said judge may make an order for an inquiry to be held socb notice to parties affected as Judge may direct concerning tbe said grounds before Judge of tbe County of the ieipality which said and require that upon such in quiry all witnesses both against and ipport of such bylaw be orally lined and cross examined upon oath Judge and said County Court shall thereupon retorn tho evidence s taken before him to Clerk of lb Crown and Pleas at Toronto am after return of said evidence and upon reading same any judge Superior Coarta may up notice to such of parties as he shall think proper proceed to boar and determine too question Board of Audit attached ouch era afterward stolen After recess various warrant in cluding 34 in favour of were examined and signature of Mayor identified by him to be gen- Audil He saw nothing ippose that these warrants were fraudulent at time issued He described office In such matters and said all its requirements had been complied with Tbe court then adjourned Some of vouchers now in Court wero preserved from spoliation by in hands of a clerk at tbo time tbe were removed Den nan ono of robbers testi fied that met him in Now York told him there were in be bank and for per of tbe plunder agreed to tbo handcuffs so fixed on bands of the robbers as to permit them to slip off and escape Groat excitement prevails as trial progresses Sax Oct A des patch from today says that an eastern bound freight train was bad ly wrecked morning The Ham ilton stage was stopped by six high waymen and the treasure box taken passengers were

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