Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Dec 1871, p. 1

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Every Friday Morning VASTUS JACKSON AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol XXo NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY DEC 1871 Terms in Advance nil Hoik and Job Establistmeat LATEST STYLES PLAIN TiPE ORDERS of York Road JAMES ft FOWLER Architects Civil Engineers Card DR c OR STRANGE I l4kt I L li Of l itir ijuW TEAR LICRSTIATErthaRoaIC1 cm lX- I OFFICE OPEN DAILY FROM A TO HORSEMEN No Humbug I The Lester Circular How to Mb any Com i without the vie of Truck CERTAIN CURE TOR EC SPRUNG Buggies for Sale ISOLATED risk Fire Insurance Co ADVANTAGES AMmijm4lrtoiyy iniir1iit thin I iv IHrrrtnr ami A in will I and M tjA in Hint iff llrUllJulL Jllr Ixtklrr Winter and aia a ad la t Till retain tela aft the the choice of dellca- one tl not ao They hunt fur Willi appetites that SfSSji foreign ooniol had not sufficient statesmanship Mr Blake Mr Wood last that lbs municipal Joan fund should be dealt with this season bat this had not been fulfilled by programmes now presented Mr Bloke concluded moving an amend ment to the first of the ad drew regretting that h large powers by tho fa By the Atlantic Cable the Alexandra rjft the railway aid fund by abominations that made lion and a half of doll the diet of Id bare to cat though Select What People Eat Ifl th Yet are a dlah A the Italian The- Chinese and in which ho abused the opposite idt picklo them and they find a ready J lauded own lie contended acti ity of the their disposal with appropriating tin works Hon Mr Cameron the a of pleading for a market in the Eastern The ferred by the Negroes II CANNON N T I S T MARBLE WORKS I good and plenty of it John idea id meal it we all agree with him tin- illicit km of what good there l- he a of If a Ling gentleman could bo chosen ewy DoUon on the earth and are ltd exhibit delicacy froga everywhere i j I lj it would of the crocodile does any meat lid offer them The terrible the labloof peasant Too the far Weal in Surinam and The musky odor during tLo few ears had loft little now to do and and with regard to the plan adopted for the of the railway aid fund ho that it would keep there was would of the House while that the Govern- in tho mat- Money to Lend IKK 1 Horse Infirmary I rr- A III ijJt Accoucheur St BIBLE P PHYSICIAN BURGEON Mum PHYSICIAN AND CORONER Davison House ol raapretTall Accommodation of Guctts JOHN COOK iFFICIAL ASSIGNEE VETERINARY SURGEON A of Every Description Otitic Hcrnes Establishment eat Watches Clocks AND Musical Library Fifteen VotumetfilUd Harness and Trunks Dentistry ADAMS King Street Eaat Toronto u and a rrj to Ki AwtKr lorbiia IT Carriage Trimmer And MiAeawJ Harness Shop CM to bt of Mmwdiac it M avdata Jifcr- AND rtT aUaaUaa A aappij Whip Collars c MonamentsTorabStOJes TEETH Dr Robinson LDS value lb rtnjreaeaUtlra would he so a readily both I pinted strange of the and white men It were 1 be I forget to eat his own endless task to enumerate fill the example we find moving things that under it the greatcji with the the I term Chinee la as allowsncst If there ia any creature that the be he and whitens it man race does not eat it be but alter all it good plan to mention it Tho worst thing about it ia that wo swallow all this animal diet when arkitjust as we fatten nfap beautiful mother otfors in Wheh in the ileaneat and bent the various vegetable products a cl ihreo we cannot decide The wholesome living for us all of her fruits am Moses not to cat grains and we that either though whether the smaller thing beautiful after iu kind But animals anything about thorn to the Israelite in offset the and trichina of the our aouls light food ia not hanker after the flcabpols and so of Noah the ford a strong argument in of American Lunatic totally ChEpleya by Are on lo not restricted t livcth shall bo meat is was tht gran the Ml I The Ontario Legislature A Some est i the Monday 11th Dec the Legislature Krsurkrt A CA MAKER And Undertaker lirAlETMAIt of ear all rf af Lltsf tJrs Im at C- Chemist Druggist BELL IT a slaek DRUGS M9HM Soap some roast it hut all like Weal Indies they roast the moat day after routioe during which th famous palmwonna on the spits and I of Mr MPI pice them up with skill i for West Northumberland was an a table The worms was the debate on the ad of Java is a Mill richer luxury Silk- drees in reply to the Speech of the worms daintily dressed are an e- LieutenantGovernor Mr Derucht pecial delicacy i of Adding on an Mr boy has noticed a huge green that the tomato and potato vines also bigger that cbewa tobacco We mean tobaccoworm not the man or bi to chews tbe loaf Well these tin egh ml dino on loocbea But excels all others in getting up worms artistically The children of Flowery Kingdom even tho of blue bottle flics in on tho sea shore and they oat no less than thirty six varieties of the disgusting trepang a seaworm of tbe most ugly shape and horrible smell that was invented The red seanettle Is another kind worm and this is eaten in southern ranee and Italy It may therefore be reckoned as a dish belonging to not rtlculariy Their slimy slip- forms excite repulsion and we a if nothing short of a miracle the feeling that could handle dirty looking without swallowing them re roasted or for as a relish and are potted by yon thai our favorite oyster belongs to the anail family It Is not more lovely in appearance than other of its kindred ml would doubtless present no temp- ttion lo tho tasto the heathen those diet we have been considering Insects make no small figure in the bill of fare Wo have all hoard locusts of the east they furnish of staples of African diet Pickled in vinegar they are a rare delicacy 5obn the Baptist ate them with honey Some that it was the vegetable locust that be ate Lin wilderness but probabili in Avorof tbe insect donald of South Lends ill discharging what Mr Blake characterized as a very awkward task They commented in laudatory vein upon few tho great constitutional stake and not bo allowed to exercise the fusctions of the Legialaturo in regard to the spending of public money Hi reviewed and condemned of the tho American system would bo introduced Mr and especially 9 declared that be was manner in which intended to grant aid to Hi heir actio murder of Scott He idst applause that ho would Hup Blake amendment as had remarked that it must do a poor religion that could not stand one railway would be a poor party that could not stand the oustingof Macdonald ie of the way that elicited applause Hon Mr Richards essayed a de fence of his league and of himself as administration and as a laltvi had Tbodebalt til oclock whet the House adjourned The County Court and General presented in speech and Session wreonened today at two make as much as possible jo clonic Hi Honor Judge of an Mr and delivorwl an The following gentlemen were of in the Grand Jury of government during Robert Foreman James the past four years Ho condemned Bray ley Jas Bradbury Moee the attempt last to obtain an Hell Clark unjust jodgrocnt from by Carrie Peter John Dennis bringing on election at a moat Wm Dawson Draper C DicL- season and ho com par- son Da wham the strength of Government at beginning of past people bad rejected their wholesale attempt at bribery Tbe fate of the martyrs was happily described and predilection of members of tbe Government for boroughs like Niagara and Cornwall in a style elictod frequent caused considerable irienL Mr Blake referred to the ex changes of department in tbe Gov by it wa virtually referred to bad not the Patent Com bination been slavishly subservient to the CalincnL By an effective comparison of relative representation of Manitoba British Columbia and North Huron Blake dangerous blow tbat had been struck a great principle for which they had struggled ao long representation ac cording to population which bad at least been received in theory by Con federation But the two new Pro vince one member for every twetbousand persons while North Huron with fortynine thousand bad but one re press He maintain ed therefore that Ontario should pro- Caledonia spiders are preferred to all teal against this violation of the eon other food and roasted moth tickle He contended by the of the of Now groat issues and submit- South Wales for for spice in Ceylon j the Government were pungent i with be House and they must try Instead of an excuse that urea of immense importance had been delayed indefinitely owing to the appeal of Quebec to the Privy in tho matter of the award the Dominion Government have boen condemned but the Com now proposed foolish shortsighted and suicidal policy instead and if their touts make a valuable condiment soothing agreeable acid of highly prised in Brazil Our indif ference to this would be in comprehensible there white ants Africa those big termites whose pie t urea frighten in our I descriptive geographies are roasted I like and by handful lU in same way parching make them crisp and they snap I dealing with it the party Timet allowing lbs Guthi Jackson William Kerr W Geo Leslie Jr Jacob Lawrence Jas Moore His Honor in his charge to Grand Jury explained were called upon to perform case Which would come under their con sideration wero larcenies and HI of Grand Jury of making a close in spection of the various public institu tions in city in the course of their duties they would be called upon to visit and to notice in their presentment anything likely the welfare HI Honor said ight one and ha hoped able to discharge them by the day after tomorrow be then dismissed them to their duties The civil cases wilt be tried before His Honor Judge Boyd Judge Dug- gen taking only the criminal cases A number of appealscase were tak en up and the time argument fixed The Grand Jury brought in the following till BILLS Nicholson larceny and re ceiving two Bolt Stephenson lar ceny and Goo wards larceny On the civil aide a of on- defended issues were disposed of and the court adjourned till oclock this morning claims the with Mace on ground- that thejreferee had no right according to the the prixe ring to declare the a draw and outside bet off He claims thst Mace beaten a he so weak be would leave bis So Mr The Ferguson has got the Speakership Well what be going Get Richard place in the Cabinet go like form party of one with for South as leader of i Satuiday Loss Dec The dis patch from Washington about a scheme to impeach th President which appeared in the New York Herald on Saturday morning was thout the slightest foundation Yoaic Dec A ton special says Secretary ful ly appreciating tbo compliment paid him by so many republican Senators in uniting in a request that he remain in Cabinet announces that he will now withdraw his resignation which in tho hand ofthe Presi dent last Tuesday and for the pre sent at least continue in charge of portfolio of Stale poet Barns President Grant enunciations relating to polygamy in bis late an nual message had a meat de pressing effect on snuff box by the his friends was at the St Andrew festival Stratford A editor If bis subscriber dont pav cord wood before 15th they will have to come with nickel j The says Mr the great pisciculturist will op pose Mr seat vacated by Mr Blake This i flaby intelll- Dr Ramsay in- North considered certain A graceful and an editor to boot wish him luck Off The Chicago Tribune recom mends conslrnclion of small of gallons each to be supplied by artesian wells and used a auxiliaries to main waterworks The estimated cost is apiece Ottawa Doc wooden sheds belonging to Department of Wellington Street and were extin guished but not before a considerable of property was destroyed itat to Do It ASi Exchange says that one of fashions ofthe is to read over all advef- in paper and see if all ire are keeping up with and styles If you miss any name from the list of butanes sen you can know tbey are ot keeping up with tbe times and re keeping out of tight on this According to notice given by the Government the pino timber throughout the Mdakoka District sold in Toronto on 23rd A P Dodge and Cook Bros being the purchasers The average price realized per hundred acre Is about subject to the Government dues is per cubic foot cents iwloga per standard of 200 feet 30 hundred acre A Act The St Cathaine Journal says that a snort time since named night station I at this at- a wife and awl left for where It is supposed fortune re made by turning your band a fellow slides into glory fast easy as a cat Into milk It is said that Mac waa notalonsin bis peregri nations that point Mien It the children wero left herein a tarv condition when Mr M Tracy be came aware of their positions and rod per week from the do Society as situation for the elder children Such acts speak for ibs Republicanism in England to be malting rapid stride publican tracts giving startling of tbe enormous coat of royalty are being issued large numbors London correspondent Liverpool says Th possibility may be the probability of a republic is a topic wblcb on been allowed tbft Hon constituted five for another lew people Hot will bo seat to them as earty as possible and there smallest danger of throwing it

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