Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Aug 1872, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 2 1872 liberal party the party but hat he had taste misled by the iimeUg induced li l public life under ibe WV the doubtful pain principles Electors of years ago luey were to dress ami Mr DsJge men to but mid Mid he they found that j men called themselves hi with the big fish when lby toimtMWtfMBttd found d Ruts or then in il they con- Id disown ill- ro for- 1 ftHKMiiatvd ii- who really and nuking tin lung el- Itbi a- The Elector should re member that under the pres ent election law wilt be but one days polling instead of two days as in 1867 uphold and run by the Comer sad those who support him to belong to the party of pro- 1 re likely to weaken Relorra prepared to billow flake 1 Mackenzie in the He wo be North York by fostering I bo but k alio ion is lade to tb aim of Sir John A He Donald an the Coalition Go t now trolling the affair of the friend of Mr Hodge do lare the are dead No possibly lie made The Int Colonial rings an ralemanagement- the ira Biol Ma the refusing pro Mtlllt to Ontario the 1 able surre dor our t r- the InileJ S areal lies an ainco la- of tl Government an are the live lead of todav upon prop are called to pro at the To vote for Gove andldatea- no matter ay lie dilfc the while the bat he is ami surround- d by male open profes ion of hostility rfche Loader of cionnparyairoidssufticicat ground That Fly Sheet Do ring tnas Ming bold in New on lav lacani a ell rulatod in of Mr r d We a from rlv mood should iho Ship those be to the many people for pop continued to say he which belonged opposed to class legislation and stiiutiunal monarchy a sorry 10 see a tendency to form gave more- freedom any RsjMlb j lwsy ringa and lor of Government lhcgiyatji had shown benefit of few Hoar bear He est at il ewi a mm an fifteen if were There tier more and left election tern of to IjporViioaria their He concluded by Mr he nottucing thai on Wednesday Dodge a Reformer Iaghtr Hon Brown and hiaeee He prove that then on the of the day Mr Dodge a Reformer end ten oclock He offered to am going to laughter any hot wrre put He bad to l Mr then ivllrc l the Tory but be a Kformvr Ho ho laughter He not belie n the them under a he contention and he thtna were comparative tranter to follov managed there He to citizen who bad the nominee of the conreDtton for many yoan he wan oppofled to tbe pre fc lam go aheaditiH ro faithful than he had been evlfragi heller of the two candidate Iodge withdrew nan the lint of Conereativ a a ReWmer he Mr nil to support him Ho denied them wan not of a host of Meade and who were When with the action of the from Ho theta an an They haul a deal a deal in J to an in- Itpendent In He believed a man I and he could go to pahs it Ottawa and be member and T0 lien I a he hud in and at the ltrire sMatinga be bad attended in the Rid- logi that he vote earnestly and for good in tbe from- in l the There wan that he had Dodge I that the people ehould have con- heart trol of the money to be in the world the of Railway but what they The people the United State tb that at present had good enongh entry in the world that opened it art no fully to all the people of lor ll II believed a could go Biding and f the country l tied down by vote ta and DodW tbe a fair Canada wa by the Clear lit country He had come here liecaue the repeal of dutiea imposed bS whole heart wis in aympathy illy w they ha1 in in the I who would other would lw to sanction thoo in- justices and the wbo does bounded ho can- 1 n q not jutilv counsel our antipathy the No one on the day of friends to look tli face and to act from a senae of duty Mr pledged to give meet unscrupulous elected Mass Meeting in New market Grand Demonstration On two notice upwards of people in this place to hear Hon Geo Brown on the leading day For ajwardof bo kept attention bile he portray frankDeeaof hot tbe result of the em to lake Mm will Mr t the from pergonal a antenre to Mr and it the Mime be id on the other aid The Nomination ill last nomination York and we we are dlmTlen remrirk- all the Mr Dodge be A r and had nil the grand waa a man of earnest that prvriereeslve A i had Id whs tbe mi- of pi which Sir John Is the head and attested their by open titrations of approval of the remarks The forded the lion gentleman tocxj ilccd cd refute published re himself and the reform party bee removed many and created an liat will tell wonderfully towards ll party in this riding to do ita dm next Monday That waa a decided both in in terest and numbers Is conceded or all sides and we lrot influence demonstration intended will lo fully realized E penally reformer of all shades should remember that by dividing part at this particular they are strengthening opposed lo good government and aiding Sir John in the work on Monday bo effectual Do not bo away on issues sacrifice principles Even to admit argument sake that a wrong baa been done let as do our duty now the wrong in future To coalesce with opponents is no way to an evil We not report of the meeting today The Returning Officer said it had been hat the speaking should take place inside the the A Plain Contradiction foregoing is an extract from reported speech delivered Nomination by Mr During the whole contest hero acting on be advice of political friends in the locality wo refrained from in- in anything like duty or vituperation indeed we pur- eued policy out of deference to the views of totally differ ent from our won led curse on cry way Mr a a gotttleaoo consider therefore be stepped out bis way in making a again tbe Era to wide from facL No we challenge any man lo show In we have talked of or in any way hinted at the kind of nonsense alluded to in the above tract Nay more wo utterly deny that any cards have boon issued from of the kind neither bare we ted any carda or bullet in to circulate among Mr Dodges friends or opponents and ae an honorable man we call to publicly contradict tbe insinuation that we have been guilty of anything mean or dirty In or daring the contest On contrary wo have all along treat- d him wi gratest lieving real sympathies prompted bit In Convention it said were supporting the where the nominee hut several of sped for In s men than tbe man He had no doubt bat the ic lorn the nrth part of the rid- part of the would put Mr in batter Bow r then addressed the tore He was received with loud II he appeared i i whatever party wiw to have a strong raid them and prevent their pa bud The Mriona with ha bee it proposed gotxl or had renter enemy to lh party of thai free men should in and send their representative to vote for t h1 inin-un- no matter whom wed and to put their foot d young j of energy and life dearly as any o mnke Cm A la M Hero ha it they ward iend blm to Ottaiva to rk earasaW faithfully tho good ltd do he had wealth he from one end of tario to the other and bad to develop the of He felt a deep Interest in his fetb and if ids Messing could make his life of world il be could make the letter for having lived in it that all he asked- If he came Lack end of five years without having spoken or to give him a vote even for til in bis own dbtrtet He could do eHimulhing for them the per matter by whom He then repeated his- pre remarks in reference to poet uch start Irnrn the limo when Mr and Sir John A Mac- doiiaid took hold of bunds and buried the hatchet which he to Christian in the Pilgrims losing hi burden when ho met the After a few more remark ho proceeded lo say n tries and his for the people he knew he coald and bo of knew he had all tho good lives lor him unci l before election day he weal have good Reformer concluded a rambling and inl notable for It tenccs frequent inrammaticismt style and egotistical was very rarely cheered Mr and Ma to the Returning Officer after the large dispense glV A bad advocate does an and we fancy the if Mr Lukes aa he nominee of Mr Dodge done more damage that gentlemans prospects reform ers anything that said claimed to be a reformer and with tho next breath vainly attempted to the electors of North York be lieve the Reform Party wero rcapon- for insane pokey of the lent of which Sir John is i in oar trade relatione with ted States Nothing could absurd nnlhiug could want of know ledge of the subject on which be treated than his on point The present Minidry is responsible lor the legislation of ho past years and ax honorable they I control of the House it becomes heir duty lo resign and give place to others This is in accord and genius of responsible gtvorn mint and to hold the Opposition for the of he government policy is to say that tho Opposition controlled legislation of the country The poai having of tin politic of would maki farcicle in the present of an intelligent bod Port Hope cannot send bottci to teach politice to North Yorkers they bad better keep hem at homo Only One Days Polling olir reform friends her that one days rolling ie now allowed Local and those who take an active inter in election should see to it Ilia completed ftr bringing out every voter poll opens and prose lukewarm and undecided usually towards the Inst on the winning Act promptly and with dec- for bitter regrets the poking carried away with the idea that single vote hero there makes difference Every vote counts and ill bo required Vote early and then your neighbor or take yon when you go to polls loose more elections than generally are prepared to ad Scarcely a municipality in the Riding but might have altered in- then delivered from the Mr Tyson said Mr was well acquainted with the people of tbe Riding had held important peh- of th Reform party the t 15 or yean principle- which had mail Canada what it was today The party had ob tained responsible Government for the people beside municipal instilii- popnla- hail do control of Si banIs but the people deckled st them Thn Ottawa pie in taking an im of the public money hand te dhNMe of as they pleased He urged them to support Mr He believed that if Mr Dodge had beard the posals of those wfio had de- red to bring nut merely to I break up the Convention ing afraid of proposing a Tory dyed- that gentleman would in the position he ild he bar done en country for favor Of he found there was niiit Mr had first raise the Convention tat ft and wire pulling and Ing rolling hey The delegates were elected to represent a parly ami forward the man who they the He party lie Mr Canada or Iho thero were Bane to the land of did they receive the open arm They all lie did for him- Hear bear Rut lit to give him the right hand and they ought to glad nod huukful that he He 5 before the hey iiiieiKem the Hear hear to the in a JSeolia -ben- He had however present lie proceeded to all to to condemn way in ii ini granted by He to he choice of the fng mute for the Intercolonial Railway o Kir and to the power taken the to e spend the money lor the Pacific Railway and to contracts fir the lihe The l lonnation of a gigantic railway ring and a stale things analogoaf to reCMtlj an end to in York people arose in their might and put men out of The rain here commenced to and Mr Dodge prepared that he ing should again adjourn the olferinj Tr offering Cm ere Mr would and ri for then earnestly and m suport ssJ rt the honor of It came not as a pditiisi of post not clothed and buried up to the cars with all the old feeling of lb past Canada had taken a very high stand she hud taken a I great rcprcontitie- pkul hare stood had he been in the last lid not wish to discourage his Conserva tive friends laughter No one appreciated ihcm re than he did Hear hear and laughter Rut where did ihev stand said that pn-ein- he did for ad Hear bear lo the i riH rli 1 ihnih lie hni 11 11- ry hail taken alter lie fn he ho real governors he world Should they allow a Ministry thirty of their money nod away fifty millions their real Ho said No If a for Itself wished to Iwped That Secret Servlco Money Sir John A bat let the eat out of the bag In the enure of his speech in St Thome repined by the Aii Sir John So closely was ii the Secret Service Fund kept Mniiters that if lIeOeN of England wore of with a hand red their ere lit in the foes they mid t laivo it I and tbi but take with hem and it A little John ded that no man except himself ever know how Canada SSn Service Fund hod been spent- Let on r readers put John belief and alii belief that purjoc and hi ila nonoe should know how safely j oir secret money w Mnitry l comedown wi not seem to care to hide at St Hall A rush of course was mode for ho elcp- which served for a busting- They immediately gave and a scene of confusion ensued Fortunately no one was injured After a pause it wan derided to go the Agricultural Hall and the the Mechanics Hall being bold the crowd on arriving at tht Mothr It hail been I thai view ami Bra had id on tho but any man who lied lived in the United Suite a long a Ire had knew the value of had got here Twenty years from ly Bun Inited would lb and say Wo have something to loam her They all of liberty and nil of the great ideas of order which from a monarchi gov ernment He said that freeman an local government had hope for more of more of the great privilege of lift than under any other system of gov ernment In the world Slight platiao It might boa benefit tot hem have a man in their great Commons who was not buried i to the neck with the old quitim of ho past I thing to them t the idea connected with lhfai CO Confederation They oughl to bury the old ideas of the past Worthy of Can Agricultural Hull proceeded to al lude to the mismanagement of the North Territory and the given to ho oplo of Manitoba There were of Confederation lie said many oilier said lo because did not houder a inch ho might allude but ho he old days of ho Mackenzie re- the declared himself Family Compart wanted te everything in the country bad pponent sat he had adopted their platform icily Dodge- Mr referred to tbe action of ihe Government in voting down Mr Blakes Rill providing for the rial of controverted elections by the Judges and in th recent rodistribu- out He contend entitled of sod drifted into and tried irood as they could but for them- or themselves Ho might bo for that reaatm lie came fresh from a yoong country which faults it might have had done a great ranks dtli to build this The- wantcl very largely what I done in the United Slate- The had good opportunities a United State ever had II- wa a- a Canadian a trod soil He wa oi ihe flag Slid the tiritih Const an I there was no man ii this whole country who waiatrni In good old Km i a piro then A Hear bear Ur might talk of a had gone in on same ticket done but il was all A Voice Hes an honour to North It was a dirty of Uughtor thing to issue a card to his Mr Well if von con- 1 ve friends to say he was an an ler it an honour to North York for Wanted to make re- nan to go In a independent then publican- of them all From hi- soul vote with the Government until he from his to the present seconder candidature are going to fall and then hour he bad been wnh on had been I violated in order to the as of Lower Canada ho- out its a peculiar kind of honour ancestry i Load Mr Dodge had bad been stated lhal be was as good a Reform- wishes and desire and wanJjv of and better than himself Mr people All through he J naturally a friend of he Poop Hi kick them the great quest kind of honour ancestry and all connected nee led with tbe great difference carried ft the to Now set and no grumbling sir Dodge Thats j was a believer Reform he was Mr Pamham said he had been earnestly interested in all iho great plea tbe follower of of being a High Churchman battles that had been fought from toe George It would be but he bad voted against Hon deiotim to the horn bat road from Fort Robert Baldwin simply because he if they would follow bis fr William at and to extead it would not pledge himself to tbe childhood tip the preset when the rendered it nee- of Clergy aary They had a right to demand Applause exposition of his views from I s I J lr daring Para iho an I the t of the deal the benefit required enro- llere ha ler a laUon at Ottawa regarVl to ttdta iho wholl mailer bungled at he of form of government incon istont with the popio rights blit he As many dslig in her didale- we copy the following a Western paper as an to their absurd It was early discovered by a cat that the buildings Intercidonial would keep any power for tan years Sir Joe Sir George to build it a th called leaden Party Dr Tuppcr a lifetime I of Jo How always defended ducetl panacea for nil troubles or that sort local selfgori advocated cm lion American railroad Suit to command take emigrants that ixth and be rho jafoos jo pot lhmi dollars a year was vmteJ and this is the party is called here the Government had put it the where it would bo not gobbled up Rut if the renal was mm Party cd in particular direction I J from where It to have boon fo the sake improving he property of Dr Tuppcr or other WlSS J A coinei an reisj he would have- put upon any- thing of sort Hear heir He bated corruption and been long TIE enough in New York to halo ring- ft bI With regard to the independence of nT Parliament he thought would Parliament great pobli any man who his position wrong purjioacs hould be punished from connection with T provemonUyub called we Nova With o the distribution or no of a rebellion by his doctoral rights thing hat looked A was like manipulatriL I franchise for ho Govern- the whether the nt Govern- lhor of Nova of an Opposition Government i wlM ihemwent was wrong A Mi giving par Treasury Bene be with a to i reason why ill J showed thai if tbe government of w the Party world were left to cities would man wbo have Inge The great strong common to liberty Dominion and at hat they ought to s do a good thing for was the gnat rural population of the their frionds and this is than country Re supported iho Govern- why their party is called the on Washington Treaty ox- Party prosed n desire that Mr Blake j occupied a position on com ISA Tho London Obtartr mission with Sir John that the damage and the opinion hat Canada took a land will to will very high toned in be- below Americaoall willing lo suffer a certain amount although still heavy slTe lh I rejected of 2 ba sougiu ret l in South in of the ul iaaf England in of tho 1 ikVaBBBBBi called these et Med men who TO SeraUnd for the old gentleman and leeao he If they follow hi life from did not anv tiera jA Tholvrleld he bad d aatasl not find one man to ay A in th Kid er the P Dodge bad ever bean to the Refer beat intereat of day ftei W 1 tbara area Reap tiSJUtT Reserves

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