NEWMARKET ERA SEPT Mow Advertisements iUliliililTin A Sick Man Hist lira The Union ShowKing nd Whit- S Tin ass TwAip Personal I nil Mint Ihe lo Ill i an s sin 1 Hi lw- IndUirflTNi Second Pa y J late of Vancouver and nj the cannibal J i I me tho dreed hyena gone by bo- 5 at bidding or about Niagara Tory mauler To thia end baa come at lal of rah Guinea rot II1 a lhfillilrini Train Time af lfScnllltvktt DAY Jail The Ontario The leading ha Ma Til ijii 19HP- the iilr f ll5illMll the empire and iMliMnj J number or 1 I plat 1 In a our en lien lecon r lie Killed la U CallOII Ir that member for or the gentlemen from Grey be IV Nero mil be take band There too moth talent In build in men a Pardee Oliver Farewell and e could name any uel M that Wait an bile there time to ik alter IV reluni- A Policy We agree with nor the Otana en the looka like a aim all Hint on Iho part ol the alien til- 1 fidence it Western people Confederation by the manner adopt- in disposal Of the pit rentage in ihe of PI- fr evil euuM be latt- Tin- rmlly Mtn ihliing Sir John of at Kingston and fonltwill ial ftDd in patU count il to olio in hi at need an exbilitwn of and now we have of diaplaying a abort beard a ruction not tar from tin- are queer aod are being ud vmg lite in- 1 lie I earing hastening to tbe ttlunienla where dineavw Iiom not In city of Lahore of the filthy wfjftd I the in a malignant thousiindH been a general panic praraila among people At litwn j from ft Vina tJ lniano in nearly ball the water J hi In a a I of feet 1 over Niagara Fall ever boon terrible -npporU- I Dan and lie laat and home war to I iea and no lfiioi round for tho or faroff corner of the Ialand total population ii children and n duly qualified Ob my I lf year- canal cable k ftH feet of The ami Jlwunl by Chamber in rouiHlo The fight nlyi took place I quirrel in Si Clair The referee decided for Cham- ldarN bit him were Sept won nominated for frwideiiily Indiana withdraw- u and to niakel Aug d0 lie liable reports from all par in of Alabama represent that the deatruclion of cotton by more thorough than ever Bankrupt among plan ten ia entertained South America Lou Peru Aug 18 United Slate Connul demanded an fiom Governor for firing into iho United State Coimulate during late revolution governor mode a reply in an apologetic and tone All quiet in Peru Con mid the future bright is very popular liepuhlir Aug 18 The indiantt made a raid upon the whiles this city twenty person and carried -V- oth Mr Shibleys Return The result of polling in is the return of Mr ley by a Majority of firo hun dred with back townhip to from which will incnMM it by r hundred vote Though his wit- regarded certain none against the Ministerial candidate Mr Now that Mr as been elected the Tory journal will loee no time in claaaifying bin with Mi tcrinlirit though a abort time it failed their to do- him an Annoxauonint and dish politician whom it woa duty of every elector Wo do not object ill cloaaification driven off also by the Elected Terr While lid not bunas do not blind bl in address to give ment a fair support So would an mau not blinded by factious prom i to give a fair support to Go- eminent on of which ho pa approve On the other hand it ma not forgotten that on every strong before ibo country took ground with the and against the Government On the Pacific Railway Job the violation of principle of Representation by Population the of Manitoba and British Columbia the Nova Com Law the lulercoloninl Rail wayon t he and other imp beforu the put I Bj I telegram from Victor learn thai S Francis was elected of the Canadian of Common ven from the Renfrew utterly intyCfll tic in thediffcrenl and ihi-i- hut our Go of in Manitoba and Brifitli Columbia total with their placemen making Province in joint of fuel a sort of Agricultural Excursion refuse the destitute or the put it- aplaee where lhnbility postponed needy and Agricultural will take place relatives are to be ahelcd eon- yn Tuesday tho 17th atisfaetioh When jt li rememlxred there are bona fide restding there every way qualj fled for of trust who bare homo the beat and burden upon the oMiiing up new country it ia not to wondered at that they til lo have strung pi id forked over their heads it ment and reaping rewards they reasonably anticipated should full I Tho of the Govurnnetit should rather be to reward the pioneer and giro people every proof of and a would tend build a Canadian nationality but y pursuing it a feeling of may be engendered productive of much evil Rather The Lindsay Pott fol lowing hot personal dialogue having iskin pi at the Victoria nomination of the Jleing the lout nomination of the cam paign it was but proper that JL should be a lively one Hoe W llw mob lhdians to the Missouri by a party bout the bunting parties from They now been lld muMlMney io Ontario that Id him as their re pre eSir John A is wits end to find a seat foi ineo Minister Every conceit ently into ihe limine km tried but but have not returned I tried in vain One day Mr Crawford Is one of the persona to ho mode a Senator and Si A report is in today of a Francis fleeted for Toronto urdercd man being found on but that fell through Next day Mr sent P they Sioux Winnipeg Another Marine Disaster down about Kin We take the following account dvnelv the burning of steamship ju found lay rifico himself for and make way in East Toronto but that little game was found dropped incontinently day fol lowing everybody heard that a was bo found for mi- iki but the found shaken tc en Bat from the New York would not touch of the of Aug A cor- 1 Everything mm tried hut nil writing from Havana No place could bo found in Ontario Cobe ontho 30tb August or Quebec the wonderful Captain Jefferson Maun of the I born Minister What was to be BienvtlU arrived here this Why what could be done but pitch rooming from Nassau and report fork this unhappy man into burning of the at sea moot by meant of one of those steamship Bienville loft New British constituencies York on the of August for i en justic wall When in latitude dag 12 decency created in 1871 by longitude deg 15 nib and bis abettors for fortyfive minutes post three such work as the present the morning of the 15th insL fireThe telegraph wire woe pal in was discovered among the cargo tion Iho mandate for the election Steam and water wore immediately fSir Francis was flashed across tho turned on but steam pumps after continent and forthwith nobh after a few revolutions broke down constituency of Vancouver Island and could not bo worked District did as they were bid and Captain Maury then ordered the retarned baches battened down hoping there- 1 tbe by to smother the fire and at re seer either them or their the fire were used nJ Truly a on between decks The steam kept on he working representative fire gained rapidly at six Let no one however suppose that the whole population of Yarn Inland were parlies this humiliating subserviency Nut Sir Francis in that case would have been the member elect of some to 6000 white people but population of section of island and the passengers and crew began to embark At seven Cant Maury was forced to leave tho ship being the last on board One of the boats was after leaving the ship and from seven to ten of the in mates including two women were After sunrise a fresh a fraction of that In June Mr E bar breeze sprung up The boat Columbia and righted and bailed Cat Island reached and reach I 150 miles from tho scene of disaster The missing boat ho 4 not been heard from but it is it was picked op by a passing row- land said Victoria including the wliole length and breadth of the island does not exceed persons In the same year Mr Alex Rattray eluding that of Victoria Island with a life pre- is about 4000 or but no of the boats in at- curate returns ran be pting to land at llaml And in 1871 sufttd the and ntno were drowned at lading her three Will it be credited lht this handful p the of people send mediately j When the fire was first discov- it was supposed to be in iho fore- M Sir Itimei- P I aSr of der cargo was stored but ft proved between the decks over for tat as boilers among cargo Two actually r twenty times the populi policy of the Government If tbo can look ing at these decided expressions of opinion class Mr as a Minis terialist all wo have to say is that they are hard pushed for names the South Bruce Redeemed through the canal cubic feet flow every minute Lake Frio into Lake through the Erie canal fee pans every minute from the lake into the liudnon Thus cubic feet of water which Id give Niagara and minute by artificial chat into the Mexican Golf and Bay of New York Add b it is as a drop bucket and would make difference in the character M Falls or their rato of By all this we see that the hat made the as it cuts it way downwards oaken banks have assumed of terraces And wo low banks the oven the banks did not contain a grealsrJH than this which flows throngs narrow gorge today then all tbe river bos left of its own present rate of be a fair measure of the past at tho Whirlpool and Ferry Six inchcn a vear channel would place the Kill a Lewiston veur hare no means of klicinglieaM the quart which the lowest part of hank Whirlpool would have cataract This is 23 thick and as its feet a mile tho Falls would cut back through this rocl half a mile The hall mag been many thousand year other period for tho halt at iug and age of the LewJBton to fall below years ably tho channel has been the close of glacis The Game Act of 1872 Hiding is between 1500 and 1000 Tbe following are all the returns re turns received here as yet HnaDoM Brant 3 Greenock 20 Kincardine i Electoral Fraud In Aug The greatest excitement prevails here over the fact that Doctor George Returning Officer foe West Peterboro baa returned Wil liam Cluxton duly elected standing Mr Bertrams majority of forty The returning Officer at the nomination demanded Mr qualification but that gentleman not it ready no demand was made r Bertram Mr Bertram bow- voluntarily pat In his on second day after election three days before tbe return Clerk of tbe Crown Chancery Cannibalism In Formosa The Pekin Gazette contains ol the shipwreck of two vessels belonging to off the coast of Formosa near point inhabited by cannibals captain officers of the vessels snare by a Chinese merchant vessel that brought them safely to Fang shan from whence they were sent to other vessel contain was upon rocks and fifty seven of these who ld death were in a few days killed and eaten by of Formosa Ace of one who the death tho typhi three of the unfortunate n from deck oh vessel who immediately drowned the after drifting about for some days tear tbe coast of Formosa was then capsized throwing the re naming sixty six men tie lili The legal m killing the vai areas follows Deer Elk Rain boo the first day of and 111 Wild Turkoya or Dot and the lat day Woodcock Soipo between uvut and tho lat of Mallard I 111 Duck nd or duck ISth day or Jurirjj or rabbila M dy of September and the litdajr in of and be or billed for two from paaine or Bearer Mink Raccoon Otter and honied nd killed only lat or November and the lat of KM Sept At or South lion bold at a Well or Toronto party candidate to St place rei recolaaS of Riding Id Local Mr Well incepted the a aaion of Grand Lodge of Brill Templara opened bore the Marble Hall and will until Friday evening awj A of Kincrdine Grind or rfovScotia Now tlward laland arc by loailing Nov Scoti and Barrett or MM Aug 3 About I morning the my by Murk Atherly wharf in name nd totally Owing to the timely men arrived alarm waa pre vio grtor portion or village been coil ring to tbe connection and the mill The total about y were all expert Sept the rooky ahore I held ln J they all Allcrwand r donrt laid and killed in Tiny day and arcing ao there had a boo uddenly came ua a of er ItMluIging In had 1 xl the the v they and and bid io ruck at Mine diaUn bat the made the kull wa thorn out nd ho rroendod place and J found a verdet of killed fifty four The other murder olve once more In aft war to a memorial the Em- 7 drat a flK