NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 1872 J fbKigu By the Atlantic Cable First Prize in 1871 MY Orqan and FACTORY w SPRING GARDEN SEEDS KNOWN I 111 AW Ontario Pump I Andrews aoald lfU Ihs IS n MILLINERY DRUG ft TO RE Mantles and Jackets E M A E Has ReOpened an Agency in Newmarket MrJBUbJ CSS 5I IKS i i gmta i tin rS 2mS fafil lM J Jewellery Goods j 00 IKIKIIKAII 1 HIT IHiH GOLD SILVR Ribbons TrimmmgS ElectroPlated Goods I cunov Music instruments J tvi Onion BXTTTEB EGGS Iiruip in for Goods Groceries all kinds SI VXSKP FBI ITS And Fish of all kindr 7 Brandies and Wince ITllIII ONLY THE BEST Toninla BUST ALE Pea Crlfckct Bats and I A FANCY GOODS C JUST off novBX- Fancy Goods PRICE DRESS MAKING childrens Toys for tho OF Firstclass BEEHIVES Johnsons Planing MILL ST Iho of iascrtol a a to oUlrootioaa of ae or oKrlrtio ails awl 11 I n io in s I T An HO CELEBRATED MILL Miss Smi in Lam election which can run I Adc3th I Cab 1 Ml I boo iil am ir firu IS iRht a llmw An ii today on reroaiu man the fence 11 light was hilling lic a nB a woman which dual drew a 1 the man who Hilling with Itnoeki died il Ilotb A r lb lay A 111 fl III BASKETS TUBS Butter Ladles Books Violins CONCilTI AS A ELECTION ISTITTOF am Swamp Whiskey Ale and At GREAT BARGAINS S MILLINERY MANTLES MRS L BOND SELLING OFF IT J IS FACT HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Stoves Rare Bargains Groceries I C H Just Arrived White Fish Mackerel r fcsfis MARBLE WORKS TrOUt Etc our LOWER THAN COiPR TIN SHEET At ri- thai rt Slay New Grocery provision stoke Main ail U can TEAS Wines and a- Fresh Fish Je JollX Farm for Sale I of Lot it iu HO BEST THE VERY And Cheapest Rye Whiskey Malt Whiskey T Brandy t rick Store to SHINGLES FOR SALE and Rum Gin Port and I TO- Shorry Wines J REMOVAL tall Salt IV Have he Too firaydinired old the other day He I ion who Iho bed room t but it old gentleman in -Wliv- landlady wont allow ny funerals from for her house I farly of men animatedly in inginl drove In a Ago o io log two bowing what came of his Mill then tun SPRING SUMMER Killinery Wan lies Ir Ac At Cost for Caab of an llhin the to hi wile and draw in ho lightly shouted to indivioual on tbo out What Twelve the sardonic reply The policies of li a host older Agooffalheriflivi mother if I MOST BE SOLD Great Bargains 1 funded he hnd got but Mime that tho moo very long living mm air my parent died go hat if living M god pat down Oh Mid iho I A NEW 6rVii liano Botanical Worm a Iwlcio It f Nil in an ant all ltil Li Unit BEVTLEYS Telegraphic Reliever Extract of Blackberry For Summer Complaints Diarrhea Cholera an of 5 0 g ALES and Sts For Pure Bottled Wines Brandies for Medicinal Purposes Year ilcmeyl For Sale or to Let TERMS REASONABLE TRAVELERS Insurance LIFE and On Ac moot Iuombt Tew Accident TRAVELERS COMPANY oJ IDXJIT to of all OUSES TO LET ALMA TERRACE I BLACK SIiIITHIITG 1 I Ill I I TEA SETS CHEAP At m Hid Book Accountor Note FRESH WIYSIERS Virtual u Hoot i if amiliil I ill ia for on Cattings and Machinery Repairs rdT for all of Vcotirj Work Wool iarwiittfd I III rill aii- til kind Ii ia id a M of mi I awiMi fcr SEWING MACHINE I Mpssbtl atplsd aid all bcliMU JlitlU ISO so in T7J Asa soosBsuj wtsUU i S f WifWiiet Hotels Supplied m With IdtJIORS WIN IS and I IADS annul TORONTO PRICES At and Bag Salt always on I nil at C II LOCK II in Cash Paid for Batter Eggs Bacon At par psora stock koi Opposite SMITHS lrM NEWJIARKET All Warranted for BONI somw cast PAPER AT Till I WITH THE LA I fCA I d j or lot Ha J 1171 Wool PAID I CASH FOR llfOOL VALlfAiiLE Freehold Property FOR THE STORES FOR SALE STOREI SSsfeSS lErfEMlfoTS wSZdH is of tTnnr ali AuQtES iv rrLJj I -c- Lily Life a a 1 lMdrad 1 kd jtar lb Ofati RE Hat j JOHN W King Siren II 1871 No IS JIVE Bakers Confection Illrd BO WHEN 11 I HOI tjudortthi 1 Western MADOFFlfB iiii i a 1 low lairoj i Tba ho as lor tins ailtalr