Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Aug 1872, p. 1

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J lllll- AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ill LIBKHTT To KNOW TO AND TO TO COX3CIBMCB ALL OTItSB NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY AUG 9 Terms 160 in Advance TUB Book and Job THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN TYPE ORDERS INSTIiUClOR MUSIC her hand lit II I- mi t disgraced the I be j of Mr fay Mr John A Mac- laughter addressed lie person as George Brown attentions gentleman win hit ever been fore- 1 lie appeal lollicii admiring most In the rank of those who had at a general election ilint true country followedami ihe condemn distinguishes lo the in cor- appointed He the of the Government NorthwestTerritory men and poor i In- 1 Mr of trio what Billed Tie Allowed ib Mr Mo He charged them having it re tin- real authors of the outbreak In b v and showed up in strong A Mac- igb i the tricky and indefensible man- nor in which he six new seals in principled I Parliament been appropriated alii Mr mado a vigorous thrown I0I0 whether their trails pi n of tiro jean S1V 1 iced had kin old Minim 1 IV in mill till In jni linn 111V the n i were gift were iiirj- ago 8 Tlha in- toon Ik on poiilancnn II ItKMO 1 111 Id bee pane me the 1 Hie Rldlnrl mill bad nurd foonlj 1J to lr hare afforded him lOntarj itcrfal IK bad of ii now pretence of Applause the- winds and reek ling forward and extravagance order wore Mill ienl to banish forever wan received I or iho dny Mr Drown vent from public the men who prolonged mi trace reorganization of the wore roaponsi fate fir them Ho 1 1 1- party on anew by tbeir old jnt live It a an J the reliahln lalaldred a which would overturn lllrm candidate Mr lcl mid domlnanry and with a majority and ho wottml the people of tip with a of Mr thfir of bo returned lie showed tr Having iiu I I from lime to lime to ae- Ihejuiooting kind rvcauUon he had Of to lor the present at rate An hail him m of ibis long d and it gnm i i-ii- In bad to thati unit 11 to In- them id the nUaiki of bin friend Mr kotixto the loader i Rafifrm part in the M Brown then referral to the pong having iintu KrmiiMion to peak It a few a of an hour duration in wbhh ho allocked the Con vention Mr nominee of the Jleforn party ond Mr late member itpeak in of luxe gentle men with coalenpt lio condemned party Government the GU Mr in the mont man ner of Mr conirnz here to dictate to them con- niidpavMiKiirapdly to that that be had told them no- bi in hi speech alluded to ibe iir John A bad triko in the movement when no duly on Amerienn longer be held without adopting it charged the Ontario the violent opponent of all ment with Coalition defended changes to own Independent Sir J hi llinugh Canada and lather Alt in her but oh yrbal public a Dr Accoucliur Office Mi Si ft DR STRANGE ban lata should fill iccatral he grew calmer and alrenh old nitorly repudiate d forget alio at on bur before him lured would I S T J rnoviwciAii Insurance Company I I I omen i i R Wni ii Dr Three Years Policies DWELLING HOUSES Liverpool London GLOBE Insurance Company bring he tern 1 the She llrina heard Willie He i- int Lai ii- ho ho had rendered to Canada and the contempt manner be bad hi and he Mr thought be not pent of I nnc than by reference to the lineal record of jat year bow ut terly were tbcae prelen- nnd how deeply injurious to Of an Ala bad been the in which wiw to intent by the large My frequently in upon by cheering to I hi hearer a vivid ptetnre of Ho liad ho and of thirty years Ho began by one fair form was hurled into the Hen tug u True a- inspiration be had of 37 and iho arrival ind the and now willing of Kurd Durham into the ib6 deathlike pair grievances of the people Canada- Mtn to madly leap iho death and lok Ai to find -I- bail hat indeed lo And when lie day of mm her life Willi 1 of oik- youth by whom bud bed from the portal Fran- to hit famous report suggesting a lull remedy for those and to the Sydenham lo give effect Lord Durhams ctimn that the claim or the Reform parry for Parliament ary should le granted refurjtU to accession to power of Govern- great reforms they during the governorship Sir in spile of op inn ii of fory parly A Id Vmna Hand I 1 UiathM I J Mi iSUl W la M laid for leal I Hi SHARON MARBLE WORKS Ufa of bis iage and of his daughter Willie had wondered and fretted famed Iho appearance Ada at the Christmas- lime He i rote other letters to all I were received burnt by infuriated Finally he waa front a newspaper that Park had sailed lo i was the end of I And yet lone thought went wandering back the rich gold memories of the Alas lissfintrt severe study and thought harsh misanthropic things respecting rank fortune and humanity generally r rears of Paris and ft Re Terms land lityly wh slo had NUUTII lit plained the quarrel thai awe between Mr the leaders in Dm denial of by the former and resignation of iho ahfcrugb ihey at the moment a majority of throefourths in both Houses Ho reminded fab hearers lhat Sir Chi rlui was for near a year unable to form a govern etit that daring that long time Mr Draper Mr and Mr hold the whole ton Cabinet in that the elections in IBM carried by ih S faa1 party by and by force He announcemnt was made that a keen for the Mr would address the of in fnm all parts of the North Riding leaving turms in iho midst of Mr arrived from Toronto by tho train d met by a largo ber of prominent who accompanied him to the North Hotel where breakfast was Shortly nf or ten a formed of the d that had bra ted Sharon Silver Band and the Aurora Band way to tho Agricultural Hall Mr Ashlon of Aurora acting as marshal The st reels along the route were lined spectator and the reception ac corded to Mr Brown was most en thusiastic The capacious hall an already largely occupied donald nd that Sir John A Mac no into Parliament and bo- amber of tho Hump Govern moot in beat of that contest to prevent the establishment of sible by the bitter opposition t tbnald and bis friends doctoral that took ptrfrc upon it incrxsing strength or the ami the formation of in far purpose of ii described Double ShulHo in all its meanness and profanity the gnat Jleform Convention of ISM Ihut pnv the of Federal principles into sys tem the truo troubles of Country and which was in fact accepted in by all only remedy give at amid loud and continued Mr Canada Browns famous Comnittee of quiry on the subject in of Mr to it of its appointment spite of him and its report in favour of the federal principle with solemn protest of Mr ro- against it Ho reminded them at tho very same day on which that port we presented lo the iho Tacho Adminstrnti- win Con on a motion of nonconfidence and ho wont on ne gotiations lhat followed for giving report of committee Mulling In Iho union of Brit ish America Mr Brown defended himself and bis friends from the of having formed a opponents ho explain her in the House and accused Mr Brown of inconsistency all this was mingled a great deal of that peculiar chaff for which Mr has rendered spicuoua Professor proceeded to answer Mr in a speech of great vigour in which he showed up tho inconsistencies of the local mem ber and kept audience in a roar of laughter nt his Ho pointed out that Mr had not at tempted lo answer Mr Browns speech thai while pretending thai Mr an unfit can didate he hod not advanced word in favour of the fitness of Lis keo friend after ihrec years for post ho Mr Ue- i thoc their o w them- antS iik innniiiinn IolInn ef irV ami KrounlleanOM the manner which on he Clofconledennion A and for the a ilrnn Washing n negotiating Washington for or Treaty P He flung back with scorn iho charge Mr fay iho Governmenl Mamie That tbo had tamed his back on I tendered- to bo showed that ho had on- Georgo Brown for his able given from first to last a loyal ami exhaustive of the varioo ananergelicuppor and ho lre1 l thoMacliiavelian trickery by which the day and lhat da hereby Sir John A hud used himself in office legislator and a Ma Man well and deprive Reform partv of and honour to which ihey were I llor entitled as the real promoters Mr T Brown referred to the buying up of Weds P for the riding JS Maedonnldyr How- in moving a vote of o the nd Mr Wm on the Chairman stated that ho had boon eve of the election to olicitatcd by the Noparty cry raised in that con brought out it to tho results of election their full establishment or Sir John e had nominated and in Pros the incial and Dominion Govern- icnts for the past tiro yea a honorabw then pro ceeded 10 show the results of Sir Johns flvo years government and as bo laid bar various iniquiti ho and his had boon gait be manifestly carried with him the assent and sympathies of the large audience he addres sing Ho spoke of the flagrant and the second occasion Cboera Mr Bootbeo bis great professions bad brought nothing the Local IiOgislaturv except miserable link he never intended hear was buiiiausod mi tbia ejection by Mr or his agents he was convinced but ho hoped electors would not bow down and worship ho golden calf Dr Hun- supporting breaches of Act grantingsulidcstoIxal Dslge bad shown him only two Governments for local purposes not weeks ago a long piece of poetry for in ibe Ac in granting representation id wfa hole had taken their soul- fore the proceedings begat Columbia and Mi numbers they were entitled to ider the statute and of the mid moat dangerous manner in minuted in llie election 1847 which the Dominion Parliament had when the Rump Administration and snmcd to set aside of their own its supporters were completely defeat- motion tho very of the Union the polls and a new compact He explained minutely Government under Messrs of Ibo Government and established in their ccforence lo Iho Intercolonial Bail- room Ho then ran quickly over the way the vast sum of monoy thrown affair of the Losses Bill sway upon it waste the homing of Parliament build- of time in building it and tho heavy at Montreal and stoning of annual burden on the people of Elgin the Tories incited Canada to be entailed hereto by A Macdonahd and posed the scandalous chancier or there James the removal of Railway Act the j the aeatof Gorernmetit to Torohio power bile had been the father and tbe daughter Newmarket Mr Dodge was understood to be in tbe village faot retrained from ap pearing at the meeting Mr Reform date occupied a seat the Proceedings commenced to thirteen Privy amies to in favor of Councillors by it and frightful Brown then ex- corruption and jobbery it waa about ice that arose with- to launch upon the country prose rke in reference to a now proposed He showed plantation of the Clergy Ho- the systematic of Sir and other cognate questions Macdonald to extend influence jthdrawft Mr BaldwliTand over the members of Parliament by Mr from public life direct money considerations and and ihe Tory annexation plained the verb in Ibe Reform ranks for Mr Para- I nnnin Sir win nd mean- half part ton clock Mm The motion was seconded by of Aurora and Mr Brown briefly retumd thanks for rote which had been passed kind reception which had been accorded to him and took oc casion to reply to sonic of Mr personal flippancies amongst others to bis absurd to in Toronto On the motion of Mr Sutherland accorded by Mr Atkinson a vote of thanks was passed io and alter cheers tor Ihe sod the Reform candidate meet ing broke op at six oclock A large crowd assembled at the station at half past seven to see Mr Brown on board the cars Tho Sharon Band was present and the train moved off amid groat cheering by the gathering on the platfirm play-

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