NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST I I 1 la lv ie Merrill of today lot overland by tin Shi AUGUST Our Toronto Dejpat By the Atlantic Cable i lihvnv by having rid ISO the gift bin o75 I imcI r Icfl IUM nil nil theolh bid at and being MM ThS pat in ft mimlorou raaaajl will lie afternoon King aireol Port Mr la- in the hum- II death I In nil lis earned l- hare a til wich place afternoon very largely attend Port MX Henry Ward M complete the twenty fifth yeararl of Plymouth lyn i ri- iter dm 3 a ti- v lo inh llilwiy in m i a very vat I and arc till look bo I Mail t Pullman Jlnnd of Mr Pullman of Ml lumo bad been made by tbo I of American occupying on canon in to Pividont in a fi Mr Pullman i Ian I two aiTn and una of former rpi ihu Dominion Sean Riding of look place the Retort worthy Grand Lodge meeting in Irani Ijlgr nil nice in on the in September By tl belter apply at onee MS tbo of Search Expedition which ailed from er receive left r Holland on the th gronil I front Hi i of hurt II ittae and Mr hear di ds to awki en day be ml pond PMm ell iid iv of i-ay- in IbtH railway ien by Mr A representing tbo Company A it A an rial firm Tin not only the of than rol frotn it to Win Ti I ill the of village to id I fr hi to 1 ma th 1 I tin tic and vond r urn f J I I whether of a to be eecn In other word the proper la I Minntcfa from il cause- and Km mud it to to rather duty of hour the of diiTerroeM exist nod th of con fidence will toad lo har action great prladpWI party is labour MVMMlj Wo fttqmaUv many prominent of Mr of for elands pledged in lb j form and Mr ha informed that li desire become with liberal parly of the Hiding TEE IS I or M and wuralof tbei tod and Inh WW ladlv tho and Mcbhd and Captain and Torti the pilot among the unkit The I iley from and awn of Livingstone En field in the name rf Earl latfcnowlndftM the re Moving Tho Dr Shand la dh a great If I i Pan Dodge will find proper ready and winner lo meet him fairly and judge indepen dent man and should bis bo each as to inspire confident lit is not prepared to fall into the lap Sir John and Sir Francis Mr Dodge may rest assured that the Jitformers of North will not him factious opposition or seek lo id bar- rasa bis future It affords us much to know thai Mr Dodge had the cour ago and independence to declare bin reform after election while expressing thanks for the honor of return as mil a pre- HO MUiiurrnianu II il have to do i to tie rflttnilan This I Dodge chut lv part him due credit man judge him juufv In tbc ere is a lesson th old be ijilanl day iToanizatin rirciples far although wo labored hon estly and faithfully for Mr and express our regret at defeat still now that the people thought otherwise we shall not be found among those ready or embarrass Dodge for mere op position hake If he the Bourse bis campaign speeches iudlj party pri chaneo who su during the I were Mr weeks of hie of Ontario pear to the importance of the groat of the day Already Sbanly and been dismisil ly the people and the good work is only BOtfnModnjr Constituencies likely to elect boon brought on first to giro a faint The Ladies Journal for but the and slaughtered pihng Yes Yes agony So Tbe nay l the to aid carrying on the in Toronto with the view of do Ur proprietor of that print and poor fellow is hoaxed by the yam TbeVjdeo of tbe Grits well d money irTperiVcJ- and bis nerves ill can unite No doubt Riding Whole i largely reform and mat ion fur eminent we staled re the present Camnienccd but A professed liberal could stand the ghost of a Locking Wo candidly confers if umiliatmg to think tbo free am s than Toronto ha- fell tbc influeneoe of the 0 It j A gotd many On Wednesday by Majestys iluaul Majority for Cook Elects a the Foreign Depart ment I in let ter that ho no doubt of lei tern purporting to come from Living- tot Living son says he has ad doubt tbat I the mil bmsjajbl lo him by Mr from his father The Iomlon dos- patch Mr Stanley is invited to dine with Lord Granville and Lalv Franklin and other distinguished people A Liberal Union meeting tonight trot of tho Salt broken I mob There groat BOCK VILLI Aug the J candidate today for tbe eleven over Mr tint clone of wile Th Addison 1 blown New Dublin Marshall School Reformer here feel very Well over their victory and ver jusllyso receipt of the result i the ely aire flowing by great i illeaje wore plem last afire e in the Mb Trunk Railway at 1 lh Gloric Old Norfolk 8f9 and the ate hut cool there would have lci hi J Tho mob bad conn letwnce of tbe police August 3 Tho Dem fire1 100 guns in the Hall Park ibis noon in of the Democratic victory in North Carolina Tbe tiring party SUhaKI Manitoba From return of this wo Bad that daring year their imports amount ed to about a million and a quarter while their export- principally to Ac Ireon lean than one dollars in to observer that with all difficulty of and Can a al most m its trale I Tbe following are pnr- from each country treat Britain United State- 205 West In lies Franco tit 1 Holland Spain Portngalt2Il Germany Ca- aada Majority for Charlton ihe banner lo nve either Intercolonial at Aug moil ild blooded attempts at murder ever I of look place from day It apbaara that lime during laalwnner a named Paler living a lew miles fan here was baling sale of his Hit law named John Turner living to or of cat lie the same lime agreed to drive them up to and sell them hi After sale i settle wilb Turner and the not lived on friendly terms Thia morning Turner left bis boasting be would have a settle mentor kill both MoArtbur ami hi her arms folded ball ugh her arm near elbow thus her life Turner is atN at tan- Tbe Imi ha a that Bin nay after all length and Mr also nit in jural legilntuie dttJ and that the aanot It after a the dim bill s nets to legtnlalC iemiern into a la What a pity lha lti Mr just at is a patUea are entirely with the Opp a rer of Sir John A Durm tho two last sessions he acted with ibe Ho opposed sliy j on iho covernmeit ftw withdrawing Fenian Raid claim voted against giving Government unchecked control of Pacific the Government on Tupp r scandal that flagrant violation ol public morality opposed the Governments refusal to allow polling and trials by and censured the Redistribution Bill An has boon recent ly devised in Germany for obtaining specimens of water at any desired depth of MIK A heavy vessel and baa aealea which water may be admitted bail la only in motion jwwerful electro therewith Those also connected with a the rope by apparatus of Oil In Be Ontario G ho Company and granted by the which the roail pas- s and engage to find the capital They the work mo Province of Ontario present is i la I Otawa l bo nnfst later than the 1st of A Detroit paper a- she alleges been for subject to hands of her a Helen Nilea living in determined to leave him anu In ibis deten her money to come with an 1 a tin lot Sue left home and la ing i- named After being here no wrote to hor n where she Her I dee of Iho id taken but to us a poeeibli in who received llio letter llearrivetl a ice ad em ploy oil arrest the wife and par earing many a rott I would put then wit get them at stance Tho prisoner bad up an hour when NY and finally declared that lot prowceato The wilt luru home j my rnlrond faro and clouJ completely dispelled Of Hamilton tell the Mf ins story Agent ar at our office today wm lie wen any person whok of what he oats it horror Our says that ho a quality of flour from firm in this city and wheal tho bead he noticed a red him as mac nuts to the roils be- lw magnetism thus generate opens the valves and the vessel filled and ready to be drawn up I lor ing insects or wbkhal fc ho wtb Horrified this lays I deep enough to lo op was removed and was not leas tha pint of creaturea looked I on taking it fmm any p rtion barrel and laying it hand close watching these were also he their movement the top of flu flour in barrel was infeiad them Whether Hour is gffl new it m ikes no difference vg should exeossfi sale to any person Under a microscope this foreign out to bo sixloaned bugs it most and